The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1835: Secret exposure

The Star Fields will have 256,000 monks, while the second-to-last Seiko is to have 128,000 monks, and the remaining seven, even if they rank third to last. It is only necessary to send 64,000 monks. This will not hurt the Zongmen. This is definitely an unexpected surprise. It is a gift from Cangwu.

The smiles on the faces of the seven disciples are more intense. Shenji Zong and Xingyu Zong continue to send a large number of monks to the land of the Western Mozu. The strength is weakened while resisting the Mozu, let them and the gods, the stars The gap between the sects will shrink in the next millennium, and the seven sects have already joined the alliance. Although they do not know the reason, the four disciples of the Danfu Array at this time actually accepted the celestial ancestors.

This is strength!

The strength of the Cangwu sect was respected by the four disciples of the Danfu Array.

On the high platform of the imperial concubine, at this time, not only the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sacred sect, but also the face of the sacred sect of the sacred sect.

It’s a worldly report!

Just now, the dream machine was still gloating in the heart of the road, but it was his turn. At this time, he did not have the heart to ridicule the slogan. The monk exchanged a look. Both of them realized in their hearts that it was time for them to cooperate in good faith.

Nowadays, seven of them have already joined the league. If they don’t come up with the sincerity of cooperation, they may have really declined.

The next big ring is much easier and more harmonious. Although there is still fierce competition, there is no death.

And whether it is the emperor level, the emperor level is still the king level. The remaining six disciples took the initiative to admit defeat when they were in turn with the Cangwu sect.

Do not admit defeat, want to find abuse?

I watched the two sacred ancestors and the celestial ceremonies. The disciples who did not have the sect of the sect felt that they could defeat the disciples of the Cangwu sect, so they all confessed to losing and retained their strength to the next round.

In the end, according to the total number of towns in each of the three sects, the number of towns was discharged.

Cangwu Zong won three hundred cities and was ranked first.

The second place is Dan Zong. The third place is Fu Zong, the fourth is the sect, the fifth is the sect, the sixth is Luo Tianzong, the seventh is Baihuazong, the eighth is Shenji Zong, and the ninth is Xingyu Zong.

Shang Dao and Meng Shen Ji have now returned to their normal look, and even a smile on their faces. Two people have privately communicated with each other. Both sides have shown sincerity this time.

The rules set before the ceremony have not changed, but the latter things have great variables. Whether they got the reputation of the first sacred door at this time they did not care, they care about the consumption of the Western Mozu land in the next millennium.

The two quickly reached an agreement. Undoubtedly, the Stars and the sects sent out 256,000 monks and the celestial sects to send out 128,000 monks. After the two associations, they will become the greatest power of the Western Mozu. Even in the case of seven associations, the land of the Western Mozu is far less than the alliance of the **** machine and the celestial domain.

This gave the star domain and the opportunity of the machine. Their purpose is to control the Alliance of Terrans in the Western Mozus in the future. By that time, they will not only minimize losses, but also allow seven disciples to make cannon fodder. The strength of these two cases will remain in the top two of the nine major sects. Wherein Cang Zong was the first galactic name.

Xindao, Lengqingyu and Xuziyan were quickly arranged to enter the Yuanli Cave of the Xingyu Zong, while Cang Jiuyi was busy picking up the 300 towns, and then arranged for the Zong Nei to receive the message through the jade. In his spare time, he gathered with several other sects, waiting for Xu Ziyan, Xin Dao and Leng Qing dynasty to come out from Yuan Lidong.

The other masters did not leave, and each ceremony was a long process. And everyone is hard to get together in the past. There is such an opportunity every thousand years. So everyone is getting together, exchange items, and exchange ideas. It is the dream machine and the monk are not willing to give up this opportunity, and have personally held several small gatherings.

Yuanli Cave.

Mind. Leng Qingyi and Xu Ziyan are sitting cross-legged in the cave.

The fairy power in the cave has been completely liquefied, and I don't know why. Extremely easy to be absorbed by monks. At this time, the heart, cold Qing and Xu Ziyan are sitting in the corner of the hole, absorbing the fairy power inside the Yuanli Cave.

The speed of Xu Ziyan's absorption of Yuanli is crazy, and most of the Yuanyuandong in Yuanlidong is pouring into the body of Xu Ziyan. Mind and cold eyes opened their eyes and looked at each other, and they could not help but reveal a bitter smile. They have already imagined this result, because they know that Xu Ziyan is the root of the five attributes, which absorbs the fairy power must be terrifying.

Xu Ziyan also noticed this point. When he saw the big sensation in the cave, he concentrated on himself and smiled helplessly, slowing down the speed of absorption.

