The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1711: Wendao

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Xu Ziyan simply doesn't talk, you yell at you, I draw my circle.

The strength of the late peak of this place is tyrannical, and Xu Ziyan has an hour, and this has stopped. When this stopped, Shang Rong felt embarrassed and coughed twice, slowing down the voice:

"Cough, purple smoke! You are a genius! But the more genius is, the more you can't go the wrong way. Fortunately, I let you stop and understand the sword in advance..."

Suddenly, the business jumped up, and looked nervously: "Ziyan, have you not begun to integrate the sword?"

"Integration of the sword?" Xu Ziyan shook his head: "No!"

"That's good!" The look of Shang Rong's face relaxed and began to explain slowly to the confused Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, the ultimate realm of sword repair is a sword-breaking method. From this point of view, it belongs to Wu Xiu. Therefore, it requires very high strength for the ontology. If you only understand a sword, the problem is not Great, because as your cultivation grows, your body strength will increase. However, if you combine the meaning of the sword, even if you only combine two swords, then the power of the sword will exceed you. Body strength.

The reason is very simple, you attack a sword, the power is greater. The more damage you cause to your enemies, the more your opponents will get the more reaction. If your body strength is not enough, it will become a practice that does not hurt people to hurt themselves first. The more swords you combine, the more powerful you are. The damage to yourself is greater.

This is the reason why I let you temporarily stop comprehending the sword. I know that you have cultivated swords and your body strength has reached the beginning of the nine products. However, I advise you not to try to integrate the sword. When your body strength reaches the innate fairy. Or say that before your cultivation breaks through to the Emperor, don't try to blend the sword, it will cause damage to your body.

Your sword will only allow you to cultivate to the peak of the late nine-piece fairy, not enough to support you to break through the innate treasure. However, the kind of sword I have taught you can make you break through to the innate treasure. Now that you have cultivated swords, you can use the sword to quench the body in the future, and comprehend the sword, as long as you don't mix the sword. ”

Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked. She did not expect that there was such a serious connection between the sword and the body. I remembered that my master took thousands of miles and couldn’t help but dissatisfied:

"Shi Bo, I have seen a person. He merged five kinds of swords at the peak of the Mahayana. He is now living well."

Shang Rong grinned: "Then he must not dare to use a sword to break the law. Usually he uses a sword to fight against the enemy. If he uses it, the body will be traumatized. Once or twice, if you often Use, that is, not to die, but also to use hundreds of thousands of years or millions of years to warm the body. Don't say that he is only a Mahayana period, that is, when he is in a person's respect, if it is used frequently, it will hurt his body, really not It will hurt the body and repair at least to reach the dignity."

Xu Ziyan’s look is a glimpse. I remembered that I have been sheltering for five million years in the lower galaxies. Maybe I am warming up my body?

Suddenly a shock in my heart. Looking at the commercial condensate voice asked:

"Shi Bo. If you want to integrate boxing and form a punch, do you need the strength of the body?"

"Of course!" Shang Rong nodded gently.

"What about the sound?"

Shang Rong slightly frowned and thought for a while: "I don't know much about this sound, but the reason why the sound is mysterious is that it is mostly to support external forces, that is, the power of heaven and earth. Or a soul power. The use of the power of my own soul, the injury is also the strength of the soul of the other party, so according to my analysis, the strength of the sound is not high for the strength of the body, but the demand for the soul of the monk is very high."

The true heart of Shang Rong taught Xu Ziyan to feel warm after coming to the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty. She bowed reverently to Shang Rong:

"Thank you, Teacher!"

In the following days, Xu Ziyan is ready to raise his own body strength to the peak of the early nine products, and then go to the wall to understand the sword of the earth.

The sword in Dantian is the appearance of a small sword. This small sword gives the feeling of Xu Ziyan, some like the Nei Dan. I don't know if the sword seed fairy is born out of the demon practice. Xu Ziyan even has a feeling that the small sword in Dantian will be a congenital treasure once he is constantly warming up.

She looked at the little sword inside, and now the power of this small sword is still too weak. It has just been cultivated by Xu Ziyan, and only has the power of a product.

However, Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry. She knows that with her own qualifications and possessing huge resources, she wants to upgrade the grade of swords in the early stage. However, upgrading the grade of the sword is not her purpose, her purpose is to enhance her body strength.

Sitting in the quiet room, Xu Ziyan began to spur the sword. The sword was provoked by Xu Ziyan, and immediately began to absorb the Xianyuan force in Xu Ziyan. After that, it turned out the thousands of swords in the body of Xu Ziyan, tempered the skin, meat, muscles and bones of Xu Ziyan. Pulp, dirty, pulse...

Ten days later.

Shang Rong finally refining Guan Ridan, happily left a Jianfeng and returned to his bonfire peak. On the top of a sword, there was no explosion of his daily fryer, and he resumed peace.

