The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1845: Gongde monument

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan’s body shape swayed, and he came to the front of the gossip mirror in the air, and one hand went to the gossip mirror to open the force of the acupoints, running to the Dantian in the body, and passing the Taiji figure in Dantian for life. The gas rushed out of Dantian and poured into the gossip mirror.

At this time, the nine masters also saw the changes in the gossip mirror, and realized that it was not good. It turns out that the gas of life in the gossip mirror will be exhausted, and it is obvious that the light released by the gossip mirror is rapidly dimming. The nine masters couldn't help but look at the **** fog. When they saw that the blood fog had been refining to the size of the thumb, as long as the gossip mirror could last for a while, it would be able to completely refine it.

However, Xu Ziyan has no life in Dantian today, and he has to rely on the power of the hole to transform. That is to say, in this conversion effort, the gas of life in the gossip mirror consumed the last trace, and the mask that covered the Gorefiend disappeared.


The thumb-sized Gorefiend suddenly broke into two pieces, one flew toward the **** tower, and the section suddenly disappeared without a trace.


The gossip mirror once again released the light, and the life of Xu Ziyan was finally poured into the gossip mirror. The light shone in the half of the bloodstain who fled toward the **** tower, and set it in the air.

Originally, the Gorefiend had two cuts, and it had already suffered a lot of blood. At this time, it was only taken by the eight mirrors, but it was turned into fly ash between the beards.

While Xu Ziyan continued to infuse the gas of life into the gossip mirror, he opened the eyes of Kuangpeng and glanced around, trying to find the half-blooded demon that disappeared.

At this time, the dream machine also took out an octagonal compass and hurriedly deduced.

Kuang Peng’s eyes swept away and he did not find the trace of half of the bloodsucker. Xu Ziyan was in a hurry. Immediately ask Xiaomumu in the Yuanshen:

"Small wood, why did the Gorefiend suddenly break into two?"

Xiaomumu was silent for a while: "The Gorefiend is not mature yet, so if he wants to leave, he must cut his own roots. And that root should be inside the **** tower. So he broke himself into two pieces. I want to return to the tower. As long as you can't break the tower, he can slowly recover. The other is to look far, once you break the tower, kill him. At that point, he can also use the escape to survive.

And in addition to the natural gas of his life, the Gorefiend is no longer able to trap him and refine him. That is to say, he can ignore the space constraints and freely cross the space barrier. ”

Xu Ziyan heard the change of his voice, and immediately passed the secret to tell the secrets of Cang Jiuyi who had been standing by his side. Cang Jiuyi’s words were also a big change in his face, and he immediately spoke out these secrets. The faces of the sects have changed, and they all look at the dream machine. At this point everyone knows that he is there to calculate the direction of the Gorefiend.

After listening to the words of Cang Jiu, the dream machine also realized the seriousness of the problem. The so-called wildfire is not burning. The spring breeze is born again. If you let Gorefiend find a place that no one knows, grow slowly, and when he matures, it is the beginning of the catastrophe.

Therefore, the dream machine also used all the power at this time, and there was a huge virtual image of the heart behind him. It was the seven-year-old heart, slowly spinning. One by one.

Suddenly, the dream machine lifted his eyes and said: "Follow me!"

When the words fell, the space was torn open and they went in. The other eight masters also rushed into the space crack with the dream machine, and Cang Jiuyi also smashed the sleeves and Xu Ziyan into the big sleeves.

Xu Ziyan must bring it! Otherwise, if you catch up with Gorefiend, who will destroy him?

As the dream machine moves through the space, it keeps counting, and the seven bright hearts behind it turn faster and faster, and his face becomes paler and paler.

One layer of space was broken, and the nine masters traversed in one space. Finally, the dream **** machine stood in the sky above a lake in a jungle, and said:

"found it!"

His voice did not fall, and he saw a **** light coming out of the lake. Just a flash and disappeared.

"See where you fled?"

The dream machine took a look at the compass. He tore the space and traced it to the Gorefiend, behind him is the eight masters. The nine great masters on this road kept discovering the hiding places of the Gorefiend, but as soon as they appeared, the Gorefiend immediately fled. Do not give the Cangwu Zong a chance to release Xu Ziyan.

This escape is a day.

Don't underestimate this day. To know that these nine masters are tearing the space, this day does not know how many small worlds have passed, even if it is repaired by Heaven, it is also a little difficult at this time.

