The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1878: accumulation

I am very grateful to Yan Zhen (588), the tearful tears classmate (588), w heroes eternal w classmates (400), once like the wind classmates (300), Wu? Yuling classmates (200), guessing ~ classmates (100), mableip classmates (100), with the wind drifting の 壹叶小舟 classmates (100), shannee classmates (100), seaphay classmates (100) reward!


When Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, he saw that the cold and clear cockroaches had left. I must have tried the trial hall again. Just coming out of the hall, the voice of the **** of life came from the ear. Xu Ziyan knows that this is the twelve-day esteem that should have fully realized the three-product formation, and they must teach them four-in-one. And life Tianzun should pay attention to himself for a long time, just waiting for himself to come out.

When I came to the hidden valley, I spent a day teaching the four-product formation to the twelve-day statue, and left a jade slip for them. Xu Ziyan left the hidden valley and walked again to the temple.

This time, the Zizi Hall that Xu Ziyan walked into was still a soil property inheritance hall. So Xu Ziyan and the life inheritance hall that entered the original, she has entered seven inheritance halls.

Among these disciples, it is not that they have not realized a certain attribute to the great perfection, but it is very rare, no more than twenty, and that a certain attribute will not be more than one hundred, and that it will be realized. There will be no more than a thousand realms in the realm, so there are too many monks in each of the halls to understand the meaning of various attributes. Only a small number of disciples went to the trial hall.

Twelve days later, Xu Ziyan walked out of the hall of the property of the earth, and she had cultivated the meaning of the attribute to the great perfection. It does not take much time to compare fusions to the meaning of only the attributes of the Zhongcheng realm.

Stepping into the eighth inheritance hall, I felt that the meaning of gold was filled in the hall. It should be a metal heritage hall.

His eyes were swept away in the hall, and a smile appeared on his face. She saw Lan Bailing inside the hall. At this time, Lan Bailing was sitting on the ground and drooping into the epiphany.

Xu Ziyan quietly came to her side to sit on the floor and looked at the floating atmosphere of Lan Bailing, knowing that she would understand the metality into the realm of Xiaocheng. So come. Lan Bailing also broke through to the beginning of the Emperor.

It seems that Lan Bailing has accumulated a good job, just because their inheritance is not as stagnant as the nine major sects. Nowadays, with the inheritance of the inheritance hall, coupled with her original good qualifications and comprehension, the breakthrough is also natural. Just don't know how the dance color suit and Ma Jingying are?

When fifteen days passed and Xu Ziyan opened his eyes, he immediately felt that Lan Bailing had reached the critical point of breakthrough. Quietly stood up and walked outside the hall.

"It seems that I have to work harder. Now that there are twelve inheritance halls, every monk's entry is very fast!"

Before she stepped into the ninth heritage hall, she saw a figure rushing out from inside. Seeing that Xu Ziyan couldn’t help but look at her, she stopped her body shape:

"Xu Shimei?"

"Dancer sister?"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze couldn’t be swept away on the body of the dance gown. He couldn’t help but smile at his face: “Congratulations to the dancers!”

The dance color dress delighted at the head: "Xu Shimei, I am going to robbery, and I will ask you to gather after I have finished."

"Good! Go!" Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded.

Looking at the back of the dance color clothes. In the heart, "There is Ma Jingying now, I don't know what her condition is?"

Reflexively walked into the temple of the inheritance, and the meaning of water came to the surface. It seems that the Tianzun who left this heritage hall is the root of water.

Looking for a place to sit down and knees, Xu Ziyan entered the water attribute inheritance. The understanding of the water properties of the monks in the late Tianzun period is fascinating.

Xu Ziyan, who has a great realm of water properties, accepted it very quickly, that is, for thirteen days, Xu Ziyan left the water property inheritance hall and walked toward the tenth pass.

Entering the Tenth Passage Hall, I noticed the chill. Xu Ziyan’s gaze was slightly swept away on the walls of the temple, and his heart was blank.

The inheritance left in this heritage hall should be the mutating property of the water property, the ice property.

really. Xu Ziyan’s gaze was swept away in the hall of the inheritance. I saw Ma Jingying sitting in a corner. Xu Ziyan quietly came to Ma Jingying's side and sat down to look at Ma Jingying.

At this time, Ma Jingying has completely stabilized the realm of the half-step Emperor. However, it is clear that she is still a long way from comprehending the ice attribute to the realm of Zhongcheng.

This is the gap between the small Zongmen and the medium-sized Zongmen. Xu Ziyan believes that the Lanbuling and the dance color clothes at this time are already the beginning of the Emperor. If there are no such twelve inheritance halls, I am afraid Ma Jingying and Lan Bailing. The gap between dance and color clothing will become larger and larger. From this point of view, Twelve Days has undoubtedly made a tremendous contribution to the Terran.

