The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1837: No cannon fodder

Langyue’s look is a sigh: “Is this not the true speed of the fairy boat?”

"It's a long way off!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile. The words fall, in the gods know to the cloud baby: "Cloud baby, take out your fastest speed."


The body of Langyue and others did not look back. They looked through the porthole and saw the scenery outside the window swiftly swept away behind them. They could not see clearly and blurred.


Langyue was shocked. This speed is probably the same as that of the monk.

Xu Ziyan also let the cloud baby drop the speed in the knowledge of the gods, just like before. Langyue looked at Xu Ziyan inexplicably and asked:

"Small sister, how is the speed of the fairy boat falling again?"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "I let it down."


Xu Ziyan looked down and said: "Master, are we going to be useful early?"

Langyue looked a glimpse, and this reminded me of the dangers of the demon's guardian land. The face was not fixed, and eventually sighed and no longer spoken.

Others, although they don't understand the reason, have seen from the words of Xu Ziyan and Lang Yue's demeanor that it is a very fierce place. It may be dangerous to go early. However, dangers and opportunities have coexisted since ancient times! Going so slowly, there are good things that have been taken away. Some monks moved their minds and wanted to leave the fairy boat of Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the destiny, Zuo Pengming, Liancheng Yu, Mo Shenji and Cang Wuying have closed their eyes and put on a look that is not in a hurry, which makes those who are so eager to move the monks and monks can not help but again Pressed the mind of the event. Since these deities have come up with a look of Xu Ziyan. I am still honest.

However, in the end, some people were not convinced, the greed in their hearts defeated reason, and they thought they had the ability to not have an accident. then. The two peaks of the late Ming Dynasty, which followed the celestial ancestors of the celestial ancestors, said faintly:

"Ziyan, you still bring the speed of the fairy boat up, the sovereign has gone to the secret, we have to hurry to help the sovereign."

Xu Ziyan looked at the two places and looked back. In my heart, I can't help but say: "What do you know? Now we are in the back of the sacred ancestor. There is only one sect in the Guardian of the Mozu. Now when we explore the land of the Mozu, we will not be damaged. Instead, the disciples who arrived first went to the expedition. When we arrived, we also explored it. Go ahead? Is it going to die?"

However, Xu Ziyan could not say so, he said faintly: "Two predecessors. This is the fairy boat of purple smoke."

The two late statues of the land are a sinking. How can you not understand the meaning of Xu Ziyan?

That is my fairy boat I am the master!

One of the landlords took a deep breath and pressed the anger in his heart. They are able to suppress Xu Ziyan, even if they are not in the eyes of the Langyue, but there is still a sword in the Jianfeng Peak, that person is not that they can offend, so they calmly said:

"Ziyan. You open the hatch, and the deity still goes to the secret."

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and glanced at the two late stages of the land, and swept his eyes to other monks:

"Who else wants to go by myself, this time I have come up."

The monks understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan’s words, that is, if they want to leave, they will come up quickly and don’t bother her after this time.

The monks hesitated for a moment and finally felt that they were still safe in the fairy boat. Leaving with the two late Zun, isn't it the errands of the two late Zun? So no one responded.

Xu Ziyan nodded and let the cloud baby open the hatch. The two landlords were very unhappy at this time. I did not expect that no one would be willing to follow them. The old face was somewhat unsuccessful, and in the heart, there was a resentment against Xu Ziyan. Coldly snorted, a robes sleeve, two lands later disappeared in the doorway.

The cloud baby closed the hatch. At the original speed, he flew to the place where the Mozu guards. Xu Ziyan also closed his eyes and entered the cultivation. The rest of the monks are also helpless. They all closed their eyes and began to practice.

The land of the demon guardian.

There were dozens of cracks in the space. One by one, Tianzun stepped out of the crack, and stood in the air toward the defending place of the Mozu below.

The nature of the head is the lord of the nine sects of the sect, and the remaining dozens of celestial sects are in addition to the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect. Cracks appeared, and one by one appeared.

Looking at the place where the Mozu guards below, the nine masters frowned. The most clear situation of Cang Jiuyi here is also pretending to be frowning there.

Soon, everyone looked at the dream machine of Shenji Zong, the Xuan Tianao of the ancestor and the Hua Yu of Fu Zong.

