The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1866: Guided animal

Congratulations to the bookmate 130927163335784 to become the best elder!


A battle of battles marched fiercely. There have been a series of battle battles that have begun to merge into a larger battlefield. Gradually, two super-large battlefields have been formed. One is the battlefield of the Eastern Zongmen disciples, and the other is the battlefield formed by the disciples of the Shangyuan League. Both sides are getting better at this time, than trying to see who can enter the central transmission array one step ahead.

At this time, Xu Ziyan stood in the center of the super-war battlefield. The monks around him were monks of the Xiandi level. They were resisting the impact of most of the monsters, and the disciples below the Emperor Xian formed a battle in the super battle. A small chain battle array, strangling some of the monsters outside the Xiandi from time to time.

Xu Ziyan slashed a sword and killed a monster. His eyes glanced at the Shangyuan League battlefield not far away, and his brow could not help but wrinkle slightly. She found that the super-large battlefield of Shangyuanmeng began to change the movement trajectory, instead of rushing straight toward the center, but moving obliquely.

Another wave of monsters came in, Xu Ziyan had no time to think about it, and he was involved in the battle. Only a slight uneasiness rose in my heart.

A few hours have passed, and the entrance is still an endless monster. It has been killed for nearly 18 days, and there is a trace of exhaustion from the heart. Xu Ziyan once again looked at the super-large battlefield of Shangyuanmeng. The uneasiness in his heart grew more and more, but he couldn’t figure out why, and his heart rose and irritated.

"Ziyan, what's wrong with you?" Ma Jingying, who was always next to Xu Ziyan, saw Xu Ziyan's eyebrows floating a little irritated and could not help but ask.

"Mr. Ma Shijie, don't you think that the direction of the Shangyuan League battle is a bit strange?"

Ma Jingying looked up and looked at the super battle of Yuanmeng. There was a thought on the face: "They seem to be taking the upper hand!"

"Upwind?" Xu Ziyan felt for a while, and instantly understood the minds of the disciples of the Yuanmeng. His face changed greatly and he just said "not good." I saw a purple mist rising from the battle of the Shangyuan League, and then the purple mist floated down the battlefield of the eastern Zongmen.


All the monsters screamed and shook their heads neatly, and followed the purple fog toward the eastern Zongmen battle. Like the hurricane that passes through the ocean, it is endless.

"This is the introduction of the beast!" A fairy emperor exclaimed, his face changed dramatically.

It was only in an instant, the original beasts that were hitting the Yuanmeng all gave up the battle of the Shangyuan League, and turned around and rushed toward the Eastern Alliance, and the area around the Yuanmeng League was empty. The future was broad, and the disciples of the Yuanyuan League swiftly flew away in the direction of the central transmission array.

The eastern Zongmen has been screaming for a long time, but in exchange for the tide of the beast and the laughter of the disciples of the Yuanmeng.

It’s just a matter of time. The disciples of the Eastern Zongmen have not experienced embarrassment, but their faces have become pale.


As soon as I heard these screams, all the disciples lost their blood on their faces. From these screams, everyone has heard that the masters of these screaming screams are already the sacred beasts of the Xianzun period. They are attracted by the beasts and are rushing toward the eastern sect.

"We are going to die!" Ma Jingying paled and shouted in trembling.

Not just Ma Jingying. At this time, the fear of fear spreads among the disciples in the east, and fear is released in every eye.

Xu Ziyan’s muscles twitched on his face, and his face hurt. However, this time is not a time to save, suddenly shouted:

"I am Cang Zun Xu Ziyan, all the people gathered toward me."

The disciples heard a glimpse of it. The disciples here have almost seen Xu Ziyan, which they have never seen before. They have also heard of it. At this time, it is the moment of the heart, listening to the call of Xu Ziyan, that is, those peaks of the late emperor also immediately began to resist the impact of the beast and began to shrink toward Xu Ziyan.

At this time, the identity of Xu Ziyan's crown disciple and his performance in the Seven Love Tower were highlighted. Let these monks have an inexplicable trust in their hearts.

It is not easy to break the tide of the beast. But it is easy to shrink, but before all the monsters have gathered, nearly 10,000 Eastern Zongmen disciples have gathered around Xu Ziyan, and both eyes are expected to gather on Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a painful color. Raise the hand to the front.

At this time, the array is already the inferior Xianbao, and Xu Ziyan will immediately open the battle. Formed a large array of nine palaces, all the eastern sects of the disciples were shrouded inside, and then within the market, the control of the array rushed out toward the central transmission array.

The Jiugong Grand Array spun up and continually swallowed the monsters that were in front of them. After the demon venoms were swallowed in, they were immediately strangled by various squads in the platoon.

