The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1875: Power puzzle

Xu Ziyan’s mouth sneered a little and smiled.


The group of flying otters in the air suddenly condensed into four large spears.

"Go!" Xu Ziyan gave a light drink.

The four spears screamed and slammed into the arms and legs of Min Nanping.

In the heart of Minnan, he was shocked. While propping up the defensive shield, he released four metal-strength swords and smashed toward the four spears.

Where can he stop the spears that have been condensed by countless immortals in the mid-term of the Emperor?


Even the sluices of the four spears that are condensed are not all in the middle of the Emperor, but at least four of them are the otters in the middle of the Emperor.

Therefore, the four-handed sword was crushed without any suspense.


The four spears smashed the Yuanli hood released by Yan Nanping and bombarded him on his limbs.


Yan Nanping’s limbs were broken and his body stumbled to the ground...


The four spears became four brackets to support Weinan smoothly and firmly, and let him stand straight on the ground.

At the same time, some otters flying out of the four spears condensed into a large palm in the air...

Yan Nanping’s painful nose and tears flowed down, but he stared blankly at the big palm of the air that was condensed by the leeches. I don’t know what Xu Ziyan is doing.


Min Nanping understood, not only did he understand, but the people around him understood it at this time.

Because the big palm of the air, which was condensed by the leeches, was on the face of Yan Nanping...

Xu Ziyan let the flying water squirt a large palm to slap the Nanping slap, because he once made Lan Bailing a pig.

Lan Bailing’s eyes were wet. She has always been proud of her heart at this moment...



The big palm in the air kept waving, and the palm of his hand was on the face of Yan Nanping. The face of Yan Nanping soon became a pig's head.

The surrounding monks looked at the big palms that were slap in the air, and there was a hint of fear at the bottom of the heart.

Onlookers of the monks. Whether it is the Eastern Zongmen disciple or the Shangyuan League disciple, there is a feeling of horror.

From the beginning to the end, in addition to releasing a wooden property, Xian Ziyan never released any fairy magic. The fairy did not come up with one. It was based on a group of leeches to subdue Min Nanping. Even the slap in the face did not use the hands of the people, but the slap in the palm of the hand smashed with the palm of the hand.

If this is the opposite of Xu Ziyan, how can I fight this?

Xu Ziyan just stood there... No... She could move the chair and sit there, and then her opponent was solved by those flying water.


All the otters retreated back to the body of Xu Ziyan, and the time disappeared without a trace.


Yan Nanping squirted a blood, and the body lost the support of the flying water. He fell heavily on the ground and fainted.

Xu Ziyan Shiran to the front of Wei Nanping, reaching out to release a low-level fairy, water polo, thrown into the face of Yan Nanping.

Wei Nanping woke up, but still stunned and refused to blink.

"If you wake up, don't pretend, otherwise I don't mind kicking a few more feet on your ribs." Xu Ziyan's voice faintly sounded.

Yan Nanping reluctantly opened his eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan. There is resentment in the eyes, there is fear...

"Hey, you see! You just closed your eyes and fainted. Now you open your eyes again, and you see Lan Bailing and dance color clothes? I remember you said, see them once, once now, now You can do it."

Yan Nanping closed his eyes very simply. Xu Ziyan looked at the disciples who had ridiculed Lan Bailing with Xiao Nanping and said softly:

“Is it an application that should challenge you?”

Those disciples were just the cultivation of the early Emperor of the Emperor. Seeing that Nan Nanping was disabled, how dare to promise the challenge of Xu Ziyan? And you must immediately dispel the idea that Xu Ziyan challenged them. Otherwise, once I wait until Xu Ziyan is determined to challenge. They have to fight.

"This...we all come to study, Xu Daoyou, don't we delay the time of comprehending the inheritance?"

"Yes! Yes! Xu Daoyou, you are such a noble person. It is not for you to fight and kill."

"Yes, yes. We are not human races!"

Several monks in the early days of the Emperor almost scared their **** to sit on the ground, and the voices were clearly trembling. As I spoke, I quietly stepped back a few steps, as if I had opened a few steps with Xu Ziyan, it was more secure.

Too scary!

Her flying waters are too scary! There is actually a flying water raft that reaches the middle of the Emperor, and it is not one. Accept the challenge of Xu Ziyan? Are you tired of living?

However, the strength of Xu Ziyan also aroused the rebound of the disciples of the Shangyuan League. One Xiandi said in the early days of the crowd:

"Xu Daoyou, if you want to challenge, I can meet your requirements."

His voice just fell, and before he opened the purple smoke, he heard a cold sound sounded:

"I think we have a better time to learn from each other."

