The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1836: Go to the Devil's Guardian

I am very grateful to lx if I can classmate (200), Wu? Yuling classmates (200), Xiaocheng Feijian classmates (100), and never return to classmates (100), let the soul dance students (100) to reward!


Xu Ziyan sneaked and frowned. "But, if you don't save yourself, will the lord have any thoughts in his heart? After all, the lord should be able to see that Shangzun is injured in the guardian's place, and the sign of Shangzun and Liu The teacher and sister were exactly the same at first. As the lord of the Cangwu sect, Cang Jiuzhen could not see it."

I couldn’t help but look at the sky, but I saw that Cang Jiuyi was looking forward to him. He didn’t communicate with him, but just shook his head slightly.

Xu Ziyan immediately understood the meaning of Cang Jiu, which was to keep the purple smoke silent. Although she did not know why Cang Jiuyi had to make such a decision, but she was sitting in her own mind, she sat there without saying a word.

Liu Jinsong over there checked for less than a quarter of an hour, and took off the shoes on Shangzun’s feet. The eyes of several masters fell on the soles of Shangzun’s feet. Black spots. At this time, the nine masters have seen that the life of Shangzun is continually passing away from these two black spots.

Shang Dao’s look is a joy. Since Liu Jinsong can find the root cause of the injury, he proves that he can heal, and he whispers:

"Liu Zongzhu, do you need to be injured?"

Xu Ziyan quietly looked at Liu Jinsong, and she also wanted to see if Liu Jinsong could lift the injury.

Liu Jinsong frowned and explained in detail: "Shang Zongzhu, this wounded old man has never seen before, without the slightest grasp. From the point of view of the evidence, it is only in the lapse of life, it seems that he can just make up for his vitality. But If you can't solve the root of the passing of life, how much life will you make up. How much life will he pass. And he will not dare to give him too much vitality. Otherwise, the weak body of Shangzun will be directly smashed and died. ”

The face of Shang Dao is a change, and it is at this time. Li Wei, who was still standing aside, suddenly shook his body and took a jade from the storage ring and shouted to Shang Dao:

"The sovereign, this is the map of the secret..."

When the words fell, and they stumbled, they fell to the ground and stunned.

Liu Jinsong took a step in the past and took off Li Wei’s shoes. Everyone saw the black spots at the foot of Li Wei. Liu Jinsong smashed the jade and couldn’t see it. I took the storage ring and looked anxiously at Liu Jinsong:

"Liu Zongzhu, but what is the solution?"

Liu Jinsong thought carefully for a while, and then he said with a sigh: "Shang Zongzhu can only use the gentle elixir to hang their three lives. Then we have to go to the secret, maybe there will be herbs to save them. ""

Shangdao nodded. He has no way at this time. Liu Jinsong is already the highest teacher on the mainland of the Yuan Dynasty. Now even Liu Jinsong said so, how can he still?

The jade slip that was just taken into the storage ring was taken out again, and after sinking into a glimpse of the gods, it was handed over to Liu Jinsong. After reading it again, Liu Jinsong handed it to the other lords. After Jane Jane took a round in the hands of the major lords, he returned to the hands of Shang Dao.

At this time, the Tao has already understood that things about this mystery have been hidden. I have encountered such a thing. The other eight sects cannot be gone. So the fist said:

"Everyone, the map of the secrets has already been seen. I am going to go there tomorrow. When will you go. Please arrange it yourself."

Speaking of this, I turned to Liu Jinsong and said politely: "Please ask Liu Zongzhu to go with me."

Liu Jinsong nodded. "This secret may be an extremely dangerous place. We still have to do some preparation. I will immediately inform Danzong, they will then go."

The other seven masters also said: "We also informed the Zongmen disciple by sending a message to Yuzong. I will go with the monk of the monk tomorrow, and I will help the Shangzong to find the healing herbs."

"Thank you all the lords!" Shang Dao was full of reluctance at this time, but also to make a gesture of gratitude, because people put on a look of help.

The nine masters simply negotiated, and they dispersed, and Xu Ziyan also honestly followed Cang Jiuyi.

Upon entering Songtaoju, Cang Jiuyi called Xu Ziyan into his room alone, and then waved a ban, which lowered the voice and said:

"Ziyan, things about the demon's guardian must be strictly confidential."

“Why?” Xu Ziyan never understood why Cang Jiuyong did not ask for his own salvation. At this time, he took the opportunity to ask.

