The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1851: Ancient visitors

Langyue, Xindao and Xu Ziyan’s body shape flew toward the central altar. The speech between the three of them was also heard by the people around them. When they saw the actions of the three of them, they all followed closely.

Guanghua flashed, Xu Ziyan and others entered the sixth floor.

As soon as I entered the sixth floor, my mood was refreshing, but Xu Ziyan and others were sinking in my heart.

This layer should have been a space for fear, which should be fearful, but at this time there is no such emotion, and the surrounding area is no longer a **** space, it becomes a blue sky and white clouds, and the life of the space is extremely rich.

Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at the sky, and suddenly she shook her heart. Her heart gave birth to a very shocking thought, and once this idea was born, it would not linger, and there was an irritating emotion in her heart.

The reason why this kind of irritating emotion is that Xu Ziyan wants to understand one thing. In today's Shangyuan continent, only you have the gas of life, otherwise you will not let yourself use the gossip mirror. Nowadays, the gas of life suddenly appears in the seven towers of love, and this life is obviously more intense than itself, and it is more than a hundred times. This shows what?

This shows that there is a great monk who cultivates the power of life.

Who is this big monk?

There is only one reason to explain, that is, this great monk is an ancient monk who has been trapped in the Seven Love Tower.

But how is this possible?

It has been nearly 100 million years since ancient times. Even if someone was trapped in the Seven Love Tower, it should have long been exhausted and died.

Unless... unless it is trapped inside, the Lord, the Lord. The demon Lord, the evil master and the Kuitian are as powerful as the sky.

The evil Lord has been reincarnate, the demon Lord has seen it himself, and Quebec has seen it. In this way, the people inside can only be the lord and the demon. Is it that the lord and the demon are mainly born?

Whether it is a fairy. It’s still a demon, it’s not a good thing for Xu Ziyan or now the entire Yuanyuan.

Xu Ziyan no longer hesitated, and his body flew toward the central altar. Langyue and Xindao looked at each other. Also followed by Xu Ziyan flying, the remaining big monks also emptied, followed.

These people soon came to the seventh floor, and when they entered the seventh floor, Xu Ziyan and others looked like a stay.

At the end of the seventh layer, there is no such thing as a **** space, blue sky and white clouds, blue grass and green hills. The river is clear, the trees are green...

At this time, the nine lords and the tens of thousands of monks were standing by, while sitting in the middle of the circle, sitting in a circle of ten people, sitting in the middle of ten people, two people sitting opposite each other, floating in the middle of two people One bead, two people pressed one hand on the bead.

Xu Ziyan took a closer look. The monk on the left is constantly pouring the life into the beads, while the man on the right constantly draws a sign from the palm into the bead.

Xu Ziyan’s heart was swift, and the left-handed monk should be purifying the polluted seven-story tower with the gas of life, and the monk on the right should be the Seven-Emotional Respect, and the monk on the left is now in control. Love tower.

Secretly opening the eyes of Kun Peng, sweeping away from the twelve monks, the heart is a shock. These twelve monks turned out to be the peak of the late Tianzun. You must know that on today's Upper Yuan Dynasty, there are only two peaks in the late Tianzun, one is the sacred dream machine of the **** machine sect, and the other is the sect of the sect of the sect. The rest have not reached this level. Just like the celestial patriarch of Cangwu, it is only the late Tianzun. The Nazong lord Liu Jinsong is just the middle peak of Tianzun. It has not yet reached the end of Tianzun.

And now?

At the end of the day, there are more than twelve peaks in the late Tianzun. For the entire Shangyuan continent, the impact is not too big. If these twelve ancient Tianzun really have any ideas, it is undoubtedly a catastrophe.

I don't know if these twelve great monks have the predecessors of the nine major sects? Is there a predecessor of Cangwu Zong?

but. How can these twelve survive to this day? How can I live for so long?

Is there any secret law in ancient times?

Xu Ziyan quietly moved forward a few steps, and at this time. The nine masters also saw Xu Ziyan and others entering the seventh floor, and each one came over and each went to the front of their respective disciples. Xu Ziyan looked at Cang Jiuzhen just wanted to pass the sound into the secret, but was gently shaken by Cang Jiuyi to stop it, but only a trace of anxiety could be seen from the face of Cang Jiuyi.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a sinking. It’s not so good to think of things from the worry of Cang Jiu’s face. It’s very likely that there are no monks in the twelve ancient monks.

The people only waited quietly for thirty-six days. Everyone suddenly felt the figure swaying, and when they stabilized, they found that they had left the Seven Love Tower. Looking towards the surroundings, nearly a million monks have left the Seven Love Tower at this time. The Seven Love Tower in their center is no longer bloody, but has become a white jade pagoda.

