The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1879: Emotional method

The original joy of the three people is gone, and some are the huge sense of loss...

How long did she come in to comprehend?

This... Can't use the enchanting to shape the purple smoke?

From their understanding of the time attribute in these few months, they have deeply realized the complexity and mystery of the time attribute, far from being comparable to other attributes. However, it is such an extremely complex and mysterious attribute that Xu Ziyan actually reached this level in a short period of time.

Is this something humans can do?

After three people looked dull and looked at each other, they sighed in unison, and the limits of humanity really could not be used on the enchanting body.

The three people felt that they had been hit. They originally thought about going out for a few days and going around to relax and nervous. But at this time, three people changed their minds at the same time. The three people took a break from the knees in the hall and prepared to rest for a few hours before continuing to comprehend.

All these purple smokes did not know. After 17 days, Xu Ziyan came out of the hall, and Gao Sen three people couldn't help but look at the back of Xu Ziyan. Gao Sen couldn't help but spit out a swearing word:

"Mom*, really not a person!"

The other two people also nodded, and their faces were awkward!

Xu Ziyan walked toward the last hall and walked on the road. Xu Ziyan’s face was filled with excitement and smile. This is the first time she has been so excited after entering the inheritance halls one by one.

Because the inheritance of time Tianzun has benefited her a lot, although Xu Ziyan also realized the time attribute to the realm of Zhongcheng, there are many applications of time attributes still in the exploration stage. And Xu Ziyan because of too many attributes. But there is no time to explore one by one.

This is also the difficulty of multi-attribute Linggen disciples, because their energy is inevitably dispersed, it is difficult to study the meaning of all attributes to the extreme.

However, this 12-day honor gave Xu Ziyan a chance. Not to mention the time attribute, that is, the Jinmu water and the life inheritance hall that Xu Ziyan has gone to, all of which will make up the short board in the immature place before Xu Ziyan. Although there are still places where oysters and ambiguities still exist, there is also a direction of cultivation. Just give Xu Zi some time. These problems will be solved one by one. Xu Ziyan firmly believes that after this cultivation in Shangyuan League, there is no breakthrough in his cultivation, and his combat power will at least double.

The most promising purple smoke is the use of the time attribute obtained in the time inheritance hall. Through the inheritance and understanding of the time Tianzun, Xu Ziyan has been able to further enhance the time array method he has set up.

Before that, the time array she arranged was one to one hundred, that is to say, she spent one hundred days in the time array. It’s a day outside. Now she is able to further increase this ratio to one to one thousand. In other words, Xu Ziyan will then deploy a time array method, which will spend a thousand days and the outside will be a day.

As a result, Xu Ziyan's time is a thousand times more than other monks, as long as she has deeply imprinted the inheritance obtained from the 12th Passage Hall in her mind. Then, by deploying a time array method, it will take a thousand times more time to comprehend than other monks. This will not lag behind other monks because of the self-contained space in the body, and even have the possibility of surpassing other monks.

How can this not make Xu Ziyan excited?

She resisted the urge to immediately set up a time array and walked toward the last hall.

As soon as I walked into the hall, I found that there were many monks in it. At this time, Xu Ziyan had already entered the eleventh inheritance hall. Before she entered the hall, she already knew that this hall should be left by the Seven Loves. Because she only had the inheritance of the Seven Loves, she did not go in.

She is also very curious about Qi Qing Tian Zun. I don’t know what kind of inheritance will be left by Tian Zun who controls the human emotions.

However, the number of monks in the temple still surprised Xu Ziyan. The number of monks here should be the largest in the twelve heritage halls.

Xu Ziyan can't help wondering why there are so many monks who choose this heritage hall?

I found a place to sit down. Spread the knowledge out. This spread out, Xu Ziyan is somewhat lost.

This... is... a sentimental method...

Xu Ziyan can't help but think of the soul of Yanshan, remembering what he once said to himself, the ruthless exercises he practiced in his previous life...

Ruthless life...

Xu Ziyan’s thoughts are a bit chaotic...

The mood to see the soul of Yanshan is urgent. I don't know how long it took, Xu Ziyan's scattered eyes slowly condensed. Taking a deep breath and trying to calm down my emotions, my heart whispered:

"Mountain Spirit, where are you now? Are you still not coming back in the territory of the Yaozu?"

Long spit out a breath, Xu Ziyan at this time has understood why there are so many monks here, because this inheritance of the temple is a practice of quenching the state of mind.

