The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1721: Soul Array

I am very grateful to Wu Yulin (200), Susuer (100), Shannee (100), mableip (100), old age x (100), and Miao 1975 (100)!


When Xu Ziyan entered this space, he was shocked by the sight. The whole space is a small world. There are floating mountain peaks in the small world. There are pavilions above the mountain peaks. At this time, the fairy gods flew to the mountain peaks and sat down in the pavilion.

In the air of the small world, there are thousands of platforms, each of which is enveloped in a transparent mask. There are three tall stone monuments on the ground. The top of a stone tablet is written on the top of the list, with a list of kings on it, a king-level list on it, and a letter from top to bottom on each stone. One hundred numbers.

On the side of the heart, I saw Xu Ziyan's confusion. He explained softly: "Small sisters, the downfall in these masks is where we go to compete for the rankings of the hundred. There will be some formations to generate some soul beasts to attack you. Every time you kill a soul beast, it will be automatically recorded by the formation method, but only the name of the top 100 who will break into the top 100 will appear on the three stone tablets.

Therefore, the names on the three stone tablets are constantly changing until all the disciples have finished the downfall. In the end, the top 100 rankings will be set. You can check it out here, I will go with your sister. ”

When the words fell, the heart and the coldness flew out. Xu Ziyan is watching on the side. Soon she found the discipleship area of ​​the king, and saw many disciples with their identity jade cards skyrocketing, and then pressed the identity jade card to the mask of the ring. The mask ruptured a portal, and the disciples rushed into the ring, and the portal behind them quickly closed.

That jade card should be the method of identifying the disciple's identity and then calculating the number of souls killed. Xu Ziyan remembered when he had just joined a Jianfeng. Zhang Wujie also gave himself a jade card. The gods swept in the storage ring and quickly found the jade card.

At this time, there were already monks fighting in the 10,000-seat platform. Xu Ziyan found that there were more than 3,000 descendants in the area of ​​the king-class disciple. At this time, the disciples in the more than 3,000-seat martial arts were in the early days of Xianwang. It seems that the powerful disciples have not appeared.

In the Fujian and Taiwan, only the soul beast of the early stage of the Xianwang will appear in the beginning. When the Cangwu sect discards the soul beast, the two soul beasts will appear immediately, followed by four And then eight...

Xu Ziyan looked at it like this, only in a short period of time, nearly a thousand disciples were defeated by the soul beast. Then it was transmitted by the array. Xu Ziyan saw a round and had not found out which monk could insist on the appearance of a hundred soul beasts.

As time went by, the monks of the early peaks of the Zongxian King began to smash, and the list of the top 100 on the original list was quickly refreshed.

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

"Look, the top three disciples of the Xuanmen Kings took the shot."

"That is the hole of the Rainbow Peak!"

"That is the ink of the peak!"

"That is the farmer's flower of the flower bee!"

Xu Ziyan was shocked by her anger. She had already seen it for nearly two hours. On the ring, she began to fight for the disciples of the late Xian and the late peaks.

No longer hesitate to do anything. Xu Ziyan was in a vertical shape and flew toward an empty platform. He pressed the identity jade card to the mask and rushed into the ring.

There was a stir under the ring.

"who's that person?"

"It’s so funny. A disciple of the early Xianwang waited until now to fight with the disciples of the late Xian Wang. Is she taking a favor in the crowd?"

"I do not know!"

"I don't know normal! Isn't it a normal thing for an early disciple of Xian Wang to know?"

"Don't say, I am really familiar! I remembered that she was the disciple of the Jianfeng who received the sword."

"Is that the one after the opening of the mountain, the one after the fall on the high peak of Jianfeng?"

"Yes! It is the disciple who was regarded as junk by the peaks at the beginning, waiting to see a Jianfeng joke disciple!"

"It seems that she is not rubbish! This is how short it is. It is already the beginning of Xianwang! I heard that Li Fengzhu, who was the leader of Danding Peak, was forced to accept Xu Ziyan, who received a sword peak. I did not expect to give a sword. The peak runs on a genius, I really don't know what expression Li Feng will be now?"

"Is this purple smoke a genius to look at before I know. But if she is stupid, it will not be a genius to go to war at this time."

The immortals sitting on the mountain peaks can clearly hear the sounds below. Those immortals can't help but look at Li Wu. Li Wu did not hear the underlying arguments. I didn't see the eyes of those who were immortal, but his gaze was unconsciously locked in the collapse of Xu Ziyan. There is only one voice in the heart, don't let Xu Ziyan break into the top 100, otherwise the face will be lost.

Above the ring.

Xu Ziyan took out the five-color sword. At this time, she was not prepared to keep her hand. Her goal was not only the top 100, but her goal was the first in the king's ranking. She wanted to get the bottle of dragon blood.