Although Shang Dao et al. also understand some clues and avenues, they are not at the same level as Xuan Tianao and Hua Yu. The sacred dream machine of the **** machine sect has a magical power to anticipate the opportunity. And they also faintly felt that this is not simple, so they all looked forward to the three people.

Hua Yu’s brows wrinkled more and more tightly, and sighed for a long time: “You, this mystery should have been left in ancient times. I can feel that there is a seal here, but it’s mysterious. But it doesn’t seem to be Restrict access, as far as deeper things are not seen."

Xuan Tianao also nodded: "There is no natural big array here, but it can be felt that there is a road in it, but it seems to be not a squad. It is really weird."

The eyes of the monks are concentrated on the body of the dream machine, and the look of the dream machine is equally dignified:

"I can only figure out that it is extremely dangerous, and the deeper it goes, it will become more and more dangerous. It seems to be beyond the level we can handle. Therefore, I suggest that we should not go in easily until we have not figured out the situation."

The dream machine is so saying that in addition to the Shang Dao, the big monks are nodding, but it is still urgent! This is related to the life of his son, and for a moment, his son is more dangerous. I immediately said:

"But let's just stay outside and crack it?"

The dream **** machine nodded: "Yes, we need someone to go in and explore."

When the words fall, the dream machine will stop. Who is going to go in? This is a problem. The people here are all monks and gods, and even the patriarchs cannot force the great monks in the sect to take risks. These Tianzun looked at each other and quickly reached an agreement in the silent place.

That is, Tianzun is the treasure of the townsmen of all sects. Naturally, it is not easy to be in danger, so it is only waiting for those disciples who have been repaired to be lower.

Shang Dao is also very helpless. He can't force his own Tian Zun to go to risk, and he can't force other Zunmen's Tian Zun to go to risk. So only wait anxiously.

These days are not the same as doing this, and each one is also exploring the periphery of the Devil's guardian. These Tianzun are experienced people. They don’t know how many secrets they have explored in this life. After each exploration, they gather together and express their opinions, and then discuss some of them.

After seven days.

At first, some monks tried to make all their strengths and they came here quickly. There were two late deities in the early days of Xu Ziyan’s fairy boat.

Immediately after arriving here, these two landlords immediately understood why Xu Ziyan was slowly rushing here. People had already expected the situation here, and they did not want to be cannon fodder. Only they and others waited stupidly to try their best. coming.

However, the first batch of people who arrived in succession were also the masters of the Xianzun class. The patriarchs were naturally reluctant to let them take risks, but they still had to endure.

If you can't bear it, do you send the sect of the sect of the sect?

In the following ten days or so, a large number of monks below Xianzun arrived. Xiandi, Xianhuang, and Xianwang have all grades, and there are a large number of monks in the back of them who are riding crazy in the fairy boat, and the cloud baby has already reached the end, still not Flying forward slowly.

The monk who came to the following ancestors, the exploration of the interior of the Guardian of the Mozu finally began.

At the beginning, the faces of the other eight sects were not good. Because other disciples of the sects of the sacred gates arrived, only one of the celestial sects did not. Today, there are some monks of the Xianzun level.

It is said that the Cangwu sect is far away from here, and the monks in the Zongmen are too late to arrive here. But what about the clan disciples in the Stars?

Xu Ziyan, what about them?

At their speed it is impossible to reach it yet. There is only one reason for this, that is, Cang Jiuyi secretly gave them a letter to Xu Ziyan, let them ink in the back, don't worry.

This Cang Jiu is too embarrassing! Too mean!

At this time, not only Shang Dao and Meng Shenji hated to gnash their teeth, but the other six lords also had a view on Cang Jiuyi’s heart, and his face was obviously unpleasant.

Cang Jiuyi is very bachelor, very bachelor!

Immediately swearing and swearing that they did not even have a confession to Xu Ziyan, that is what happened to Xu Ziyan now, why he has not come yet, he does not know.

For the swearing of Cang Jiu, these lords still believe. The monks like them are still very awesome about Heaven and will not swear. Now that Cang Jiuyi has vowed that he has not confessed in the slightest, it should be no. But still still calmly said:

"Cang Zongzhu, is it trouble for you to pass a letter with them, let them come over as soon as possible?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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