The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1706: Restoration

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She saw Xu Ziyan's look very calm, and a person on the first floor of the day was so calm in front of her own fairy king, which made her feel very weird. Where does she know that Xu Ziyan’s current cultivation is locked, but her knowledge is still there, and she is slightly stronger than her Zhang Wujie, and she will be overwhelmed by her momentum.


Zhang Wujie sighed in a heart and said faintly: "Introduce your origins."

Speaking of this, the voice is resolute: "Don't have the slightest lie, I will go to investigate. If there is a lie, it is your death. As long as you tell the truth, Yi Jianfeng always has a place for you."

Although Zhang Wujie does not think that a person on the first floor will bring a conspiracy to a Jianfeng, it is always correct to be careful.

Xu Ziyan looked at Zhang Wujie. At this time, she also wanted to know where it is. Whether it is the upper meta-galaxies, if you think about it, your own history can’t be edited, as long as an investigation is revealed. Besides, there is nothing to hide from the monks who are flying up, so they whispered:

"Excuse me, is this the Shangyuan Galaxy?"

"Upper Yuan Galaxy?" Zhang Wujie's eyebrows were picked, and his face was shocked. "You are from the Zhongyuan Galaxy?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan honestly nodded.

"No! Impossible!" Zhang Wujie's look is serious, and faintly reveals a trace of anger: "Are you taking me as a fool? From the Chinese Yuan galaxies to the monks of the Upper Yuan dynasty, the lowest is also the celestial king. Early. And you..."

Xu Ziyan smiled bitterly: "When I passed the ascending channel, the passage did not know how to make some problems. I am only a temporary problem and will recover soon."

What Xu Ziyan said is not a lie. At this time, she has already felt that her body space is recovering quickly. As long as the space in the body is fully restored, she will naturally guide the space to break through those space locks.

The space of Xu Ziyan has to go beyond a space space in the quality level. It is not difficult to break through those space locks. Xu Ziyan has a good mind.

"What are you talking about?"

Zhang Wujie’s heart suddenly surprises him. Xu Ziyan in front of her eyes is less than 200 years old and much smaller than herself. But if she is telling the truth, then her cultivation is at least the beginning of Xianwang, and the qualification is absolutely wrong. Is this a beating of yourself, mad at Li?

"Really!" Xu Ziyan nodded seriously.

However, Zhang Wujie immediately thought of a problem. Since the other party is flying up from the Zhongyuan galaxies, will it have its own inheritance, so she has a sect to go to the Shangyuan continent, and now she has taken her into the celestial sect, which is very inappropriate. Then my heart asked a little embarrassed:

"Xu Ziyan is it!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"Which system do you belong to in the Zhongyuan galaxies? Is there a sect in the Shangyuan continent?"

Xu Ziyan did not answer the question of Zhang Wujie, but whispered: "Here is the Shangyuan Galaxy?"

“Yes!” Zhang Wujie nodded. “You call it the Shangyuan Galaxy, and we call it the Upper Yuan Dynasty. Because it is really a continent, not a galaxy.”


Xu Ziyan took a long sigh of relief and finally did not come to the wrong place. Then Xu Ziyan began to quickly calculate. I wanted to have my own master to go to the Wan Jianzong, but I came here with my own mistakes. Moreover, I am not really a Taoist sect in the true sense. It doesn't matter if I don't go to Wan Jianzong. Since coming here is also a fate, stay here.

And from the behavior of Zhang Wujie, you can see that this Jianfeng Peak should be a good place. Moreover, Xu Ziyan is not sure what ending he is going to withdraw from the Jianfeng Summit. Then whispered:

"When I was in the world, I came from the family. After I went to the lower galaxies, I still practiced at our Xu family. The Zhongyuan galaxies still have the sect of our Xu family. It’s just that our Xu family has no system in the Yuan Dynasty, so I There are no sects to go to."

"Great!" Zhang Wujie said, his own thigh: "I will introduce you to the situation on the mainland."

After the introduction of Zhang Wujie. Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile. She did not think that she had joined the Cangwu sect of one of the nine major sects of the Upper Yuan dynasty, but the mountain that she joined was actually broken! And she has already understood how she joined a Jianfeng at this time, and it is a chance to let herself run into it.

However, Xu Ziyan’s heart is also very excited. There is actually a legacy of a sword that breaks through the law, although it is damaged. But after all, I have left some, which is definitely helpful for myself.

"Well!" Zhang Wujie said a clapping: "Now the Master and the Master are not there. The two divisions are the three divisions, the four divisions and the five divisions are all in retreat. Waiting for them to go out and I will take you to see them."

One hand and one turn took out two sets of clothes, a jade card and a pile of jade bottles handed to Xu Zi flue: "These are for you, you have to take a break, tomorrow I will take you to pass the shadow wall, this is every one New disciples must go forward. Can you comprehend what doesn't matter, then you can cultivate yourself now, you can ask me if you don't understand, or you can use the jade card to go to the library to watch."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan said respectfully.

