The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1718: Invincible

Zhang Wujie left, went to Jianting City, and a Jianfeng was returned to silence.

Xu Ziyan sat on the viewing platform and felt the burden on his shoulder. Nowadays, a Jianfeng needs to manage herself, and her current cultivation has not yet recovered to the early stage of Xianwang, which makes her a little embarrassed.

I sank into the purple smoke space and came to the edge of the space, looking into the chaos of gas, and the face appeared happy. Xiao Bai’s cultivation has now reached the middle of the immortal king, and the cultivation of Gu Teng’s hope has also reached the early stage of Xian Wang. With these two kings, Xu Ziyan immediately felt that his own strength was enough.

Suddenly remembered the confusion, the mind came to the chaotic planet, and fell in front of the chaos, Xu Ziyan's mood was more delighted, sitting in front of her chaos, and now the cultivation has reached the late stage of Xian.

Xu Ziyan condensed the gods into an adult type and asked the confusion: "Chaos, have you cultivated the world?"

"Yeah!" Chaos nodded.

Xu Ziyan is another joy, but it is not surprising after a little thought. The original two people are the gods who figured out, and they realized the world. The chaos also naturally realized the world. And even if the two of them are not the gods, they will inherit the chaotic soul. At the level of the fairy king, they should also understand the world.

Don't forget, this chaos is the fusion of the souls of the three great disciples of the lord, the devil and the demon. As the lord, the disciple of the demon and the demon can't be out of bounds, so chaotic and natural has the inheritance of the world. It is not surprising to be able to comprehend the world. However, what Xu Ziyan is curious about is what is the world of chaotic understanding?

"Chaos, what is the realm of your understanding?"

The chaos scratched his head and said: "The realm of my understanding seems to be the boundary of the fire attribute, the dark attribute and the thunder attribute."

Xu Ziyan looks a glimpse. Then reacted, the disciple's disciple should be a fire attribute, and the demon master disciple should be a dark attribute, and the demon master's disciple should be a Ray attribute. These three disciples have been merged together, and the world of such chaos is the fusion of the three great disciples.

At the request of Xu Ziyan, the chaos opened her world and there was a world of destruction in the sight of Xu Ziyan. The entire ground is red as fire. The magma flows, and the volcanoes are constantly erupting. From time to time, the earth passes through a magma giant, and the magma flows on it. As long as you look at it, you feel hot.

In the sky, there is endless darkness. There is no star in the sky, it is complete darkness. As if to devour everything. From time to time, flashing light, lowering a large lightning.

The whole world is full of ruin.


Xu Ziyan could not help but feel shocked. She could feel that the whole world is definitely not as good as her own complete world, but it is much more powerful than her own individual property.

Xu Ziyan was so determined that he took his knowledge back from the purple smoke space and scanned one side in his own body. Now that there is the last space lock in his body, Xu Ziyan can't trust for a long time and he can open the last space lock and restore his cultivation to the early stage of Xianwang.

Standing up from the ground, his eyes once again fell on the opposite side of the shadow wall and entered the understanding of the sword of the earth...

A month later, Xu Ziyan kept pushing the sword of the earth constantly, and the nine-sword sword in his hand kept waving, gradually pushing the sword of the earth to the realm of Dacheng.

A figure looks far away from Xu Ziyan, a blue robe, and a sword. The eyes are shining like stars. Looking at Xu Ziyan, while holding a sword, sometimes Jianguang fluttered, and the corner of his mouth passed a smile, his heart said:

"This little sister is really a genius! She has only been in this for a long time. She has already cultivated the sword of the earth to the realm of Dacheng!"

A figure flew into the mountain gate of a Jianfeng Peak and flew over the mountain. The young man in the blue robe blinked. The shape of the movement will disappear in the space.

The monk who flew up from the mountain looked around and saw the sword light on the wall. But he did not dare to go to the viewing platform, after all, it was the inheritance of a Jianfeng. So he stood in the same place and shouted to the viewing platform:

"Under the sword, you can see you alone!"

Xu Ziyan lived in the sword style and retired from comprehension. With a slight movement, he stood in front of the monk and looked at the stranger in front of him. Xu Ziyan shouted:

"Who are you? Why come to a Jianfeng?"

The old man looked up at Xu Ziyan, and his look was a glimpse, because he did not know Xu Ziyan. The lips moved two times and eventually said:

"Is there a young master of Zhang Wujie? I am the owner of the Duo family who manages a Jianfeng Jingshi mine."

"Is the mine going wrong?"

