The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1873: Are you Lan Lanling?

In the hidden valley of Shangyuan League, the twelve Tianzun finally realized the two-product formation and penetrated through, and the life Tianzun spread out of the gods to find Xu Ziyan.

Soon his knowledge shrouded the entire Shangmeng League, but he could not find the trace of Xu Ziyan, which made him frown slightly.

He frowned, and the other eleven Tianzun felt anomalies, and immediately spread the ecstasy to cover the entire Shangmeng League.

However, the trace of Xu Ziyan could not be found in the same way as Tian Zun.

These twelve Tianzun did not doubt that Xu Ziyan ran back to the Zongmen to tell Cang Zongzong about the matter here. Because Xu Ziyan has issued a soul vow, this soul vow is extremely effective. Twelve Heavenly Respects took back their knowledge, and they frowned and frowned.

But where did Xu Ziyan go?

The eyes of Life Tianzun suddenly said: "Is it that the little girl has already realized the meaning of life, and broke through to the early emperor to go out and rob?"

Listening to the words of life, Tian Zun said that the other eleven Tianzuns have been shaken, and Tian Zun gently nodded:

"Yes, Xu Ziyan was already a half-step emperor, and it was only half a step away from the Emperor. Now it is not surprising that there is a life Tianzun personally pointing to the Emperor."

"It is said that this little girl is less than two hundred years old?"

"Not bad!"

"Unfortunately, she does not want to join us on the Yuanmeng, this is a good seed!"

"Oh, this is nothing to be a pity." Seven loves the sky must smile and said: "Now we have not touched the eastern Zongmen, because if the eastern Zongmen rebounds fiercely, it will make people ruin the foundation. Although the east Zongmen has only two peaks in the late Tianzun. But their number of Tianzun is very large. So we have no overwhelming advantage.

However, once we have the inheritance of that secret, we may be able to break through today's world and reach the goal we have been pursuing. By that time, the Eastern Zongmen would not be enough. What's more, compared with the breakthrough of the heavens and the earth, it is indeed a trivial matter to conquer the eastern Zongmen. Once we broke through the world. Conquering the eastern Zongmen is a small matter, as simple as turning the palm. At that time, Xu Ziyan naturally owed it to the Yuanmeng. ”

"Yes!" Other Tianzuns were also excited.

The cloud baby all the way to the Shangyuan League, and Xu Ziyan entered the space fairy that set up the time array method to precipitate his own cultivation.

It took nine days to come, but it only took three days to go back. It shows how terrible the speed of the cloud baby is.

And the three days of time in the time array is three hundred days passed. Xu Ziyan has completely stabilized the realm of the early Emperor.

Put away the cloud baby, enter the Shangyuan League, walk along the forest with his small dormitory.

Thinking while walking. Now the front hall of the temple of life has been realized, and the nave can not enter. Which one of the remaining ones to go to the rest of the temple?

At this time, there is already an understanding of Xu Ziyan in these twelve inheritance halls.

These twelve inheritance halls are the lifelong cultivation experiences left by the twelve days. The nature left by Life Tianzun is the meaning of life. The nature left by the time Tianzun is the meaning of time. The Seven Lovers do not know what inheritance is left, but the other nine Tianzuns are left with Jinmushuihuo. The inheritance, because these nine heavenly spirits do not have these five attributes.

Or go to the heritage hall of the five properties of Jinmushuihuo, and it is estimated that there is nothing to see in the front hall. After all, I have cultivated the meaning of the golden wood and the fire to the great perfection. It is not the basic inheritance of the front hall that can satisfy oneself. However, after all, it is the inheritance of the ancient twelve days, perhaps there will be some experience that surprised me.

During the tempering, I heard a familiar voice coming from the left front, sharp and angry. Like what happened, Xu Ziyan could not help but slightly frowned.

"Who is this Lan Bai Ling worried about?"


A burst of slap in the face, accompanied by the voice of Lan Bai Ling's anger, but the sound is getting lower and lower. Xu Ziyan was shocked and his body swept toward the left front. I have not waited for the purple smoke to fly over. When I heard the space, I heard the sound of the saga. Just a moment I heard a scream of dance color clothes. Xu Ziyan's figure appeared on a stone road. When he saw the Lan Bai Ling and the dance color clothes fell to the ground at this time, the two men's arms were twisted and they were interrupted at first glance. And a face of Lan Bailing has been beaten into a pig's head, and blood is flowing out of his mouth.


A figure fell on the side of Lan Bailing. Looking at the pig's head, Lan Bailing, a look of surprise:

"You are Lanbring?"