Xu Ziyan controlled the front of the battlefield and swallowed the monster in front at the fastest speed, rushing forward, while looking around the monsters around the array.

The roar of the distance is rapidly drawing in. It is a few demon-like monsters that let Xu Ziyan’s heart come up.

Suddenly, her heart was loose, because she had already left the scope of the beasts, and the monsters no longer care about the purple smoke, but madly rushed toward the beasts that drifted in the air. Even the monsters of the Xianzun period are no exception.


Xu Ziyan gave a sigh of relief and flew forward for half an hour. The surrounding monsters became more and more scarce. Finally, the surrounding silence was quiet. Xu Ziyan speculated that those monsters should be attracted to the past.

Xu Ziyan put the market back, nearly 10,000 eastern disciples appeared around Xu Ziyan, and found that there were no monsters around, and they were able to see the huge transmission array far away, and they could not help but cheer together. Only Xu Ziyan’s hands were holding the face of the meat, but it was only half an hour’s time. Xu Ziyan consumed a crystal marrow. This is the first time that Xu Ziyan consumed a crystal marrow, saying no meat pain. is fake.

After everyone cheered a few times, they turned to look at Xu Ziyan, and they were filled with gratitude. But their look is an instant, because they did not see the purple flowers in the imagination, but saw a tangled face.

The cold and clear figure was laid down in the air, standing opposite the purple smoke, and asked with concern:

"Little sister, what happened?"

"Nothing!" Xu Ziyan looked at the three sisters opposite the tears.

"Nothing? Nothing?" Seeing the expression of Xu Ziyan, Leng Qingyu was anxious.

"A crystal marrow is gone, and it is consumed by the market!" Xu Ziyan licked his mouth.

At the time, Leng Qingyi was crying and laughing with the help of the hand. Others did not know the body of Xu Ziyan. Did she still know? There are dozens of crystal marrows, and Xu Ziyan is not generally rich. At this time, it is because of a crystal marrow pain.

She can't smile here, but other monks don't think much. It is necessary to know that the monks of the Xianzun period may not have the marrow, but there are only two or three, and Xu Ziyan just saved them for half an hour, if it was placed in them. On the body, they also cry!

The **** machine ancestor died because of the three disciples who participated in the nine grand ceremonies. Therefore, this time the sacred sects sent out five peaks of the late emperor, and the first peak of the emperor was called Zi Anhua. Variety. He hates nature, but it is irrefutable that he received the favor of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the hatred of Xu Ziyan was relieved. I sighed and took out a storage ring and said:

"Xu Shimei, we don't have the crystal marrow, we will compensate you with the best fairy crystal."

Speaking of this, I said to the disciples around me: "Xu Shimei saved everyone's life, we will make a difference, I will make a million yuan."

When the words fell, I came to the front of Xu Ziyan and handed the storage ring over. As a fairy emperor of Shenji Zong, he does not say that 10 million of the best fairy crystals, that is, one billion of the best fairy crystals can also be derived, but Xu Ziyan is not alone, so he only took out 10 million of the best Xianjing. Other monks heard the words, and one of them also took out the celestial hand and gave it to Xu Ziyan. More than one million of the best celestial crystals were taken out, and one million was taken out. As a result, Xu Ziyan also collected nearly 1.5 billion yuan of fine crystals, and calculated it, but still earned some.

On the side of the cold Qing 贞 see Xu Ziyan while receiving the best of the fairy crystal, while also pity to say "thank you" there, the face can not help. She really does not understand her little sister, this younger sister is usually very generous to them, as long as they need something, as long as the younger sister has, said to send it. But at this time, Xu Ziyan was another look, a pair of no-family, miser.

On the contrary, other disciples of Zongmen saw Xu Ziyan so touched, but felt a lot of kindness. They all know that Xu Ziyan is less than one hundred and ninety years old. He is still only a teenager. Seeing Xu Ziyan looks like this, his heart has raised a kind of emotional care. Many monks have given some more fairy crystals.

After a busy time, everyone went into the transmission array and returned to the Yuanmeng League to walk out of the hall.

As soon as I walked out of the hall, I saw that the disciples of the Shangmeng League stood on the square in front of the main hall. The disciples of the eastern Zongmen, "Canglanglang", took out the fairy, and they were desperate to fight with the disciples of the Yuanmeng.

"What do you want to do?"

There was a cry in the air immediately, and an irresistible pressure fell from the sky, letting the disciples of the Eastern Zongmen breathe out of time, looking up in front of them, seeing the seven loves and standing in the air looking at them coldly. .

"Open the sky!"

After Zi Anhua gave a gift to the seven passions in the air, he said it angrily. However, I heard the seven emotions in the air, and I sighed aloud:

"Since it is a trial, what is the natural means to make it out, is it incompetent, and the face is said?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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