The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1881: You ask me why?

There are only two ways to get rid of Wei Nanping's demons. One way is to let Yan Nanping defeat Xu Ziyan.

This... looks like the difficulty is not generally big!

The second way is to kill Xu Ziyan, then the purple magic to give Nan Nanping's demons naturally no longer.

Therefore, he had to catch Xu Ziyan, and then not only to kill Xu Ziyan, but also to slowly torture the Xu Ziyan, let his disciples see Xu Ziyan suffer the most painful torture in the world and die.

The killing of Xu Ziyan in his eyes is naturally keenly felt. In this case, will you let the other party take it away?

That is no different from sending death.

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, and he took out the five-color sword in his hand, clearly indicating his position. The cold and clear look changed, and then the eyes showed a firm color, and a handful of swords and Xu Ziyan stood side by side.

The middle-aged monk glanced at Xu Ziyan, and the corner of his mouth appeared a trace of irony: "Xu Ziyan, are you going to resist?"

Xu Ziyan silently said that he would transport his repairs to the peak, and the five-color sword would radiate a bright light...

The sarcasm of the middle-aged monk's mouth has expanded and turned to the cold and clear voice: "Do you want to participate in the resistance?"

Leng Qingyan looked at the other side with a cold look and said faintly: "We are disciples of Cangwu Zongyi Jianfeng. Have you heard that a Jianfeng disciple is afraid?"

The gaze of the middle-aged monk was a sigh, and he suddenly remembered the fierce name of a Jianfeng. However, when I think that I am no longer a side door, I have joined the Shangyuan League, and there are twelve ancient Tianzun behind me. The suffocation was immediately sufficient. Hehe sneered a few channels:

"Since you want to die too, the old man will fulfill you."


The unparalleled grandeur radiated from his body and rolled over to Xu Ziyan and Leng Qingyu.

The huge mental strength shocked the two people, Xu Ziyan and Leng Qingyu. The body shook a bit.

Xu Ziyan was shocked in the heart, and he did not even think about it and stood in front of the cold and clear. Blocked the other's mental attack.

In fact, Xu Ziyan is also very uncomfortable. Her spiritual realm is higher than herself, but it is also the cold and clear in the early days of Xiandi. It is simply impossible to resist this purest mental attack.

It’s just that Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the sea has her palaces and labyrinths built with spiritual power, which is longer than the time that Leng Qing’s insistence.

Even so, her maze in the sea was ruined by the spirit of the other side, and she went to the palace where she knew the sea.

However, it is precisely because of the palace and maze constructed by spiritual power that Xu Ziyan has a breathing moment. Although this moment is very short, it also gives Xu Ziyan the time to pull the water of a palm into the sea.

As soon as the water of one palm enters the sea of ​​knowledge, the **** of Xu Ziyan is shrouded in it. Then quickly expand outwards, forcing the other's mental strength out.

The revenge of the middle-aged monk's original face suddenly froze on his face. How can this be?

A little fairy emperor has forced the mental power of his own monk's monk to be forced out?

The other party’s mistakes did not make Xu Ziyan feel a little happy, but a heart sank. The early monks of the people respected themselves were not able to resist themselves, even if they made their own world, they were not opponents. Biting the teeth, the array came out and circling over her head. At this time, the middle-aged monk turned over with one hand, and a flame knife that exuded the initial power of the human body condensed out of thin air and smashed toward Xu Ziyan.


With this cold drink, a big hand appeared in the air.


The huge and fierce flame knife was smashed by the big hand in the air, and the Mars was floating in the air, and went with the wind.

The air was slightly swaying, and a figure appeared on the ground.

Xu Ziyan saw that the person’s eyes were bright and his look relaxed. The man turned to Xu Ziyan, and looked up and down the Xu Zi flue:

"No harm?"

Xu Ziyan must have a smile in his heart, and he smiled on his face: "It's okay. You have to come back later. It's going to happen."

" are...why? I am Lin Dong!" The face of the middle-aged monk became pale, not hurt, but scared. This person is not someone else, it is one of the twelve ancient heavenly gods!

The look of the cold and clear eyes that Xu Ziyan pulled behind him was a glimpse. At this time, she also saw the gentle look of life, and looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze and could not help but become weird.

"When is this younger sister's life and life relationship with the gods?"

Min Nanping is stupid. Don't say that he is just scared, that is, a real fool may be able to see the concern of Life Zun for Xu Ziyan.

What exactly is this about his mother?

How can Xu Ziyan be associated with life Tianzun?

She is a disciple of the Eastern Zongmen! Not a disciple of Shangyuan League!

