The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1876: Ramp (I wish you comrades happy Christmas Eve)

I am very grateful to Jinniu Feifei (988), Muyu Orange (888), mableip (100), Susuer (100), and Seaphay (100) pink tickets!


Xu Ziyan just smiled, Ma Jingying suddenly stood up and stared at Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, how do you practice?"

She exported this sentence, not only the purple purple smoke, but also the Lan Bai Ling and the dance color clothes. Lan Bailing asked more out loud:

"you sure?"

"Of course sure!" Ma Jingying said proudly, and then looked at Xu Ziyan: "But you are not allowed to use that array, and you are not allowed to use that water."

"Idiot!" Lan Bailing looked speechless.

"You are crippled, who do you say idiot?" Ma Jingying angrily waited for Lan Bailing.

"Please!" Lan Bailing's look is painful: "Xu Shimei is now the early Emperor, you are just a half-step emperor, and the realm is not stable. What are you not an idiot?"

Ma Jingying’s face changed and finally turned to Xu Zi’s flue: “That... you are suppressing it in a half step!”

"Hey!" The dance color coat on the side couldn't help but smile and spurted out: "Do you want to tie the arms of Xu Shimei first?"

At this time, Ma Jingying couldn't listen to the sarcasm of Lan Bailing and the dance color dress. She was too curious about Xu Ziyan. Without understanding the strength of Xu Ziyan, her heart seems to have hundreds of cat claws scratching her.

"Try my strongest trick!"

Ma Jingying shot regardless of the situation, stretched out his right hand and five fingers trembled in the air, and then grabbed Xu Ziyan.

Lan Bailing and the dance color face changed greatly. Can't help but blurt out.

"Endless ice!"

"Ma Jingying, you idiot!"

Two people look pale at the face of Ma Jingying, the power of endless ice can be frozen into ice cubes for dozens of miles, and it is still the kind of ice that has not been frozen for hundreds of years, and is now injured by Lan Bailing and dance color clothes. body. It can't resist at all, it will be frozen into ice sculptures directly, and it has the possibility of being degraded.

How can they not be afraid of two?

Xu Ziyan’s mouth passed a bitter smile, and this Ma Jingying really didn’t stop aiming!

"Small water. Come out!"

Xu Ziyan called out in the knowledge of the gods, and then the right hand was like a plucking of the piano. With the gesture of Xu Ziyan, the hydration of the palm of the hand made a water dragon rushed out, opened a big mouth, and took a bite. Ma Jingying just released the endless ice to swallow it.

I want to refine and refine the water of the palm of the hand. An endless frozen fairy is naturally a piece of cake, and then the water of the palm disappears in the air. Quietly returned to the body of Xu Ziyan.

"Ah?" Ma Jingying was shocked and looked at Xu Ziyan: "That... what is it?"


Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes also breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, the heart also raised a fear for Xu Ziyan. The half-step of the endless ice released by the Emperor was so ruined by Xu Ziyan that there was no slight vibration, no damage to any part of the room, and no damage to the two of them. Even the clothes of both of them did not blow a trace.

What is this fairy?

What is the strength of this?

Isn’t the Emperor’s early stage so easy?

With the realm of a palm of water, the three of them could not see whether the water of a palm is a fairy, but only the fairy that was released by Xu Ziyan.

When I thought that the strength of Xu Ziyan was likely to surpass the early days of Xiandi, the three people almost immediately went mad.

Ma Jingying stood in the middle of the ground, as if by a nightmare, he whispered in a low voice: "Why? Everyone is a good emperor. She is only half a level higher than me. Why is it so much stronger than me?" Is there any truth in this..."

Although Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes did not mutter like the sound of Ma Jingying, the expression on the face was somewhat stiff.

An early Emperor of the Emperor less than two hundred years old, but the real strength is beyond the early days of the Emperor... This is a bit too horrible...

Xu Ziyan, sitting in the chair, suddenly stood up and walked toward the door. Ma Jingying shouted at the back of Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan. Why are you going?"

"I am a little bit..."

The sound has not disappeared. The back of Xu Ziyan has disappeared into their vision. Just in the ear of Xu Ziyan, the voice of Tian Zun was heard, and she immediately went to the hidden valley of Houshan. Therefore, Xu Ziyan hurried away.

Lan Bailing looked at Xu Ziyan, and could not help but sigh. Not only sighing the strength of Xu Ziyan. Still lamenting that Xu Ziyan is the identity of an elixir.

At this time, she remembered that the broken order Dan, which had been raging a few years ago, was Xu Ziyan's refining. The quality of the food that I had just given myself and the dance clothes should be high. I don't know if it is eight products, or is it a nine-product fairy?

