The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1877: Hey! The one who wears blue clothes...

I wish all my comrades a Merry Christmas!


Xu Ziyan walked into a heritage hall and saw many monks in the temple. At this time, he sat there and sat down to comprehend the inheritance.

Xu Ziyan looked at the surrounding walls, and the inheritance situation above was the same as that of the temple of life. And after Xu Ziyan saw a few lines of writing, he knew that it was a wooden property inheritance hall.

Looking for a place to sit cross-legged, the knowledge spread and began to comprehend the writing on the walls. Xu Ziyan saw it very quickly, but it took a quarter of an hour to recover the knowledge and enter into thinking.


It is thinking, not comprehension.

Because the wood properties of Xu Ziyan have now reached the great perfection, and the writing on these walls are the basis of the wooden attributes, that is, the inheritance of Xiaocheng realm. It is just that each monk has different understandings of the attributes. At this time, Xu Ziyan only compares the inheritance on the wall with his own understanding, and makes his wooden meaning more pure.

The same is to understand the meaning of wood, but the meaning of the wood in the late Tianzun peak is not Xu Ziyan, a monk in the early emperor can compare, although the level is a level, but it is a lot, there are many techniques to make Xu Ziyan suddenly open .

Xu Ziyan sat in this hall of the temple for three days and three nights, and this opened his eyes in satisfaction. Looking around, I saw that the monks around were still immersed in comprehension. Gently spit out a breath, then closed his eyes and spread the knowledge, this time she integrated the knowledge into the symbols on the wall.

The realm of the symbol is just the realm of the wood attribute. Xu Ziyan still uses a comparative method to make his wood meaning more pure.

After another five days, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes. She no longer has to stay here, and the inheritance here has not helped her.

At this time, some disciples stood up from the ground and walked toward the door. These disciples have all realized the meaning of wood to the realm of Zhongcheng. Even some people are as happy as Xu Ziyan, so they are all the same as Xu Ziyan. I feel that this is no help for myself and I want to leave.

But when they saw Xu Ziyan also stood up. When walking toward the outside, one can not help but see the color of the face. The eastern Zongmen disciples are okay. After all, they have seen the battle of Xu Ziyan on the nine ceremonies. It is estimated that the realm of Xu Ziyan should exceed that of Zhongcheng.

However, those disciples of the Shangmeng League did not see the performance of Xu Ziyan in the nine ceremonies. After shocking one by one, they showed naked disdain, because there were many such situations during this time. Some monks who were not enough, or who were not enough, were dizzy when they realized the inheritance, and even stunned on the spot. One of them, who was walking to the side of Xu Ziyan, said that the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty could not help but say:

"Is there some dizziness? This ancient inheritance is not so easy to comprehend. You should go back and try to cultivate first. Let's talk about improving it first!"

Xu Ziyan glanced at him and turned his head and walked out of the gate, heading for another passage to the next.

"噗嗤~~" The fairy emperor behind her. Because he knows that the next temple is also a wooden property inheritance hall. I couldn’t help but laugh behind the purple smoke:

"This Taoist friend, do you think that you can't comprehend in this wooden property inheritance hall, you can understand it by changing a wooden property inheritance hall? Don't be so naive or not? Hehe..."

Xu Ziyan heard that although he did not stop, his heart was a meal. It turned out that this heritage hall is also a wooden property, and it should be another inheritance of ancient wood attributes. Go in and see how it differs from the inheritance in the previous Passage Hall.

Xu Ziyan stepped into the temple, and the emperor came in behind him. In fact, he and Xu Ziyan have the same idea in mind, but also want to see if the inheritance of the wood property in this heritage hall can give him additional understanding.

Xu Ziyan found a place to sit on the ground, and the Emperor did not know what to sit next to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was too lazy to take care of him, and immediately began to learn from the practice in this heritage hall.

"Cut! Pretend!" The Emperor whispered in a low voice. Also released his own knowledge. Start studying the inheritance on the wall.

Eight days later, Xu Ziyan left.

After another twelve days, the emperor studied the writing on the wall and was ready to study the symbols on the wall. I opened my eyes and looked at the position of Xu Ziyan naturally. There was a mistake in my face. Then there was a glimpse of it.

"That little girl should not be able to stand it. I left in advance. I really don't know how high the earth is. I thought about the ancient inheritance at the beginning of a fairy emperor. Does she think it is my genius? I don't know the time of ten years, she can Can't you realize the wood property to the realm of Xiaocheng?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan was already sitting in the second fire property inheritance hall. There were also two fire property inheritance halls. Three days ago, Xu Ziyan left the first fire attribute inheritance hall and entered the second fire attribute inheritance hall.

