The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1867: Life Tianzun

The face of the Eastern Zongmen disciple instantly turned purple, but in the face of the pressure of the Seven Loves, it was dare to speak out. The opposite Yuanmeng’s disciple was laughing.

"To shut up!"

In the air, there was a cold drink of the seven affectionate gods, and the disciples of Shangyuanmeng immediately stunned.

"Everyone who lives alive from the land of trials has passed the trial. From now on, we can obtain the inheritance of our twelve-day lord. We have established twelve ancestral halls in twelve days. You can go there and comprehend yourself. Every time you need ten pieces of the best crystal.

Here, a duel is allowed, but it is only allowed to be a duel between the same disciples, or a low-level can be challenged to a high-educated disciple, and it is not allowed to be a high-definition disciple.

If you don't have a fairy crystal, you can earn the fairy crystal. The Shangyuan League has a mission hall, where you can receive all kinds of tasks to earn Xianjing. Let it go. ”

The seven-day-old robes have a sleeve and the figure disappears in space.

The Seventh Love Heavenly Respect, the Eastern Zongmen disciple and the Shangyuan League disciple glared again. However, this time they did not dare to fight again, but the two sides squatted and then each screamed a few times, one by one.

Xu Ziyan returned to his room and ignored Ma Jingying's slogan. He entered his room, closed the door, sat on the bed with his knees, swallowed an elixir and began to adjust his interest. In the trial of the small world, but a lot of Xianyuan force, Xu Ziyan is ready to adjust the day, and then go to the 12th pass to see the temple.

the next day.

Xu Ziyan came down from the bed and packed up. He just wanted to go out to the 12th Passage Hall. There was a strong knock on the door.

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a bitter smile, so no one else knocking on the door, it must be Ma Jingying. Something strange in Xu Ziyan’s heart, Ma Jingying is very petite. How is this temper like a woman?

Pulling the door open, Ma Jingying was photographed with one palm and almost shot on the face of Xu Ziyan. He took back his palm and smiled and said:

"Ziyan, the cold master is coming."

Xu Ziyan crossed the shoulder of Ma Jingying and saw the cold and clear. A smile appeared on his face, and he called out "The Three Masters" and ran over.

"Little sister!"

Leng Qingqi pulled out the hand of Xu Ziyan and said: "Little sister, sister is coming to have something to say to you."

"Three sisters, you said." Xu Ziyan nodded with a smile.

"Small sister, since we came to the Shangyuan League, there are many conflicts between our eastern Zongmen and the Shangyuan League disciples. Especially after going through the trial of the small world yesterday, everyone decided to set up an Eastern Alliance. So entangled in groups. It also avoids losses."

Xu Ziyan looked around, Lan Bailing, dance color clothes and Ma Jingying, three people hurriedly nodded:

"Ziyan, we all agree."

Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at the cold and clear: "Since the three divisions joined the Eastern Alliance, Ziyan naturally joined."

"Good!" Leng Qing stood up and said: "Little sister, my sister has to inform others. You must practice well."


The cold Qing dynasty was sent out of the gate, Xu Ziyan stood in front of the door and thought for a while, then went to the 12th pass. She wants to know what kind of inheritance has been left in the 12th day.

Xu Ziyan soon came to the 12th Passage Hall, and the 12th Passage Hall was built around a circle, and the middle circle became a large square. At this time, there were already many people in the square, and some people were entering the square. At the same time, many people in the square entered the 12-passage hall.

Xu Ziyan looked around and looked at the 12th dynasty in turn, and his heart was a bit clear. It seems that the twelve-day esteem is just as high as the light moon dance thought, and there is no understanding of the Danfu Array.

Nowadays. How do you know the level of alchemy and the twelve days of the formation? But the level of this refiner is definitely not high. Because the twelve halls in front of the temple are just eight kinds of space fairy, it can be seen that the highest level of the twelve-day refinery is not only eight.

After looking at it, I walked to the nearest passage to myself. Entering the hall of the inheritance, you will know that there is a mustard space in this hall. There are already hundreds of people in it, but they don't seem crowded. There are writing on the walls around the main hall. Have a pattern. Xu Ziyan only glanced slightly, first resisting the idea of ​​comprehension and continuing to look around.

I saw a door in the hall, and there was an old man sitting at the door. Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kun Peng and saw that the repair of the old man was a monk who was a monk in the late stage. After hesitating, he walked toward the door.

