The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1847: Gorefiend flower

Xuan Tian's figure was shaped, and a piece of the best fairy crystal appeared around Xu Ziyan. A Shi Ling array was set up around Xu Ziyan. The arrangement of the Shi Ling array was larger than that of the last time. The strength of Tiandi Yuanli and the best fairy crystals madly converge toward the body of Xu Ziyan.

When Liu Jinsong was preparing to take Xiandan for the second time in Xu Ziyan, he also handed Xu Ziyan a bottle of congenital immortal in time. So with the help of the inferior immortal Xiandan and Shi Lingji, it took only one day of effort, and Xu Ziyan will Dantian. And all the holes are restored to the peak.

Moreover, Xu Ziyan’s delight is that his cultivation is still intensive. Under the circumstance of consuming the inner strength of the body, with the help of the inferior immortal Xiandan and Shi Lingji, it was originally in the Xingyuan Zongyuan Lidong. Once again, the deep accumulation of Xianyuan has been upgraded, and it has reached the critical point of breakthrough.

When he grabbed the gossip mirror, he began to infuse the life with the gas. When everyone saw that Xu Ziyan had completely recovered, he began to infuse the gas into the gossip mirror, and he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the blood tower. If you don't change your look, you will see that the **** pattern on the blood tower is gradually recovering. If the purple smoke fills the gas of life, and the **** pattern is completely restored, then it will not purify the **** pattern forever.

As a result, the eyes of the monks kept on and on the Xu Ziyan and the blood tower, and they all looked forward to Xu Ziyan being able to hurry a little faster.

Finally, when the blood color pattern recovered to less than two-thirds, Xu Ziyan once again sent the gossip mirror to the air.


The monks also breathed a sigh of relief, and even the nine masters were no exception.

After four hours, the **** patterns on the blood tower have been purified to less than one-third. Xu Ziyan once again collected the empty gossip mirror and then entered the interest rate again.

Naturally, Xuan Tianao gave Xu Ziyan a set of release spirits, and Liu Jinsong once again provided Xu Ziyan with the inferior Xiandan. After the recovery of Xu Ziyan's interest rate has been restored, I have already felt that the immortal force contained in my body has infinitely approached the critical point of breakthrough.

Press to hold the excitement in your heart. Once again, the gossip mirror was sacrificed to the top of the spire, and at this time the blood-colored streak on the tower had not recovered to half. In this third purification, it finally collapsed completely. The cursed pattern disappeared completely. The **** tower became dark red.

The hearts of the monks screamed, this is a relic that has been passed down from ancient times!

Who knows what will happen in the mountains?

Perhaps there are all kinds of innate treasures and various cheats, such as elixir.

The dream machine moves forward, and the other eight masters also move in step, Xu Ziyan naturally refuses to lag behind, and follows behind.

The dream **** machine, the monk and the left, stood in front of the gate and looked at each other. They each extended a hand and pushed toward the door.


The sound seems to have come from ancient times. With a dusty breath...

The two doors receded toward the inside, presenting the world inside to the monks.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked into the inside, and he saw an extremely wide world, as if it were boundless, but it was very dark inside, shrouded in dark red light.

As the footsteps of the nine great masters entered the tower, the heart was inexplicably happy.

Just happy. Xu Ziyan did not know, just felt that the heart was happy. The face unconsciously showed a smile, and the corner of her mouth was lifted. At this time, she could not wait to stay here for a lifetime, enjoy this joy, and never leave this place again.

Beyond the gate, there are constantly monks coming in.

Soon, nearly a million monks entered the tower, but there was still no feeling of crowding. Instead, it felt that the nearly one million monks were so small in the tower. The space around it is still unseen.

In their field of vision. I was able to see a huge mountain with a high insertion cloud in the distance, blocking their sight.

The nine masters suddenly moved, flying toward the towering peaks in the distance, and Xu Ziyan and others followed. As they got closer and closer to the mountain, they saw a huge cliff in the mountain. It seems to have been smashed out by a sword, but on the cliff is engraved with a large font.

The fonts are full of power, a kind of emotional mixed mood, grief, humiliation, disdain, contempt, unwilling...

Nearly a million monks floated in the air and looked over the cliffs.

"I am a dark demon lord, who has been invited by the devil to be demon, and led the thirty-six demon statues, seventy-two demon statues, one hundred and eight small demon statues and millions of demon monks in the forest and the human race. decisive battle.

