The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1853: Return to Colorful Island

Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk and Zhang Wujie looked at each other and then laughed, and the laughter was full of joy. In their hearts, there is no such thing as a slight embarrassment for this younger sister, but only gratitude and joy. The change of a Jianfeng is brought by the younger sisters, that is, they can now bring such a quick breakthrough and they are all brought by the younger sisters. Their hearts are full of care for the younger sisters.

The four brothers and sisters chatted here and exchanged ideas about cultivation. After three days passed, the next figure appeared on the peak of a sword, but it was the sword.

The face of the sword is not good, and the seven-handed flying sword went to the cave house of the seven disciples, and then he returned to his own cave waiting.

Xu Ziyan's brothers and sisters are sharing their cultivation experience. Zhang Wujie suddenly felt that there was a communication flying sword in his own battle, and he waved his hand to send the flying sword to his hand. The eyebrows picked up:

"Master is back, let us go."

The four people immediately stood up and walked out of Dongfu to fly to Master's Dongfu.

Entered Dongfu and met Master. The sword did not let the four of them sit down and waited for a while, knowing that Langyue, Xindao and Lengqing should have not yet gone through, and they no longer wait. His eyes swept through his four disciples and said:

"The sovereign is back!"

Xu Ziyan’s four disciples nodded and looked at the sword.

The sword said without a sigh: "You already know that there are twelve ancient monks from the seven towers, all of which are the peaks of the late Tianzun. This is not the most important, the most important is the ten. None of the two ancient monks were the predecessors of our nine sects."

The look of Xu Ziyan and others is a glimpse, and then they look at each other. There are concerns in the eyes.

"According to what they said, when the fairy world collapsed..." The sword ran out of nothing: "You still don't know about the collapse of the ancient fairy world. I will give you a brief explanation here..."

Song Wanzhong and Thousand Cups were drunk and looked at Xu Ziyan. I saw Xu Ziyan still listening carefully to Master’s speech. Suddenly in my heart, Xu Ziyan knows that some ancient fairy circles have collapsed, but they know that they are limited. Now I can hear the ancient secrets, of course, will not let go. then. I also listened carefully to Xu Ziyan. Even if there is no bounds, I don’t know anything. I heard that Master’s words still shook, and I listened carefully to Master’s speech.

After the sword has no simple description of what happened in the ancient fairy world, it continues to say:

"According to the twelve ancient heavens, the fairyland has been tangled up, and the Terran, the Yaozu and the Mozu have become a group. The Terran has been divided into countless alliances and demons, and the Yaozu fights. Both Tianzun belong to the scattered Xianmeng. That is to say, these twelve ancient Tianzun are scattered and do not belong to any sect."

Xu Ziyan had a glimpse of his heart and his face was extremely worried. No matter when, for the Zongmen disciple, the cultivation environment of the scattered practice is bitter, and there are not so many rules of the ancestral door, and the behavior is even more unscrupulous. And each of the more and more scattered has a subconscious hostility towards Zongmen.

Now these twelve scattered repairs suddenly came out of the Seven Love Tower and found that the world has changed dramatically. Moreover, there are only two days in the entire Terran of the Upper Yuan Dynasty, and the twelve of them are all peaks in the late Tianzun. This is a force that can sweep the world. This kind of consequence is all over the body as long as you think about it.

If the twelve Tianzun wants to target which sect, does the sect have the ability to resist? Not to mention that it is aimed at a sect. Is it for the nine sects, and what good methods can the nine sects come up with?

The sword sighed without a sigh: "The Sovereigns have been doing all their efforts in the Stars for a few months to make every effort to persuade these twelve ancient Tianzun to join the nine sects."

The eyes of Xu Ziyan’s four people are bright, but when they see Master’s gloomy look, they know that the situation is not good. Sure enough, the sword sighed without a sigh:

"At first they didn't say disagreement, saying that they had to discuss it. But as they understood the whole Yuanyuan, they finally refused the invitation of the nine major sects. They went together."

"Where did they go?" Xu Ziyan asked.

The sword shook his head and shook his head: "I don't know. But I don't think it will take long for a message to come out. These twelve ancient Tianzun will definitely not go to covert. Now they already know that these twelve are How can it be hidden in the power of the peak of the Upper Yuan Dynasty? Just don’t know if it is a blessing to the Terran?

"Master, it is reasonable to say that they should not have such a long life. How did they survive?" Xu Ziyan asked questions that had been puzzled in his heart.

"They have a cultivating time attribute of Tianzun. When the seven love towers were sealed by the demon's curse, the outside monks couldn't get in, and the monks inside couldn't come out. And the seven love towers have been eroded by the Mozu, seven The sage is not only seriously injured, but also loses control of the Seven Towers.