Standing at the door, looking at the wall next to the door, there are a few lines on it. After reading these lines, she understood it. Each of the inheritance halls is divided into the front, middle and back three halls. At this time, her position is the front hall, which leads to the nave. However, at this time she could not enter the middle hall.

If you want to enter this nave, you must go to a trial hall. Only after passing through the trial hall, will you be qualified to enter the middle hall to comprehend the inheritance of the practice.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the old man who was guarding the door. He saw the old man sitting cross-legged and didn't even open his eyes. Then he quietly stepped back and found a place in the front hall to look down and look at the wall.

Xu Ziyan did not go to see the patterns, but first went to see the writing on the walls. This look at Xu Ziyan will instantly understand that this hall is the inheritance hall of life Tianzun.

These handwritings are the most basic understanding of the celestial life of life, Xu Ziyan quickly read it again, and then closed his eyes. The heart can not help but sigh, Tianzun is Tianzun, even if he is a spokesman, to the level of Tianzun, has already organized the inheritance of the gas of life very systematic, although only the basic part, but also very helpful for Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was sitting here for one day. Until dusk, he realized these basic exercises by one-fifth. Then he opened his eyes and looked around. He saw that there were no other people in the hall at this time. She is under one.

Thinking about it, Xu Ziyan could not help but laugh. Nowadays, on this Upper Yuan, people who can cultivate the gas of life may only have themselves. Those who used to come to try their luck, and see that they can’t cultivate, and naturally leave.

Stand up from the ground and walk outside the hall. Behind him, the old man who had closed his eyes to guard the gate of the nave opened his eyes and looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, his eyes flashing. Whispered in his mouth:

"I didn't think that this rumor turned out to be true. This purple smoke can really cultivate the gas of life."

Standing on the square, looking toward the other eleven inheritance halls, thinking about whether to go and see, and finally shook his head gently, and also knew that greed is not bad, anyway, for ten years, slowly come That's it.

The square is quiet, and occasionally a monk walks by. Presumably most monks are still practicing in the temple. Xu Ziyan didn't want to push herself too tightly, and today she has already remembered the handwriting in the hall of life and can fully comprehend it in the room. To understand these foundations, it is not too late to comprehend those patterns.

She is very curious now, and some can't figure it out. From the handwriting she just realized, she can be sure that it is a real practice, there is no cut, no hidden exercises.

If the patterns are the same, the same is true of the nave and the apse. Isn’t the twelve days of honoring the practice of practicing themselves?

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently, and the heart was dark. It was not necessarily public, but it is very possible to open the public. Even so, regardless of the ultimate purpose of the twelve days of respect, this is enough to make Xu Ziyan respect.

This is too much help for the entire Terran, and this kind of heart is even more admirable.

There are many well-qualified monks in the human race, but the difference is just inheritance. The nine major sects are no exception, and the inheritance is also a short-board, but relatively complete compared to other small and medium-sized sects. Now that there are twelve inheritance halls, the strength of the Terran will surely usher in a leap.

Shaking his head, Xu Ziyan felt that his brain was not enough. Her age and experience made her want to understand many things.

"Forget it, I still cherish this opportunity to practice well!"

No longer tangled up, raised his head and strode toward his residence.

Today is the first day of the opening of the 12th Passage Hall, and all people are immersed in comprehension. On the quiet forest road, only Xu Ziyan was alone. The number of flourishing paths on both sides of the trail was full of vitality. Xu Ziyan could not help but release the knowledge of the gods, shrouded the vitality on both sides, and was immersed in the exploration of the gas of life.

Suddenly, she came in alone in her knowledge. That person only felt the purple consciousness of the smoke at the moment of breaking in. Once the figure was moving, one step went to the front of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the consciousness of Xu Ziyan also felt that someone had approached her, and she recognized who the man was in the knowledge of God. She hurriedly stopped and gave a deep ritual to the person, respectfully saying:

"See the life of heaven!"

"Not bad!" Life Tianzun nodded: "It seems that you went to the temple of life today and realized something."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan said respectfully.

"You come with me!"

Life Tianzun turned and walked on the other path. Xu Ziyan looked awkward, but it was impossible to quit, and he was honestly behind the life Tianzun.

The life in front of Tian Zun released the knowledge, and immediately released it. After discovering that no one was paying attention to him, the big sleeves shrouded Xu Ziyan and stepped out and disappeared.

After seeing the purple smoke and seeing the surrounding situation, I found myself standing in the mouth of a valley. Taniguchi is equipped with a mid-term array of eight products. Xu Ziyan is somewhat confused. I don’t know what life Tianzun brought himself to here.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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