The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1703: Shangyuan Cangzong (two more pink)

The next thing was the celebration of the colorful islands. After nine days of continuous celebration, Xu Ziyan, Xu Yutian, Xu Zhenshan, Xu Qinyang and Xu Tianwo sat together again, and arranged the things of Xu family again.

At this time, Xu Ziyan naturally gave the half-step fairy king dragon to the family. With the existence of this dragon, not only Xu Ziyan assured Xu Jia, but Xu Yutian and others did not panic after Xu Ziyan left. .

Xu Ziyan conducted his last mission on the colorful island, which lasted for three months. After that, Xu Ziyan finally left.

Looking at the back of Xu Ziyan's departure, Xu Qinyang and Xu Tianwo's eyes became extremely firm, with a voice inside:

"Ziyan, waiting for us, we will go to you soon!"

Xu Ziyan left the colorful island, and a heart became hot.

"Mountain Spirit! Master! Are you okay? Purple smoke is coming!"

Xu Ziyan summoned the cloud baby, took the cloud baby, and constantly pointed the direction, the cloud baby flew very fast under the guidance of Xu Ziyan.

After two months, Xu Ziyan came to a plain, where the monks who were less than Xianxian could not feel different, but Xu Ziyan, who had reached the immortal stage, could feel a space in the void above his head. aisle.

After the baby was collected, Xu Ziyan did not rush into the passage. Instead, he sat down in the plains and adjusted his state to the best. Then he slowly rose and flew toward the passage in the void. .

As soon as he entered the space channel, Xu Ziyan immediately felt different. This space channel seemed to contain a hostility to himself, and the entire passage immediately rioted. The appearance of large cracks in the space, the entire channel became distorted, and the pressure on Xu Ziyan suddenly increased.

Xu Ziyan is a courageous person, and there are some regrets in his heart. I have a small wood, why should I enter this space channel at the beginning? Is it not finished to enter the Shangyuan Galaxy directly with Xiaomumu?

After all, Xu Ziyan wanted to experience this space channel and chose it here, but at this time, Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, and immediately summoned Xiaomumu.

Xiaomumu came out. I immediately understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan, but a small face became very dignified. After a quarter of an hour, Xiaomumu finally cried and opened his face:

"Master, Xiaomumu is powerless, Xiaomumu is still too weak now. This is not my space. At this time, this space is full of hostility to us. I have no way to shuttle space."

The look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse. Immediately after the face became dignified, the mind was moved, and Xiaomumu took back the purple smoke space and looked around. At this time, he did not know where he was, and it was impossible to return to the hidden world.

Deeply frowned, there was a speculation in my heart.

This should be the level of space in your body is too high. Almost the prototype of this space in which he was, this space instinctively felt the threat to it, and instinctively sent hostility and attack to himself.

Usually there is no reaction in this space. When I use the small wood to shuttle the space, I can't feel myself in the mouth of Xiaomumu. But this channel may be the psychic point of space, and you will be keenly aware of your own space. It may be that the space level of the previous space is not enough. This time, as I broke through to the immortal period, the level of the purple smoke space has increased, which makes this already psychic passage feel its own space.

The speculation is speculated. But it has no effect on the situation at hand. Some of Xu Ziyan couldn't stand the squeeze of her space channel. Moreover, an inexplicable spatial energy is generated in the entire space channel. This kind of energy directly penetrates into the body of Xu Ziyan, enters the space of Xu Ziyan, and begins to destroy the space of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not retain it at this time, and his mind was moved. Then enter the purple smoke space, and then the body of the purple smoke space. Start to confront the outer space channel.

Upper Yuan Galaxy.

It is actually a continent that seems to have no edge.

Cangwu Zong.

The celestial celestial celestial celestial celestial scorpion was clasped with a French seal, and a red mirror was placed on the top of the head, like a sun shining out of the road and shining toward the opposite side.

Opposite him is a giant dragon, the body of the dragon is covered with a dragon scale with a human head size, and each dragon scale faintly reveals a versatile pattern, releasing endless power.

Among the voids, one person fights fiercely.


The millions of monks on the side of the Cangwu sect overlapped and looked toward the sky, revealing the color of tension in their eyes.

Opposite the monks of Cangwu, the densely-knit demons and their confrontation, but also look at the void.

The sky is infinitely roaring and shining.

This battle has been fighting for nine days and nine nights. In the end, the dragon lost, and jumped out of the battlefield. Cang Jiuyi only took the slightest advantage. He couldn’t take the dragon. He only looked at the dragon. The demon family slowly receded. The roar of the dragon rumbling came from the void:

"Cang Jiu, I will be back."

