The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1852: Half step

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Back to a Jianfeng, I found that Master's sword is still in retreat, and several brothers and sisters will return to their own Dongfu to rest, and then prepare to practice while waiting for Master to go out.

Before returning to the Ziyan Peak, Xu Ziyan inquired about Cang Jiuyi, and heard that Cang Jiuyi still did not come back, and there was another worry in his heart.

Shaking his head and sighing: "It’s really rainy and windy!"

After returning to the Ziyan Mountain Peak, I first visited the Ziyandong House and the Thunder Cave House with intoxication flowers, and then gave some indulgent flowers to the intoxication. After the intoxication was selected in the Ziyandong House, Xu Ziyan also closed.

In the time array method, it has been a year. The outside is just a little more than three days. Xu Ziyan finally accumulated the body of the fairy power to the critical point of breakthrough. Originally, her absorption in the Xingyuan Zongyuan Cave was only a short point to reach the critical point. Nowadays, when you take a year off for a congenital immortal, you will make up for it.

After taking out a glimpse of the time, I got a sigh of emperor in the river, and I sucked it into the mouth and began to refine.

Before the eyebrows, there was a hint of joy. This immortal empire turned out to be a time attribute, and Xu Ziyan was soon immersed in the understanding of the time attribute.

On the peak of a sword, Langyue and Xindao also closed. Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk and Zhang Wujie also retreat, with the time of the purple smoke and the sword of the gold and the sword of the water, plus their accumulation behind them. They also reached the moment of breakthrough. Leng Qingyu lived in the Ziyandong House and was closed again. The entire Jianfeng Peak and the eight men were retired. Only indulge in the accumulation of Xianyuan in the time array, and hope to reach the critical point of the mid-century.

Ten days passed.

The sword has no way to go out, and the body is carrying the power of the early days of Tianzun. The figure flashed and went to the Cangwu sect to provide a place for the monks to rob.

The robbing of the sword has caused the attention of all the great monks of the Cangwu dynasty. One Jianfeng has finally appeared in Tianzun. It seems that the rise of a Jianfeng is unstoppable.

Sadie of the Pharmacist Peak looked at the sword in the robbery. The face looked unchanging, and eventually sighed, and in the heart he had already given up Dan Dingfeng’s Li Wu.

It took five days for the sword to become a true god. Opened his eyes and couldn't help but laugh loudly.

The various peaks around the scene have come forward to congratulate, and Sading is no exception, and the attitude is sincere. The sword was innocent and naturally accepted the goodwill released by Sading, and then refused the feast that the monks would celebrate. Saying that he wants to stabilize his realm as soon as possible, he will return to a Jianfeng and enter the time array to precipitate.

Seven days passed outside, and seven hundred days passed in the time array.

With the help of the emperor, Xu Ziyan first broke through to the half-step Emperor. However, she did not lead to the robbery, the robbery will wait until she really broke through to the Emperor.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and his face was bright. Mindful thoughts. The figure disappeared in place and entered the purple smoke space.

The gods cover the entire purple smoke space, and the heart is not happy. As the realm of his own is raised, the whole space becomes more stable, and at the moment, I can still hear the aftertaste of Xianyin, she knows this. It is because of his breakthrough that the heavens in the purple smoke space are further enhanced and the heavens are released.

Under the infusion of this heaven, everything in the purple smoke space changed instantly. Various herbs. Trees. Rivers, veins, and creatures have all been upgraded.

The Earth's different bears have been upgraded, and the Holy Fruit has been able to promote a monk's late monk to the Emperor. However, it is impossible for a monk who wants to use the holy fruit to promote himself to the emperor. That is to promote to the realm of the half-step Emperor.

The cultivation of Peach Blossom and Chun San Niang has reached the middle of the Xianwang, and the ancient vine has reached the beginning of the Emperor. Xiaobai broke through to the middle of the Emperor, and the chaos reached a half-step Emperor.

The otter has already appeared in the late peak of the fairy king, and after the reproduction, the number is now amazing.

Yunbao finally reached the half-step congenital treasure through this Tiandao release, and the pen also reached the half-step congenital treasure, but the array reached the realm of the inferior Xianbao.

Xu Ziyan retired from the purple smoke space and thought about it with a slight squint. He left the Ziyandong House and stood on the purple smoke peak and took a deep breath. He only felt refreshed. Looking toward the Thunder Peak, step out, and before the gate of the Thunder Cave House, push the door open and go inside. All the way to the Dongfu period of the emperor's period, there are lightning-like arms, sitting on the ground, running the sword, began to cultivate the body.

Five days.

After Xu Ziyan and others left the Cangwu dynasty, Zhang Wujie, who was retiring, went out and closed, and he was repaired to reach the peak of the late Xian Wang.

For another six days, Song Wanzhong and the Thousand Cups who had retired after Xu Ziyan and others left the Cangwu dynasty also passed through the retreat for more than two years. Song Wanzhong repaired it to the end of the Emperor, and the sword of water reached its goal. Zhongcheng realm. Thousands of cups of drunkenness have also reached the end of the Emperor, and the golden sword has reached the realm of Zhongcheng.

