The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1880: Hit the little out of the old

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Xu Ziyan's face was full of fatigue at this time, but there was a hint of excitement between the eyebrows. Because she finally stood up, she had an understanding of the seven emotions.

The gods who know the sea gradually released a strong light, and the seven waves of love gradually subsided. This process is very slow, Xu Ziyan has been sitting here for three months, and finally broke through the seven realities into the realm of Xiaocheng. At this time, Xu Ziyan has been completely immersed in the seven emotions. She has not noticed everything in the outside world. She is sitting now. If she is lying down, she seems to be asleep.

After understanding the writings on the wall, thousands of sacred gods covered all the symbols on the wall very naturally, and all kinds of emotions came in time.

Xu Ziyan's body was very weak at this time. Although the three-month comprehension was not a battle, her Dan Tian's inner strength was strangely consumed, but her **** was in extreme excitement.

The power of the acupoints in the body automatically turns on, moisturizing her dry body, and her **** at this time is in a very wonderful world.

Her own, and the emotions that do not belong to her, continue to flow in her knowledge of the sea, as if experiencing the world. And every time the emotional burst of the world, everything seems to be slowed down countless times, so that the burst of each episode becomes very clear, even the person who is virtual in the symbol falls and tears are put slow. As if to talk about the misfortune of tears...

Always immersed in this wonderful world, Xu Ziyan completely forgot the time, she did not know is that her purple smoke space has changed.

The space that was originally dull has become vivid, and this kind of vividness cannot be seen. It is able to feel it. The original purple smoke space always makes people feel the smell of a device. Although there are countless creatures that the purple smoke originally caught, there are six humans, but the whole space is like a device. As if the space fairy made out of refining, although it is much higher than the space fairy, it still has the taste of the instrument.

However, nowadays, the purple smoke space has no taste at all, creating a kind of vitality, a vitality, a real way.

This is a very mysterious feeling. As if the purple smoke space had a life at once, the change of the purple smoke space changed the **** of Xu Ziyan, and she seemed to touch the veil of the Tao...

She did not know that since she entered the seven-story heritage hall, time has passed for half a year...

Xu Ziyan sat quietly there, and the original messy atmosphere began to become regular. Suddenly, the law is toward the outside, and then shrinks...

Xu Ziyan's state of mind is very cheerful, and the seven emotions have been promoted to the realm of Zhongcheng.

The person who has been paying attention to Xu Ziyan’s monk is a sudden one. This is too unexpected. A little fairy emperor really understands the seven emotions?

Xu Ziyan didn't have the energy to pay attention to the man who respected the monk, and her current consciousness of the gods could not find a person who respected her. She understood at this time that the inheritance of the seven loves of heaven should not be his true cultivation. Inheritance, but his kind of practice.

Because she found that she has now broken through the realm of the seven emotions, but found that her cultivation has not grown. This was absolutely impossible in the past, and the improvement that accompanied her attribute would be a breakthrough. But this time there is no sign. Therefore, Xu Ziyan concluded that the seven-sex exercises are only a practice, not attributed.


Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered the soul of Yanshan. The past practice of Yanshan Soul was a ruthless exercise, and it reached the realm of the evil Lord. Is there any ruthless root in the world?

If there is?

Is there a spirit root that should exist?

But if there is a sentimental root. I have realized the realm of Xiaocheng. Why is there no change in the cultivation, but there is a rapid improvement in the mood?

"There is a stone in Dongshan, and it is ruthless. There is a spring in the North Sea, and there is love..."

The ignorance of ruthlessness is flowing in the heart...

Is there really a ruthless root and a ruthless root in this world? But these two roots are not human. But the strange things born by nature?

This makes it possible to explain it. I am afraid that only the ruthless stone and the emotional spring in this world have ruthless roots and emotional roots. Only then can they improve their cultivation by comprehending ruthlessness and sentimental exercises?

Xu Ziyan suddenly felt a shock in his heart.

Dongshan has stone.曰 ruthless.

This will not say the mountain spirit?

If you are talking about the mountain spirit, then this kind of sentimental work is probably not created by the Seven Loves, it should be the practice that was circulated in ancient times.

Then... If the ruthless stone was born, the mountain spirit, there is a love spring? Why haven't you heard of the legend about the love spring?

Xu Ziyan’s head is a bit big, and she can’t figure out these things at all, but she is worried about Yanshan’s soul.

Gently sighed and packed up his mood. If I don’t want to know, I don’t want to, I stood up from the ground and walked outside.

The monk who guarded the door stared at the back of Xu Ziyan, and the fear of being a member of the Shangyuan League was a bit frustrating.

