The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1844: Fighting blood

I am very grateful to the students in the soil (500), mableip (300), Yan Zhen (200), Wu Yulin (200), drifting in the wind, 壹叶小舟(100), Mi Qingluo ( 100), the family has a reward for the Spring and Autumn classmates (100)!


This gossip mirror absorbs the speed of life too fast, and in a day's time, it will almost absorb the life gas in Xu Ziyan Dantian.

At this time, the nine masters also saw the difficulty of Xu Ziyan, and it seems that they have been unable to support it. The faces of each one become very dignified, and Cang Jiuyi is anxious and his face is full of anxiety.


Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart and opened the power of the hole. It is very troublesome to infuse the gossip mirror with the force of the hole. First, she must run the force of the hole in the body for a large Sunday, and then send it into Dantian. Then, through the operation of the Taiji diagram in Dantian, the gas of life is generated, and then Drawn from inside Dandan. As a result, the utilization rate of a hole is less than 50%.

The eyes of the nine masters have been paying attention to Xu Ziyan. After seeing her face pale and pale, she suddenly began to have a faint blush, which made the heart of Cang Jiuyi shake. Not secretly exclaimed:

“Is it true that the purple smoke has returned to the light?”

But after an hour, Xu Ziyan's face became pale again, and then it became a blush. Repeatedly, the nine sovereigns did not understand.

After nine more hours, Xu Ziyan opened a total of nineteen points, and finally filled this gossip mirror. And Xu Ziyan still can't stop. She must maintain the gossip mirror, and let the life of the gossip mirror escape.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and said to the nine masters: "Let's go!"

The nine major masters nodded and protected Xu Ziyan in the middle. Ten people flew up and flew to the tower in the center of the demon's guardian.

Above the tower, a giant face of Gorefiend floats in the air. When Xu Ziyan and other ten people approached the tower, the Gorefiend suddenly screamed. The screams are full of instinctive fears.


The whole giant face slammed open, and the blood cloud turned into a sky shrouded over ten people like Xu Ziyan. At the same time, he lowered the tentacles of the sky, and densely entangled with Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes revealed tension, although she heard that Xiaomumu said that the gas of life is the nemesis of the Gorefiend, but she has not seen it, and her heart is not sure.

If you bite your teeth, you can only try hard.

One hand and one hand. The gossip mirror was sacrificed, and the gossip mirror instantly penetrated the blood cloud, hung high in the air above the blood cloud, and enlarged to infinity.

The light of life is plunging from the horizon, covering the blood cloud.


The Gorefiend sent a sorrowful mourning, the blood cloud rushed, and the dense **** tentacles in the air. Then he became more fierce and entangled with ten people like Xu Ziyan.

The nine masters immediately opened the shield, and Xu Ziyan also fully opened the sea soul, and at the same time, the water of the palm of the hand formed a defense on his body surface, and then he did not feel at ease, but also used the fairy power to prop up. A shield.

Thousands of tentacles fell from the sky, entangled ten people tightly, and ten people's shields shrank toward the blood clouds in the sky.

The nine masters and Xu Ziyan immediately took out their own fairy wares and separated the tentacles. In particular, the nine masters used most of their energy to protect Xu Ziyan. Because the gossip mirror still needs Xu Ziyan to control, if Xu Ziyan has something wrong. The gossip mirror also lost its effect.

From the current situation. The gossip mirror is obviously the Venus of the Gorefiend, and now it depends on who can hold on to the end.

With the protection of the nine masters, Xu Ziyan has a lot of ease, and most of his energy is used to control the gossip mirror. The gossip mirror shines. The whole sky is a dazzling white, in the white light. It was a blood cloud that was tumbling sharply, accompanied by a screaming scream. At the same time, the thousands of **** tentacles entangled the nine masters and Xu Ziyan more tightly, and the "嗖" slammed ten people into the blood cloud.

As soon as he entered the blood cloud, the tentacles became more and more, and ten people had been entangled in layers. At this time, the nine masters were anxious, waving the fairy to break through the layers of tentacles. Need to break these tentacles to protect the purple smoke. Otherwise, it is not difficult to leave here with their cultivation. But the surrounding blood clouds are too dense, and the tentacles are very dense, so that they have lost the trace of Xu Ziyan.

The knowledge of God was limited within the blood cloud, and the nine sovereigns were anxious.


The nine great masters tore up the blood cloud and rushed out, and stood on top of the blood cloud, shrouded in the light of the Eight Diagrams mirror. The gas of life spilled on them, and some of the **** tentacles that clung to them immediately vanished, and the body was refreshed.

The look of the nine masters is slightly relaxed, and since the gossip mirror is still running, it proves that the situation of Xu Ziyan has not been the worst. However, it is now necessary to find Xu Ziyan as soon as possible and protect her by her side.

The dream **** machine swept the blood cloud below, and hurriedly shouted: "The nine of us entered from the position of the Nine Palaces, and then searched for the position of the Nakamiya. We must find Xu Ziyan as soon as possible."