Finally, in the battle of the Seven Love Tower, only 12 of them were left. Time Tianzun set up a time array method to reverse the time, which lasted for 10,000 years. So even though it has been nearly a hundred million years old, it is only a million years old, and they have survived this way. ”

The room was quiet and everyone was very heavy. The sword sighed without a sigh:

"After the twelve Tianzun's departure, the nine great masters discussed it, and the action against the Mozu will continue. This time we have won the first nine of the Clan, as long as we send a thousand monks to the West Mozu. Yes, this is only a trivial matter for our Cangwu Zong. Therefore, the Sovereign decided not to adopt a hard apportionment method, but to issue a task in the Zongmen Mission Hall. If you are willing to go, you can sign up. The rewards are very rich, and there will be many disciples who will go there. So if you are willing to go and sign up yourself, you don’t want to go and don’t have to worry about it.

"Yes, Master!" Xu Ziyan, four disciples said respectfully.

"Ziyan, the lord said that if you go out, let you go to see him." The sword looked at Xu Ziyan: "The Sovereign has told me about things, welcome you to join the Jianfeng disciples."

"Thank you Master!" Xu Ziyan stood up and respectfully bowed to the sword.

"Go!" said the sword with a smile.

"Yes, Master!"

Xu Ziyan left the Master and flew toward Tianhongfeng. When the Rainbow Peak falls, it is natural that Tianhongfeng disciples will receive it, and then they will report to Cang Jiuyi. After that, Xu Ziyan was taken into the cave house of Cang Jiuyi.

"See the Lord!"

Cang Jiu looked at Xu Ziyan’s gaze and said: “Do you know everything?”

"Yes, the lord!"

"What do you think?"

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "The disciples think that the twelve Tianzun should also understand the situation on the mainland today. They should not take drastic measures. However, since they are standing at the top of this continent, they will not be willing to Loneliness. Disciples think they should choose a relatively peaceful means."

Cang Jiuyi gently nodded and said: "I hope so! Just... purple smoke, can you tell me if those people are still alive?"

Xu Ziyan naturally knows who Cang Jiuyi asked. Although she has not seen the lord and the demon Lord, but the demon Lord, the evil Lord and the Quebec are alive, how can the lord and the demon Lord die? Then nodded gently.

The look of Cang Jiuyi is a slight change: "When...when will they be born?"

Xu Ziyan gently shook his head: "The disciple does not know."

Cang Jiuyi sighed softly and stood up and said: "Let's go!"

When the words fall, the big sleeves close together, and Xu Ziyan is caught in the big sleeves. One step has already come out of the mountain gate of Cangwu Zong. Stretching the hand and tearing the space, the figure disappears.

Waiting for the figure to appear again, has come to the Zhongyuan Galaxy, released Xu Ziyan, and whispered:

"How to go?"

Xu Ziyan informed Cang Jiuyi of the location of the hidden world, and Cang Jiuyi released a light group to cover Xu Ziyan inside. He took a step and walked out of the hidden world. He stretched out his hand and pulled it. Opened a space crack and took Xu Ziyan into the hidden world.

Then there was a step in the direction indicated by Xu Ziyan. The figure disappeared in space, but it was already standing outside the colorful island in an instant.

The look on his face was awkward, and he couldn’t help but blurt out: "A good hole in the sky."

Two people entered the colorful island, and Xu Ziyan immediately spread the knowledge. Then take a step with Cang Jiu.

Xu Haotian was accumulating Xianyuan in his own Dongfu. When he looked up, he saw two people standing in front of him. He was shocked and jumped up from the ground. Then there was a big smile on his face:


Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "The patriarch, this is the lord of the Cangwu sect. The lord, this is our family leader."

Xu Haotian was shocked and hurriedly bent down and said: "Xu Yutian sees the lord."

Cang Jiuyi reached out and lifted his hand, and a gentle force helped Xu Haotian, and then said faintly:

"Let the purple smoke tell you!"

Then I walked to a chair and sat down. Xu Ziyan asked Xu Haotian to sit down and then said his intentions. After Xu Haotian heard it, his face was so excited that his beard was tilted up and he immediately said to Ziyan:

"Ziyan, you are here with the lord, I went to Zhenshan to discuss them, and after picking out nine people, I will bring them over."

"There are laborers!"

"No work, no work!"

Xu Haotian gave a ritual to the lord, and then he left happily. Xu Ziyan sat down on the other one, and neither of them talked to Cang Jiuyi, but just waited there quietly.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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