Cang Jiu whispered: "This is the reason why I will not let you save the respect. If you let them know that our clan has already discovered the land of the demon, and did not tell them. It is bound to be in our hearts." Opinions. The Xingyu Zong and Shenji Zong also returned. We have just formed an alliance with the four ancestors of the Danfu sect. This will cause some estrangement. And they will surely think that our sects are already guarding the Mozu. I know something about it. At that time, we have to take the lead in the sky. What kind of ones do you know?"

Xu Ziyan nodded silently. From the mouth of Langyue, Xu Ziyan had already learned that the six of them went to the Devil's Guardian Land and did not go deep into the investigation. There is really not much understanding of the Devil's Guardian Land. I don't know how many Cangwu monks are going to be lost. Nowadays, all the places that go to the guardian of the Mozu are used for the purpose of searching for herbs for the Stars. This is the only thing that is given to the Stars.

All the considerations of Cang Jiuyi are for the Zongmen, and the relationship between the Cangwu Zong and the Xingyu Zong is not friendly. It is the hostile camp. It is understandable that Cang Jiuzhen is doing this.

Xu Ziyan exhaled a sigh of relief, and the decision of Cang Jiuyi was the same as his own. If I really saved the Shangdao at that time, I am afraid that Cang Jiuyi and Wanli will blame themselves in the heart, and the Shangdao may not be able to deal with the Cangzong Zong in the future because he saved his son.

After Xu Ziyan was smashed, Cang Jiuyan let Xu Ziyan leave, and then took out the communication Yu Jian began to contact Zongmen and issued a series of orders.

Xu Ziyan had just come out of the room of Cang Jiuyi. For a while, the Emperor Danzong came to Songtaoju, saying that he was looking for Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan hurriedly greeted Liu Jinsong to his house, and saw Liu Jinsong waved a prohibition, then pressed down. The voice asked:

"Little sister, what do you think of Shang Zun's injury?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a difficult color: “Liu brother, little girl can’t see it. But since the three people are still unconscious, it means that the secret must be very dangerous. We can’t trade now. Shang Zun and Ma Yun In the secret world, I was stunned. Even if Li Wei’s cultivation is higher than that of the past, it is only insisted on returning to the celestial sect. It can be seen that there is a sinister danger. The younger sister just hopes that Liu’s brother will not care, and then he will not be careful. For the past."

The second day.

The nine masters gathered, and the sovereigns of the small and medium-sized sects also gathered here. This is a notice from Shang Dao. Since the eight major sects know the secrets, Shang Dao does not mind letting the sects of the small and medium sects know this. Naturally, the more you want to save your son, the better, and the more people there are, the more complicated the situation will be. Maybe you can save some of your benefits while saving your son.

In the square of the Stars, there are also the disciples of the nine major Zongmen, and there are many disciples of the small and medium-sized Zongmen. The number has passed hundreds of thousands. Moreover, both the ancestral gates and the sects of the small and medium-sized sects have already notified their sects through the jade, and each sect is having more disciples to go to the secret.

Of course, at present, the disciples of the Stars are the most disciples, and they are the strongest. Xu Ziyan and his brother-in-law stood in the crowd of the square, looking at the dense crowd, and there was a trace of pity in his eyes. I don’t know how many people can return to the secret.

After Xu Jinsong left yesterday, Liu Zisong began to let Dan Yi and Dan Er refine the life guards and the life flames in the time array method to prevent accidents.

Langyue also saw the power of the demon's guardian land, and he had already passed through the clan disciples. Don't act rashly, and everything should be done with caution.

Shang Dao was anxious at this time. He simply said a few words and took the lead in tearing up the space. The monks of the Tianzun class also tore the space to the place where the Mozu guarded.

The rest of the monks like Xu Ziyan who are not trained as Tianzun are all capable, some are flying in the air, some are imperials, and some are riding the fairy boat. Anyway, the road has been publicized at this time. They all know where they are, and they are scrambling to fly to the land of the secret.

There are not many disciples of Cangwu Zong who came to the Xingyu Zong, only a hundred people. Xu Ziyan took out the cloud baby, and more than one hundred people entered the cloud baby and flew to the demon's guardian land.

Langyue sat in a chair and looked out through the porthole. When I saw a monk or a canoe passing by the cloud baby, I couldn’t help but scream:

"Little sister, you can't really be a fairy boat. It's too slow. It's been overtaken by people. I think it's shameful."

This kind of idea is also there for other monks, but know that the disciples of a Jianfeng are all tempered. To say that is to offend people, all have no openings. Some people even thought about whether to find an excuse to leave here and then go to the secret place, and it is much faster than taking the purple boat.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the monks and finally fell on the face of Lang Yue, smiling and said:

“Masters want to see the true speed of my fairy boat?”

Langyue’s look is a sigh: “Is this not the true speed of the fairy boat?”


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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