The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1856: Arrivals

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As a result, the original Cangwu Zongwang list, the emperor's list, the first level of the emperor level must occupy three places. If you don’t go to the top three, then who is eligible to go /

However, because the mind of the first ranking of the emperor has now become a great monk of the people, it automatically gives up a quota. In this way, a Jianfeng only occupies two places, one is now the cold Qing dynasty in the early days of Xiandi, and the other is Xu Ziyan, who is now a half-step emperor. For the remaining three places, Cangwu Zong chose three emperors.

Xu Ziyan did not refuse the opportunity to study at the Yuanmeng League. The twelve ancient Tianzun must have a heritage that he can learn. Such an opportunity cannot be let go.

She used her convergence to smother her own sea spirits, and she sneaked her breath. Then he left the Cangzong Zong together with the four emperors.

In the rest of the month, five people came to the Shangyuan League on Tianfeng.

Entering the welcoming hall of Shangyuanmeng, five people looked at each other and they did not know how to report. Among the five people, the monks of Leng Qing and Xu Ziyan are the lowest. The other three clan disciples are the late Emperor. Moreover, in the Cangwu Zong, who is also a disciple of superior comprehension, the reason why Cang Zongzong sent them to five people is that they hope that five of them can learn more things to enhance the strength of Cangwu.

and so. The low-powered Leng Qing and Xu Ziyan did not speak, but was asked by a disciple of a middle-aged monk in a polite manner.

"Hello, I would like to ask friends. We are disciples of Cangwu. I don't know where to go to the mountains to report?"

"Report?" The middle-aged monk looked at the thunder with a faint look, and swept his eyes through the four people of Xu Ziyan, his eyes stunned by a small man's ambition:

"Cang Zongzong? I thought that your Cangzong ancestors were the big gates of the Shangyuan continent. Do you know that even the big gates like the sacred sects and the sects of the celestial sects came early, and you have inked this in the sky. When did you come? Why don’t you directly reject our quota on the Yuanmeng? What are you doing?”

The blood in the thunder body rushed to the face, and the redness rose.

"We have the most pure inheritance of the Shangyuan in the Yuan Dynasty. Which sect is not rushing to send disciples to come and respectfully. Your celestial sects are good. You have reached the eighth place in the report of the nine major sects. A Dan Zong is even more excessive, and has not come yet."

Coldly glanced at the red-eyed thundering road: "How? Not convinced? You can leave now if you are not convinced. If you want to stay here, you will endure."

When I saw thunder, I was not angry, and the sarcasm of the corner of my mouth expanded even more. I thought that he was only a side monk before, and when he saw these big disciples, they all smiled and smiled, but now they can reprimand them. There is an unspeakable refreshment in my heart. A robes sleeve:

"Follow me!"

Five people followed the monk out of the welcoming hall and walked toward the upper ally. The middle-aged monk said with pride while walking:

"This deity is called Wu Gang, but you have to call me Wu Gang’s predecessor. Because I am a monk and a monk who is responsible for your report."

After all, the five people are the pride of the sky. At this time, the mood has returned to calm, and they said in unison:

"Yes, seniors!"

Soon five people were all done and arranged the premises. The disciples who came to report were divided into grades. The Emperor level lived in one place, and the Emperor level lived in one place, and the Xianwang level lived in one place. Xu Ziyan is now a half-step fairy. At the level of the fairy king.

After reporting your own information. Xu Ziyan got a jade slip. This jade slip is the certificate of Dongfu’s entry and exit, and it has a place in Dongfu. Xu Ziyan walked down the mountain along a white jade stone road in the forest, with thick old trees on both sides. Not far from the back of the old tree, there is a creaking stream. The grass on both sides is full of flowers of various colors, and from time to time there is a crane flying over...

Xu Ziyan appreciates the beautiful scenery around him. Walking towards a magnificent manor-like building halfway up the mountain.

Standing in front of the gate, she knows that she will live here in the future, and she is a little excited in the inexplicable, and she has a little expectation.

Entering the gate, the inside is very wide, and the green trees are dotted with elegant two-story buildings. There is a number on it, and Xu Ziyan understands that the so-called Dongfu is the two-story building.

I found the small building where I lived, stood in front of the small building, and looked at it, knowing that this small building was shrouded in a sacred fairy tales. Xu Ziyan understands that this is a 12-day tribute to each of the sects of the sect.

