The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1705: One Jianfeng

Zhang Wujie does not feel that Li Wuyi has been staring at himself for a long time. As a fairy king, this sensitivity is still there. But what about this? Can only pretend that he did not see, and did not give Lee Wuji the opportunity to further humiliate himself and a Jianfeng.

However, there are some things that you can hide from hiding. Li Wuji has already planned to humiliate a Jianfeng peak when he is the most popular in the opening of the mountain. How can he give up this opportunity?

"Unbounded Master!"

Zhang Wujie had to turn his face and looked at Li Wu’s faintly without sorrow and uneasiness: "Li Shishu!"

"Unbounded division, how many years have you been a sword peak? Is there a millennium, or a million years? Every time the Cangwu sect is so cold and clear. Are you not ashamed of a Jianfeng?"

Zhang Wujie still said with no sadness: "We have a sword peak with a request for a sword peak, and it is not for everyone. We have not received any apprentices in these years, but we did not meet the right candidates."

"Ha ha ha..." Li Wuji burst into laughter: "There is no suitable person? I don't think anyone is willing to go to your sword peak? Little girl, don't die to face. Everyone can see that you have nowhere at all." People go to check. Hahaha..."

Zhang Wujie shook his lips tightly, his face still remained unhappy, but the slightly trembling hands had sold her.

"Unbounded division, you can't receive disciples from a sword peak. The strength is not as good as the outside peaks. I think it is necessary to make suggestions to the lord, let a Jianfeng leave the Xuanmen, and choose a capable from the inner door. The mountain peaks into the Xuanmen."

Li’s words are gone. The entire square is a quiet. Xuanmen Zhufeng Peak has a complex look, meditation, regret, and sympathy. There is ridicule, there is joy...

On the other hand, the faces of the main peaks and peaks of the inner door are showing ecstasy, especially the ones with the highest strength. Xuanmen's resource supply is completely different from that of the inner door. I don't know how many times it is higher. This can't stop them from moving.

At the moment, Zhang Wujie was full of face, and his body was trembled faintly. If it was not sure that he could not beat Li Wu, she would now rush to make Li Wuji a pig.

Li Wuji looked at Zhang Wujie with sarcasm, and his mind hovered with a thought. To say that a Jianfeng has not received a disciple since he opened the mountain, he has already given up his apprenticeship in the Zongmen, but this kind of thing can not be seen at the peak of the sword, so that the disciple should come forward. . When the sword is empty, it leaves the Cangwu dynasty to travel around, and when it comes to children with good qualifications, they try their best to receive the door.

However, even if you meet a child with good qualifications, you will not be able to accept it if you want to receive it. This requires not only eye but also opportunity. So now there are only six disciples in Jianfeng. But the qualifications of the six disciples are very good, so that the other peaks are very embarrassing. This time, Li Wuji is to anger Zhang Wujie. Are you a sword peak not every time you come to take a walk? Isn’t a disciple of Jianfeng not a genius?

I am going to be crowded with you today. A sword peak is here to accept a disciple. When you see a sword peak, you receive a disciple with a low qualification. Where is the old face of the sword? Are you a sword peak not known for unity? I would like to see if there is a person with a poor qualification who joins you with a sword peak. Will you get along well with each other?

Li Wu medicine thinks right, even if Zhang Wujie is open to the audience today, there will be no qualified disciples who will take the initiative to go to a Jianfeng. Those who want to go to a Jianfeng must have poor qualifications, but they want to have some The development of people, such a Jianfeng is more suitable for them, at least a Jianfeng resources are still lacking.

but. People gather together. Things are divided into groups.

One Jianfeng, seven masters and geniuses, now they are stuffed into a mediocre, will they care for this mediocrity?


Absolutely impossible!

In this way, a Jianfeng iron plate reveals a crack. It will completely decline, and then it will be able to operate to drive a Jianfeng out of Xuanmen. Dropped to the inner door, and attached to his own inner door to the moon peak into the Xuanmen.

I heard that Li Wuji said that Zhang Wujie’s heart was a little panicked and said with a sigh: “It’s a matter of keeping us a disciple...”

Li Wuji waved his hand and stopped Zhang Wujie. He said faintly: "You are not mistaken, you are not a disciple, but you are not a disciple, but no one is going to you." The Tao has been broken."

Zhang Wujie took a deep breath, although she did not understand what the purpose of Li Wuji was, but she knew that she could not continue, and then continue, the face of a Jianfeng was completely lost. I don’t want to accept a disciple here today, and regardless of the qualifications, I will take it back and talk about it. After that, I will not be able to protect my new disciples.