Deep in the blood cloud, Xu Ziyan secretly released a palm of water to the outside of the body, forming a bubble-like shield, and then exchanged with the water of a palm, learned from the water of a palm, with the Gorefiend now When the realm still didn't hurt it, Xu Ziyan finally felt relieved.

The water of one palm is taken back to the body surface to form a defensive film, and then a half-step congenital fairy symbol is released. A protective cover is formed outside the sea soul scorpion robes, and then there is no dodge, nor blood. The battle of the devil, just sitting cross-legged in the blood cloud, quietly control the gossip mirror.

Outside the land of the Mozu guards, nearly a million monks looked at the gossip mirror in the sky and the blood cloud that was shrinking in the white light, and the faces of each one showed a happy color.

In the crowd, take a bucket of blood and look at the blood cloud in the air, the eyes are full of worry, the heart secretly thinks:

"Look at the power of the gossip mirror, the purple smoke should be fine!"

Deep in the blood cloud, the sound of "啵", the plaque released by Xu Ziyan formed a shield that was shattered by thousands of tentacles. Xu Ziyan just wanted to release another one. Suddenly, the heart moved and stood still, just by the sea. The shield of the soul robes is supporting.

The blood cloud rushed, and a figure emerged from the blood cloud. Xu Ziyan looked at it with a glance. The people who come out of the blood cloud are not others, and it is the sect of the sect of the sect.

Xu Ziyan was on alert and she did not know if she would kill herself by this opportunity. It depends on the life of Xu Ziyan and the elimination of the Gorefiend in the heart of Shang Dao.

Shang Dao’s figure stood in front of Xu Ziyan, and there was a slight hesitation in his eyes. But only in an instant, opened the shield and shrouded Xu Ziyan inside, and then waved the fairy to bombard the dense tentacles.

Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that such a big monk like Shang Dao, private thoughts and greedy hearts are there, and it is very likely to be extremely heavy. However, it is also a big difference between the big and the big. Otherwise, it is impossible to go to the present level and become the master of the celestial domain.

"Xu Ziyan!"

Suddenly, the voice of the Shangdao was heard in the ear, and Xu Ziyan could not help but look forward to Shang Dao. Seeing the Shang Dao at this time, the **** devil's tentacles was shattered, and the secret passage was made into the secret passage:

"Can you leave the celestial sect and join the sect of the sect?"

Xu Ziyan is a glimpse. She did not think that Shang Dao would give her the meaning of solicitation. Still not waiting for her to shake her head and refuse, the voice of Shang Dao came again:

"You can rest assured that you want to join us in the celestial domain. I will train you with ten times the resources that Cang Zong has given you. You should also be very clear. Although your potential is huge, you have a variety of attributes, but it is also Because of this, your road to cultivation will be very difficult. To be realistic, it is almost impossible for you to enter the Xianzun period in your life. But with the support of our Stars, you have hope."

Xu Ziyan was silent, did not shake his head and refused, and did not nod his promise.

She can't promise Shang Dao. Whether she has established a family base in Cangwu Zong or her feelings for a Jianfeng, she can't promise the way, but she can't refuse. In this case, she refuses. Knowing if you will be irritated, you will kill yourself on the spot.

The blood cloud was again turbulent, and a figure rushed in. Xu Ziyan looked up and took a sigh of relief. It was Cang Jiuyan who came.

Seeing the figure of Shang Dao, Cang Jiu’s eyes were nervous. But when he saw that Shang Dao had a shield covering Xu Ziyan, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. I hurriedly came to the side of Xu Ziyan and Shang Dao together propped up the shield to protect Xu Ziyan.

A quarter of an hour later, other sovereigns found it here, and nine people joined forces to prop up the shield and shrouded Xu Ziyan in the middle. This time they formed a formation, and it was impossible for Gorefiend to separate them again. After all, the Gorefiend at this time is still low.

Gradually, the faces of Xu Ziyan and the nine masters showed a happy color. The surrounding blood cloud became lighter and thinner, and the tentacles became less and less. This proves that the Gorefiend is about to be eliminated.

After another hour, the whole blood cloud has disappeared. The body shape of Xu Ziyan and the nine masters appeared. The protective cover was scattered and looked into the air. In the envelope of the gossip mirror, only the fist-sized group The blood is rolling. Everyone’s face has a relaxed color, and this Gorefiend is finally dead.

Outside the land where the Mozu guards, the gaze of Wanli looked at the purple purple fluttering in the air, and the eyes showed a gratifying color, and the heart was dark:

"After this incident, the name of Ziyan is probably famous all over the world. Presumably, the cruel Shaodi should also hear the name of Ziyan, and soon come to meet with Ziyan. I really look forward to the master of refining. one sight."

The 10,000-meter figure faded in the air and left quietly.

Xu Ziyan’s face suddenly changed, and he said in a hurry: “Not good!”


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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