The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1838: Purification

I am very grateful to Wu Yulin (200), who can't return to classmates (100), anna1978 (100), brothers (100), mableip (100)!


Cang Jiuyi did not hesitate in the slightest, and immediately took out the communication jade. The reason why he is so simple, it is because he has learned the things from the mouth of the two immortals who left Xu Ziyan Xianzhou, and understood the intention of Xu Ziyan. At that time, I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart, and then I glanced at the two idiotic late eyes with the idiot-like gaze, and let the two old faces look red.

In this way, he believes that since Xu Ziyan has a plan, there must be an excuse, so in the face of everyone, without hesitation, he opened the communication jade, and the lords immediately erected their ears and listened.

Can't contact Xu Ziyan!

The look of Cang Jiuyi was a glimpse, and the other lords were also sinking their faces, and the purple smoke did not accept the communication of the lord. In the eyes of the lords, Cang Jiuyi had to connect with Langyue’s communication jade. This time, the voice of Langyue was heard in the jade briefing soon:


"Longyue!" Cang Jiuyi’s voice was very harsh, and even with anger in his tone: "Why haven’t we gone to the secret land, don’t you take the sect of the sect?”

When I heard the reprimand of Cang Jiuyi, Shang Dao and other lords' faces were slow, but then their faces were a bit stiff because they heard the words from the communication jade:

"The Sovereign, we are all sitting in the fairy boat of purple smoke. The purple smoke suddenly became enlightened within the fairy boat. We can't bother her. But she doesn't wake up, we can't control her fairy boat, and it can't go away."

Cang Jiu's face was more gloomy and more sullen, and he snorted coldly: "After waiting for Xu Ziyan to wake up. Come to me immediately."

"Yes, the lord!" There was a respectful voice from Langyue.

Cang Jiuyi will summon the jade brief, and look innocently at the eight main patriarchs in front of him. The eight patriarchs are not good at this time. Only ignore the Cangwu sect, and send a few disciples of the Xianwang class to prepare to enter the land of the demon guardian.

Of course, we will not forget those small and medium-sized sects. At least one disciple is sent to each sect. There are thousands of such people, and they carefully enter the Guardian's Land.

The periphery of the Devil's Guardian Land can still be seen clearly. Although there are dark clouds covering it, the black cloud is extremely thin and can't block the eyes of these big monks.

but. The darker the cloud, the thicker it is. The big monks standing outside can't see the scene inside. The transmission of the gods can be explored farther, but there is a feeling that they are lethargic.

Therefore, the sects of all the sects did not dare to use the knowledge of God, but let the disciples who entered the Guardian of the Mozu will open the communication jade, and report the situation inside them to them.

Soon, the figures of the monks became smaller and smaller in the place where the Mozu guards. Eventually disappeared. However, the jade briefs from the hands of the various sects are constantly coming out of their different reports.

"Sovereign, I picked a bunch of endless grass."

"The lord, I dug a piece of ink."


The monks who heard these sounds all brightened their eyes, and there were really many treasures in them!

"The Sovereign, I found a dead grass!"

In the hands of a medium-sized sect, the singer of the jade singer came out with a voice of excitement.

"Boom ~ ~" all the monks outside are excited!

Not dead grass! The legendary undead grass!

"Shao Dongming, you dare to grab my undead grass!" Suddenly the angry voice of the disciple was passed from the communication jade, and then the ping-pong sound of fighting was heard. When the head of the lord was dark, he asked:

"Which sect is Shao Dongming?"

"Our **** machine, do you have opinions?" Dream God said faintly.

"........." The sect of the medium-sized Zongmen was unwilling to look down, but only bowed his head.

"The Sovereign. There is a demon attack!"

"The Sovereign has a lot of devils..."

Then there was a sound of fairy screaming in the jade. All the monks outside are a tight look. At this point they have been unable to see what happened inside, and only rely on the monks inside to pass the situation out of the jade.

"The sovereign, the strength of the devil is getting stronger and stronger, we can't stand it."

"Withdraw!" The **** machine lord was the first to order. Later, other sovereigns also ordered.

After half an hour, the monks began to escape from the land of the Mozu guards. After two quarters of an hour, only about a thousand people escaped from the inside, and the remaining thousands of people undoubtedly died inside.

Then these monks began to explain in detail to their respective sects what happened inside. After waiting for these lords to finish listening, they had a general understanding of the land of the Mozu guards.