A **** light crossed the sky, and after a while, the West, for a while, finally seemed to be determined to fly to the mountains in the north.


The blood was drilled into a mountain that was not eye-catching.

The space was rippling, and nine figures appeared. It was the nine patriarchs.

The dream machine looked down at the compass and his eyes locked on the humble mountain. The condensate said:

"right here!"

The nine chiefs immediately fixed their eyes on the mountain, but what surprised them was that the Gorefiend did not escape again. When Cang Jiuyi released Xu Ziyan from the big sleeve, he asked:

"Dream Lord, the Gorefiend has sneaked away?"

The dream machine looked down at the compass and shook his head. "No, he is inside this mountain."

Listening to the dream of the **** machine, the other eight masters are a dignified face. Before that Gorefiend was all the way to escape, but at this time it did not escape. There is only one possibility, that is, Gorefiend has found a reliance on the gas of life here.

Shang Dao raised his hand and gathered a big hand in the air. He pinched the big hand in his hand and looked inside. The whole mountain turned into mud. It turned into a plain in front of me.

The sky is dusty and can't see the things inside. Shang Dao’s big sleeves waved, and the air suddenly overflowed with hurricanes, but the dust was swept away in an instant.

All the people are gazing, in their vision, at the bottom of the mountain, now has become a flat in the center of a stone, a white jade stone.

The white jade stone is engraved with three large characters: "gongde monument".

It is engraved with texts from ancient times. These great masters have some understanding of ancient scriptures and recognize the names engraved on them.

The dream machine looks at the merits and inscriptions: "This...should be a monument of merit left over from ancient times. The names above should be people who made significant contributions to the Terran. Just don't know why it will flow here."

If the words fall, the big hand will want to put this piece of merits, but find that it can not be put away. Several other sects saw the move of the dream machine, and the face was changed. The body shape swayed and surrounded the dream machine.

Although this meritorious monument does not know its function today, it is undoubtedly a treasure. Such a treasure dream machine wants to get rid of it first, how do the other eight masters agree?

But after encircling the dream machine, the look of these eight people is another glimpse. That dream machine did not even take the meritorious monument?

Nine people glanced at each other, and the figure once again swayed around the Gongde monument. The eight masters seemed to have forgotten that the dream machine wanted to swallow the monument. The dream machine seemed to have forgotten that the eight masters had just surrounded. His behavior, nine pairs of eyes are on the merits.

Such a thing Xu Ziyan is not able to plug in, only standing to look far. Shang Dao’s eyes swept through the other eight masters, fearing that the other eight masters had misunderstood him and said to him, whispered:

"I'll try?"

The eight masters looked at each other and then nodded lightly, but they all locked in the way. The look of Shang Dao became dignified, and while holding out the eight masters, he extended his hand.

The hand quickly zoomed in the air and grabbed the monument. The hand was so eager to encounter the meritorious monument that he saw the sudden brilliance of the meritorious deeds, and the fairy charms flowed, and the big hand of Shang Dao was bounced out.


The heart of Shang Dao was shocked. Although he did not use his full strength, he was the peak of Tian Zun! How could it not even catch a small stone monument? Some of the faces couldn’t be hanged, and the strength was increased again, but the result was still bounced off by the light on the merits and the flowing charm. In the heart of Shang Dao’s heart, he used his full strength and slammed it toward the stone monument.


The glory of the merits and the glory of the monuments suddenly rose, not only the Shangdao earthquake, but even the eight masters were implicated, the body shape was shaken out. Fortunately, Xu Ziyan has been standing in the distance, which also feels that the wind is blowing, the standing is unstable, and the figure is stepping back on the ground.

This time, the nine masters were shocked. Looking at the merits and monuments one by one, they suddenly fought a cold war between the nine major masters. They also speculated on the origin of this meritorious monument. The nine great masters looked at each other and finally said that the dream machine whispered:

"Everyone, I think everyone's heart has also speculated that this meritorious deed should be the object of the immortal sage in the ancient times."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked, and he looked at the other eight masters, but he saw that the eight masters gently nodded. When the dream machine saw the eight mains nods, he continued:

"If this meritorious deed is really made by the ancient lords, and the name engraved on it is indeed the name of the people who made the great sages in ancient times, so this meritorious deed is bound to be favored by the heavens, my view The flowing fairy has no artificial traces and is as natural as the heavens. If there is no speculation, it is the protection of the merits of Heaven, and we simply cannot have any way to make this merit."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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