This leaves the moon, and the heart and the cold have not yet gone through. At the time of the breakthrough, they could not comprehend the heavens in the time array, so the three of them could only comprehend slowly. However, the mentality of these three people has already surpassed their own cultivation. The original difference is only the accumulation of Xianyuanli. Now, with the help of the time array method and the elixir provided by Xu Ziyan, they have reached the critical point of their breakthrough. I believe that it will take a long time to break through.

Three days have passed, and the time array has passed for three hundred days.

The sword is not empty, Song Wanzhong, thousands of cups drunk and Zhang Wujie have stabilized their respective realms, and they have gone out, and the men and women gathered in the hall to talk and laugh.

On the second day of the sword's absence of the four men, the Jianfeng Peak came up with a man, and the first woman of the Xianwang was sent by the Zongmen Deacon.

Under the sham of the sword, I realized that the woman in front of me was called the extension star, and it was the Xu family from the Zhongyuan galaxies. The sword did not have a big joy, and asked Texan Mang about some things about Xu. However, Texan Mang is very cautious. Even if you are the master of Xu Ziyan, she does not trust. In her heart, she only loyal to one person, that is, Xu Ziyan.

Seeing the extension of the star to avoid heavy weight, the sword is not empty, but only helplessly smiled, sent a thousand cups drunk will be extended to the purple smoke peak.

Only one day passed, Xu Ziyan stayed in the time array for more than a thousand days, and finally lifted the ontology to the peak of Jiu Pinxian, and came out from the Thunder Xianfu.

Back to the Ziyan Peak, I saw the extension of the star, Xu Ziyan look is a glimpse, and then ecstasy. Xu Jia finally had a monk flying up. Although she knows that this is because she and Texan Mang have the reason to control the soul, when they upgrade, they will give Tuo Xingman a trace of heaven, which makes her the first to fly up, but this is also a A happy thing.

Asked about the situation of Xu Jia, Xu Ziyan is even more happy.

Xu Zhenshan and Xu Haotian have now reached the peak of Xianjun in the late period, but they have not yet found an opportunity to break through. The two people, Xu Qinyang and Xu Tianwo, have reached the peak of Xianjun. When Texan Mang left Xujia, the two people were ready to retreat.

Why do these two people choose to retreat, Tuo Xingman does not know, Xu Ziyan knows that the two men have their own singularity in their hands, it is estimated that it should be refining the king.

Xu Tianwo does not have to worry, but Xu Ziyan is somewhat worried about Xu Qinyang. After all, Xu Qinyang is the root of the five attributes. It is not always possible for Xu Qinyang to break through to the immortal stage. Maybe it is a half-step fairy king.

With the description of Texan Mang, Xu Ziyan’s face is more and more happy, and Xu’s promotion can be described as a thousand miles. In the rich Xianyuanli environment, there is another immortal that Xu Ziyan sent to them a few years ago. Has become the first family of the hidden world.

Xu Xingmang arranged to stay, Xu Ziyan left the Ziyanfeng to find Master, would like to ask the Sovereign to return, thinking about whether it should go to the Xu family of the Zhongyuan Galaxy, with nine people to the Cangwu Zong. After coming to a Jianfeng, I found that Master was not there. I asked the six sisters, saying that the emperor was back, and all the peaks and peaks were called to the main hall for a meeting.

Since the lord is convening a meeting of the Baifeng Peak, Xu Ziyan is naturally not suitable to find the lord at this time.

Xu Ziyan sat in the six-sister's Dongfu waiting for Master to come back. Suddenly there were twelve ancient monks in the ancient times, and each one was the peak of Tianzun's later period. This made Xu Ziyan very shocked, confused and worried. The lords stayed in the celestial domain for so long before they came back. It seemed that it was not very pleasant to talk to the twelve ancient celestial beings.

After Zhang Wujie gave Xu Ziyan tea, the two people sat opposite each other. At this time, she found that she could not see through the repair of the younger sister. What does this prove? This proves that the repair of the younger sister has already surpassed her.

This... How long does it take for Xiaoshimei to come to Cangwu Zongcai?

Just want to ask Xu Ziyan today's cultivation, the outside of Dongfu touched the law, came the voice of Song Wanzhong and a thousand cups drunk. Xu Ziyan and Zhang Wujie walked out of Dongfu together and sang Song Wanzhong and Thousand Cups of drunken people into the Dongfu. The guest and the host re-sit, and the drunken eyes were swept away on Xu Ziyan’s body, and the face showed a happy color:

"Little sister, have you broken through to the half-step fairy?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan's eyebrows swayed with joy and nodded gently.

Song Wanzhong looked at Xu Ziyan and smiled bitterly: "This is only a few years ago? The younger sister is half a step to the emperor. I am afraid that after a few more years, you will have to surpass the brothers."

"I have been overtaken!" Zhang Wujie said bitterly.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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