Xu Ziyan was anxious when he heard it. Before Zhang Wujie left a Jianfeng Peak, he had to take care of the mine. When he saw the Du Gujia still hesitating there, he said:

"Six sisters have already gone to work for Zongmen, and can't come back in a short time. I am a seven disciple of Jianfeng, and I have something to say to me."

Du Guwu hurriedly said: "The seven masters, the mine has an accident. Yesterday, two disciples of Huang Jiazhong who were attached to the inner gate of the Moon Peak went to our mine to cause trouble. We were beaten. Today, the moon peak comes. Two disciples, who have all played the mines, threatened that the entire mine will be brought to their moon peaks from today, as a gift for us to injure the Huang family."

"take me to!"

Xu Ziyan did not ask what the two disciples of Yuefeng were doing, and immediately followed Douwu to the mine. Out of this kind of thing, no matter what the other party is doing, you must come out. His eyes glanced at Du Guwu and found that he was the master of the immortal king. So the two disciples who took the moon peak must be better than the ones.

After an hour, Xu Ziyan and Du Guwu fell into the mine. At this time, they saw two groups of people standing outside the mine. One group was a solitary family and a group was a yellow family. However, at this time, the Huang family stood in the mine, and the solitary house stood outside the mine, and many people were injured. At first glance, it was taken from the mine with the Huangfeng. .

Standing in front of the Huangjia crowd are two monks dressed in Lan Yuefeng costumes. Xu Ziyan fell from the sky and they have already seen that the cultivation of two people is the mid-term of the immortal. There is some stability in my heart. Although I am only the peak of Xianjun in the late period, I am not timid in the middle of the two immortals.

When the two immortals saw Xu Ziyan falling from the sky in the middle of the season, it was a flash of light. Both of them got the reminder of Li Donglai, knowing that Xu Ziyan's body is extremely strong, and he must not be close to the other side and must attack from a distance. Moreover, when two people came, they also got orders. They knew that only one Xu Jianfeng was managed by Xu Ziyan at this time, and the rest of the disciples were retreating. The task they are leading today is to smother Xu Ziyan. Therefore, the shape of Xu Ziyan has just fallen, and before the inquiry is made, the two people released the strongest fairy and attacked the past with Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan has a cold face, and this kind of attack fully reflects the sinister intentions of the moon peak. One foot is moving forward.

"Step by step lotus!"

A fiery red lotus sea swiftly spread out from the circle of Xu Ziyan's foot. The lotus leaf of the sky blocked the attack of the other two kings and blurred the two eyes. Only in an instant, two people were shrouded in a fiery red lotus sea. The nine-day fire was hidden among the lotus leaves, and it floated in the air to the two immortals.

At the moment when the two immortals were covered by step by step, there was an instant knowledge of the gods. At this moment, Xu Ziyan no longer kept his hand, took out the five-color sword, and transported the sword of fire to the great consummation, and the sword went to the middle of the two immortals in the lotus sea.


The two bodies swayed in the lotus sea. This sword broke the defense of two immortals. The sword invaded the bodies of the two kings with impunity, destroying the bodies of two people. The lotus leaves hovering in the air cut and burned. Two people's body, when the body of two people was bombarded by the sword, the lotus sea fell to the ground, the whole body has been cut and burned, and Dan Tian was also destroyed by the sword, completely become two waste people. .

A square sign appeared suddenly in the sky. As the brand fell, the brand highlighted numerous mysterious patterns, hovering around the brand in the air, and then shrouded toward Xu Ziyan, a late Emperor The power of the peak falls from the sky.

Xu Ziyan immediately felt that his body could not move, and the repair was too much difference. Xu Ziyan has already felt that even if he and the chaos switch, even if the release is out of bounds is not the enemy of the other side, there is no power to fight back.

The mind was moved, and the layer of nine products in the late stage was released from the storage ring, forming a defense in front of the body.

"Hang ~ ~ bang ~ ~ bang ~ ~"

In the late stage of Jiu Pin, the power of the peak of the fairy charm is equivalent to the late Emperor of the Emperor, and it is impossible to stop a peak of the Emperor's late stage, and the Sifang card is a mid-term fairy. Xu Ziyan’s defense was broken open layer by layer, and Xu Ziyan constantly released the fairy charm.


Xu Ziyan’s body was eventually shot and flew out. Fortunately, the heavy charms blocked the power of the Quartet. Even so, Xu Ziyan’s body was shot like a meteor, and three feet of blood were sprayed in midair. The whole body was like a smashed rack, not to mention the skin, the meat, the ribs, the bones were injured, and even the internal organs were hurt.

The square card in the sky flipped and fell to the ground, and Xu Ziyan, who had not yet climbed up, took it.

A sword stalked across the sky, and as the sword spread, a verdant wood property circle followed.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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