The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1720: inherited

Xu Ziyan opened her mouth, she thought that although the number of Jianfeng was small, but the strength was tyrannical. But did not expect to be so tyrannical. She now has some understanding of Cangwuzong, it is not easy to cultivate the world, and there are not many monks who practiced out of bounds in the Cangwu Zong, just like the leader of Danding Peak, Li Wuji is the late Zun. But there is no cultivation out of bounds. There are three people in the size of a small cat and three swords, and there are three people who have cultivated a complete world. There is also a cold-blooded meditation of the rudimentary form of the cultivation. This is not counting on itself.

"Talk about your strength! Everyone has an understanding of each other." The heart looked forward to Xu Ziyan.

"I?" Xu Ziyan slightly indulged, decided to still have some reservations, and whispered: "I am the five attribute root!"

"Five attributes spiritual root?" The heart is a shock, asked in a hurry: "How do you understand each attribute?"

"The three swords of Jinshuihuo are cultivated to the realm of perfection. The sword of the earth is close to the realm of Zhongcheng. The meaning of the sword of the wood has not yet been realized."

"What?" Xindao hurriedly stood up from the ground and said with Xu Ziyan’s trembling voice: "Do you mean that you have realized the sword of gold and the sword of water?

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"Good! Good! Good!" The heart nodded and nodded, then sat down on the floor and waved: "You continue."

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “My cultivation is now only the peak of Xianjun, but it will soon return to the early stage of Xianwang, and the early stage of Xianwang is also my real cultivation. Slowly cultivated. And... I also cultivated the world."

"What?" The heart was smashed from the ground, and then I felt that my second brother was too sullen in front of the teacher. Some of them squatted down again, stayed for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha..."

When the laughter is finished, the heart says seriously: "Little sister. You said what resources do you need now to cultivate? As long as there is a sword peak, I can take it for you. Don't underestimate our sword peak. We have a small number of swords, but it is also because of the small number of people. The resources accumulated in all the thousands of years are not enough, enough for you to cultivate."

Xu Ziyan thought about it, and he really didn't need anything. Suddenly in the heart, I asked:

"The second brother, is there any refining material like the fairy blood?"

The face of the heart shows a difficult color: "Little sister, you know that our sword peak is a sword repair, and the requirements for the body are very high, so these refining materials are used the most. Now a sword peak is still There is really no such material. However, there are still some dragon blood in the Emperor's period. Now you are only a prince, and it should be useful to you. I will go to you."

Xu Ziyan hurriedly reached out and stopped the second division brother: "Two brothers, no need. The dragon blood of the Xianhuang period is useless to me. Now my body repair is already the beginning of the nine-piece fairy."

"Oh!" The heart stunned and looked at the little sister in front of me. In the heart, I really don’t know how this younger sister is practicing.

"Two brothers!" Xu Ziyan hesitated and said: "Is there a crystal marrow on the peak of the sword?"

The heart nodded and said: "There was a piece that was given to me when the master left. We have only one sword peak. Master said that when the bottleneck of the breakthrough is reached, it is really a breakthrough. I will give it to anyone. This is what Master had told the master, and no one knows. When the master left, he gave it to me. How? Little sister, you need the marrow?"

Xu Ziyan heard that the second brother said so, but I am embarrassed to say that I want that piece of crystal. The heart saw the heart of Xu Ziyan. Then he smiled and said:

"Little sister. You don't have to be embarrassed. Since you have spoken, you will prove that you need it. I don't ask why you need it, this crystal is given to you!"

When the words fell, a piece of crystal marrow was taken from the storage ring and handed to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was very moved. At this point she already knows the preciousness of the crystal marrow, and this crystal marrow is very important to herself. At a time when my own strength is low. Only the front is his last card, and one more piece of crystal is a guarantee.

After reaching out to the crystal marrow, Xu Ziyan did not say anything more, and the crystal marrow was silently collected into the storage ring.

The heart stood up from the ground and said with excitement: "Purple smoke, go! Leave the sword of gold and the sword of water that you comprehend."

The heart is justified, just as the family speaks. One thing on the peak of a sword is yours, and yours is also the nature of a sword peak.

Xu Ziyan did not contradict the heart, but this atmosphere made her like it. The disciples of the entire Jianfeng are working hard to complete the inheritance. At this time, it is a matter of course to be a disciple of a Jianfeng, and it is also an honor. The contribution to a Jianfeng is no less than the original sword.

Xu Ziyan left the viewing platform with her heart, and found that her heart led her to go to the cave house of several brothers and sisters. Before each cave, the heart was condensed into a bundle and several brothers and sisters were summoned separately. I didn’t answer a few people’s questions. I just smiled and took a few people to a cliff, pointing to a cliff across the cliff:

"Little sister, have you seen it?"

