The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1871: Mystery

"No!" Life Tianzun smiled and shook his head. Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, and his eyes looked toward the other eleven days. When they saw them, they all smiled and looked at themselves.

Is it... wrong?

Isn't this life gas a cure? Say so!

"You are too small to mean the meaning of life, so your understanding will go in the wrong direction."

"Please enlighten me!" Xu Ziyan leaned down deeply.

Life Tianzhuang puts on the hand: "Nothing, I can teach you the direction of comprehension, as far as you can understand the extent to which is your understanding."

Speaking of this, there is a trace of desolateness in the face of Life Tianzun. There are too few people in the world who can cultivate the qi of life. He does not want to let his inheritance disappear.

His face became full and he became proud: "The meaning of life is not only a cure, but also no worse than other attributes, even more powerful than them. If conditions are met, you can challenge and overcome. ”

Life Tianzun smiled and looked at Xu Ziyan and asked: "I don't understand the plundering of life?"

"Understand!" Xu Ziyan nodded and then shook his head: "I don't understand!"

She understands the plundering of life, but what does this have to do with the meaning of life? The meaning of life is to provide vitality, how to plunder? So Xu Ziyan shook his head immediately after nodding.

"This is like the trees in the valley!" Life Tianzun pointed to the old trees and said: "Have you discovered that the trees grow very badly around the tallest and tallest trees?"

Xu Ziyan looked toward the ancient trees in the valley. Sure enough, the trees around the tall and stout old trees appeared weak, and some even died. Only trees separated by a certain distance grow normally.

"This is the plundering of life!" The voice of Life Tianzun sounded in the ear of Xu Ziyan: "When an ancient tree is extremely vigorous, it not only passes the nutrients of the trees that are close to it, but also begins to plunder. The life of those trees turns those trees into their nutrients. This is why the trees that are close to it die.

The meaning of the life that our monks practiced is also the same. When you fight against the enemy, the use of the meaning of life will also rob the other's vitality. But this requires two conditions. ”

Having said that, Life Tianzun erected a finger: "First. You need the deep accumulation of life. This is like a tree. If its vitality is not strong enough, it will not rob other trees." Second, you must have a high level of defense equipment, or a strong body.

Let's say you are half a step now? ”

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan quickly nodded.

"If you have a deep life, and your body strength reaches the peak of the late Emperor. So you can walk in the class of the Emperor. Of course, if your body strength is not enough, you can't stand the opponent. The attack will naturally not be able to rob the opponent's vitality."

"That... If I have a defensive suit of the inferior Xianbao, can I ignore the realm of Emperor Xian?"

"Of course!" Life Tian proudly said: "If you have a supernatural congenital treasure, even we have no way to take you."

Xu Ziyan sat there somewhat sluggishly, passing the enemy's vitality. What kind of exercises is this...

This kind of practice falls into her hands. Isn't this tailor-made for her?

The depth of her life is only to what extent she knows. Life Tianzun reminds her of two conditions, one of which is to have enough life.

But... this is not a problem for her.

Don't forget, Xu Ziyan's own strength in Dantian is nearly ten times higher than that of ordinary people, and she has three hundred and sixty-five points. The second condition is the strength of the ontology. To put it bluntly, it is to resist. This seems to have an advantage for Xu Ziyan, her body is now the peak of the late nine products, equivalent to the peak of the late Emperor.

In this way, she is not in the realm of the Emperor. Is it possible to go side by side with the gas of life? If you count the Shanghai soul roach. Isn't that traversable in the realm of Emperor Xian?

Looking at Xu Ziyan’s sluggish look, Life Tianzun smiled like an old fox: “Ziyan, now I will tell you about the mystery of plundering vitality...”

Half an hour of the speech made Xu Ziyan fall into the epiphany again, this time her epiphany took a long time. Sitting there full day and night. And the twelve-day esteem is surrounded by a circle, where the two-character sect is studied. With a relatively systematic foundation of the fairy tales, these Tianzuns have studied the three products in the absence of the purple smoke.

When Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, Twelve Days of Respect came to the front of Xu Ziyan, and still said to Xu Ziyan by Life Tianzun:

"Ziyan, have you got rid of the idea that Cangwu Zong joined the Yuanmeng League?"

