The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1868: Do you dare to talk nonsense again?

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Life Tianzun looked back at Xu Ziyan, and looked a little unnaturally: "You are the Xu Ziyan who has the gas of life?"


"That... I am looking for you today, it is a little something for you to help."

The muscles on Xu Ziyan's face were scared, and they looked at the life with respect and exaggeration. A monk in the late Tianzun peak, find yourself a half-step Xianhuang help?

This... is too illusory?

At this time, the space was rippling, and a figure suddenly appeared from the space. Xu Ziyan looked at it. It was one of the twelve days of Zun, and he saw his big sleeves, and a figure appeared on his side. It is a disciple of the Eastern Zongmen.

Xu Ziyan immediately rose to the alert, 12 days, this is what to do? Why do you want to bring them to this place? And it is brought to the Eastern Zongmen disciples, but not to the Yuanmeng disciples?

"Mo is away from heaven, are you coming back?" Life Tianzhao asked with a smile.

"Yeah!" Mo Tiantian smiled and nodded: "Let's go in."

Xu Ziyan and the eastern Zongmen disciple looked at each other and showed a nervous color on their faces. But there is no escaping thought, because both people know that they want to run and can't run. Run in front of the peaks of the two days? I will dispel this thought early.

Life Tianzun turned back and said to Xu Ziyan two people: "Follow us's footsteps, this is an eight-product mid-term array. Once it touches the ban, it will be very dangerous."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan and the eastern Zongmen disciple. Followed by the life of Tian Zun and Mo away from Tian Zun.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already brought the Yuanshen of the first line into his own sea of ​​knowledge. He is constantly thinking about how to escape from the situation once there is any dangerous situation. But just thinking about the moment, I have to give up this idea. In the face of the absolute strength of Tian Zun's late peak, Xu Ziyan felt that he was very weak.

Entering the valley, the look of Xu Ziyan is a tight one. Looking into the distance, the valley is now standing in ten ancient Tianzun. In addition to Mo Tiantian and life Tianzun, even the ancient ancient Tianzun was gathered in the ancient times.

At the same time, Xu Ziyan’s heart was a loose one, because she saw a disciple standing beside each Tianzun, and these disciples were not both Eastern Zongmen disciples and Shangyuan’s disciples. As a result, it is not aimed at the behavior of the Eastern Zongmen disciples.

Looking towards the center of the valley, the look of Xu Ziyan is a glimpse. When I saw the time, Tianzun was busy there, and the Tianzun next to him came forward from time to time to say a few words. Then these Tianzun argued to face the red ear, and finally the time Tianzun entered a flag.

"They are this in the array?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a strange color, because the one in the sea of ​​knowledge had already told her that the array seemed to be just a late stage of eight products.

Is it that these gods are studying the layout method? And is it a study of twelve Tianzun?

It’s just a post-production method of eight products. Is this... too boring? Or are they idle?

At this time, Xu Ziyan has followed the life Tianzun to come to the front. The life Tianzun and Mo Tiantianzun immediately threw down Xu Ziyan and the eastern disciple, and joined the controversial team with interest. Twelve of the Tianzun’s late peak monks, who made the entire Shangyuan continent discolored, argued red-faced.

"I think there should be a flag in this place."

"No, there should be a ban here."

“Are we supposed to add a fairy here?”

"Don't do it, I said that everyone can argue, but I can't just do it. Only I can do it. Do you understand the law? What if you have a problem?" Time Zun coldly smirked toward Ye Haotian.

Ye Haotian respected the red ear and said: "How can I not understand? You understand the law?"

"Of course I understand, if it wasn't the time frame I had laid out, can you live to the present?" Time is smug and the beard is tilted up.

"Take it down! You are also known to understand the law?" Ye Haotian said with disdain: "You are only comprehending the law of time. That is two things to do with the road. Don't think I don't understand."

Xu Ziyan was messy. A group of Tianzun’s late peak monks had to fight for a seemingly eight-product squad. How do you feel that a group of rich people are robbing a tofu?

Before entering the valley, Xu Ziyan was imagined to go all the way. I did not think of this result. Suddenly, Zi Ziyan’s heart trembled. Wouldn’t they want their disciples to experiment with the arrangement they had set up?

at this time. Suddenly, there was no controversy for twelve days. Twelve Tianzun turned around the middle of the array, and turned and looked "satisfied" with pride and pride.

"really not bad!"