Thinking of this, I can't help but move. She couldn't help but stupid, and she found that her arm was lifted up, and she moved with disbelief and found that the injury was already 80% better. She remembered what Xu Ziyan had said before, "Tomorrow will be able to heal."

"This is definitely not a nine-pronged immortal, this... this is the inferior fairy!"

Although she has never seen the inferior fairy, she remembers that many years ago, her teacher Shi was seriously injured when she hunted a monster. It was Zongmen who spent a lot of money to purchase a necessities, Dandan, and its effect. Just like she is now.

Now Lan Bailing's mentality is no longer a arrogance in front of Xu Ziyan, and some only sigh. How enchanting is the roommate who lives with me!


Lan Bailing stood up from the chair and walked upstairs to the upstairs, and a stuttering voice sounded behind her:

" are you?"

At this time, Ma Jingying has completely gone mad. Just now Lan Bailing and the dance color clothes were brought back by her and Xu Ziyan respectively. How can I walk with my arms?

Although she can see that Lan Bailing has gone very hard. But it is indeed able to go, this... What is going on? Is it that I am dreaming?

She can swear that when she took the Lanbring and the dance gown from the ground, the two of them were absolutely injured. It is an absolute comminuted fracture of the arms. The eyes couldn’t help but look at the dance color clothes. Seeing the dance color clothes was also a horror of the face, followed by a wonderful face, slowly standing up from the chair. Walking swaying upstairs.

"Who can tell me, what is going on here?" Ma Jingying shouted at the back of Lan Bailing and the dance costume.

Lan Bailing slowly turned back to Ma Jingying: "Idiot, don't you know that Xu Ziyan is still a Xiandan teacher?"

"What happened to Xiandan?" Ma Jingying was somewhat confused: "Then you shouldn't recover so fast!"

"She is a congenital fairy teacher!"

When the words fell, Lan Bailing turned over and slowly walked upstairs, leaving Ma Jingying standing alone and stupidly, muttering five words repeatedly:

"Congenital Xiandan..."

Xu Ziyan entered the hidden valley, and immediately twelve eyes came to her. Let Xu Ziyan's body not be overwhelmed, the whole body's hair is upside down. Staring at the peaks of the twelve Tianzun, no one is not panicking.

Life Tianzun’s eyebrows screamed: “Sure enough!”

Xu Ziyan hurriedly gave a ritual: "Thank you for your guidance."

Life Tiandun nodded and said: "When you leave from here, you will try the temple. I can personally point you, but the rules laid up by the Yuanmeng can not be changed, only after you are qualified to enter the nave. Can you ask me about the inheritance of the nave."

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan replied reverently.

There is no grievance in her heart. Although it was said that I used the array technique to exchange the instructions of the twelve-day esteem, nowadays life seems to be pushing, but Xu Ziyan does not think so, and must have the reason of life.

Sure enough, seeing Xu Ziyan’s usual look, the eyes of Life Tianzun flashed a glimpse of praise:

"Now the cultivation methods of the Upper Yuan dynasty have embarked on the martyrdom of ancient times. Now the strength of the monks in the Upper Yuan dynasty is much worse than that in the ancient times. Purple smoke, do you know why?"

"Purple smoke is dull, please advise the seniors!"

Life Tianzun nodded with appreciation. Originally, he had no need to explain to Xu Ziyan, a little fairy. But now they are learning to make a battle with Xu Ziyan! In the future, I will be able to suffer less in front of the nine major sects. It depends on whether Xu Ziyan really taught it. Therefore, they must make Xu Ziyan satisfied, and the worst can not make Xu Ziyan heart dissatisfied.

"The reason is actually very simple. Today's monks don't pay too much attention to the hardening of the body. To know that the more powerful the body is repaired, the more powerful it is. The more powerful the power is, the more powerful it is. When you try the ninth gate of the temple, you can't comprehend the deeper exercises. Otherwise, it will be harmless to you, and it is not good. This is why the upper reaches of the Yuan Dynasty are so few in the late Yuan Dynasty."

Xu Zi stood there with his smoke, but his thoughts flew up. No wonder that although he is a self-contained space in the body, the speed of cultivation does not have to be slower than other monks. Is it because he has always practiced the ontology?

"Okay! You are beginning to teach us the inheritance of the three-product formation today!"

"Yes, seniors!"

At this time, the array of the simplified version of the array has been sorted from one product to nine products in the early morning, and Xu Ziyan began to teach the twelve-day three-product formation.

Repeated explanations, demonstrations, and busy for a day, until dusk, Xu Ziyan left the hidden valley.

Standing outside the hidden valley, Xu Ziyan looked up at the sunset on the horizon and thought about his future plans. Going to the trial hall immediately? Or will you go to see the front halls of all the temples?

Soon Xu Ziyan had a decision. She decided to first look at the front halls of all the temples.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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