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head. The look of Life Tianzun does not change at all, but continues:

"As long as you join the Shangmeng League, the resources of Shangyuan League will be inclined like you, and you can get our regular guidance."

"This..." Xu Ziyan's look is hesitant. She is not hesitating to join the Yuanmeng, she will not join. She is hesitant to refuse, life Tianzun has already put forward such conditions, if you simply refuse, who knows whether it will anger these old guys?

Xu Ziyan fell into meditation.

Twelve Tianzun puts on the management of the Yuanmeng League, but gathers in such a hidden valley to study the formation. This is definitely not an interest. If a Tianzun can be understood as an interest, it will not be an interest to explain the 12-day reunion and study the formation.

It is only promised to pass on the inheritance of their products to the nine products. These twelve days are willing to give pointers to themselves, and Xu Ziyan can feel that the practice that life Tianzun imparts to himself is definitely not perfunctory, but is impartially taught.

Why is that?

Xu Ziyan’s heart jumped. Is it true that they found a secret, and that secret world is covered with a fairy, who wants to study the fairy tales?

If this thing is true, then this secret is definitely not simple.

"How?" Life Tianzun saw that Xu Ziyan had been silent, and his heart was anxious.

Xu Ziyan scratched her head. She really couldn’t think of how to refuse, and she continued to shake her head.

Twelve days of respecting each other, they all showed a hint of helplessness. Life Tianzun said with some regrets:

"Well, in the future, you will pass on the formations you know to us. Is this no problem?"

"No problem!" Xu Ziyan nodded immediately, and he breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that these twelve days have not been tempted by their own refusal to kill their own ideas.

"There is still a request!" The look of Life Tianzun became serious: "It is this thing that you are going to rotten in your stomach, no one can say."

Xu Ziyan heard a sigh of relief. Since you don’t want to say it, it means you won’t erase your memory during this time. After thinking about it, this is normal. If you erase this memory, the next time you teach it to the 12-day squad, they have to explain it to themselves. Maybe it will cause their own dislike and produce unexpected results.

How much memory is erased will also hurt the monk's god, which is not what Xu Ziyan hopes to get.

"You make a vow with your soul!" Life Tianzun said faintly.

Xu Ziyan immediately extended his finger to portray a symbol of a soul vow in the air, and then solemnly swears:

"I promised that Ziyan would swear here, and that the teaching of the predecessors for twelve days must be tight-lipped. If it is violated, it will be destroyed."

"Well, you are now passing on the inheritance of the two Pinnacles, and then you can leave. After we understand the two products, we will naturally go to you again. At that time, you can continue to We have raised questions about cultivation in the 12th day."

"Thank you for your seniors!"

At this time, the array of the simplified version of the two-product formation was sorted out in the time array method. Xu Ziyan passed it to the twelve days, then left the valley and walked toward his dormitory.

After she left the valley, Twelve days did not immediately devote herself to studying the fairy tales. With their current cultivation, although Xu Ziyan said that they have not fully realized, but there is no problem in remembering one word.

Looking at Xu Ziyan disappeared in the back of the valley mouth, twelve days of reunion together. Mo Tiantian said softly:

"what should we do?"

Ye Haotian Zun slightly frowned and said: "Even if we understand all the inheritance of Xu Ziyan, it is only a nine-character sect, and I don't know when to realize it. Is it so dragging on?"

Qi Qing Tian Zun also frowned and said: "If we drag it later, we can crack those arrays. But this obviously does not work."

Time Tianzun sighed a bit: "It seems that we want to block the news, it is impossible to open the secret alone. We still invite the nine major sects of the East to participate."

Life Tianzun also nodded: "The nine major sects of the ancestors are the most proficient in the tactics. Why don't we only invite the sect?"

For the rest of the eleven days, Zundu frowned and thought, and in the end, Tian Zun condensed and said:

"Once this matter is known to the ancestors, other sects may not know it. It will be more troublesome at that time. It is better to talk openly with the nine sects, we can cooperate with them, but in the secret All the benefits can only give them one-fifth. As for how they want to divide, that is their business."

The other eleven Tianzun heard the words, and they all nodded: "Just do it."

"Since we have decided to cooperate with the nine major sects, is it necessary to continue learning with Xu Ziyan?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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