At this time, Lin Dong’s mouth was full of bitterness. He knew that Xu Ziyan had a relationship with Tian Zun, and he did not dare to provoke Xu Ziyan by his courage!

Seeing that Xu Ziyan was fine, Life Tianzun sighed with relief and then turned to stare at Lin Dong.

"You ask me why?"

The tone of life Tianzun is full of anger. If it is not his own 12-day esteem, he has just fully realized the five-character squad. If he did not release his own knowledge and looked for Xu Ziyan, Lin Dong’s flame knife would smash down and make Xu Ziyan into one. Push the smoke.

Xu Ziyan died, who taught them the formation?

The anger of the overwhelming pressure over Lin Dong, this is really a modern report, just now Lin Dong also relied on the power of the early people to oppress Xu Ziyan and Leng Qing dynasty, and now it is indeed oppressed by a peak of Tian Zun. It was only an instant, where he could stand up to the power of a monk in the late Tianzun period. One face was pale and like a paper, and there was no blood.

"Before...predecessors...I am a disciple in the league, the...the east...the disciple!"

At this time, Lin Dong has been completely scared, only the last struggle, I hope that life Tianzun can understand under their own reminders, they are a family, and Xu Ziyan is an outsider.


The momentum of life Tianzun suddenly soared, but this kind of momentum would cause Lin Dong to fly out, and the back smashed several old trees in succession. Finally, he fell to the ground with awkwardness and spurted a blood.

Xu Ziyan on the side looked at the score, although the life Tianzun was angry, but it did not kill Lin Dongzhi. Xu Ziyan understands that if Tian Zun lives here to kill Lin Dong, it is not good for the Shangyuan League that they have worked hard to establish. And Xu Ziyan did not want to let Tian Zun kill Lin Dong now, because Lan Bailing, dance color clothes and Ma Jingying are still in the hands of Lin Dong.

"Presidents of life!" Xu Ziyan screamed: "My three roommates were taken away by him."

Life Tianzun screamed coldly at Lin Dong: "Isn't you leading the way? If the three little guys die, you don't have to live."

When he heard the words of life, Zun Dong was relieved in his heart. Although the tone of life is strict, it reveals a meaning, that is, as long as the three people do not die, their own life will be saved.

I hurriedly climbed up from the ground, and I couldn't help but squirt a blood, but I didn't dare to stay in the slightest. I took the life of Tian Zun and Xu Ziyan in front, and walked away to the water prison.

Going down the steps, if you haven't reached the water, you will have a lot of moisture coming.

It went down about a hundred meters and entered a passage. At the end of the passage was a stone gate. When the stone door was pushed open, a scream was screamed from it.

Xu Ziyan heard the sound of screaming, and the heart was a shock. At this time, he was not polite. The "嗖" sound smashed out from behind the life Tianzun and rushed into the dungeon.

Presented in front of Xu Ziyan is a dungeon. There is a pillar standing in the dungeon. At this time, Lan Bailing, the dance color coat and Ma Jingying are locked on the pillar by the chain, twisting weakly and screaming in the mouth. The screams.

When Xu Ziyan’s eyes were swept away, he knew that all three people had been sealed up, but even if they were sealed, they were just soaked in the water, not so screaming!

Xu Ziyan stared at it. When he saw that the three people were naked and bloody, but the wound was not like being shot, but it was like being bitten.

His eyes suddenly shrank. Xu Ziyan saw a small red fish swimming in the water. At that time, those red fish were gathering around Lan Bailing, dancing colorful clothes and Ma Jingying, facing their three bodies. I can't stop eating.

Xu Ziyan understood that the little red fish of the little finger size is a piranha. At this time, they are constantly eating three people's flesh and blood. Three people have exposed their bones in many places. This is also the person who cultivated the immortal, if the ordinary people have already died a few times back and forth.

"Don't let go!" Life Tianzun also entered the water prison at this time, saw the situation in front of him, and sighed back.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Lin Dongkou couldn't help but promised to fly to Lan Bailing, behind the dance color suit and Ma Jingying, and took out the key to open the chains of the three people. Life Tianzun swayed the three sleeves of the dungeon and pulled it to the side. Then he extended his big hand and condensed a bubble that was completely gathered by the gas of life to cover the three people.

It was only a moment of effort, Lan Bailing, Dance Color and Ma Jingying's body recovered as before, as if they were not injured.

Xu Ziyan looked envious at the side, although the injury of the three people in front of him, Xu Ziyan can also be treated with the gas of life, but there is absolutely no life is so easy.


Dear comrades, No. 29, that is, the day after tomorrow, double pink tickets, if the comrades have pink tickets in their hands, stay for two days, waiting for the day after tomorrow to vote, double! Bells thank you!


*(To be continued~^~)

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