People on the top of a sword seem to know that today's sword peak is thin and thin. Therefore, everyone is practicing very hard and hopes to contribute to the rejuvenation of a Jianfeng.

The war between the Terran and the Yaozu has been over for more than half a year, and the major gates have also completed the rest after the war and began to set up a celebration meeting.

Such a battle between the two races of the millennium, the winner of the party will certainly be greatly enhanced, this is an opportunity to make a name for yourself. Which sect will not let go. Therefore, it is not just Cangzong, but the other eight sects have also begun to prepare for the celebration.

This kind of celebration is only the celebration of the nine major sects of the sect, in order to show the prestige in their sphere of influence. The small and medium-sized sects attached to their own sects are more concentrated around themselves. In the third year, there will be a celebration of the nine major sects. At that time, the nine sects will gather together. On the one hand, it is indeed to celebrate the victory of the Terran, on the other hand, it is also a major event for the major masters to meet and discuss, and the third aspect is that the nine major sects also have a secret fight between them. In order to achieve the purpose of making his ancestral name more loud.

For a time, countless sects convened toward the nine major sects, and Cangwu sect also showed a glory of tens of thousands of dynasties. Every mountain has to send disciples to Zongmen to listen to the bad, even a mountain with such a few disciples, such as Jianfeng, has also allocated a quota.

This kind of thing Zhang Wujie naturally will not let Xu Ziyan go, on the one hand, Xu Ziyan's cultivation is still too low, and how to represent a Jianfeng has to be a formal disciple. However, Xu Ziyan’s current cultivation was restored to the peak of Luo Tianshang’s late stage. In terms of strength, he was really only a famous disciple who could count as a Jianfeng. If you want to be a true disciple, you have to restore it to the immortal period.

and so. After Zhang Wujie entrusted a sword peak to Xu Ziyan, he left a Jianfeng to Zongmen. The disciples on the Jianfeng Peak are basically three cats and two cats. There is nothing in peacetime. Xu Ziyan is also happy to be free. After Zhang Wujie left, he still practiced swords and cents daily.

It’s been a few days since the card was repaired in Luo Tian’s late stage. Xu Ziyan found that the space lock was much stronger than the space lock that broke through the fairy period. It is more difficult to wait until the space lock of the immortal period is broken. However, there is no way for Xu Ziyan to use this kind of situation. The space lock can only be broken by the force of space. Xu Ziyan only waits for the force of the purple smoke space to slowly break open.

A Jianfeng Peak is very quiet, but the other peaks of the Zongmen have also begun to flourish. The elders of all the small and medium-sized Zongmen, the true disciples have arrived one after another, and the familiar old friends began to visit each other.

Every thousand years of war with the Yaozu, the family is under constant pressure. But it is precisely this pressure that allows the monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty to admire strength. and so. These small and medium-sized sects, from the master to the disciples, regarded the festival as a meeting of exchange and fame. The mutual learning is constantly changing. Even some powerful disciples of Cangwu Zong have encountered strong challenges.

In the Shangyuan Continent, even the sect of Xiaozongmen is also the cultivation of Xianzun period. The ancestral gates without Xianzun are all sects that do not enter the stream. They have no place to speak on the mainland.

On the one hand, the division of the Zongmen rank depends on the grade of Xianzun in each sect. But there is another important factor, that is, the number of Xianzun.

Say something arrogant. Today, Wan Jianzong, who is ranked at the level of Xiaozongmen, also has Xianzun. However, compared with Cangwu Zong, in the Cangwu Zongmeng Baifeng, he randomly picked out a mountain peak and was able to destroy Wan Jianzong. Otherwise, it will not be able to swallow the sound of the squad in the first place in exchange for the peace of Wan Jianzong.

Xu Ziyan originally wanted to ask Zhang Wujie about the forces that Wan Jianzong belonged to, but in the end he did not ask for an exit. This will make Zhang Wujie suspect that he is the inheritance of Wan Jianzong.

The reason why Xu Ziyan joined a Jianfeng very happy, there is a reason that her heart is somewhat resistant to Wan Jianzong. There was nothing wrong with taking thousands of miles, but it was because Wan Jianzong could not hold the pressure of the celestial domain, and eventually he would be driven out of the sect by Wan Li. This kind of sect made Xu Ziyan very indifferent, and a sect could not protect it. My own disciple will drive a disciple who has no mistakes out of the sect. Just because of the pressure from outside, how can such a sect door have a sense of belonging? Since Master has been expelled from Wan Jianzong by Wan Li, it is no longer a disciple of Wan Jianzong. What are he doing?

Although she came to Jianfeng for only half a year, she saw the extreme strength from Zhang Wujie's body. A kind of momentum that is rather not a jade, I can be killed, but absolutely not allowed. People insult a sword peak, let Xu Ziyan have a strong sense of identity and belonging.


*(To be continued~^~)

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