The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1843: Gossip mirror

Cang Jiuyi was shocked and opened his mouth. Huo Ran turned to look at Xu Ziyan. At this time, he also refused to look at other things. His eyes were full of shock. He knows the five attributes of Xu Ziyan. It is said that she has also made the light attribute on the stage of the nine-level grand ceremony. Now she said that she has the gas of life. How many spiritual roots does she have?

Is she... a enchanting?

"Call~~" Cang Jiuqi spit out a sigh of relief, and he said in his heart: "I am afraid that only such a enchanting genius will be seen by the great powers of ancient times?"

"Decision?" Cang Jiuyi asked seriously.

"Decision!" Xu Ziyan nodded seriously.

"Good!" Cang Jiuyi seriously nodded: "Ziyan, you can rest assured that there is a sacred sect, as long as the sect is not destroyed, you will be well-guarded."

"Xie Zongzhu!"

"You come with me."

Cang Jiuyi flew toward the endless gold, and the other sects were very curious to see Cang Jiuyan flying with Xu Ziyan to the endless gold. There was nothing to do at this time, and they all flew toward the endless gold.

"I have seen Jin Lao Ge, I have seen your brother and your lords!" After Xu Ziyan respectfully gave the ceremony, he stood quietly.

"Little girl, what are you doing here?" Jin asked inexplicably and confusedly, suddenly remembered that there was ancient power behind Xu Ziyan, is there any way for Xiaomei.

Xu Ziyan’s face was calm and whispered: “I have cultivated the gas of life.”

"What?" Gold was stunned first, then ecstatic, and then a look of worry.

At the same time, the other lords were also ecstatic on the face, and the mountains were running out of water, suddenly coming out of a monk who cultivated the gas of life. This can't help but make them happy.

"Little girl!" Jin is endless but said with a bitter look: "The old brother refining this inferior fairy treasure, once you start to input the gas of life, it will automatically extract the vitality of your body, until it Saturated. Or you will be drained. You..."

At this time, the road suddenly interrupted: "No matter what, try it."

Jin endlessly squinted at the road, said faintly: "If the life of the purple smoke is not enough, even if she is sucked into a person. This congenital fairy can not start. And the start of this congenital fairy must be that own The monk of the gas of life refines it before it can start it. If the purple smoke is dead, it is the life of the innate fairy, and this congenital fairy can't start."

If the slogan is still stagnation, the gold is endless. If this is the case, then it must be like this. After all, this congenital fairy treasure is gold endlessly refined, no one knows more than him. When I think of it, I can’t help but feel annoyed in my heart. Just a hand:

"What do you say?"

"Let me try it!" Xu Ziyan said softly, extending his hand to the endless gold.

Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao remembered the time when they saved the endless money and Liu Jinsong. When they activated the cockroach, Xu Ziyan’s shocking fairy power reserve, his eyes could not help. Since the younger sister dared to give it a try, she might be sure. Hua Yu could not help but open the way:

"Little girl, are you really sure?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I don't know. But always try. Otherwise, when the Gorefiend grows up, it is the catastrophe of the Terran. For the future of the Terran, Ziyan does not hesitate."

The nine masters heard Xu Ziyan’s words, and the look of each one was solemn, and there was a trace of respect for Xu Ziyan’s eyes. It is the dream machine and the monk is no exception. Although they are still hostile to Xu Ziyan, they do not prevent them from having a trace of respect for Xu Ziyan.

Can make sacrifices for the human race, such people deserve respect, whether it is her friend or his enemy.

The look of Jin’s endless face hesitated, and finally sighed. The gossip mirror was handed to the Xu Zi flue:

"First refine it!"

"Yes! Older brother!"

Xu Ziyan took over the gossip mirror. I immediately sat on the ground and started refining.

Hold the gossip mirror in your arms and release the gas of life in Dantian, condensing between your hands. The eyebrows transmit a glimpse of the spirit and cover the gossip mirror. Refined little by little.

The eyes of the nine main masters are all bright. They also have a basic understanding of Xu Ziyan. They know that Xu Ziyan has five spiritual roots, and recently found that she has the spiritual root of light. If she said that the body has the gas of life, these lords still have doubts in their hearts. But when the life gas in Xu Ziyan spread out from both hands, the nine masters were relieved with a soft breath.

Cang Jiuyi, Liu Jinsong, Hua Yu, Jin Wuwei and Xuan Tianao’s face are full of joy, Xu Ziyan is stronger, which proves that she will be valued by the power behind her. In the future, these people who have made a good relationship with Xu Ziyan are also able to Get some benefits.

