The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1712: Three challenges

Danding Peak.

Li Wuyao is hosting several friends, all of whom are the lords of several small and medium-sized sects. Li Donglai and Yan Tianhua are also accompanying. The sects of these small and medium-sized sects and Li Wuji are very familiar, and can be said to be a life of friendship. Therefore, they are also very clear about the plans of Li Wuyao and Li Donglai for hundreds of years, and Li Wuji has never concealed the meaning. He just wants to straighten out the Jianmeng from the general trend.

At this time, the Emperor of Tiannan Zongzong said with a smile: "East brother, your Lanyue Peak will soon enter Xuanmen?"

Li Donglai smiled and said: "A Jianfeng already knows my intentions. They have become refined and are no longer as impulsive as they used to be. So it is difficult for us to find their handles. Things are not so smooth."

"But now that a Jianfeng has been driven out of Xuanmen is already the trend of the times!" Li Wuji took a smile and said: "I have been able to feel it in recent years. The views of the Sovereign have changed, from the original protection of a sword. The peak slowly turns into neutral. This situation has been very beneficial for us. We only need to weaken the strength of a Jianfeng Peak. When the Sovereign protects a Jianfeng Peak, it will also drive a Jianfeng Peak out of Xuanmen. Otherwise, do you see that Dandingfeng has also disabled the last few disciples of their Jianfeng?"

The Tiannan Zongzong mains were colorful, the Qingsong sect, Xue Xiaoqing, and the Wuyi sect, Lin Yu, exchanged a look, and Yun Yun said with a smile:

"The sword has not returned yet?"

"No!" Li Wuji chuckled and shook his head. "He never came back, and he didn't know if he was falling outside."

"So, it’s not as good as the three of us who sent our disciples to go and learn from a sword. The disciples of small and medium-sized Zongmen like us went to a Jianfeng challenge. They will not dare to fight. And no one will be obsessed with it."

Li Wuji’s eyes brightened: "I don’t know which disciple Yundao brother is going to send?"

The cloud smiled smugly: "My great disciple has just broken through to the early days of the Emperor, but it is just a battle to stabilize the realm. I remember that among the disciples on the Jianfeng, there are only swords. The cultivation of the second disciple's heart is the beginning of the Emperor's Emperor? My big disciple wants to fight with that heart. Of course, if the mind has been closed, I don't mind letting my big disciples fight. A few disciples with a few swords."

"Ha ha ha..." Several people burst into laughter.

After Xue Xiaoqing, the sect of the Qingsong sect, smiled and said seriously: "There is no medicine, my brother-in-law has no face, and now it is also a breakthrough in the late Emperor. Let her go to make a fun!"

Wu Zongzong also said with a smile: "Our Wu Yizong is only a small sect. But the younger disciple Wu Qing has reached the peak of the late Xian Wang in the past few days, so he also followed the two disciples to experience. a bit."

On a sword peak.

Xu Ziyan is sitting in the quiet room at the knee end and quenching his body. Suddenly heard three sounds echoing on a sword peak:

"The Tiannan Zongzong's great disciple has nothing to do, and the young disciples of the Qingsong sects are speechless, and Wu Zongzong, the great disciple of the Emperor Wuzong, worships the mountains!"

Xu Ziyan heard the sound of shouting, she did not know Tiannan Zong, Qingsongzong and Wu Yizong what kind of sect, she came to the Yuanyuan mainland time is too short. I didn't go out and practiced it, so I didn't even hear the names of these three sects, but I knew that these three people are definitely not the same door in the sect. Since people come to worship the mountain, it is likely to be a friend of Jianfeng. Now, only one of Jianfeng has no retreat, and he always gets to meet.

Pushing the door out, the body is gone. I saw two men, one woman and three women standing at the gate before the mountain gate. Moreover, there are many monks outside the mountain gate. Xu Ziyan does not know those people, but they look at their clothes and there are disciples of the Clan and other monks.

Xu Ziyan is not a stupid person who only knows the cultivation of monks, but people who have experienced great storms. I immediately felt that the three people were not good at it. Otherwise it is just a mountain, there is no need to provoke so many people to come and watch. In the eyes of the blue flashes, my heart is amazed. These three people turned out to be the first stage of the Emperor, one is the late Emperor, and the other is the peak of the late Emperor.

These three people are not simply coming to worship the mountains. Their purpose is to come to the next face of Jianfeng. If there is an opportunity to be able to beat a disciple of Jianfeng. They will not miss this opportunity. On the one hand, it helped Li to be medicineless, on the other hand, he also made a name for himself.

As for the disfigurement of a Jianfeng disciple, there will be no consequences. They are not worried. They are the brightest challenges of the mountain. Everyone is a true disciple of each sect. Therefore, there is no fairness in this type of worship, and there is no need to pay attention to the same level of monks. It is the comparison between pure disciples.

