The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1719: Guardian

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The green square in the sky, the four squares that spread unstoppably through the air, continued to spread into the air, and there was a scream in the air, but no one could see what happened, only that the horizon was filled with emerald green. A piece of life.

The stunning scenes were released, the sky was restored to the clear, and a figure fell from the air, and the whole person was already in a coma. A blue figure flashed in the air, and a stunned Emperor of the Air caught it in the air and said to Xu Ziyan, who had already climbed from the ground:

"Ziyan, I am your second brother, are you okay?"

Xu Ziyan immediately saw the cultivation of the second brother's heart. It turned out to be a half-step person. She did not expect that the two brothers had achieved such a cultivation after a hundred years of retreat. At this time, they heard the second brothers ask each other and hurriedly handed over:

"Thank you two brothers, the purple smoke is only slightly hurt, nothing!"

"Well, purple smoke, you deal with the things here, and then return to a Jianfeng."

"Yes, the second brother. Where are you going?"

"Hey!" The heart chilled a sigh: "If you dare to hurt you, I will go to the moon peak to ask you for justice."

The words have disappeared and the figure has disappeared in space. Xu Ziyan scratched his head and did not know what the second brother was doing. Is he going to take his moon to take revenge for himself? Not to mention that there are tens of thousands of disciples in the moon peak, that is, the Li Fenglai, the leader of the moon peak, is also the repair of the early people!

The three sisters were cold and clear, and Xu Ziyan had seen it. I didn’t think that my second brother was more embarrassed. I don't know what my Master and several other brothers will look like.

At this time, the monks of the Huang family dared to stay here, and they had already escaped. Xu Ziyan was too lazy to pay attention to them at this time. On the one hand, these are some ants, and on the one hand, they are now injured. Not suitable for hands-on. Looking at this place has nothing to do, then handed over the matter here to Du Guwu, and then flew to the Zongmen on the cloud baby.

After entering the Xuanmen, it is not good to ride the cloud baby. Xu Ziyan took the cloud baby and barely flew at low altitude. There was a group of monks talking in the ear. Hearing these arguments, Xu Ziyan stunned, and her second brother really ran to the inner door and took the moon peak to kill the moon peak. At this time, he was chasing the early Li Donglai, who was moving. The inner door flew to watch the fun.

Xu Ziyan immediately turned his direction, and also flew toward the inner door with the crowd. Fly to the moonlight peak and look up. Seeing the moon peak at this time has become a mess. Numerous injured disciples lay slantingly on the ground, and Xu Ziyan's eyes swept away. I saw that the disciples of these moon peaks were only injured and not being abolished. It seems that the two brothers are still merciless.


An infinite roar attracted Xu Ziyan's gaze to the past. When he saw Li Donglai's figure in the sky was bombarded and flew in the air, there was a sword mark on his body. The heart is releasing his own territory to chase Li Donglai.

Seeing Li Donglai's wolverine, Xu Ziyan immediately knew that Li Donglai had not cultivated the world. Therefore, in the heart of the half-step person who had the bounds, there was no power to fight back, and he was beaten by the heart.

"Heart, you ruin my mountain gate, I will not let you go, I want to go to the Sovereign to sue you!" Li Donglai snorted while squirting blood.

"Li Donglai, you dare to send someone to hurt my little sister, I will dare to ruin your mountain gate, you have the bones, don't run. We two singled out."

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly raised a warm current. How many years? Ever since she was practicing in the capital of Zhongdu, she has been always at the forefront, and one person has guarded the whole family.

In the Zhongdu City, the Xu family was guarded, and the Taixuan was guarded by the Zongmen. At the Lotus Peak, in the Lower Yuan Galaxy. In the Zhongyuan galaxies, the Xu family was protected, and the people were sheltered from the wind and rain. No one ever guarded themselves.

Master and Yanshan's soul cultivation has always been promoted too fast, leaving her alone to support, although a heart is strong and strong, but it is extremely tired.

However, today she feels the feeling of being protected.

Just because he was injured by the disciples of Yuefeng, the two brothers sneaked on the moon peak alone, and Li Donglai, the peak of the moon peak, played like a pig.

This long-lost feeling of being cared for came so suddenly that a burst of warmth flowed through her heart and her eyes became moist.

"All right!"

There was a majestic voice in the air, only the sound, not seen. However, the mind stopped in the air and respectfully prayed to the air:

"A Jianfeng heart visits the lord!"

"The Sovereign?" Xu Ziyan looked around, but did not find the trace of the lord.

"The Sovereign, the moon peak is terrible!" Li Donglai stood in the clouds and cried: "The heart of a Jianfeng is based on cultivation, insulting me to take the moon peak..."

"Shut up!" There was a cold drink in the air: "Don't think that you are doing something I don't know, this thing ends here."

The air was in silence, and the heart looked coldly at Li Donglai, a robes sleeve, and his body flew toward Xuanmen. Xu Ziyan also hurriedly flew toward Xuanmen.