The place where your disciples live is the inferior fairy tales, which definitely has a deterrent effect and gives people a longing for heart. From then on, you can know that there must be a congenital sect in this twelve days.

Nowadays, the first one is already the inferior fairy singer. Xu Ziyan is not in a hurry to enter, but pulls the Yuanshen into the sea of ​​his own, so that he can see if he can crack this array. Xu Ziyan is still wary of the 12-day esteem. He can't count on the jade slip that the Yuanmeng sent to himself. If the Yuanmeng suddenly changed this array, he would be trapped in this battle. In the law? Therefore, everything is still in control.

In the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, he watched the inferior fairy tales in front of him, and then searched in the inheritance. Soon he found the inheritance of this array, and said faintly:

"Master. This is just the simplest product of the innate fairy tales. There is such a formation in the inheritance. Master, would you like me to crack it now?"

"no need!"

Xu Ziyan sent the Yuanshen of the first line back, and then took out the jade slip on the door. There was a ripple on the door. The door was gently pushed away by Xu Ziyan.

Entering the room, I saw two doors on the first floor. I don't need to have two doors on the second floor. There are four rooms. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but frown slightly. Could it be said that there are four people in this two-story building?

Think of it here. Xu Ziyan, who has become accustomed to occupying a Dongfu house, feels a bit uncomfortable. How long has it been, and I have never lived with others?

However, Xu Ziyan only thought a little about it and understood the practice of Shangyuan. The eastern Terran has nearly 10,000 gates, one is a sect, and nearly 10,000. What's more, the medium-sized Zongmen has two places, and the nine major sects have five places. This is indeed a burden for the newly established Shangmeng League.

And just she wants to understand. But when I didn't know that I should live in that room, the door on the right opened. A female repairer wearing a yellow shirt came out from the inside and saw the look of Xu Ziyan. Then the face showed excitement. Road:

"You are Xu Ziyan?"

Xu Ziyan immediately knew that this yellow shirt female repairer should have participated in nine grand ceremonies. When she saw herself, she nodded lightly:

"Ah you are?"

"I am Ma Jingying of Baiyunzong." Ma Jingying said enthusiastically to Xu Ziyan: "Now there is a room on the left side. You have no choice but to come at the latest. Of course, if you are not satisfied, I took a fancy to the upstairs room, as long as you can beat them, the room above is yours."

Xu Ziyan looked at Ma Jingying's excited look. In the heart, this girl might have gone up and handed over, but she didn't get cheap. I thought about encouraging myself to grab the room.

Xu Ziyan did not have the idea of ​​fighting for victory. Where is it different? It’s not a lifetime to live here. It’s the purpose of this trip to learn something.

"The two people upstairs don't have to pay attention to them!" At this time, Ma Jingying said: "They both know you, when you received the prize on the nine ceremonies. They also saw you. But they I am very convinced of you, and I am very proud of it. Let me see that there is a problem with my mind."

Xu Ziyan does not know whether Baiyunzong is a medium-sized sect, or a small sect. She is still very ignorant of these sects on the mainland.

Xu Ziyan has no shelf, and he did not have a pendulum for himself. This made Ma Jingying very comfortable. He took Xu Ziyan’s hand and sat down in the hall:

"Xu Daoyou, do you know that our first task in entering the Yuanmeng League is to participate in trials."

“Trial?” Xu Ziyan asked strangely: “Are we not coming to study?”

Ma Jingying felt that she knew more than Xu Ziyan, and said with a smile: "The inheritance at Shangyuan League can be learned from the strength. Therefore, Shangyuan League has made a trial to divide us. The rank of these people."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, thinking in his heart, I am afraid it is not that simple?


On the one hand, it should be to give the Eastern Zongmen disciples a down-command, so as to raise the value of the Shangmeng League. On the other hand, it should be through such trials to create a ripple between the eastern sects to achieve the purpose of differentiation.

Seeing that Xu Ziyan was silent there, Ma Jingying said proudly: "Ziyan, don't worry, add your strength and add me, I will definitely get a better ranking."

Xu Ziyan looked at her and saw that the other party was also a half-step fairy, and nodded slightly.


The building uploaded a sneer, Xu Ziyan turned to look at it, seeing that two women were coming down the stairs at this time, the same half-step Emperor, looking to Xu Ziyan's eyes full of provocation.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, but it stretched out in an instant. I understand that this is because I am so tired of my fame. On the whole Yuanyuan, I don’t know how many people want to step on their own name.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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