Even if I am Xiandi, and you are just a fairy king, but both sides are true disciples, you must not admit defeat, or fight, there is no excuse. Moreover, with Li Wu medicine, there is no need to worry about the consequences of killing a Jianfeng disciple. What they have to do is to kill the disciples of a Jianfeng, and they will be well-known in the ancestral hall of the Great Gate. I believe that after the war, the three of them will be famous all over the world. As long as the three of them think about it, they are excited and trembling.

Li Wu’s medicine will naturally cooperate with this action, and made arrangements before the three people challenged. First, Zhang Wujie was arranged to go out and stay away from the mountain gate to welcome guests. This is not to fear the strength of Zhang Wujie, but to worry that Zhang Wujie heard the wind and let a sword peak prepare in advance.

This time he will give a Jianfeng a surprise. If a Jianfeng is spotted by two medium-sized sects and a disciple of a small sect, look at what other faces of Jianfeng are left in Xuanmen? To know that at that time, a sword peak lost not only his face, but also the face of Cangwu Zong, even the face of Cang Jiuyi would not look good.

Moreover, Li Wuji believes that with the strength of a Jianfeng today, even if he wins the victory with the second disciple of the sword, he will lose a lot, which means that the face of a Jianfeng is lost.

Under this circumstance, Li Wuji secretly arranged for people to advertise in the Zongmen. There was nothing to be done and no one in Wuqing would challenge a Jianfeng. Therefore, a large number of monks came to watch today.

Not only the many peaks in the Baifeng of Zongxuan Zongmen, but also the sects of the small and medium-sized sects who came to participate in the celebration, as well as a large number of disciples of Baifeng disciples and sects of various sects, all focused on a sword. On the peak.

The high-ranking monks know that this battle is related to the future of a sword peak, and the low-level disciples, especially those who are not Cangzong disciples, have an excitement, an excitement of expecting to defeat the disciples.

Did a sword summit not admit defeat?

Anyone who knows a Jianfeng knows that this is impossible. The characteristic of a Jianfeng is reluctance, and death is not willing to admit defeat. Therefore, this battle is destined to be fierce, and they also believe that this war is destined to a sword peak will withdraw from Xuanmen. Because the disciples of a Jianfeng are really too few.

Even if they won the battle in the end, they let the disciples of the small and medium-sized sects find out their strengths. I am afraid that from today on, during the celebration, there will be disciples of various sects going to a Jianfeng challenge. Not for anything else, just to make a name.

This matter is not a problem at other peaks, because they have a large number of disciples out of the war, but there is no Jianfeng.

This situation has been clearly considered when the purple smoke is still in the air, which makes Xu Ziyan's heart very difficult. After all, her strength is still too low. However, after all, she had to face it, and her figure quickly fell in front of three people. Only the archer asked:

"Three Taoist friends came to worship the mountain, and a Jianfeng welcome, please come in!"

The three men looked at it and saw that Xu Ziyan was only the repair of Luo Tianshang's late peaks. His face was extremely disdainful and unpleasant. A Luo Tianshang Xian late peak is not even a true disciple of Jianfeng, can only be counted as a registered disciple, a Jianfeng even sent a disciple of this status to greet himself, what does it mean?

Is it humiliating yourself three?

Nothing and nothing at all is a cold sigh, and when I turn my head, I don’t care about Xu Ziyan. Wu Qing has no choice but to smile. Here, he only came out. Facing Xu Ziyan's face, he said:

"You have no one at Jianfeng?"

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, but this repair is also despising! I still haven't figured out the other's mind, so Xu Ziyan still politely said:

"The three Taoist friends, the brothers and sisters in the next are all in retreat, so only the younger sister will welcome you, and you will also sit on the peak."

"No need!" Wu Qing said coldly: "We are coming to a Jianfeng this time not to be a guest, but to challenge, and it is a life-and-death battle. You immediately call your sisters and sisters out of the gate, they are not Are you scared? Use retreat to avoid our challenges?"

Xu Ziyan figured out the other party's intentions at this time, and the other party was simply not good. If you want to communicate, you will not speak like this, and you will only talk about it, and the other party will ask for a life-and-death battle as soon as you come up. This is clearly a certain purpose.

It is said that the objects are grouped together, and the character of Xu Ziyan is very consistent with the character of a sword. If you speak well, everything is negotiable. However, if she pushes herself with her own strength, Xu Ziyan will never give in, which is why she resists Wan Jianfeng in her heart.

Hearing Wu Qing’s words, Xu Ziyan’s face was also gloomy and said coldly: “I’m sorry, Yi Jianfeng’s brothers and sisters are in retreat, and you still leave a post, waiting for the brothers and sisters to go out. , let me know."



Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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