The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1848: Seven Love Tower

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), Wu Yulin (200), and I can't return to my classmates (100), mableip classmates (100)!


This swamp is completely bloody, covered with a **** suffocation. Xu Ziyan propped up a shield and looked toward the entire blood-colored swamp. The eyes were a joy. In the middle of the swamp, there was a huge blood-colored flower about 10 meters.

Xu Ziyan originally meant to transplant this Gorefiend flower into the purple smoke space, but Dan Yi told her that there is no environment suitable for the survival of the Gorefiend flower in the purple smoke space. Moreover, Xu Ziyan thought that even if there is an environment suitable for the survival of the Gorefiend flower, once a **** demon is born in his own space, it is really a trouble. Therefore, in the end, Xu Ziyan still collected the Gorefiend flower into a storage ring.

After collecting the blood magic flower, Xu Ziyan will return and fly toward the central altar. On the way, I saw a lot of monks who were happy to search for various treasures there. Xu Ziyan did not dare to stop and flew directly toward the central altar.


A figure flew up from the ground and stopped the way of Xu Ziyan in the air. Xu Ziyan fixed his body shape in the air and looked at the other side. He saw that the other party was a young monk, and he was born with a turbulent wind. At this time, there was a joy on his face, and he smiled at Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, in the next Lu Zheji, loves Xu Daoyou very deeply, and hopes to be a Taoist with Xu Daoyou."


Another figure flew over to Xu Ziyan, one by one. They expressed their desire for Xu Ziyan's love and hope and Xu Ziyan to become a Taoist.

Xu Ziyan’s face could not help but show a bitter smile. These people were controlled by this layer of mind. If they were outside the tower, they would never dare to do so.

Xu Ziyan is too lazy to take care of them. They were thrown behind them in an instant and flew toward the central altar. The monks behind them screamed and yelled at Xu Ziyan, and at this time there were still monks from all directions who were surrounded by Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan only shook his head and smiled, speeding up his own speed. At the same time, looking toward the Quartet, but did not see Li lazy and light moon dance and other nine sects of the Dabie disciples, the heart could not help but secretly nod, it seems that the big disciples really extraordinary, they can wake up, they are also true.

However, although the monks on this level were controlled by the minds, there was no fighting, and they were all happy. Just break the tower completely. They will naturally leave safely.

Therefore, Xu Ziyan did not worry, his body shape was like electricity, and he got rid of the monks who were chasing and blocking. The shape of Xu Ziyan fell in the center of the altar. A brilliance suddenly began, and Xu Ziyan appeared again, and has already reached the second floor.

As soon as he reached the second floor, Xu Ziyan immediately left the place where he was. Highly alert in the heart. Because she knows that if there is no accident, it should be a space for anger. In this way, the monks who enter here will be violent and angry, and maybe they will attack themselves indiscriminately.

His eyes glanced at the next four, and he sighed softly, and there was no trace of it around.

Suddenly, in the place where Xu Ziyan just flashed away, hundreds of monks showed their physique. It was just in the layer of hi-space that chased Xu Ziyan to become a monk. Their eyes looked at Xu Ziyan is a joy. Then there was fear. Xu Ziyan knows that these monks have left the control of the hi word space. It took a sigh of relief to restore the mind.

Sure enough, the monks have recovered their minds at this time, and they remembered what they had done before. I stood there one by one and feared to come over.

Xu Ziyan didn't bother to pay attention to them, and immediately took up the time attribute to feel this space. When she found that the space did not change the time flow rate, and the time flow rate outside the tower was the same, it was relieved. But she was alert again in an instant, because she could feel the emotion in this space, and her heart was filled with a wrath. I hurriedly told the water of the palm of my hand to play Long Fengming in my own knowledge, which calmed my mind.

Looking up and looking forward, I saw another mountain with a high insertion cloud. When I was moving, I flew toward the mountain. The hundreds of monks behind him also followed Xu Ziyan to the mountain.

There is still a distance from the mountain, and you can see that the mountain is also like a sword cut out a cliff with a big font:

"I am the seven loves of heaven, the heavens and the earth have changed greatly, and the Mozu raging. I used the Seven Love Tower to trap the Mozu in the tower. Unexpectedly, the Mozu inside and outside the tower actually displayed the curse of the Mozu guard, and stained my seven towers..."