The look of Luo Bufan and the flower fairy is somewhat complicated. They have not speculated about the forces behind Xu Ziyan, and they have not thought about it at all. I just saw that Cangwu had such a genius as Xu Ziyan. Nowadays, although the four ancestors of the Danfu genus are in alliance with Cangwuzong, Luo Tianzong and Baihuazong, the two people are aware that the four majors of the Danfu Array are mainly The Cangwu ancestors, Luo Tianzong and Baihuazong are just incidental.

This has to make them both worry about the future of their own sect. If the Cangwu sect is gradually strongened by the purple smoke, will it form a true alliance with the four ancestors of the sect, and abandon Luo Tianzong and Baihuazong.

Shang Dao and Meng Shenji looked at Xu Ziyan, and the look in his eyes kept changing. The qualifications of Xu Ziyan can be seen to be very amazing. It is inevitable that there will be a sense of killing in the heart. If Xu Ziyan is allowed to grow up, this is definitely the strongest competitor of the future of the Stars and the Gods.

However, it is very difficult to kill Xu Ziyan at this time. It is conceivable that since then, Xu Ziyan will certainly be under the strict protection of Cangwu. And killing Xu Ziyan can not kill the land of light, in that case, it will definitely be exchanged for the death of the celestial sect. And that would also give hostility to all the sects of the entire Yuan dynasty.

how? People have a genius in Zongmen, will you kill? Then if we have a genius in the future? Do you want to kill?

This is the difference between the Terran and the Devil, the Yaozu.

The Mozu and the Yaozu are complete rules of the jungle. As long as they are strong enough, they can override all rules. And the weak have a natural level of fear for the strong.

But the Terran is different, and there are rules of the Terran. The strong can override the rules, but not all rules. Otherwise, it will be regarded as a demon by the Terran, causing the siege of the entire Terran.

Shang Dao and Meng Shen Ji hide the killing in the heart very well, surrounded by big monks, if you reveal a little, it will be discovered immediately. Moreover, the two men gradually buried their minds in the deepest part of their hearts, and their mood gradually recovered. The look on their faces was no different from other sovereigns.

Because the two of them suddenly want to understand one thing, they have time and opportunity to deal with Xu Ziyan in the future. The potential of Xu Ziyan is very strong, but it is precisely because of her strong potential that her cultivation will be extremely slow and even stagnant.

Those monks with a single attribute Linggen use a single effort, and Xu Ziyan will use six points or even seven points to make the realm. It is a difficult thing to cultivate Xianxian. It is difficult for a single-skilled Lingen monk to improve one step. What's more, Xu Ziyan is a qualification that transcends five attributes?

It is not such a large-scale sect of the sect of the sacred domain or the sacred sect of the sect. It is not necessary to cultivate Xu Ziyan, unless Xu Ziyan has a big chance different from others, or has a high degree of savvy, and enhances cultivation by constantly comprehending the meaning of attributes.

But is this possible?

The savvy of one is higher, and it is impossible to reach that level. Unless she can have the ancient Taoist tea, and there must be a lot, it is the kind of drink every day.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan will not have any threat to them for a long and long time, but they can always pay attention to Xu Ziyan. As long as the Cangwu Zong gives them a little chance, they will kill Xu Ziyan.

I have figured it all out, and Shang Dao and Meng Shenji temporarily put down the killing of Xu Ziyan. After all, it is still necessary to use Xu Ziyan, killing the Gorefiend is the most important thing now.

After spending a day and a night, Xu Ziyan’s face showed exhaustion, but the eyebrows revealed a joy. The gossip mirror began to shrink rapidly, and finally turned into a little streamer hidden in the body of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and smiled at everyone. Then take out the suit of Xiandan and start to adjust the interest rate.

After half a day.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes again, and his mind was moving. The gossip mirror appeared in her hand. At this time, the look of the nine masters became dignified. Can we finally eliminate the Gorefiend? It depends on whether Xu Ziyan can make this gossip. The mirror is full of life.

When you are full, you can eliminate the Gorefiend and avoid a catastrophe.

Note is not satisfied, Xu Ziyan will be sucked into the adult to die.

Looking up at Cang Jiuyi, I saw the dignity of Cang Jiuyi’s face. Xu Ziyan smiled and took a deep breath, then began to infuse the gas into the gossip mirror.

The gossip mirror has a white light, and Xu Ziyan has just begun to infuse the gas of life. The eight plaques on the gossip mirror began to turn, and immediately produced a strong suction from the gossip mirror. The gas of life in the body is continuously absorbed into the gossip mirror.

The time of four hours has passed. This gossip mirror is like a bottomless pit, still madly absorbing the life of Xu Ziyan.

Eight hours have passed, and Xu Ziyan’s face has lost its blush.

The time of twelve hours passed, and Xu Ziyan’s face began to pale.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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