Xu Ziyan stared at it and saw three sword marks on the opposite cliff. The sound of the heart sounded in the ear:

"Little sister, these three sword marks are left by Master. They are the three swords that Master has realized. I will take you to another place to see."

Xu Ziyan followed the heart and went to the six cliffs. The six cliffs were the six brothers and sisters who were comprehending the sword marks left by the sword. Finally, the heart of the road led Xu Ziyan to a cliff before:

"Small sister, we are seven swordsmen and apprentices, and now there are eight people. Everyone will have a cliff. Whoever understands the sword will leave a sword mark on the cliff that he owns. The legacy of Jianfeng, I hope to one day be able to leave a true inheritance of Jianfeng."

Having said that, he pointed his finger at the opposite cliff: "This cliff belongs to you from today, leave your swords!"

Speaking of this, I look back at Song Wanzhong and a thousand cups of drunkenness: "The three divisions, the four divisions, the younger sisters have already realized the sword of the golden sword and the sword of the water to the great realm, and wait until the younger sister leaves the sword inheritance, you Two can understand the sword here."

"Really?" Song Wanzhong and a thousand cups drunk two people's eyes looked at Xu Ziyan fieryly, that is, Leng Qingyi also looked at Xu Ziyan with a shocked look.

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan did not quit, and took out the five-color sword. Standing on the edge of the cliff, looking towards the opposite cliff, the golden sword was transported to the great consummation, and a sword with the meaning of the golden sword was thrown out.

The five-color sword was originally a congenital treasure containing five attributes, and the sword of Xu Ziyan was perfectly displayed. The true meaning of the sword is hidden in the sword, so there is no smashing the cliff, just leaving a deep sword mark. Later, Xu Ziyan put away the sword of gold, and transported the sword of water to the great consummation. He took out a sword and placed it on the cliff, and stayed on the cliff with the sword of gold.

Subsequently, the light of the five-color sword changed again and became red and red. Xu Ziyan took out a sword of fire and left three sword marks on the opposite cliff. They were the sword of gold, the sword of water. And the sword of fire.

Song Wanzhong and Thousand Cups drunk a deep ritual towards Xu Ziyan, and then sat on the cliff with his knees, and transmitted the knowledge into the sword of the golden sword and the sword of the water on the opposite cliff, and began to comprehend. The cold and clear squats also sit on the knees and transmit the knowledge into the sword of the fire left by the opposite cliff Xu Ziyan, and the fire sword of Xu Ziyan proves each other.

Xu Ziyan and Xindao looked at each other and two people quietly left. Two people came to the viewing platform, and when they had a few words, they left. And Xu Ziyan began to understand the meaning of the sword of the earth.

A month later, Xu Ziyan broke the last space lock and repaired it to the beginning of Xian Wang. Two months later, Xu Ziyan realized the sword of the earth into the realm of Zhongcheng and began to approach the realm of Dacheng.

Soon after five months, Xu Ziyan’s understanding of the sword of the earth has been infinitely close to the realm of Dacheng. However, he was awakened by the second division, and Xu Ziyan took the sword and stood up. He turned to look at the two divisions and stood still with the three divisions. Seeing Xu Ziyan flying over, Xindao said with a smile:

"Small sister, this time, the big ratio is played by our three representatives, a sword peak, I went to play the emperor's list, the three divisions went to play the emperor's list, you go to play the king's list. The original king's list is ready for the six divisions Going, now she is not there, I have to let you go, everything must be careful. Your current repair is still low, this time mainly for the experience, feel uncomfortable and immediately admit defeat."


"Let's go!"

The heart was first taken to the air, followed by the cold and the purple smoke. After half an hour, three people have already flown into a square in Xuanmen.

This square is not the central square of Xuanmen, but a square behind the Xuanmen. There are two peaks in front of the square, like a gateway.

At this time, more than one million monks have gathered on the square. Some of these monks are Xianwang, some are emperors, some are emperors, and there are also the emperors who come to watch the peaks. Of course, there are also the following kings who come to watch. Name the disciple.

"When ~~ when ~~ when ~~"

Three bells came from the air, and the space was rippling. More than a hundred fairy statues flew into the air. Flying from the Xianzun group, the soil was watered, and the hands were used to shoot the sacred fairy tales, which were printed on the two peaks. A brilliance flashed, the space between the two peaks rippled like a lake, and then opened a portal. Xianzunmen first flew in, and then these disciples flew into the space of the two peaks.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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