Rainbow Peak.

Cang Jiuyi’s eyes were collected and said faintly: “I didn’t think of the rudiment of the Jianqing’s cold and clear cultivation in the past few months. Today’s heart is completely cultivated out of bounds, and the Xu Ziyan is not simple, even Can have so many nine-character late peaks, is she a nine-product late peak singer?"

The earth said with the sound of water: "In any case, now the heart has already understood the bounds, and the cold and clear understanding of the boundary has been introduced. In the future, there will be no problem in understanding the complete world, plus the sword and the moon have already realized. Out of bounds, this Jianfeng is now a small number, but the strength is not low. Sovereign, do you think it is..."

Cang Jiuqi slowly shook his head and said: "The current Jianfeng Peak is a dazzling one, but it can only prove that a few people in the Jianfeng Peak are of great talent. It is a fact that a sword peak breaks down the inheritance. Their generation is strong, but the next generation? Who can guarantee that they have such a highly qualified disciple from generation to generation? Without inheritance, this is a sharp injury of Jianfeng. Let’s put it for a while!”

Speaking of this, Cang Jiuyi chuckled a sigh: "But now, even if there is an inner door, it is not easy to replace a sword peak into the Xuanmen. Is there a mountain that can win a Jianfeng generation? I don’t want to replace a Jianfeng, only wait for the next generation. A few disciples of Jianfeng are really unexpected!"

"The Sovereign, if a few months later in the big ratio, a few disciples of a Jianfeng fall down... Do we want to remind you?"

Cang Jiuyi squatted for a while and said: "Whether a Jianfeng can be reborn, it is still necessary to look at themselves. Let us watch!"

Xu Ziyan returned to a Jianfeng Peak and saw the second brother's heart is sitting on the viewing platform. When he saw Xu Ziyan coming back, he nodded:

"Don't talk first, you will heal here, I will protect the law for you."

"Thank you two brothers!"

Xu Ziyan no longer speaks, immediately sit on the ground and swallow the drug into the interest rate.

The gaze of the heart is a flash, he found that Xu Ziyan swallowed it is actually Jiu Xian Xian Dan. I have seen Xu Ziyan use the nine-character fairy in the mine just now. This little sister is not easy!

During the three days and three nights, Xu Ziyan recovered all the injuries and opened his eyes. He said with gratitude:

"Thank you two brothers!"

The heart has put a hand in the hand: "Since the six divisions will give you a sword peak, you are my sister, we may not be as strong as before, but not everyone can bully us a sword peak. Purple smoke, You have to remember that the rule of our sword peak is that anyone who dares to insult us a sword peak is the enemy of our entire sword peak."

Guardian! Absolutely protect your throat!

The meaning of the second brother's words is very clear. I don't care who is right or wrong. Anyway, I don't allow anyone to bully my disciple. If you bully, you don't want to fight for your life.

"Ziyan, don't you know if the Six Masters have introduced us to you?"

"No!" Xu Ziyan shook his head.

Xindao said with a smile: "We have all been closed for a hundred years. She doesn't know what we really do at this time, so I didn't tell you. Now I will talk to you and let you have an intuitive understanding of Jianfeng. .

Our master is the root of the three attributes, and the three swords of Jin Mu Tu are cultivated to the great consummation. When they left a Jianfeng more than three hundred years ago, they were already in the late stage of the earth, and they have already cultivated the world. The master's brother Langyue is the spiritual root of the two attributes. Both the fire and the earth are cultivated to the great perfection. When they left a sword peak more than 200 years ago, they were the late people, and they also cultivated the same world. Therefore, Master and Master decided to go out to travel, hoping to encounter the opportunity to restore the inheritance of a Jianfeng.

My and my three sisters are cold and clear, the four divisions are Song Wanzhong, and the five divisions are drunk in a thousand cups. I am the root of the wood attribute, your third division is the root of the soil attribute, Song Wanzhong is the root of the water attribute, and the thousand cups are drunk with the metal spirit root. Zhang Wujie is the root of the fire and soil.

Nowadays, I have cultivated the sword of wood to the realm of great perfection, and cultivated the world of wood. Today's cultivation is a half step. Your third division sister also cultivated the sword of the earth to the great perfection, and in the wood realm comprehended the embryonic form, her current cultivation is the peak of the late Emperor.

Your four brothers Song Wanzhong and the five divisions were drunk because a sword peak lost the meaning of the sword of gold and the sword of water. Now they only cultivate the sword of gold and the sword of water to the realm of Xiaocheng. There is no cultivation out of bounds, but the cultivation of two people is also in the middle of the Emperor. Now, after a hundred years, it should reach the peak of the Mid-Emperor. Your six-sister Zhang Wujie must have understood that the sword of fire has been cultivated to the great consummation, and the soil property has just begun to comprehend. ”


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*(To be continued~^~)

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