"Well, I am going to see my uncle today to see if anyone is willing to join us!"

When the words fell, Zhang Wujie shouted to the audience: "Everyone, today, a Jianfeng only recruits a disciple here. Whoever is the first to climb this high platform is a disciple of Jianfeng!"

Her voice just fell, the eyes flashed in front of her eyes, and she heard a "snap" in the ear, and a person fell on the high platform.

Immediately all the people in the square were stunned, and Li’s drug-stricken smile was also on his face. He was not surprised that someone was on the high platform, and someone would definitely be on the high platform. This was in his vision, but the way this person boarded the high platform was too amazing.

Do not!

Can not be counted as boarding, but fell from the air.

Looking at the person who fell on the high platform, it was a glimpse, and then he laughed loudly. At this time, his heart had some understanding. This should be a peak who did not know which one had the same mind as himself. Daxianshu directly throws a highly qualified person into the high platform with the technique of moving the space.

This is the face!

Naked face!

In the face of everyone, I will fight hard!

You are not a representative of a sword, saying that as long as the first person to board the high platform, will you earn a sword peak? This will give you a **** and make a Jianfeng completely a big joke.

At this time on the high platform, Zhang Wujie had a gloomy face and looked at the high platform. Only the woman on the first floor of the day, the muscles on his face twitched in one strength.

Too bad!

Li Wuji is too embarrassing!

Even with a big ability to throw up a person who has only one layer of the day after tomorrow, and...

She used the knowledge of God to look at the woman who was lying on the high platform. The muscles on her face were more twitching. This woman was more than one hundred and eighty years old, and only one day after tomorrow.

However, if you say it, can you not accept the water that you poured out?

A Jianfeng can be a big joke this time!

The eyes of the peaks also looked to the high platform. At this time, everyone’s heart also thought that it was a small movement of Li Wuji. It had already selected a very inferior person, hid her in the air, and then swayed Zhang with words. Unbounded, after Zhang Wujie agreed, he threw the man out of space.

Xu Ziyan climbed up from the high platform and shook his head. Looking around, there was a faint color on his face.

This...the people around me...the repairs are too strong...

What is this place?

This should definitely not be the exit of the passage. Where is this?

Xu Ziyan fell into meditation and began to think about his situation in the passage. The space finally saw Xu Ziyan repaired, but still can not help but purple smoke, it seems that there is some intolerance, they want to spit out Xu Ziyan, just like a person who ate something bad, want to spit it out general.

However, Xu Ziyan struggled with his powerful body. The passage seemed to be angry. He didn't want Xu Ziyan to stay one more here. He immediately opened a space and spit out Xu Ziyan. He did not expect to directly put it. Xu Ziyan spit it here.


Zhang Wujie snorted and no longer stayed here. He reached out and grabbed Xu Ziyan. His body shape disappeared on the high platform, and behind her, there was a laughter of Li Wuji.

Xu Ziyan was helplessly smashed in the air by Zhang Wujie. Although he didn't know what was going on in his heart, it didn't look like he would lose his life. Xu Ziyan simply no longer think about this, but looks around. It didn't matter if this hope didn't matter, it was completely stunned, and the sight was really... it was so spectacular!

I don't know how long it took to fly. I came to a high mountain. Zhang Wujie put Xu Ziyan on the ground and took a look at Xu Ziyan.

"Follow me!"

Then he went to a hall, and Xu Ziyan followed the rules.

After entering the main hall, Zhang Wujie stood in front of a statue and then turned back to Xu Ziyan:

"I am a teacher at the founder today, waiting for Master to return to the old man, you will really be a teacher!"

Xu Ziyan is no stranger to all of this. He bowed a few weeks under the guidance of Zhang Wujie, even if he joined a Jianfeng. Waiting for the sword to come back, and then really respect the teacher.

At this time, Xu Ziyan is still very confused. I don't know where it is? Why do you want to be a teacher? However, there is a little bit of purple smoke, but it is very clear that there is no ability to resist here. Don't say that you are now repairing it as a loss. It is the original cultivation of the original Xian Wang. It is also like an ant here.

However, I just heard that Zhang Wujie said that the master he wanted to worship was a fairy, and this did not humiliate himself.

They come, the security!

Xu Ziyan’s mentality is very good. Xu Ziyan, who has experienced many things, has little influence on the environment and can look at everything lightly.

At this point, Xu Ziyan and Zhang Wujie were sitting opposite each other. Xu Ziyan was looking at Zhang Wujie, and Zhang Wujie was also looking at Xu Ziyan.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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