"The bottom of the Eastern Zongmen is really not comparable to the side door. Even if these side doors have joined the Shangyuan League, with authentic inheritance, it is not a short-term and equal position with the Eastern Zongmen."

Xu Ziyan has now realized the inheritance of the vestibule of the 12th Passage Hall. It took the longest time in the last seven-story heritage hall, and because of the impact of the seven emotions, she was sweating all over, and it was not sweating for a while. It is almost let her dehydrate. Even now she felt that she was a little weak. The most uncomfortable thing for her was that she was sticky. She returned to her dormitory in a hurry and took a shower.

Just wearing clothes and coming out of the room, I heard a loud door. I rushed in from outside. Xu Ziyan took a closer look, but it was his own three sisters.

At this time, the cold and clear face looked anxiously: "Little sister, you are going!"

"What's wrong?" Xu Ziyan's face was wrong.

Leng Qingyi did not answer her, but pushed her out. As said: "You havetened into a heritage hall."

“Why?” Xu Ziyan was confused by the cold.

However, the cold and clear, but could not help but pull her to walk outside, just out of the gate, I saw two people walking on the stone road across the gate.

A middle age and a young man. Both of them were gloomy and looked coldly at Xu Ziyan, who was being pulled out by the cold.

Xu Ziyan looks awkward. Some people in the heart understand why the three sisters should let her hurry into a heritage hall.

Because the young woman knew her, it was the Nan Nanping who was killed by her a few months ago. At this time, Xu Ziyan only remembered that she had not seen Lan Bailing, dance color clothes and Ma Jingying for three years. It stands to reason that even if Ma Jingying can't be seen, Lan Bailing and the dance color dress have already broken through the early stage of Xianhuang. It should be precipitated for a period of time. Can't it immediately enter the inheritance hall?

So three of them have an accident!

His eyes glanced at the middle-aged man, his eyes flashing blue. The heart is a shock, the other party turned out to be the first person to respect.

"You are Xu Ziyan?" The middle-aged monk looked up and down Xu Ziyan and asked coldly.

I haven't waited for Xu Ziyan to answer. Yan Nanping said with a look of grievance: "Master, she is Xu Ziyan, that is, she wounded her disciple."

Xu Ziyan did not have any concealment at this time, and nodded gently.

"Is you hurt my disciple?" The tone of the middle-aged monk is getting colder and colder.

Xu Ziyan nodded silently. There is nothing to hide in this matter, and it cannot be concealed.

"Do you know that private fights are not allowed within the Shangmeng League? If you want a duel, you need to apply first?"

"Lin's predecessor!" Leng Qingyu said angrily: "Your disciple first hit Lan Bailing and dance color clothes, then my sister and sister broke the Nanping. This thing needs to be punished first. Well, since this is the master of Yan Nanping, you should avoid it. You have already taken Lan Bailing, dance color clothes and Ma Jingying. This thing will not stop in the Eastern Alliance. We will go to ten. Two days respect the reaction."

Xu Ziyan this time is completely understand what is going on, no wonder cold and let go to the heritage hall. Because the twelve days of Zun once released words, all disputes were banned in the hall of the inheritance. Because all the disciples in the hall of the inheritance are all devoted to comprehension. Once there was a dispute in the hall of the inheritance. It is very likely that the disciples in the comprehension will be enchanted.

As long as you hide in the temple of the inheritance, this Master of Nanping has no way to take himself. Then I waited for the Eastern Alliance disciples to see the 12th Heavenly Respect, and then reacted to their own affairs to the 12th Heaven.


Xu Ziyan’s mouth could not help but smack a bitter smile.

Want to see twelve days? How can this be?

Those twelve days nowadays are comprehending the formations in the hidden valley. Will not come out at all, which makes Leng Qing 贞 where to go to see the twelve days of respect?

"My disciple's first move? First, I will hurt Lan Bailing and the dance color coat? I only know that the next day, Lan Bailing and the dance color coat will go to the temple on the second day. And my disciple is on the bed." Lying for three months.

Want to see twelve days? Do you have it? ”

Leng Qingyi still wants to talk, but Xu Ziyan grabbed his arm and said in a step forward:

"What about my three roommates?"

"They are waiting for you in the dungeon!"

The middle-aged monk’s face showed a killing. Yan Nanping was his most proud disciple, but Xu Ziyan was disabled in public. Although the body was cured, the trauma of the soul was still there. That has become the devil of Yan Nanping. This kind of demons will not go. It’s probably the case that Yan Nanping’s cultivation is so good that it is difficult to get a breakthrough.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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