The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1854: Nine places

Today is the best rudder master ~~檒~~ classmate's birthday, the best comrades are blessing ~~檒~~ classmates, I wish you all the best, everything goes well!


Time was quietly passing, and suddenly Cang Jiu opened his eyes and whispered: "Ziyan, I think our plan should change a bit."

"The Sovereign, what changed?" Xu Ziyan looked at Cang Jiuyan with some surprise.

Cang Jiuyi said with meditation: "The original plan of our two was to let the four disciples of the Xu family enter the Cangwu dynasty, and let them open four halls in Ziyanfeng. But now the twelve ancient times The monk suddenly appeared. If you find that your family has ancient heritage, it may not be a blessing."

Xu Ziyan’s heart was also a shock. There was a trace of anxiety on his face: “How is it good to be a sovereign? Do you have to wait for four disciples to go to Cangwu?”

Cang Jiuyi shook his head and said: "This is not true. My opinion is to directly connect Xu's four disciples to your Ziyanfeng, and practice as a disciple of Jianfeng, but don't show them four people in front of people. The alchemy system is the skill of the squadron. The four refining squadrons of the refining squad are given to you one Jianfeng disciple, and the rest are secretly handed over to me. I will handle these things for you, wait until the twelve An ancient Tianzun has no threat to us, or when we are strong enough, we will openly establish four halls."

Xu Ziyan thought about it and thought it was the best way to deal with it today. Moreover, the right way of the monk was originally cultivation, so that the Xu family and the nine people were mainly practicing in Ziyanfeng. Besides, the four four disciples were in front of themselves, and they also had time to teach them personally. Let them ascend faster, and nodded gently toward Cang Jiu.

Seeing Xu Ziyan nod, Cang Jiuyi no longer speaks, and inside the cave house is still in silence.

It’s only half a day. Xu Haotian and Xu Zhenshan came in with a group of people. Among these people are the solitary smoke of Ximen, Yan Xingyun, Di Yi, and no name. Xu Qinyang, fire dance, Ye Fei, Gongzi Forging, Xu Lin, Xu Tianwo, Ling Xiao, Ling Yijian. Ximen jade, Xu Xingfan and others.

After these people came in, they first met with Cang Jiuyi, and then they were excited to see Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan saw so many people coming in at once, his heart was a glimpse. I have already told Xu that I can only take away nine people this time. How did Xu Haotian bring so many people? With a gaze, the look is another joy. Xu Tianwo is already the beginning of Xianwang, and she still has an unexpected joy. That is, the prince who took the prince at the Wanxian Conference has become the early stage of Xianwang, and the atmosphere of both of them is just breakthrough.

Looking at Xu Qinyang, the heart is a sigh, and surely Xu Ziyan is now only half a step of the realm of the king.

Xu Xiaotian saw the look of Xu Ziyan. Naturally, she understood what she was thinking, and she smiled and said:

"Ziyan, nine people have been selected, these people are missing you. I want to come to see you."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is in vain. Laughing and chatting with everyone. Of course, I won’t talk for a long time, because Cang Jiuyi is sitting on the side.

"Ziyan, nine people have been selected. Sirius and Ziao are now in the early days of Xianwang, you can take them away. So this is not the nine-person quota?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently, and said to Xu Tianwo and the prince: "Congratulations!"

Two people are also a happy face. But there is no words, waiting for Xu Haotian to continue.

"Unknown brother, Di brother, Ximen brother, Yan brother, Zhenshan and I have now reached the peak of Xianjun later, as long as we give us time, we will break through to the fairy kingdom and rise to the mainland, and our age is also big. Now, I will not follow you this time.

Qin Yang is now a half-step fairy king, and it will take a long time to break through to the early stage of Xian Wang. And Xu also needs to have a half-step Xian Wang sitting in the town, this time does not go.

Xing Fan is now still low, and after Qin Yang has risen to the Yuan Continent, the Xu family still needs the stars to host, so he does not go. This time in addition to Xu Tianma, Xu Tianwu, Xu Tianqi, Xu Tiancheng, the four most talented disciples of the four churches will accompany you, Xu Lin, Fire Dance, Ling Xiao, Ling Yijian and Ximen Yu. You go to the Upper Continent. ”

Xu Ziyan first went to Xu Tianma, Xu Tianwu, Xu Tianqi and Xu Tiancheng. Seeing that four people are now the masters of the early peaks of Xianjun, and asked their realm one by one, Xu Tianma is now the peak of the eight products, the first of the eight masters, Xu Tianyi is the beginning of eight products, the peak of the fairy charm, Xu Tian dance is eight At the beginning of the product, the peak of the fairy sorcerer, Xu Tiancheng is the beginning of the eight products.

Sure enough, it is the most talented disciple in the four halls of Xu Family, who can come back later.

He also looked at Xu Lin, fire dance, Ling Yijian, Ling Xiao and Ximen Yu. Xu Lin and Ling Xiao are now the masters of Xianjun's late peaks. Fire dance and Ling Yijian are the late Xianjun, Ximen jade is the weakest, but it also reached the peak of Xianjun.

Finally, the eyes fell on Ye Fei and the son of the forging. Ye Fei is now the cultivation of Xianjun in the middle, and the male forging is the peak of Xianjun.

