The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1883: Shaoguan

"I went back to heal!"

"Three sisters, I will send you back."

"No, there are counts in my sister!"

When the words fell, the cold and clear, then turned and walked outside the valley. Xu Ziyan looked at the back of the cold and clear, and once again flew up into the air and looked toward the seventh, and saw that he was fiercely smashing with the seven-star array.

Stepping on the seventh level and killing nearly one hour, he finally crushed a skeleton and then was sent out. Seeing his performance is better than the cold and clear.

There was a glimpse of the air: "Wow, the one-step step actually shattered the shackles of a seventh pass. It is the most talented disciple of the Upper Yuan Dynasty. It is even more powerful than those of the early emperors. So far he is the first hit. The person who broke the seventh level!"

Xu Ziyan looked back at the seventh level, and said in his heart: "It seems that this unique step has a very extraordinary adventure, and the strength of the body should not be lower than me!"

The figure fell toward the mouth of the valley, where there was a main hall. Xu Ziyan lowered the cloud head and walked in. Looking around, I saw a lot of space inside, and there was a rest area where many monks sat and talked to each other while drinking tea.

Xu Ziyan went straight to a counter, where an old man sat in his chair and closed his eyes. Hearing the footsteps, he lifted his eyelids and looked at Xu Ziyan, faintly said:

"A piece of the best fairy crystal. Do not use any fairy, fairy, immortal, fairy."

Xu Ziyan handed out a piece of the best fairy crystal, the old man put a jade card on the counter, Xu Ziyan picked up the jade card and retreated and walked out of the hall. The old man looked at Xu Ziyan's back and showed a strange look. At this time, some monks in the rest area also saw Xu Ziyan’s move. A monk smiled and said:

"It’s really a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers! This is going straight to the point!"

"Should it be a newcomer? I have never seen her before."

"Not like those of us who have experience in consulting. Do you think she is a genius? But it is an early Emperor, huh..."

"Forget it, don't take care of her. The disciples of the Eastern Zongmen are all proud. After waiting for her loss, they know that they are honest."

"I was afraid that she would not be able to know when she was honest. Maybe she died inside, huh, huh..."

"Would you like to see how she lost her ugly? Recently, no newcomers have been smashed! I haven't seen the newcomers look like a long time."

"Go. Go, go see..."

Some monks smiled and stood up and walked outside the main hall. The old man sitting behind the counter shook his head gently and closed his eyes.

Xu Ziyan came to the trial hall and walked into the small space of the first level.

As soon as he entered the small space of the first level, Xu Ziyan immediately felt the difference. It turned out to be a double superposition space of forbidden space and gravity space.

In other words, you can't use fairy tales in this space. Xian Yuanli was completely banned. At the same time, it is a gravity space with twice the gravity.

There were rules on the wall, and Xu Ziyan looked through it and walked into a locker room with a ban. At the time of Shaoguan, the monks were not allowed to wear the fairy. When the purple smoke entered the locker room, they saw a lot of clothes hanging inside, all of which were worn by mortals. After selecting a replacement, it was completed. Reflexed out of the locker room.

Xu Ziyan stood in front of the locker room and thought about it. She remembered what she said in her life. Today, the monks on the Yuan Dynasty are far less powerful than the monks in ancient times, because they don’t pay attention to it. Ontology cultivation. The gravity space and the forbidden space here can indeed achieve the purpose of quenching the body.

As you can see, there are about a thousand people in the small space of this first pass. It is a kilometer away from the door of Xu Ziyan standing here to the opposite gate. The landscape is nearly 10,000 meters wide. At this time, in the distance of this kilometer, everyone stays in the space, some are sitting and adjusting, and some are struggling to the opposite door.

Xu Ziyan looked at the cultivation of thousands of people in the space, almost all of them. There are also some peaks of the early Emperor. There are also very few of them that are the peaks of the early Emperor.

Xu Ziyan felt a bit, the pressure given to her here is the level of the early Emperor, and the intensity of the body of Xu Ziyan can now ignore these pressures.

Looking towards the opposite door, I saw that there were already six peaks of the Emperor and a line in the early days of the Emperor. The other hundreds of monks are struggling to walk toward the door.

At this time, the monks who came with Xu Ziyan had already flown into the air and looked into the small space of the first level. At a glance, they saw Xu Ziyan still standing at the door. Not a single "ha ha" laugh out loud.

"Don't move your legs? Hahaha..."

