The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1872: Early Emperor

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"Learning! Of course you have to learn!" Time Tianzeng said with a deep voice: "Don't start with the cooperation of the nine major sects. We have been studying the law with Xu Ziyan for some time. Waiting for us to learn the nine products, and then The nine major sects began to cooperate, so this will not let the nine sects of the sects in the formation of the law too deceive us. In the face of huge interests, who knows what the daring of the nine sects will do?"

"Not bad!" The other eleven Tianzun also nodded.

After Xu Ziyan left the valley, he walked toward his dormitory and thought about the inheritance of the meaning of life. Suddenly she stopped her footsteps, turned her direction, and walked toward the temple of life. She felt that she should be hot and hit the iron, and realized the patterns of life in the temple.

Now that she has personal guidance from Tian Zun, she has the correct direction of understanding of the meaning of life. Do not take this time to comprehend, but also wait until when?

Xu Ziyan soon entered the hall of life, and there was still no one in the front hall. Only the old man who was watching the door sat still with his eyes closed.

When I heard the footsteps, the old man opened his eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan. His eyes flashed a horror, and then he closed his eyes and motionless like a piece of dead wood.

Xu Ziyan also ignored the old man, sitting cross-legged in the center of the hall, spreading the knowledge out, and began to cover the walls on the ones.

As soon as the gods entered the symbols, Xu Ziyan felt that he had entered a world of vitality.

Only the vitality of this world is too strong, and it has begun to plunder the vitality of Xu Ziyan.

The old man who had been at the entrance to the nave suddenly stunned. Open your eyes and flash in your eyes. He suddenly found out that the symbols on the walls inside the hall began to rotate, and the entire hall was shrouded in a mysterious light.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a tight one. She immediately felt that her vitality was being plundered. The arrogance of the plundering vitality obtained from the life Tianzun was flowing in her sea of ​​knowledge, and Xu Ziyan began to resist...

The battle between Xu Ziyan and the Fuxi on the wall unconsciously passed an hour, and Xu Ziyan realized more profoundly about the mystery of the plundering of life.

These symbols in the hall of life are the inheritance of the meaning of life left by the life. Of course, it will not completely plunder here to comprehend the life of the disciple. The reason why the plundering of the vitality occurs is that it is only pointing out the direction of understanding the meaning of life, so the degree is very slight. Moreover, Xu Ziyan had already had a basis for plundering the vitality of life, and soon stopped the passage of his own vitality, completely immersed in the understanding of the sin of life.

With the personal guidance before the life of Tianzun, Xu Ziyan, who already has a certain foundation, only took seven days to fully understand the inheritance in the front hall, and the meaning of life has entered the realm of Zhongcheng from Xiaocheng.

Xu Ziyan quickly left the temple. After leaving the Shangmeng League, I used the convergence symbol to hide the breath of my breakthrough. I took the baby to fly far away.

In nine days, Xu Ziyan came to the endless endless sea. I found an uninhabited island and landed.

The cloud baby was taken up, and then the catcher was put away. Immediately began to gather in the sky to rob the clouds, Xu Ziyan excitedly looked at the clouds in the air.

After finally robbing, you can use the power of lightning during the robbery to quench the body.

Sink a glimpse into the purple smoke space. Shouting at the void: "The Thunder giant sword, ready to eat lightning."


There is an endless grid in the endless void in the purple smoke space, and the endless grid is gathering in the middle, showing the Thunder giant sword.


Thunder giant sword rushed out of the purple smoke space, across the head of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's body shape flew up, and his fingers knocked on the Thunder and the Great Sword: "Thunder the Great Sword, I have to use the Thunderbolt to quench the body, you don't want to grab too much with me!"

"Yeah!" Thunder's giant sword responded lightly.

The robbery clouds in the sky are getting stronger and stronger, and Tianwei has come down, making people feel suffocated. It is like a sky. The huge black cloud formed an oversized vortex in the air and slowly turned. From time to time, there is a way to see the purple thunder in the dark clouds, and the roar of "咔嚓咔嚓".

Three days later, the sky on the entire island was dark. The waters around the island are also silent, and the Krakens who originally lived here are horrified.


The robbery cloud in the air opened a door. Five Thunder Xian will be rushed out of the gate, and behind the Thunder will be the dense Thunder.

The face of Xu Ziyan was green at the time. Actually... There will be five Thunder Fairies at a time, which will not let people live?

The five Thunder Fairy will pour down the Xu Ziyan with countless Thunder Xian soldiers as the Galaxy upside down.


The Thunder giant sword rushed into the air, zoomed in quickly, and then it was a sword.


The five Thunder Fairies will be smashed by the Thunder's Great Sword, and the intensive thunder of the thighs will be shrouded in the past.


Since the Thunder giant sword broke through the fairy king, Xu Ziyan really gave Xu Ziyan face, inserted vertically on the ground, did not go to compete with Xu Ziyan to grab the power of Thunder.