"Yeah, I didn't think that we could also lay out the eight-product stage of the late stage. Does this mean that we are already a late-stage teacher?"

"Of course!"

Xu Ziyan has a black line in her head. Although she is not a fairy sergeant, she has seen a lot of arrays. Besides, I have also discussed it with Occasionally, and she has seen the inheritance of Yanshan Spirit. So she can tell if the quality of a formation is still good, let alone this is just a post-production method of eight products?

Is it necessary to be excited about this in a post-production process? You are the peak of the late Tianzun!

"Let the little guys go in and try the power of our array!" Time said with excitement.

Xu Ziyan was stupid in an instant!

It’s the original way to catch them and let them go to try!

What Xu Ziyan doesn't know is that these twelve Tianzuns have been studying the array here for a long time. At that time, one of them had personally entered the test, and the result was a slap in the face, although as a peak of the late Tianzun, it would not be a late stage. The fairy squad hurts the slightest. But after all, they lost their faces, so no one in these days would go in and try to go out. This raised the idea of ​​going out and grabbing some disciples to come in and try.

Xu Ziyan was really dumbfounding at this time. She really wanted to ask these twelve gods at this time. Is it necessary to try this break?

Even if you are a rookie in the formation, you can go to some of the singer, why bother to study the sneaking here?

As for this, it was arguing for a long time by the twelve Tianzuns, and the eight products that were so excited that they were too late to be... But there are too many loopholes in this array?

The experience of Xu Ziyan against the law can't see what kind of array they are laying out, like the four-image array, and the five-line array, and some like the cloud water array...

This is simply a hodgepodge. So in this way, are they sure they can function normally?

"You come over!" Time Tianzun waved to the twelve disciples such as Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan and other twelve looked at each other, all of them were pale, and they walked toward the front one by one. At this time, the twelve disciples also understood the twelve days of respecting what they were doing here. Looking at that array of methods, one by one is somewhat guilty.

Twelve days, I saw the look of twelve disciples, such as Xu Ziyan. They were not happy when they arrived, and they shouted:

"What are you grinding? Are we here, will it let you have an accident?"

Xu Zi’s mouth was bitter, and his heart said: “It’s because you are here, you are worried!”

Xu Ziyan and several people came to the front of the array. Time Tianzun went to the front of their twelve disciples, and looked proudly.

"This is a big array of our 12-day reconciliation. It is a big stage of the eight-product period. It is our hard work."

Twelve disciples are silent, tremble in the wind...

"Do you know what kind of battle is this?" Seeing that twelve disciples trembled in the wind, Time is more proud of it:

"This is a powerful array of thousands of miles of yellow sand."

Xu Ziyan was a black eye, almost fainted, she did not think, this array will be ... is ... is ... ... Wanli Huangsha big array!

Do you dare to talk nonsense again?

The look of time Tianzun became serious and dignified: "You guys listen, this Wanli Huangsha big battle is a powerful array. Presumably you have heard of this formation?"

Xu Ziyan and others are at one end.

"Good. Since I heard that I will not say more. You should be more careful after you go in. However, you don't have to worry, I will preside over this formation. When you are in danger, I will release you." Ok, now you go in."

Xu Ziyan's face was pumped. Slowed down and fell to the end. At this time, a monk of Shangyuan League made a good impression in front of the twelve-day esteem, and took a bite into the law.


The Shangyuanmeng monk was bounced back, squatting all the way, almost sitting on the ground.

"Coughing cough..." Time Zun coughed twice, and there was no sigh on his face: "This array is now closed, and it has not opened the barrier. I am here to let you see the power of the formation. a heritage of wisdom. Now that I have removed the barriers, you can go in."

Then time and time, I moved a few handcuffs, and then I shot it on the formation. I smiled and said:

"You can go in this time!"

Twelve disciples face each other and no one moves. Time’s face is a sinking, pointing to an Eastern disciple who stands in front:

"You are advanced!"

"Yes!" The Eastern Zongmen disciple had a bitter face, but he did not dare to resist. His eyes closed and the law was washed.


The disciple of the Eastern Zongmen was bounced back. Even after experiencing millions of years of skin, it has not been invaded by the heat and cold. At this time, the old face of Tianzun can't help but be red. Then I looked all over again:

"I have seen it. I am once again letting you see how powerful this kind of barrier is, so after you enter the formation for a while, you can rely on brute force and wisdom. You guys can Without my deep array of rumors..."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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