"Ha ha ha..."

There was a burst of laughter in the air. Twelve figures flew out of the seven towers and floated in the air. The seven love towers were instantly shrunk, turning into a little light that was hidden in the body of the Seven Loves.

The nine lords of the emptiness of the emptiness flew toward the twelve heavenly lords, did not know what they had exchanged, and then the major lords commanded the disciples to return to the sect, while the nine lords accompanied the twelve. A big monk smashed the space away.

The remaining nearly one million monks face each other, but these monks did not immediately return to their respective sects. This time they entered the Seven Love Tower. Everyone has more or less gains, and the entire Devil’s Guardian’s Land is in the next Within a month, it became a huge square market, and the monks exchanged their own gains.

Of course, Xu Ziyan will not let go of this opportunity. He will divide Dan Yi, Dan Er, Yi Yi, Er Er, Fu Yi and Zhen Yi’s refining things into five parts, and secretly handed them over to Lang Yue, Xin Dao, Leng Qing Yi and Intoxicated, left a copy of himself, and then began to sweep the goods with four people.

Everything she sees is sometimes exchanged by herself. Sometimes she is allowed to exchange Langyue, Xindao, Lengqing and Shenxun, and then secretly hand it over to her. Of course, if there are things like a long month, a heart, a cold, and a drunk, Xu Ziyan will not hesitate to exchange them and leave them to them.

As a result, Xu Ziyan did not look so conspicuous, and everything went smoothly without showing the mountains and water. Although Langyue, Xindao, Lengqingyu and Shencaihua did not understand why Xu Ziyan would exchange so many semi-disposal devices, but still help Xu Ziyan exchange without hesitation. Moreover, these semi-waste fairy devices did not have much use for those monks, and Xu Ziyan exchanged them at a very low price.

A month later, the disciples of each of the sects also began to return to their respective sects, and the land of the Mozu guards became silent again.

Langyue, heart, cold and clear, intoxicated, Song Wanzhong, Thousands of cups drunk and Xu Ziyan and others sitting in the cloud baby, everyone has something in mind, I do not know that the sudden appearance of the twelve ancient monks will cause the mainland What happened, so no one spoke, one by one sitting in the cloud baby and practicing.

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and seemed to be practicing, but he sank into the purple smoke space.

Her mood was very excited at this time, she sent.

Do not!

It should be said that she is getting bigger!

This time she exchanged a large number of fairy wares. These celestial wares have eight products. There are nine products, and there are also the inferior celestial treasures, the inferior celestial treasures, the inferior celestial treasures, and even some of the best innate celestial treasures.

It is reasonable to say that these fairy instruments, congenital immortal treasures, have also been ruined by the curse of the Mozu to become a waste, simply can not be used. However, Xu Ziyan is different. She can re-extract the materials from these fairy wares. Although there are losses, these materials are precious and extremely difficult to find. Even the size of the nail is definitely a price.

What's more, Xu Ziyan has exchanged too much, more than 10,000. If all the materials in these fairy instruments are extracted, Xu Ziyan will undoubtedly become the richest monk on the entire Yuan Dynasty.

And the reason why Xu Ziyan is excited is not only the quantity, but the material itself. Half of the materials extracted in the future are all star nucleus, and the variety is complete. There are dozens of attributes of the star-nuclear nucleus in the time-space of the light, dark, and windy weather. This can not help Xu Ziyan sigh the glory of the ancient world. Since ancient times After the fall of the immortal world, these materials almost became legends.

Not only that, but outside the scent of Chu Gexing's nuclear refining, Xu Ziyan exchanged a large number of other refineries of precious materials and refined them. It is definitely a fortune.

Exchanging these fairy tools can make Dan Yi and Dan Er tired. Every day, I refine the elixir in the time array method. One month is three thousand days in the time array method, not to mention the fatigue of Dan Yi and Dan Er. It is the medicine garden on the purple smoke planet that has used the herbs in the five medicine gardens.

This exchange of Xu Ziyan is mainly exchanged with Xiandan, because Xu Ziyan has the most herbal medicine, but after this exchange, Xu Ziyan will exchange a lot of alchemy in addition to the refining materials in the future. The material of the symbol and the array.

These materials are kept in the storage rings of the monks, but they are almost intact.

These things were handed over to Dan Yi and other six people. After the six people divided the things they needed, the first one and the second two entered the time matrix and began to work **** the refining materials.

This time, Xu Ziyan raised the speed of the cloud baby to the extreme. In half a month, everyone returned to the peak of Cangwu Zong.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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