Thousands of Thunder's power bombarded the body of Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan had already sat on the ground and transported the sword. At this time, the small sword in her dantian is already a fairy. The force of the Thousand Thunder Thunder poured into the body of Xu Ziyan, and the little sword of the one-piece fairy began to frantically absorb the power of the Thunder. At the same time, the power of the Thunder also madly tempered the body of Xu Ziyan.

Now the body strength of Xu Ziyan has reached the peak of the late nine products, which is equivalent to the peak of the late Emperor. This is because other monks have the strength of the late Emperor's peak, used to rob the Emperor of the early emperor, it is not like playing. There is no problem at all.

However, Xu Ziyan is not an ordinary monk. She has a world in her body. She has to rob more than ordinary monks.

The little sword in Dantian suddenly turned into a small sword and rushed out of Dantian. Beginning to swim in the body of Xu Ziyan, bringing the severe pain of Xu Ziyan, constantly tempering the body of Xu Ziyan.

The power of the Thunder is outside, and the little sword is inside. One outside and one inside, let Xu Ziyan's body rise rapidly.

However, the damage is also huge. It was only less than half an hour, Xu Ziyan could not stand it, and the whole body was almost completely destroyed by the force of this outside.

"Thunder giant sword, up!" Xu Ziyan could not help but sighed.


The Thunder giant sword suddenly enlarged, rushed to the top of Xu Ziyan's head, completely blocking all the power of the Thunder. Crazy to absorb the power of the Thunder from the sky.

Xu Ziyan immediately swallowed an elixir, and then opened the body of life to restore his body.

Now the meaning of Xu Ziyan’s life has reached the realm of Zhongcheng, and the speed of healing is comparable to that of Xiaocheng.

The ruined body is rapidly recovering, and the skeletal muscles are rapidly reborn.

Just a short two quarters of an hour, Xu Ziyan's body is fully restored. This can not help but let Xu Ziyan sigh in the heart, this is only to cultivate the meaning of life into the realm of Zhongcheng, if it is cultivated to the great consummation. Wouldn't it be impossible to fight?

Looking up at the Thunder giant sword, Xu Ziyan did not let the Thunder giant sword leave this time, but the body shape jumped to the sword of the Thunder sword in the vertical sword, and absorbed the power of the Thunder.

This man’s sword is constantly absorbing the power of the Thunder in the robbery. The Thunder’s giant sword smashes the Thunder and the Immortals from the robbery cloud from time to time, and then madly absorbs the Thunder. Power. If Xu Ziyan can't stand it, he will hide under the Thunder giant sword, swallow the elixir, and use the gas of life to repair the body.

It is constantly being destroyed and constantly being repaired. Xu Ziyan's body has been quenched. The body is approaching the next product.

In the hidden valley of Shangyuan League, Time Tianzun finally fully realized the inheritance of the second-class formation. But the other eleven Tianzun were still there to comprehend, which could not help but show a trace of pride on his face. One began to comprehend the three-character fairy tales, waiting for eleven Tianzun to wake up.

And at this time. On the uninhabited island of the endless sea, Xu Ziyan finally robbed the early Emperor.

The air robbery scattered. There is a colorful light, like a rainbow hanging from the sky, shrouded the entire body of Xu Ziyan. The sound of the fairy voice...

The cultivation of Xu Ziyan was upgraded to the early stage of the Emperor, and the cultivation of the body also reached the beginning of the inferior Xianbao.

The space of purple smoke in the body is further expanded and the space is further stabilized. The realm of space has been further enhanced. At this time, the entire space is full of sounds, and everything within the space has been further improved.

The earthly bears have undergone further changes, and the holy fruit on the head has begun to increase further. It has slowly changed toward the level of the Emperor. In time, it is absolutely possible to produce a holy fruit that allows the monk to directly break through the level of the Emperor.

Peach Blossom and Spring 30 Niangniang broke through to the late stage of Xianwang.

Gu Teng hopes to break through to the early Emperor.

Xiaobai broke through to the late Emperor.

The chaos has become the beginning of the Emperor.

Yunbao has become a kind of inferior Xianbao, and the pen has become the inferior fairy treasure. The five-color sword has reached the peak of Xianpin Xianbao.

The otter has begun to appear in the middle of the Emperor.

Xiaojin, a palm of water, Xiaomumu, Xiaowudao, Huo Linger, and Xiaotu have a leap-like ascension.

The Thunder Giant Sword has recovered to 30% of its power.

The first one, the second one, the Dan one, the Dan two, the Fu Yi and the array one also reached the middle of the immortal.

The little sword in Dantian has become a three-piece fairy.

Xu Ziyan cleaned up, and then took the cloud baby and began to return to Shangyuan. Today's cloud baby is already the inferior fairy, and the speed is surprisingly fast. Xu Ziyan feels that it is the human monk who wants to catch up.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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