A soul beast was condensed by the formation and rushed toward Xu Ziyan. It was a soul beast in the early days of the immortal king. This did not have the slightest threat to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan and the sword killed the soul beast. The soul beast was turned into a smoke, but soon the two souls of the early kings were condensed on the ring.

Xu Ziyan has just realized the sword of the earth to the realm of Zhongcheng. At this time, he simply uses the sword of the earth to deal with the soul beast. When Xu Ziyan saw it outside, he felt that it was a good place to cultivate swords. Moreover, Xu Ziyan still has the foundation of earth meaning, and comprehending the sword of the earth has great advantages over others.

The sword of Zhongcheng’s sword is unfolding. It seems that there are endless mountains flowing around Xu Ziyan. The sword of the earth is the most powerful sword in the five-sword sword. The two soul beasts are basically The attack did not break the defense of Xu Ziyan, but was crushed and killed by the sword of Xu Ziyan.

Then there were four soul beasts. However, it was still easily crushed by Xu Ziyan.

When the sixty-four soul beasts appeared, the disciples watching outside had begun to have a slight shock.

"I said, that Xu Ziyan is very strong! I don't know if she can survive the last level of Xian Wang's early stage, if she can smash it. In the early days of Xian Wang, this realm can already rush into the top 100!"

"It is estimated that there should be no problem! You can see her is still very easy!"

"What is the use of rushing into the top 100? It’s just the top 100 in the early days of Xianwang, and it’s not the top 100 in the king class!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan, who was above the ring platform, was completely immersed in the understanding of the sword of the earth. At this time, she had no soul beast in her heart, only the infinite sword of the earth. Each sword swayed as if dragging a mountain.

A sword is a mountain!

Repeat overlapping! Endless!

At this time, Xu Ziyan is like a mountain god. At the same time of heavy defense, he is infinitely crushing the soul beast.

It took less than a quarter of an hour to crush the sixty-four soul beasts, and there were another hundred and twenty-eight soul beasts around her.

Xu Ziyan still has no sadness and no joy, completely immersed in the meaning of the sword of the earth, but the disciples under the battle are excited, as long as Xu Ziyan can destroy this last one hundred and twenty soul beasts, Xu Ziyan stood The top of the realm of Xianwang. A handsome character will appear again.

Xu Ziyan's sword style is more and more heavy, and the speed of the sword begins to slow down. A five-color sword gives a feeling of light weight, as if every sword can break the mountain.

There was no suspense for the disciples who watched it for a long time, only a little more than a quarter of an hour, and the one hundred and twenty-eight soul beasts were destroyed by the sword of Xu Ziyan.

"Good!" The disciples under the stage sang a sigh of praise.

On the opposite side of Xu Ziyan, there is a soul beast, which is the soul beast of the early peak of the fairy king.

"Look! Xu Ziyan began to challenge the peak of Xian Wang!"

At this time, the Xianwang disciples have been divided into four camps. Some of the disciples are watching the hole, some are watching the ink, some are watching the farmer's flowers, and the last part is watching the Xu Ziyan. As for the other disciples who are fighting, no one has watched it!

Among these disciples, most of them are still watching Kong Fang, Mo Huai and the farmer's pity. After all, these three people are the masters of the peak of the late Xian Wang. Watching their fights can also add some insights to themselves. . And Xu Ziyan is just an early stage of Xian Wang, presumably her footsteps will soon stop. and so. The disciples who watched Xu Ziyan were disciples of the early peaks of Xianwang and some of the peaks of Xianwang.

but. As time went by, the number of disciples who watched Xu Ziyan began to increase more slowly, and even began to attract some disciples in the middle of the immortal, because Xu Ziyan had already reached the first peak of the 128 kings. . It was the last level of the peak of the soul of the fairy king.

"Li has no medicine, how do you see that Xu Ziyan?" Feng Hufeng’s peak leader, Shang Rong, looked at Li Wuxue: "I see this purple smoke is not a garbage. It is already a genius, you said yes No? Hahaha..."

In the eyes of Li Wuji, there was a trace of warm anger, and he took a deep breath and said coldly:

"But it’s a little bit better. Do you still think she can break into the top 100?"

"Not good to say!" Shang Rong said with a smile.

"嗤~~" Li Wuji said with a smile: "People like Kong Fang, Mo Huai and Nong Fu Hua, they are facing the soul of the late peak of the fairy king as soon as they enter the ring. They kill one soul every time. The scores obtained by the beast are 10,000 times, so Xu Ziyan is the soul beast that kills more of the peaks of the early kings. It is not as good as those who killed the soul beasts in the late Xianwang. If she wants to break into the top 100, she must The challenge has always been to kill at least one of the souls of the late peaks of the king of the king. Do you think she can do it?"

Business is silent, he is optimistic about Xu Ziyan, and does not think that Xu Ziyan can defeat a peak of the late Xian Wang.



Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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