The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1855: Shangyuan

Thus, Langyue, Xindao and Lengqingyu were summoned from the cave house by Cang Jiuqiang. When Langyue, Xindao and Lengqing knew that they could use the mood hole, they were overjoyed and immediately went with the sky.

Xu Ziyan returned to the Ziyan Peak, and let the extension star, the prince, and the Xutian wolf go to find the place to open the Dongfu, and then she entered the time array to accumulate Xianyuan, hoping to get the body early. Xianyuan Li accumulated to half a step of the Emperor Peak, but also to break through the Emperor's period and become a real emperor.

In seven days, Xu Lin, Ling Xiao and other nine Xu disciples were sent back. Yuan Lidong was not blown out, and the more he was repaired as a low monk, the greater the benefits. It is not only Xu Lin, Ling Xiao, Huo Wu, Ling Yijian and Ximen Yu that have completely reached the critical point of breaking through the fairy king, that is, Xu Tianma, Xu Tianqi, Xu Tianwu and Xu Tiancheng are four disciples who were not in the late Xianjun period. At this time, it also reached the critical point of breaking through the fairy king period.

Then Cang Jiuyi personally sent the nine men to Dan Zong, Luo Tianzong and Bai Huazong.

After another twelve days, these people returned to a Jianfeng. At this time, nine people have already completed the robbery and become the real fairy king.

Xu Ziyan took them into the space fairy, and then threw them into the time array, set up an attacking array, and attacked them day and night. They attacked them for three hundred days, and only three days passed outside. Let the realm of these nine people be completely stabilized, Xu Ziyan put them out, let Xu Lin, Ling Xiao, fire dance. Ling Yijian and Ximen Yu went to open Dongfu, let Xu Tianma, Xu Tianqi, Xu Tianwu and Xu Tiancheng establish a four-character array.

The purple smoke peak has a large array of thousands of miles of yellow sand. No one knows what happened inside, and no one knows that Xu is here to lay the foundation for the rise.

Half a year has passed.

Can not help but say that the body of Ziyan is getting more and more abnormal. With the understanding of various attributes, the space of purple smoke is constantly expanding and stable. She needs more and more immortal forces, this is more than half a year, she has a large array of spirits, congenital immortal and time array, but still does not accumulate the body of the fairy power to half a step of the Emperor Peak .

The long-term retreat made Xu Ziyan a little tired, so she often went out, or pointed out Xu Tianma, Xu Tianyi. Xu Tianwu, Xu Tiancheng and the prince proud of the instrumental inheritance, or point out Xu Lin, fire dance, Ling Xiao, Ling Yijian, Ximen jade. Texan Mang and Xu Tianwo practice. Sometimes I flew to Jianfeng and exchanged with Master’s brothers and sisters.

In the past six months, Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk and Zhang Wujie signed up to go to the Western Mozu land. After Lang Yue, Xin Dao and Leng Qing Yi came out of the heart of the cave, they closed the customs and soon got a breakthrough.

Langyue broke through the peak of the early stage of the land, and reached the middle of the land, will be destined, Zuo Pengming, even the city, the ink machine and the shadowless behind. It became the first person in the youth of Cangwu.

The heart successfully broke through the human respect. Reached the early stage of human respect. The cold Qing dynasty broke through to the Emperor, reaching the beginning of the Emperor.

Today's Jianfeng Peak has greatly increased its strength.

Master's sword is in vain, and Tian Zun was initially cultivated and stepped into the real top ranks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty.

Big disciple Lang Yue. In the middle of the land, the first person of the Cangwu Zong youth.

The second disciple has a heart. In the early days of human respect, he separated from the ranks of his disciples and entered the sequence of the elders of Cangwu.

The three disciples were cold and clear, and in the early days of Emperor Xian, they entered the top sequence of the disciples.

Four disciples Song Wanzhong, five disciples drunk a thousand cups, the late Emperor.

Six disciples Zhang Wujie, the peak of the late Xian Wang.

The seven disciples Xu Ziyan, half a step of the emperor.

Moreover, in the Ziyan Peak, there are 12 secret kings in the Xu family, and the Danfu Array is also secretly established.

In the past six months, not all good news. The twelve ancient Tianzun finally came out with news. These twelve ancient Tianzun went to the northern part of the Upper Yuan Dynasty.

The northern part of the Upper Yuan Dynasty is where the Terran side gathers.

These twelve ancient Tianzuns also realized that the eastern part is the foundation of the human race and cannot be arbitrarily destroyed. Otherwise, the fundamentals of the human race will be given to the Mozu and the Yaozu. Therefore, these twelve Tianzun decided to leave the east and go to the north of the side gate.

It took only three months for these twelve Tianzuns to strongly conquer all the side gates in the north, banned the names of their side gates, and then unified the name of the Shangyuan League.

Not bad!

It is Shangyuan League, not Shangyuan.