After seven days, Xu Ziyan smiled and walked out of the second fire property heritage hall. The inheritance of ancient Tianzun is indeed not covered. There are many mysteries that Xu Ziyan did not think of before, which makes Xu Ziyan's understanding of the fire attribute more pure. Xu Ziyan can feel it at this time. Although his cultivation has not increased, it is still the beginning of the Emperor, but the fire and wood attributes have definitely increased by 20%.

Xu Ziyan walked toward the side of the soil property inheritance hall, and at that time, the Shangyuan Mengdi, who had previously ridiculed Xu Ziyan, just came out from the temple. When he looked up, he saw Xu Ziyan coming out from the fire attribute inheritance hall, and then proceeded to the earth property heritage hall. go with. He couldn't help but walk with Xu Ziyan in a shocked way. He really didn't understand why Xu Ziyan came out from the fire attribute inheritance hall, and then walked toward the earth property heritage hall.

Isn't she a wood root?

Is she just going in and seeing? We visited this place as scenery?

"哎~~" Seeing that Xu Ziyan has stepped on the steps, the Emperor finally couldn’t help but shouted at the back of Xu Ziyan:

"Call you! That is wearing blue clothes!"

Xu Ziyan did not stop at all, and stepped into the hall of the inheritance.

"I..." The Emperor saw Xu Ziyan ignore him, and his face was angry. Just want to attack, but suddenly found a cold feeling in the back of the spine, carefully turned around and looked at it, but a female correction looked at him coldly. Moreover, this female repairer also knows that he is also comparable to him, and it is the celestial emperor of the Cangwu dynasty.

"Is there something?" The fairy emperor was stared at by the cold and unnatural.

"What are you looking for in blue clothes?" The cold eyes are still cold. If the opposite person wants to find a little sister, she doesn't mind picking up him.

"she was?"

The Xiandi felt that his good intentions did not get good news, although his intention was to prepare to ridicule Xu Ziyan.

"That gimmicks don't know how to be tall and thick. They have entered the wooden property inheritance hall, and the fire attribute inherits the temple. Just ran into the earth property inheritance hall. What did she do with us on the Yuanmeng? Here is the inheritance hall, not for her to visit and play. local."

The Xiandi was very angry, and the more he said, the more angry he was, the more he felt that he was doing it right. The more I feel that I should set some rules for the disciples of the Eastern Zongmen, so that the Eastern Zongmen disciples should have a pilgrimage mentality when they come to Shanghai.

"Idiot!" Leng Qingyi knew the reason, and he stopped paying attention to him. He walked past him and dropped a cold sentence:

"Don't you know that there are many Linggen disciples in this world?"

"She? Really fake?"

"Do not talk to your idiot, so as not to infect me!" Leng Qing 加快 躲 躲 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般

"You are an idiot..." The Emperor looked at the back of the cold and clear, and said: "I still don't believe it!"

Stretching his feet toward the temple, standing at the gate and looking inside. Seeing the cold Qing dynasty is walking towards the female repairer wearing blue clothes.

“Three sisters?” Xu Ziyan saw the cold and clear, and said happily: “Are you not going to try the temple?”

Said that the eyes here are bright: "Don't the sister-in-law have passed the trial hall, can you enter the middle hall?"

Leng Qingxiao smiled and shook his head and said: "I can't go to the sixth level. I tried it many times and eventually failed. But through the trial of the temple, it gave me the meaning of the soil property. Some comprehension, the feeling is that the realm of Zhongcheng has not been cultivated to pure, so come and re-understand it again."

"Ah?" Xu Ziyan’s face was amazed: "Is that trial hall so powerful? Even you only get to the sixth level?"

Sitting quietly and sitting on the floor: "I will know when you go to see you."

If the words fall, the cold and clear will not waste time, and immediately enter the comprehension. Xu Ziyan also sat down on the ground, and immediately went to the trial to see the mind and went into comprehension.

The Emperor of the Yuanmeng, who stood at the gate, kept his eyes locked on Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan was really immersed in comprehension, his face was amazed.

Whether a monk is sitting there stupid or comprehending, he can still get it. Suddenly he remembered the rumors in the Yuanmeng League. The Xu Ziyan, the disciple of the Eastern Zongmen, was a multi-attribute spiritual root, and Xu Ziyan was not the cold and clear sister?

Is she Xu Ziyan?

At this time, the Emperor really had the urge to hit the door frame, and he was too busy to panic. What about this idle thing? This time the people in front of the cold and Xu Ziyan lost. Never look at the hall again, turn around and hurried away.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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