Xu Ziyan turned his head and looked at him with a happy smile on his face: "Three sisters!"

Just now, it was Xu Ziyan’s third sister, Leng Qingyu. She saw that the first emperor of Shangyuan League had challenged Xu Ziyan in disguise, and naturally could not sit idly by. Xiaozi smiled and nodded, and then sneered at the opposite of the first Yuanmeng immortal.

The look of the Emperor of the Yuanmeng was a stagnation, and his eyes quickly swept back and forth between the cold and the Xu Ziyan. Suddenly remembered that Xu Ziyan and Leng Qingyi were born in the Cangwu Zongyijianfeng, the disciple of a Jianfeng was mad, and the leapfrog challenge was the tradition of a Jianfeng. Just look at the strength of Xu Ziyan just now, you can imagine the strength of cold and clear.

It’s just that the strength is not terrible. A Jianfeng is famous for being a madman. This gang is a madman who tries to die. At the beginning of the nine ceremonies, the emperor disciples of the Stars and the sacred ancestors, the imperial disciples and the disciples of the royal family were not all killed by the monks of the Jianfeng?

The heart of the Emperor of the Yuanmeng is a glimpse of the heart, and I can’t help but blame myself. What am I doing to provoke a Jianfeng’s madman? There is nothing at all here, am I not eating enough?

Look at the Nanping, who was lying on the ground at this time, and the Emperor’s heart is even less emboldened. Suddenly, a complex face is revealed:

"I suddenly realized that I have to go back to retreat!"

When the words fell, the figure appeared in the space, disappeared without a trace, and looked at the monks around.

Xu Ziyan and Leng Qingying couldn’t help but laugh and laughed. They walked to the front of the cold and said:

"Three sisters, go to me and sit down?"

Leng Qingying shook his head and said: "I am going to try the temple. Little sister, you know that my soil properties have been cultivated to the realm of great perfection. Through the understanding of these days, the front hall is not suitable for me, so I am going to Trial the temple, hoping to get the qualification to enter the nave,"

Xu Ziyan also wanted to see what the trial hall was. But when she saw the injured Lan Bailing and the dance color suit, she finally did not go. After saying goodbye to the cold and clear, she walked toward Lan Bailing and the dance color coat.

The conflict happened very quickly and there were not many monks watching. It’s just that after a while, it’s gone. Xu Ziyan came to Lan Bailing's side, carefully holding her, and then to Ma Jingying:

"Mr. Ma Shijie, you support the dancers, we went back."

"Oh!" Ma Jingying only reacted from the shock that Xu Ziyan gave her just now. She hurried back and carefully lifted the dance color clothes. While walking back, she looked at Xu Ziyan from time to time. The middle is full of weirdness.

Going back to the dormitory, I placed Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes on the chair and sat down. Xu Ziyan and Ma Jingying also sat down next to each other. Xu Ziyan checked the Lan Bai Ling and the dance color clothes separately, and then smiled and nodded:

"Tomorrow should be healed!"

"Thank you Xu Shimei!" Lan Bailing thanked the dance color clothes together.

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head without words. Ma Jingying suddenly shouted in surprise:


Xu Ziyan, Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes three people neatly turned a white eye, this is a big nerve, it took so long to find Xu Ziyan breakthrough.

Xu Ziyan nodded in a speechless way: "There was a little understanding of the meaning of life, so it broke through."

Lan Bailing and the dance color coat stared at Xu Ziyan and said enviously: "No wonder our wounds have recovered so quickly. Originally Xu Daoyou realized the meaning of life and congratulated Xu Daoyou."

It’s just that Ma Jingying’s eyes are still weird, because she still doesn’t know how much the strength of Xu Ziyan has reached.

Although Xu Ziyan had cleanly smashed Nanping, but Xu Ziyan almost did not shoot, but used a group of flying water to smash the other party. In Ma Jingying's heart, the strength of Xu Ziyan is still a mystery.

"Ziyan, what strength are you?" Ma Jingying finally did not hold back and asked.

Ma Jingying's words are exported, and Lan Bailing and dance color clothes are also a look. At this time, the two of them also reacted. The strength of this purple smoke has always been a mystery. The longer I spend with her, the more unfathomable it is.

Last time in the trial of the small world, she took out a battle, this time there was a group of flying water. However, her own strength has always been a mystery. Although she once flew a fairy in the trial world, it was not prepared. If the Xian Emperor had prepared in the early days, Xu Ziyan might not be able to reach that. effect. However, to what extent does Xu Ziyan’s strength reach?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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