It can be seen from the name of Shangyuanmeng that these twelve Tianzun do not want to establish a sect, but want to include all the large and medium-sized sects of the entire Terran, including the East, in the Shangyuan League.

It’s just that they took a strong approach to the northern side gates, but they did not take the same approach to the various sects in the east. Now they are connecting Tianfeng to build the alliance of the Yuanmeng. The original side doors have been renamed, in turn, the first branch of the Shangyuan League, the second branch...

This news has made some of the sects in the eastern, middle and small sects feel a bit stunned. They don't know what to do after the completion of the completion of the squad.

Looking at the current situation, Shangyuan League seems to have forgotten all the sects in the east, but only carefully sorted the north. However, in the hearts of the various sects in the east, they know that this will not be the case. After waiting for the completion of the northern part of the 12th day, they will take measures against the various sects of the eastern ethnic group.

But know how and /

Which sect has the ability to withstand twelve days?

Do you dare to take the initiative to provoke 12 days of respect?

Even if they watched the side disciples arrogant, the eastern sectarian disciples could only endure. These former disciples have always envied their authentic disciples, but now they are one-of-a-kind, as if they were It is truly authentic, and the eastern sect is a side door.

The Eastern Zongmen chose temporary patience, including the nine major sects, and all the disciples who were practicing in the north were recalled. At the same time, the interior is also tense, waiting for the next step in the 12th day.

Six months later, the Shangyuan League finally came the news.

Invite all the large, medium and small patriarchs in the east to attend the ceremony, and the Shangyuan League was formally established.

The various sects were very cautious about this matter, and did not take a large number of disciples to go to this, but the lord and several important figures of the sect.

A month's time.

The views of the various lords came back intricately, and this time they went to the ceremony to impress them.

Twelve ancient Tianzun does have a place where these lords can't compare. The nine masters have to admit at the same time that the Shangyuan League may not be used for more than a hundred years and will be above the nine sects. It will not be used for a thousand years. When the door is added up, it is impossible to fight against the Yuanmeng.

And they brought back a question that made them very tangled.

Shangyuan League is prepared to publicly teach the inheritance of the twelve days of worship to the people of the world, and recruit students once every ten years.


It is a student, not a disciple.

Every ten years, the Yuanmeng League will give some quotas to the various sects in the east. The nine sects will give five places for each sect, the medium sect will give two places, and the small sect will give a place.

Disciples of the Eastern Zongmen can enter the Shangyuan League to study, and do not require these disciples to join the Shangmeng League. After studying, you are free to return to your respective sect.

This seems to be extremely beneficial to the eastern Zongmen. It seems that Shangyuan is doing a loss-making business, as if it were a big fool.

However, the Eastern Sovereign’s heart is very clear that this move by Shangyuan League is far-reaching. If the sects of the eastern sects finally sent their disciples to study in the northern upper ally, it would undoubtedly admit that the inheritance of the Shangmeng League was higher than the sects of the east. The status of Shangyuan League is above all the sects in the east.

That is to say, Shangyuan League has become the teacher of the world's sect, and soon a saying will be formed:

The world's ancestral gates come out on the yuan!

As a result, not to mention that the disciples who went to study at Shangyuan League would like to return to the Zongmen in the future, saying that it would be difficult to recruit disciples in various sects in the east. I am afraid that the young monks will go to the north to join the Shangmeng League, and will not join the Eastern Zongmen.

Without the disciples, the decline of the Zongmen becomes inevitable, just like the previous Jianfeng.

At that time, Shang Yuanmeng would be called the real ally of the Yuanyuan. All the sects are their branches and lose their self.

This is a means of peaceful evolution, which is very entangled in the minds of the nine major sects.

This is a conspiracy, a trap that lets you see the future but has to walk in.

Twelve days, I understand that the quota is for you. If the sect refuses to send a disciple to the Shangmeng League, then the Shangmeng will close the door to the sect. In the future, you just want to send another disciple, and the Yuanmeng will not accept it again.

If the nine major sects do not send disciples, they will lose the opportunity to obtain ancient inheritance. The nine major sects have lost this opportunity. Other small and medium-sized sects have won this opportunity. Can the nine sects continue to be the boss in the future in the east?

And the ancient heritage is indeed very attractive to any monk, that is, the nine sects are no exception.

Don't go!

Will be gradually isolated, will be caught up with the medium-sized Zongmen who are going to catch up with their strength, the nine major sects are inevitable.

go with!

It seems that the future will be controlled by the US League. However, there seems to be another possibility, that is, the nine sects of the inheritance have entered the fast-growing channel, so that the Shangyuan League has always had scruples. Even if it is stronger than the nine sects, it will not completely control the nine sects.

Therefore, the final nine sects are still ready to accept the quota.

There are five places in the Cangwu sect as a large gate. The Shangyuan League said very clearly that they only recruited disciples, that is to say they only recruited the Xianwang period, the Xianhuang period and the Xiandi period disciples. Xianzun is not necessary.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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