After Zhang Wujie arranged Xu Ziyan, he left. Xu Ziyan relaxed her mood at this time and took a long sigh of relief. She was always afraid that the space on the mainland would be hostile to her and deal with her like a space passage. If that is the case, Xu Ziyan has only one death.

Now it seems that this space has already forgotten her, perhaps only the space channel is psychic, but the space channel does not notice the space inside her.

I fell into meditation on the chair belonging to my own room. Now that I have come to the Upper Yuan Dynasty, I don’t know where Master is riding the Wanli and Yanshan souls. The Upper Yuan Dynasty is so big. Nowadays, it is not convenient for me to leave the Cangwu Zong. It seems that I have only stayed here for a while.

the next day.

Xu Ziyan followed Zhang Wujie to a cliff, and the cliff was also a cliff, but the entire cliff was like a mirror. Just a sword mark on the mirrored cliff.

When Xu Ziyan's gaze fell on the sword mark, the gods became stunned, as if entering a world of swords.

Now the true repair of Xu Ziyan is only the beginning of Xian Wang, but her metality. Water properties, fire properties, and soil properties have all been cultivated to the great perfection, that is, the wood properties have also been cultivated to the realm of Zhongcheng, and she will also practice the sword of gold, the sword of water, and the sword of fire to the realm of perfection. It’s just that the sword of the earth and the sword of the wood have not yet been cultivated. and so. Xu Ziyan’s understanding of Jianyi has reached a very high level.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of God was only a momentary moment, and he immediately became awake, and after waking up, he was intoxicated in the world of this sword.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s heart has already understood very well that the sword mark on this cliff should be the inheritance of the ancestor who had mastered a sword and broken the law, and integrated his understanding of the kendo into this sword. in.

Just immersed in this sword mark, Xu Ziyan felt a sword ruining the earth to her face.


Xu Ziyan felt that he had a pain in the sea, and Zhang mouth spurted a blood.

Zhang Weijie on the side is not shocked. If Xu Ziyan did not respond, he could only prove that Xu Ziyan did not get comprehend. There is a reaction to prove that Xu Ziyan's understanding is extremely strong.

However, Zhang Wujie’s heart was also very nervous at this time, afraid that Xu Ziyan was hurt by the inheritance of the sword, ready to wake up Xu Ziyan at all times.

The sword of the sword is very large, and Xu Ziyan was hurt by it without paying attention. But the intention of the sword is not to hurt people. The injury of Xu Ziyan is only because of her negligence, so that the huge sword is full. Her own knowledge of the sea made her somewhat unbearable.

Now that you have a vigilant heart, you will naturally not be hurt again. She instantly took her own knowledge of the sea. I avoided the sword. Then began to slowly break down the sword.

One day and one night passed quickly, and the understanding of the kendo by Xu Ziyan gradually decomposed that sword. Sure enough, as I expected, this sword is a fusion of the five kinds of swords of the golden wood and fire, forming a world of swords. It is a real sword.

However, with the decomposition of Xu Ziyan. She knows why a sword peak broke the inheritance. Because this sword is already incomplete, it is no longer a real sword. This sword is lacking in the meaning of the sword of the golden sword and the sword of the water. Only the sword of the fire, the sword of the earth and the sword of the wood are the fusion of the three swords. Presumably, this original film wall was accidentally destroyed by the dragon patriarch, venting the sword of gold and the sword of water, and Xu Ziyan also found the sword of fire, and the sword of the earth and the sword of wood also leaked extremely slowly. The sword is becoming extremely weak and weak, so that if it goes on for tens of millions of years, perhaps this heritage wall will completely lose its effect.

She decomposed the sword here, but she did not know that Zhang Weijie’s face, which had been on the sidelines, showed such a color. At this time, Xu Ziyan was completely immersed in the understanding of the kendo. She did not know that her body space had been completely repaired automatically. The force of space was rushing out of her dantian and began to impact the space lock in her body.

This is a kind of mutual attraction of space. In the space channel, the purple smoke space suppressed the space channel, and the two sides have already produced a kind of hostility. Now that he has left the space channel, the purple smoke space takes the initiative and naturally attacks the space lock. In the day and night of Xu Ziyan's immersion in comprehension, a space lock has been opened, allowing Xu Ziyan's repair to reach the second layer of the day after tomorrow.

This made Zhang Wujie get rid of the last suspicion of Xu Ziyan in his heart, and agreed that Xu Ziyan was the reason that the body had a problem during the ascent. Now Xu Ziyan is recovering. At the thought of this, a smile appeared in her mouth. When Li Zhiwu knew that Xu Ziyan was not only a garbage, but a genius, I don’t know what kind of face would it be? As long as you think about it in your heart, you feel addicted.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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