Suddenly they seemed to be caught in the neck, stunned and looked at the Xu Ziyan in the small space. At this time, I saw only Xu Ziyan lifting his foot toward the front, and the relaxed state was like no longer in the gravity space.

"This...this...I am not blind..."

Xu Ziyan soon walked behind the seven people in front of the door, and then sat down on the knees. The seven people also heard the footsteps behind them, and they saw the relaxed appearance of Xu Ziyan. They could not help but be surprised.

When I saw Xu Ziyan sitting down, I turned my head one by one, but I felt the pressure in my heart.

After a long time, the front door opened, and Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground. At this time, the seven people in front of her had entered, and they did not know whether they broke into the second level or were sent out.

Xu Ziyan stepped into the door step by step, and the door behind him rumblingly closed, and Xu Ziyan quickly looked into the small world of the first level.

The gaze was a contraction, and a large snake squatting in front of her, at this time a huge head was raised and she looked over at her.

At this time, Xu Ziyan already knew that in this space, he could only use his hands to fight against the enemy. He could not use any fairy tales and fairy charms.

Although the giant snake is a cockroach, I don’t know what it is equivalent to before I fight it, but it will never be weaker than the early Emperor’s, and there is still a double gravity here. Under these two superpositions, I will give Xu Ziyan body The pressure may have exceeded the beginning of the Emperor.


The giant snake struck over Xu Ziyan.

"Let me try your strength!"

Xu Ziyan’s right foot was on the ground, and the ground was cracked, spreading like a spider web. The figure is like a sharp arrow and rushes toward the giant snake.

This is based on the power of the body, and the figure rushes up in the space, allowing the space to ripple from the naked eye.

One person, one snake.

In an instant, I bumped into one place, and Xu Ziyan’s fist slammed into the snake’s head and rushed to the past.

The snake head shook swaying to the side, flashing a punch of Xu Ziyan, and the thick tail with a broken voice shone toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan's feet fluttered in the air, turning his body shape and punching the snake tail.


A burst of sound, the snake tail was swept back by Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan felt a fierce hurricane ringing behind her, the snake head had already arrived behind her, and opened her mouth to bite her. come.

Xu Ziyan fell into a shape and fell sharply toward the bottom. While avoiding the Shekou, he slammed into the snake. However, I heard the enthusiasm of both sides, but it was the snake's first snake, and she smashed it toward her.

Xu Ziyan rushed out through the strength of the kick, and the body shape fell to the ground, his feet were on the ground, and his body was like a cheetah, leaving the snake far away. .

Everything here has lost its effect, only the power of the body.

After moving away from the giant snake, Xu Ziyan turned and her eyes locked tightly against the giant snake that was swimming towards her rumble. In my mind, I quickly analyzed the short-lived confrontation with the giant snake.

The giant snake was broken down into three parts in the vision of Xu Ziyan, one is the snake head, the other is the snake tail, a snake body.

In the sea, I played back the short-lived fight with the serpent.

Hit the snake, the tail, the volume!

Snake tail, first move, bite!

Hit the snake body, end to end, twist!

Xu Ziyan’s eyes picked up slightly and his heart quickly analyzed.

If you want to defeat this giant snake, you must let its head and tail not respond, and then break your waist.

Xu Ziyan's hands on his side of the body slightly curved, his eyes tightly locked and he was quickly approaching the giant snake. With the approach of the giant snake, the dust and gravel on the ground was brought up, and the violent hurricane was suffocating.

Only this pressure has once again caused the original gravity to increase again, so that the body's function naturally began to resist this pressure.

Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly ran obliquely, and the giant snake’s huge body rushed over for a while before changing direction and chasing in the direction of Xu Ziyan. However, at this time, Xu Ziyan changed his direction and rushed straight toward his waist.

At this time, Xu Ziyan rushed straight toward the waist of the giant snake. The giant snake saw the intention of Xu Ziyan. The snake head and the snake tail moved together and twisted toward the middle of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan’s right foot squatted on the ground and his body flew out to the right. The feet lingered in the air, and finally the two feet squatted toward the tail of the giant snake.


The power of the Emperor of the Emperor is not the front of this giant snake can resist, just the first time Xu Ziyan has known that this is the level of an early Emperor. However, in this gravity space, this giant snake is not affected by gravity. Under the influence of the giant snake and gravity, Xu Ziyan is equivalent to facing the peak of the first emperor.


Dear comrades, after zero o'clock this evening, it is the time for double pink tickets, double, I hope that tomorrow, my comrades will be able to slap me with a pink ticket! Oh...


*(To be continued~^~)

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