Seeing that Ma Jingying looked incredulous, Xu Ziyan could not help but smile. This Ma Jingying has not dealt with Lan Bailing, saying that she should not ridicule her a few words?

Xu Ziyan walked up to the front and sighed a bit: "Get them both up."

Xu Ziyan bent over and carefully lifted the dance color suit lying on the side, and Ma Jingying also helped Lan Bailing. Two people were helped to sit down on the stone bench next to them. Xu Ziyan whispered:

"Is it okay?"

"Nothing!" said the dance color suit with a bite. It’s just that the sweat from the forehead makes people know that it’s not as easy as she said. However, Lan Bailing did not say a word because her face had been swollen and her speech became troublesome. It was only her swollen eyes that were swollen into a slit and still staring at the opposite crowd.

Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at Lan Bailing's gaze, and saw a young monk standing there proudly.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze reveals a clear color. The other party turned out to be the peak of the Emperor’s early stage, while Lan Bailing and the dance color dress are only half-step emperors. Xu Ziyan tried them together and knew that their limit is also the emperor. Initial. This is naturally not the opponent of the peak of the Emperor. Seeing Lan Bailing still dare to wait for him, the peak of the Emperor of the Emperor laughed ridiculously:

"Hehehe... The genius of the young generation of Qinglianzong is just like this. What is it like, and it is not vulnerable at all?"

Having said that, I lifted my slender hand and put it in front of my eyes and looked at it: "It’s really cool!"

"Hey, do you think that today's sectarian disciples are the same! The disciples of the nine major sects are honest, not to mention the sect of Qinglianzong. Besides, this Lan Bailing is a waste, and the eastern sect is still in its prime. During the period, I was so solemn that I played honestly. I really don’t know why her mentality is so good. I dare to come to the Yuanmeng?”

The surrounding monks sneered, and Xu Ziyan understood it in an instant. The people on the opposite side were the original disciples, and now the disciples of Shangyuan.

"Haha... I laughed at me. I usually feel like no one is her opponent. It is a pustule, but hahaha..."

"Maybe she was alone in breaking the Yuanyin, so the strength is not enough, hahaha..."

Lan Bailing's body trembled, and the blood in his mouth began to spurt again. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and the words of these people on the opposite side made her very unhappy.

If there is nothing to do with the injury, but these mouths are really stinking, and it is obviously a shame to make the face of Lan Bailing into a pig's head.

Ma Jingying's face is also very unattractive at this time, although she and Lan Bailing are very uncomfortable, and the two seem to be born to the opposite, the two sides look at each other is not pleasing to the eye, but it is obviously a knife mouth tofu,

Originally, Xu Ziyan thought that Ma Jingying saw the appearance of Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes. He would sing a few words. I did not expect that only when I saw Lan Bailing, I was surprised to ask "You are Lan Bai Ling?" Carefully took Lan Bailing to the stone bench.

Her movements were extremely careful, as if she was afraid of hurting Lan Bailing, not like her usual appearance of a female man.

She didn't say that Xu Ziyan was surprised. She was very surprised. Lan Bailing was very surprised. She looked at Ma Jingying with a flickering look, but she was very proud of her character, and in the case of being beaten like a pig, lips Moved, but never said anything.

"Lan Bailing, your enemies will tell you. I have learned a lot of things these days. You must not be my opponent. So I will help you, and the person who will make you a pig's head will also be a pig. ......" Ma Jingying's face is derogatory.


Xu Ziyan, Lan Bailing and the dance costumes looked at Ma Jingying, who was in the midst of indignation. Half-sounding, they shook their heads silently.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Kuang Peng and saw the injury of Lan Bailing and the dance color coat. The two men's arms were broken, and it was still the kind of comminuted fracture, which showed the other party's hand.

Fortunately before this, the Shangyuan League has stipulated that only in the collapse of the platform can we not fight for life and death, and it is not allowed to repair the high challenge to be low. So the surname is not dare to die, otherwise Lan Bailing and dance color clothes have already died.

Xu Ziyan took out a jade bottle and poured out two elixirs and handed them to Lan Bai Ling and Wu Cai Yi:

"Take it!"

Watching two people take Xiandan down, Xu Ziyan walked behind the two people, put his hand on the back of the two people, and transported the gas of life into it. Now Xu Ziyan is already the beginning of the Emperor, and the meaning of life has reached the realm of Zhongcheng, and the healing effect is not comparable to the past.

Coupled with the effect of Xiandan, not to mention the two people's arms, it said that Lan Bailing's face like a pig's head, quickly restored to its original appearance.

After loosening his hand, Ma Jingying, looking around, asked in a low voice: "Mr. Ma, what is the origin of the other party?"

"You said that surname?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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