There are hundreds of words in full, and the lines between the words are full of anger and dislike of the Mozu. Moreover, Xu Ziyan also understood that the Mozu guardian cursed the seven towers that had been polluted, so that the power of the Seven Love Tower is now less than one tenth. Moreover, it seems that Qi Qing Tian Zun also lost control of the Seven Love Tower, and he was seriously injured, and he was not known.

Xu Ziyan looked back and saw the hundreds of monks behind him with anger at his face, which would break out at any time. Xu Ziyan shook her head and sighed. She and her were not relatives, and they were too lazy to take care of them. They emptied and flew toward the other side of the mountain.

Just flew to the foothills, I heard the sound of deafening, and when I looked at it, I saw the monks who were killed everywhere on the side of the mountain, and each monk had a great anger on his face. It is often the killing of the other party, not waiting to harvest the spoils, and then besieged by other monks.

Only one word can describe the scene at this time.

That is chaos.

"kill ~~"

Xu Ziyan was shocked and his body suddenly rose to the sky. It was at her feet. The hundreds of monks who followed her came out and rushed toward the opposite side.

Xu Ziyan could not help but sigh gently. The cultivation of these people is too low. It is necessary to know that the monks on this floor are almost all emperors. These kings are controlled by anger, and they are rushed to death.

Xu Ziyan quickly spread the knowledge of the gods. She remembered that the seven masters of the Zongmen should be half-steps of the emperor's cultivation. If there is no accident, they should be here.

Sure enough, she soon found Luo Yu, Li lazy, light moon dance, floor into the cloud, Hailan and Xu Tianyi.

At this time, the six people were very embarrassed. If not all of them had the protection of the inferior Xianbao, they might have fallen here. This is the case, surrounded by many monks, one by one is also in crisis, the body of the defensive celestial is being quickly consumed.

The anger of the faces of the monks who besieged them, while attacking with all their strength, clamored to **** their inferior celestial treasures. At first glance, the greed and jealousy buried deep in the bottom of my heart made them crazy. At this point they have been completely inspired by this wrath space to the dark side of the heart.

Xu Ziyan also had a headache at this time, and it was not easy for her to save them. Not to mention that there are many monks around them, that is, six of them have lost their minds at this time. As long as the purple smoke is close, they will attack Xu Ziyan.

Looking for a moment, Xu Ziyan's body shape flew in the air, imaginary in the sky above the monk who was strangled, took out the jade flute, across the lips, playing the dragon and the phoenix.

The silky flute fell from the sky and quickly enveloped the space. The monks who were in the battle gradually slowed down the movement, then stood still, and then their eyes gradually became clear and restored their minds. Then I remembered the previous things, and the eyes of fear were revealed in each of them. Looking up at Xu Ziyan’s eyes was full of gratitude.

When Xu Ziyan saw that everyone had recovered his mind, he stopped Long Fengming. She knows that these monks lost their minds, because they are not prepared enough to enter here, and now they are psychologically prepared, and at least it is not easy to lose their minds.

"You friends!" Xu Ziyan's voice fell from the sky: "Since this tower is called the Seven Love Tower, you can know that it has the effect of controlling the mood of the monk. This layer should be the space of anger, I hope everyone can restrain If you can't control yourself, you should leave here as soon as possible. And Ziyan thinks that the more you go to the Seven Towers, the more effective you are. Don't go to the third floor."

"But how do people want to leave?" asked a purple peak in the late peak of the Emperor.

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, and at this time she found out that she really didn't know how to get out of here. The central altar seems to only allow people to go up, but there is no way to leave. At this time, all the monks also spread the knowledge of God. After a while, everyone recovered their knowledge, and each face was very ugly.

Xu Ziyan also descended from the air, and looked helplessly: "So only after the lords broke the tower, we can leave this place. Everyone is still keeping the gods and not losing their minds, hoping to stick to that moment." ""

The monks also know that Xu Ziyan is right, this is the only solution. Sitting on the ground, silently guarding the gods. Li lazy and waited for six people to come to Xu Ziyan's front, and prayed to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you for your help!"

"Thank you for your help!"

Xu Ziyan was still answering, and he heard hundreds of thousands of monks around him thanking Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan hurriedly handed the ball:

"Purple smoke is not allowed! We are all human races, and it is the duty of purple smoke to do our part."

Everyone looked at Xu Ziyan's eyes full of gratitude. The six disciples in the side were also envious of Xu Ziyan's gratitude. Xu Ziyan’s current work has won the hearts of the world. As long as Xu Ziyan does not do anything big and evil, there will be no one in the Yuanyuan mainland.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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