"Welcome to batter at any time!" Cang Jiu's voice was smuggled out, and the dragon's body was shaking, and the gas almost fell from the air.


Cang Jiuyi waved his sleeves, his body shape disappeared in the air, and the millions of monks underneath turned into a stream of light, flying around the Cangwu.

As the road streamer glides through the space, it is magnificent.

Looking out from the air, the Cangwu sect occupies an extremely large area, surrounded by peaks, and at a glance, I don’t know how many peaks there are, saying that Wanfeng feels less.

From the defensive array of the Cangwu sect, it can be seen that the entire Cangzong sect was divided into three parts, because there were three defensive arrays in total.

In fact, it is not just Cangzong. In almost all the big gates on this endless continent, the Zongmen is divided into three levels with three large arrays.

The countless peaks that are at the outermost periphery are called the outer gates by the Cangwu.

The door of the outer door has the door of the outer door, and the disciples of the outer door are also the largest number of disciples in the entire Zongmen. Of course, the repair is also the lowest. They are all repaired from the day after tomorrow to the peak of the Dacheng period.

In the middle of the circle, countless peaks are called inner doors, and the inner door also has the inner door's door to lead the disciples of the inner door. The number of disciples is slightly less than that of the foreign disciples. However, there are not many that are few. After all, in such a place where the immortality is strong, it is not difficult to break through the peak of the Mahayana period.

Under normal circumstances, disciples in the outer door will soon break through the peak of the Mahayana period, reach the immortal period, and enter the inner door. The outer door is only a short transition period for them.

The cultivation of the inner monk is from the peak of the immortal to the peak of the late Xianjun or the half-step fairy king. Once it breaks through the fairy king, it can enter the middle circle.

There are only a hundred mountain peaks wrapped in the third big array, but these hundred peaks are the most powerful of Xianyuan, and each mountain is extremely large, which is dozens of times larger than any mountain inside and outside. . So, don't look at the center of this circle, there are only a hundred peaks, but the floor space is not smaller than the inner door.

These hundred peaks are called Xuanmen, and the masters of Xuanmen are not called the gatekeepers, but called the sovereigns. It is the sovereign of the entire Zongmen, governing the entire Xuanmen, inner and outer doors.

The official disciple strength of Xuanmen is between Xianwang and Xiandi, and once it is repaired, it is no longer a disciple, but an elder of Zongmen.

Zongmen is divided into Xuanmen, inner door and outer door. However, it does not mean that there are no disciples in the Xuanmen.

Have! Not only the disciples of the immortals, but also the disciples of the refining period, and even the disciples of the day after tomorrow. But these are not really disciples.

At the outer door.

Only when you enter the refining period, can you be regarded as a true disciple, and those who have not entered the innate congenital disciples can only be counted as foreign disciples, and wait until they enter the refining period to become real foreign disciples.

Similarly, the only monks who have been trained to enter the immortal period are the inner disciples. Those who are below the peak of the Mahayana are called disciples.

In the Xuanmen.

Only the monks who entered the Xianwang period were the true disciples of Xuanmen. They were called the king-level disciples, the emperor disciples, the emperor disciples and the elders. Those monks who are below the peak of Xianjun in Xuanmen can only be called the disciples of Xuanmen.

However, how can Xuanmen be a disciple who is so low? There are even disciples who have been cultivated the day after tomorrow?

The reason is very simple. When these hundred peaks are in the mountains for ten years, they will also go to the outer door to pick some good seedlings. If they are qualified children, they will receive the training directly under the peak. Waiting for them to break through to the immortal period, and then truly accept as a disciple.

Therefore, Xuanmen Baifeng has a large number of monks at almost every peak, and some of the peak monks reach hundreds of thousands. If it is placed in the Zhongyuan or Xiayuan galaxies, it is simply unthinkable. A mountain has such power. How many horrible forces are these hundreds of peaks combined?

But there are exceptions in this hundred peaks, and a Jianfeng is a special case.

At the beginning, a Jianfeng was extremely dazzling in the Cangwu dynasty. The origin of the name of a Jianfeng was due to the Jianshan ancestor’s sword, the sword of the ancestors. He was a sword repairer, and he practiced the sword of the sword to a sword. realm.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that he created a sword array, and the five monks who belonged to the Jinmushuihuo each cultivated one attribute to the great perfection. Then the five people set up the sword array, and the same The land was able to display a sword that broke the sword, and it became the first peak of the Cangwu sect without any controversy, and the sword scorpion also deservedly became the lord of the Cangwu dynasty.

However, in the battle between the Terran and the Yaozu, Jian Cangzhen finally won the original Dragon patriarch, but he was also seriously injured. In the end, he only fell for a hundred years.


*(To be continued~^~)

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