At the time when the two sides fought the most fiercely, the despicable people had already had a premeditated plan. The people’s seven passions suddenly appeared. When my noble Mozu was not prepared, the seven towers were used to collect the majority of the devils in the tower. ......"

There are nearly a thousand words on the entire cliff. It is the devil's demeaning and shameless, but nearly a million human monks have no anger, but they are very happy.

In my heart, I feel that the Mozu should have been killed. The more you kill, the better. The Seven Loves are really great. It has already begun to have a lot of joy on the faces of some people, and this joy seems to be contagious. The brows of all the monks are full of joy, and more and more people are involved in the joy.

All the monks flew to the side of the mountain with joy, and as soon as they flew over the endless mountains, they saw a plain.


The joy of this time is even greater. Some people already have the tendency to dance and dance. In front of them, the vast plains are full of wreckage, the wreckage of monks, the demon, and the people. There are countless fairy or magic weapons between the wreckage. Of course, there are storage rings. As for what is in the storage ring, almost all the monks began to imagine in their minds.


The shallow laughter of joy filled the space, and the monks rushed to the plain like a madman, rushing to the wreckage, rushing to the fairyware everywhere, and the storage ring everywhere...

Xu Ziyan’s face was filled with joy and rushed to the plains. Suddenly, her forward-looking figure stopped and stood in the air.

That is because the water of Zhang Zhi, who has been in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, feels the emotional disorder of Xu Ziyan. He immediately turned his own body into a Guqin, and played Long Fengming in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

This dragon and phoenix sounded, and the purple **** of Xu Ziyan was clear, and his eyes recovered.

Looking at the next four sweeps, I saw the joy of countless monks rushing to the plains, to pick up the fairy, the magic weapon and the storage ring.

At the same time, she saw in her eyes that many monks were falling towards an altar that radiated light in the middle of the plain. Moreover, the monks who flew to the altar were almost normal, and some were abnormal. Although they had joy on their faces, they also resisted and did not lose their mind.

The nine main lords who flew in the front fell to the altar, and they saw that the figure of nine of them disappeared instantly. Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed and instantly realized that from there it should be the second passage into the Seven Love Tower.

"Seven Love Tower!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked. Is this seven love towers controlling the joys, sorrows, sorrows and sorrows? Do people unknowingly or happy, or angry, or mournful, or happy, or sad, or fearful, or shocked?

"Look at the face of the monk's joy here, this layer should be happy."

Xu Ziyan’s look suddenly shocked and his face became ugly. Because she felt the difference in the space of this layer. The time flow here is actually much faster than the outside. Nowadays, the time attribute of Xu Ziyan has a small realm. This attention, it is clear that the time flow rate here is 10,000 times outside.

Ten thousand times!

What is this concept?

That is to say, 10,000 years here, only a year outside.

Take Xu Ziyan, for now, she is just the peak of the late Xian Wang, whose life is only a few million years, if she is affected by the joy here, she lives here. In the short period of hundreds of years outside the tower, she has been in the tower for millions of years, and the life is exhausted and turned into a pile of bones.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were swept away. At this time, the remaining monks in this layer were almost all monks under the Xianwang. That is to say, after a few hundred years, these people will all be turned into a pile of dead bones here. .

Moreover, the environment here is very unsuitable for cultivation, and it is almost impossible to cultivate and improve here. Here, it is always a happy mood to die.

this is too scary!

When Xu Ziyan was in shape, he flew toward the altar and wanted to leave here and enter the second floor.

Suddenly in the sea, Xiaomumu said: "Master, there is the taste of Gorefiend."

"Bloody flower?"

Xu Ziyan is a body shape, of course, she knows. It is an extremely precious medicinal material and the main medicine for making violent dan.

The violent dan can raise the realm of the monk to a large order in an instant, lasting half an hour, without any side effects.

It is only the living conditions of this Gorefiend flower is very harsh, not only the growth cycle is very long, but also the blood of the Mozu is needed as a nutrient.

For Xiaomumu, Xu Ziyan did not have any doubts. Who is Xiaomumu? It is Jianmu! The ancestors of Wanmu in the world will naturally not admit their mistakes. Therefore, Xu Ziyan heard the big joy and immediately asked:



Xu Ziyan’s figure immediately flew eastward. In her knowledge of the sea, the chaos said softly:

"Ziyan, this Gorefiend flower should be the root of the Gorefiend and the complete refining. As long as you collect this Gorefiend, it will be very difficult for the Gorefiend to restore strength."

"Not bad!"

Xu Ziyan nodded, his body shape did not stop in the air, but only a dozen times of time came to the sky above a swamp.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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