For example, the sorrowful meaning of the son's forging practice is a branch of the seven-sex work method. Here, even if you don't come to comprehend the exercises, you can use your seven-sense method to quench your own state of mind. That is to say, the monks in the inheritance hall are not necessarily to comprehend the sentimental exercises, but to use this kind of sentimental exercises to quench the state of mind.

Xu Ziyan, Bao Yuanshou, gradually stabilized her emotions. She knew that if she used her current chaotic mood to comprehend the sentimental exercises, she might not only have some understanding, but also the Yuanshen.

Two hours passed, Xu Ziyan breathed almost inaudible, her mood has reached a mountain. Gradually release their own knowledge and incorporate the writings on the surrounding walls.

Ask what the world is like...

One by one, the word of the **** of Xu Ziyan shocked, and roared in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, like Hong Zhong Da Lu, sizzling.

Every word has turned into a world, telling a story, and the different emotions constitute a world, interpreting a paragraph to the truth...

At the beginning of the human being, there is no seven emotions, ruthlessness for the soil, and love for the species...

Heaven reincarnation, why do some people die of love, and some people are ruthless and die?

Dongshan has stone ruthlessness, and there is a spring in the North Sea. Or have a long time...

Xu Ziyan clung to her own god, and stretched out thousands of tentacles to comprehend the impact of one handwriting, and the whole sea became a sentimental ocean. Her **** was shaking like a leaf boat in the ocean... ...

The road of affectionate waves hit the leaf boat, and the light of the **** of Xu Ziyan was indefinite, as if it was extinguished at any time, breaking away at any time...

This is Xu Ziyan's care. She has always integrated God's knowledge into all the writings when she enters a hall of inheritance. Because she has a realm beyond the front hall, there has been no accident.

But this time, in the seven love halls, she did not have the slightest insight into the seven emotions. As a result, the impact of the seven emotions on her is too great.

The other monks were very cautious, and they all learned from one handwriting and one handwriting, so the impact they received and the Xu Ziyan were completely different.

The light of the gods in the sea is gradually weakening, but the same is that the emotional waves are gradually weakening, and now Xu Ziyan and the sentimental exercises seem to have reached a balance.

If Xu Ziyan can further comprehend the seven emotions, he will be able to overcome the passionate waves. If the time of comprehension is a little longer, he will be overwhelmed by the waves.

This drowning is the fall, the death of the gods...

Time passed by in the silence. From time to time, there were monks standing up and leaving in the hall. They were even stunned and carried out in the hall. Even the monks who suddenly became mad were carried out by the guardian monks of the Yuanmeng...

The sweat on the face of Xu Ziyan ran down like a stream, and all the clothes were soaked, and his face became extremely pale. The breath on the body is extremely unstable, revealing a hint of weakness...

Xu Ziyan still keeps a clear line at this time, but she can feel that she is now like a string that is stretched and stretched, and it has been pulled all the time. It has been stretched so tightly that it seems that this bowstring will collapse at any time. Broken...

The man who sat in the entrance to the nave was the great monk. When Xu Ziyan first realized his comprehension, he discovered the difference of Xu Ziyan. There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

Although he did not know Xu Ziyan, he knew that Xu Ziyan was a disciple of the Eastern Zongmen. When he saw that Xu Ziyan had completely let go of the gods and shrouded all the handwriting, there was a hint of irony in his mouth.

who do you think You Are?

I dare not understand the word and word, but shrouded all the handwriting. Isn't this dead?

Even the great monks in his early days did not dare to do this...

What is that hoe?

His look was clearly glimpsed, but it was completely unbelievable.

Actually...just one...the early Emperor...


This is the only thought that his heart can come out.

As time went by, the sarcasm of his mouth disappeared and he was shocked...

It’s all day and night, and the little girl hasn’t collapsed yet...

Xu Ziyan did not collapse, but it was not far from the collapse. This is because her body has become a space, and the seven attributes of the golden wood, the fire and the earth have reached a great perfection, which makes her **** far more than the ordinary monk. Sturdy.

If it is only the Yuanshen, it is the one who watches the door, and the monk is not as purple.

The man who was a great monk looked at Xu Ziyan so shockedly that Xu Ziyan’s face became pale, sweating and sweating, and his body fluffed with a weak breath, and he was relieved.

"Mom... this little girl is still weak... I’m scared to death, I almost thought she was not human..."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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