In fact, it is not very important to absorb the celestial force in this Yuanli Cave. There is a time array method. As long as she retreats for a period of time, she can accumulate Xianyuan to the critical point of breakthrough, and this Yuanli Cave only accelerates. A little bit of speed.

Her speed of slowing down, heart and coldness immediately felt. The two men looked at Xu Ziyan and said softly:

"Small sister, you use us, try to absorb it. We have retired in the time array before, and we have already accumulated the celestial power, and we can reach the critical point without much."

"Yeah!" Leng Qingyi also whispered: "Even if you are still a little bit, after returning to a sword peak, the retreat in the time array will reach a critical point."

Xu Ziyan thought about it too. The brothers and sisters are also about to accumulate to the critical point. I am afraid that they will not use one-fifth of them in the hole. Then I will let go.

Xu Ziyan once again fully operated Qiankun, and the Yuan Yuanli in Yuanli Cave once again madly rushed toward Xu Ziyan.

Seven days.

In only seven days, the fairy power in Yuanli Cave was absorbed by three people. Xu Ziyan explored his body and found that he was still a little far from the critical point of breaking through the Emperor's period. He only shook his head helplessly. Open your eyes and look at the two brothers and the three divisions.

Xindao and Lengqing met Xu Ziyan and looked over. They all rejoiced and said: "Small sister, we have reached the critical point of breakthrough, and once we go back to retreat, we can break through."

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed, and the second division’s breakthrough was the beginning of the real human respect. This level is no longer a disciple, but has become the elders of the Cangwu dynasty. After the breakthrough of the three divisions, they also reached the beginning of Xiandi, and the strength of Yijianfeng increased greatly.

Three people walked out of Yuanli Cave and returned to Songtaoju. The Cangwu Zong was naturally celebrated.

The second day.

Shangdao feast, this banquet is also a farewell party for everyone.

In addition to the attendance of the nine masters of Zongmen, the three disciples who participated in the Grand Prix competition also attended the banquet, which was a special honor given to these disciples.

Halfway through the banquet, suddenly a Tianzun rushed in and shouted toward Shang Dao: "The lord, something big."

When Shang Dao saw that the disciple's face changed greatly, Huo Ran stood up and asked in a hurry: "Li Wei, Shang Zun? Where is he?"

"The Sovereign, Shang Zun's younger brother has an accident!"

"What happened?" Shang Dao’s look was tight. He knew that his son Shang Zun was the beginning of Tian Zun, and that Li Wei was the peak of Tian Zun’s early days, and that a monk who went out to practice with the monk was also the early Tianzun. In such a trio, it is still possible to have an accident, and what they encounter is definitely not a trivial matter.

"Sovereign, on the way back to Zongmen, we accidentally encountered a secret land. On the way to explore the secret land, Shang Zun's younger brother and Ma Yunshi were unconscious, and I hurriedly fled back from the dense land with two younger brothers. ”

"They are two of them?" Shang Dao’s figure instantly reached Li Wei’s front.

"In Zongmen, Jiang Shibo met, Jiang Shibo was being treated. The disciple hurriedly returned to the sovereign."

"Call ~ ~" Shang Dao breathed a sigh of relief, Jiang Ziyu is the best Dan teacher of the Star Field, so he put down half of the heart. Suddenly he remembered that the son of Dan Zong, Liu Jinsong, was here, and he was overjoyed and hurriedly handed to Liu Jinsong:

"Liu Zongzhu..."

Liu Jinsong naturally understands the meaning of Shang Dao. He sighs and says: "I will go with Shang Zongzhu to see."

"Good! Good!" Shang Dao said: "Thank you Liu Zongzhu."


Shang Dao just wanted to take a step, but he saw that Jiang Ziyu had come in and said anxiously: "My lord, Shang Zun's injured teacher, I can't do anything about it. Would you please ask Liu Zongzhu?"

Shang Dao’s look was awkward. At this time, four disciples from the main hall were carrying two stretchers. The stunned Shangzun and Ma Yun were lying on the stretcher.

Shang Dao hurriedly turned to Liu Jinsong and cast his request. He had a son, but he was killed by thousands of miles. Now he has a son, and this is how it feels. How can he not be so anxious?

Liu Jinsong immediately nodded to the front of Shang Zun and began to observe it carefully.

Xu Ziyan stood by and looked at the injury suffered by Shangzun. If she was not mistaken, the three of them should be the guardian of the forest.

At this time, Shang Dao’s face was tense, and his eyes looked at Shang Zun for a while, and looked at Liu Jinsong for a while.

Xu Ziyan is also somewhat entangled in his heart, whether he wants to go out and save Shangzun. Master once said that he must destroy the celestial domain, and it is still the lord of the celestial domain. It is the dead land of thousands of miles, and if this sage is not dead, it must be a deadly enemy in the future. In a word, why shouldn't he save him?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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