This makes Xu Ziyan very confused about the purpose of the twelve days. Shake his head and don't want to understand. Xu Ziyan put his knowledge into the understanding of the ice properties of water properties.

Strictly speaking, the ice attribute does not count as an independent spiritual root. It can only be regarded as a variation of the water root, and it is still not a big change. It is fundamentally different, but only a formal change. Moreover, Xu Ziyan's self-contained space is all-encompassing and naturally able to comprehend this ice property.

However, this is a kind of variation after all, and Xu Ziyan is not as easy to understand as it started. However, there is a fundamental existence of the meaning of water, but there is not much hindrance.

Time passed by in silence, someone left in the hall, and someone came in.

Not everyone can sit here and realize the breakthrough, usually comprehend for a period of time, need to rest for a while. However, despite the fact that there are disciples coming in and out from time to time, everything is quiet.

Xu Ziyan was sitting for two months and finally realized the inheritance within the front hall. There is joy in my heart, but there is also disappointment.

Because she found that although she realized the ice property to the realm of Zhongcheng, there is no sign of a breakthrough for her cultivation.

Think about it for a moment. Xu Ziyan will be clear. The ice attribute is not an independent attribute, but a form change of the water attribute. It still belongs to the meaning of water.

However, the destructive power of ice is much more powerful than the meaning of water. This definitely enhances the strength of Xu Ziyan.

From the ice property heritage hall, the voice of the life Tianzun sounded in the ear. Xu Ziyan immediately walked toward the hidden valley.

Xu Ziyan knows that before the six-product formation, these twelve days should be learned very quickly, waiting for the seven-product formation. The speed of their understanding will come down.

After passing the five-product formation to the twelve-day statue, Xu Ziyan stepped into the eleventh inheritance hall.

As soon as he entered the temple, Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were a hop. There were only three people in the hall. Xu Ziyan was a little condensed, and he felt the existence of the time attribute. It turned out that this is the inheritance hall of Time Tianzun.

The eyes swept through three people in the hall. Two people wore costumes from the eastern Zongmen, and one dressed in the costumes of the Yuanmeng. It seems that these three people have the spiritual roots of comprehending the time attribute.

Just find a place to sit down. I carefully looked at the three people and found that the three people were still far from the realm of Xiaocheng. Presumably, these three people did not know that they had the ability to comprehend the time attribute before they entered the time to inherit the temple and discovered that they possessed this ability.

In this way, they start from scratch and can imagine their hardships.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s understanding of the time attribute has reached the realm of Zhongcheng, and naturally it will not be as difficult as the three of them. Retracted the eyes of the three people and entered the reference to the time attribute.

Three days passed.

One of the disciples opened his eyes. There was a hint of joy on his face, and he had a glimpse of the nature of time. Looking around, his look changed, and he saw Xu Ziyan.

It has been so long since I thought that there is another person who can understand the meaning of time here.

Shaking his head and looking at Xu Ziyan deeply, he recognized Xu Ziyan, because he is also a disciple of the Eastern Zongmen, and is a disciple of the instrument, called Gao Sen. A peak of the late Emperor.

He has been here for a few months. Just a little understanding of the time attribute. The mystery of the time attribute is full of yearnings. It was originally seen that only three people here can have an understanding of the nature of time, and his heart has always been very proud. But seeing Xu Ziyan today, this pride was crushed mercilessly.

He knows that Xu Ziyan is a multi-attribute spiritual root. The first legend is the five attribute roots. Later, in the nine ceremonies, a light attribute spiritual root was exposed. Now she is here to comprehend the time attribute...

Is there such an exaggeration?

At this time, the other two disciples also opened their eyes. With a happy face on his face. I began to understand the time attribute without a trace of foundation. After a few months, I finally found a glimpse of the two disciples and Gao Sen.

When the two of them opened their eyes, they looked at each other involuntarily, and then they looked at Gaosen, because in their hearts, there were only three of them in this hall of inheritance. Now they both have a bit of insight, naturally want to see how Gao Sen understands?

However, when the eyes of both of them fell on Gao Sen, they found that Gao Sen was holding a pair of eyes and looked incredulously in one direction. The eyes of the two disciples couldn't help but look at Gao Sen's gaze, and they saw Xu Ziyan.

The eyes of two people also instantly smashed like a bull's eye, scared to squint at Xu Ziyan.

Suddenly a monk has learned the time attribute here and it is already shocking. But what scared them to be stupid was not that Xu Ziyan could comprehend the time attribute, but that they felt the breath of the same time attribute in the front hall from the floating atmosphere of Xu Ziyan.

What does this mean?

This shows that Xu Ziyan has already realized the time attribute in the front hall to the extreme!

Is she... still a person?


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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