When the son saw the eyes of Xu Ziyan, he said, "The purple smoke is my choice."

Didn't wait for the purple smoke to ask, the son of the forging smiled and said: "Ziyan, you know that I am practicing sadness. Waiting for you to leave, I think I will be more sad, this is helpful to my cultivation. Rest assured, now I am already the peak of Xianjun, I am afraid that soon after you leave, I will go to Cangwuzong to find you."

Xu Ziyan does not know that the son of the forgiveness is true or false. Anyway, there are some reasons. I laughed and said:

"Good! Purple smoke is waiting for the forgive brother."

When the words fell, Xu Ziyan looked at Ye Fei again. Ye Fei is fundamentally different from those in front of him. The male forging is not passed down in the Shangyuan Continent. Ling Xiao, Wu Wu, Xi Men Yu also have no, Ling Yijian can barely count as a disciple of Wan Jianzong, but not to mention it. Nowadays, even the ancestors of the Wan Jianzong on the mainland of China have been expelled from the division by the Wan Jianzong of the Yuan Dynasty, and the abandonment of Wan Jianzong into the Cangwu sect is also justified.

It’s just that Ye Fei is a big trouble. Ye Fei’s inheritance is a sacred machine, and Shenji Zong is still the first door of the Shangyuan continent. Ye Fei could not abandon the Shenji Zong to join the Cangwu sect, and the relationship between Cangwu Zong and Shenji Zong was not friendly. Xu Ziyan could not spend a quota for Ye Fei, but this matter must also be explained clearly, otherwise it would be planted. The seeds of resentment.

Ye Fei saw Xu Ziyan's gaze looking over, and his face could not help but reveal a bitter smile:

"Ziyan, I know your embarrassment, the sect of the **** machine and the celestial sect of the sect of the Xu family have already told me, to tell the truth, my heart is also very confused, I will not go."

Having said that, Ye Fei’s look is all the way: “Ziyan, Ye Fei’s heart is clear. You and I can count as friends when you are in the mainland of the sky. Of course, you can’t count as an enemy. However, since entering the lower galaxies Until the Shangyuan galaxies, they are taken care of by Xu, otherwise I will not have today's achievements. This kind of kindness Ye Fei keeps in mind. I have to think about the future, but no matter what, in my heart, purple smoke You are all my friends."

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, but no words. She also understood the entanglement of Ye Fei, but at this time she did not know what to say with Ye Fei.

I personally sent Cang Jiuyi to Dongfu, where I lived in Colorful Island, and told myself that I wanted to stay here for one day. Cang Jiuyi’s forehead agreed. After that, Xu Ziyan returned to Xu Haotian’s Dongfu and talked with everyone all night long, but he picked several holy fruits early, so that Dan Yi and Dan Er refine some breakthroughs in the purple smoke space. Dan.

the next day.

Xu Ziyan left the colorful island, leaving some elixir, fairy, fairy, and fairy tales before leaving, especially leaving some broken Dan.

Cang Jiuyi directly put all the people into the sleeves of the robe and teared the space away. It was only the time that was necessary, and it stood outside the mountain gate of Cangwu. After entering the mountain gate, one step has already come to a sword peak, and the person in the sleeve is released, and then disappears.

Xu Ziyan took Xu Tianwo, Prince Ao, Xu Lin, Ling Hao, Fire Dance, Ling Yijian, Ximen Yu, Xu Tianma, Xu Tianqi, Xu Tianwu and Xu Tiancheng eleven people came to Master's Dongfu, let them first I met my own master, and then I exchanged the four divisions, the five divisions, and the six divisions to let them meet.

"This is the person of your family?" The brothers and sisters were very polite and gave the eleven people a face-to-face ceremony.

After that, Xu Ziyan took them to their own Ziyan Peak and let them meet intoxicated flowers. After that, let them temporarily live in Ziyan Dongfu, and Xu Ziyan immediately contacted Jin Endless, Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao through the communication jade.

I didn't think that Liu Jinsong happened to be in the endless gold. He heard the words and ran over. When he saw Xu Ziyan, he expressed his dissatisfaction. That means that you used the ancient inheritance to exchange the sect, Fu Zong and the ancestral Yuan Lidong once used right, is it not intended to pass Dan Dao's inheritance to him Liu Jinsong?

Then he proposed to give Xu Ziyan a right to use his own Zongmen's mood hole, and Xu Ziyan passed on Dan Dao to him.

Xu Ziyan heard the helplessness and only nodded.

Gold is endless, Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao have nothing to say. Xu Ziyan even passed the second layer of the Danfu ruins to each other, and then the four left. Of course, the gold is endless, Hua Yu and Xuan Tianao each left with three disciples.

Xu Ziyan sat in Dongfu and thought about it, then he ran to see Cang Jiuyi. It is said that Liu Jinsong will lend Dan Zong's mood hole to himself for use once, so there are Dan Zong, Luo Tianzong and Baihuazong three mentality holes that are enough for the nine disciples to use. Then, is the heart of the Cangwu sect used for the Langyue of a Jianfeng, the heart and the cold 贞 use once?

Nowadays, the appearance of the ancient twelve-day esteem makes Cang Jiuyi pay more attention to Xu Ziyan. Who would let him speculate that there is power behind Xu Ziyan?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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