There is a demon in it, and the more you go, the higher the order of the devil. As for the extent of the high, these disciples did not find out because they did not enter so deep.

What's more, there seems to be a loss of vitality in this mystery, and the more the battle with the devil is, the faster the loss is. Many of the monks who died in it were not killed by the devil, but they suddenly stunned in the past and were killed by the demon.

So everyone understands that no matter what the mystery of this mystery is, if you want to get there, you must first break the cloud of darkness. I must have broken these black clouds, and I should let the danger of losing the chance of life be removed.

This mystery must be broken. Now these monks have already seen that this secret should belong to the Mozu. I don't know what precious things are there in the Mozu.

Now there is a demon sacred place in the West, and now there is a mysterious mystery here. If you can't completely destroy this secret, you will be discovered by the Mozu. I have to go to the inside of the Mozu. What worries them most is that if there is a complete inheritance of the Mozu here, it is definitely a disaster for the Terran. So no matter how hard it is. No matter how many people die, this mysterious mystery must be cracked.

But how do you need to crack?

The nine sects of the patriarchs were immersed in contemplation, half-sounding, and dreaming. Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao raised their heads, and the three men looked at each other and said two words at the same time:


When these two words come out, everyone is ashamed, isn’t the best way to deal with the Mozu is to purify it?

The best way to purify these black clouds is the flame.

Hua Yu said: "You, I need a lot of fire attributes, and then set up a fire attribute array around the entire secret. However, a character array may not be able to purify this secret magic."

Xuan Tianao said: "I can arrange a large flame. I need a lot of fire attributes."

The dream machine also sighed and said: "My **** machine has a **** machine array, and it needs 128,000 fire attribute emperor disciples, so that our three joints should be able to break this secret."

Other sovereigns nodded, and then regardless of the main gate or the small and medium-sized sects, they began to levy their own fire attributes Xianfu and Xianjing, as well as the fire attribute Xiandi.

Soon, nearly a month has passed. All aspects have been prepared, and at this time, Xu Ziyan and others also took the cloud baby.

At this time, no one was going to pay attention to them. Hua Yu directed the Fu Zong disciples in the layout. Xuan Tianao is commanding the disciples to set up a flame. The dream machine is set up a point outside the big array, and then directs one of the emperors to stand at that point. These emperors can only give the power of fire attributes, and the dream gods personally preside over the big array. .

Cang Jiuyi now has a deep understanding of Xu Ziyan. He called Xu Ziyan to his side and asked Xu Ziyan through his knowledge:

"Ziyan, do you think this can break the place where the Mozu guards?"

Xu Ziyan is slightly indulged, she has been observing for a long time. I really admire the dream machine. Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao three. Moreover, it is also the strength of the shocking Terran, the 128,000 fire attribute Xiandi, this is the levy. When I saw the words of the Sovereign, I also replied with God:

"There are three big alliances. It should be able to break the guardian of the demon. It is just that the **** pagoda that the master said has not been able to purify."

Cang Jiuyi nodded and said: "As long as we can break the guardian of the demon, let us go in and say it. Under the **** pagoda. We will find another way."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

"Right, are you coming so late, is it really an epiphany?"

Xu Ziyan smiled embarrassedly and smiled: "At the beginning, I just wanted to delay the time. Later, I didn't think of real epiphany. After I left the ancestor, I have been comprehending the meaning, and I continue to understand when I am free in the fairy boat. I did not expect to get an epiphany, I am now a product of the inferior fairy."

“Really?” Cang Jiu’s eyes lit up.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan also nodded with a look of joy.

Everyone is waiting for the next day, waiting for the completion of the three large arrays. During this time, there are still monks from all over the country who are constantly coming, and even some scattered repairs come from the wind.

After another eleven days, the three big arrays were finally laid.

At this time, I saw Hua Yu erected in the air and constantly smashed the sleek handcuffs. The ray of light hangs from the sky and slams into the array.

Xu Ziyan is staring at Hua Yu's handcuffs. Now she is also the inferior fairy charm teacher. For Hua Yu's handcuffs, she can also realize that it is 60%.


The entire space suddenly burst into a big fire, surrounded by the demon's guarded land, and pushed forward. I saw that the dark clouds of the Mozu guards were surging and were being refining.

"Good!" All the monks couldn't help but smile.

Hua Yu returned from the air, and Xuan Tianao began to launch a large array. In less than a quarter of an hour, the entire array released a hot flame, and began to superimpose with the power of the Fu, to the black cloud of the Devil's guardian land. And go.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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