The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1884: Two dragons out of the water

Thanks a lot to Wu? Yu Ling students (400), mableip classmates (100), Susu children classmates (100), w heroes eternal w classmates (100) pink tickets!


The tail of the serpent was smashed out, and Xu Ziyan, by the power of this scorpion, shot like a sharp arrow at the head of the snake on the left, and a punch of a fist hit the head of the snake.

The snake head leaned back toward the back. Xu Ziyan rushed toward the middle of the snake body with the power of this fist. The strength of the whole body rushed toward his feet. The big ribs in the body swelled like a dragon, and the muscles of his body pulsate like a pulse. The power quickly gathered on the feet and slammed on the snake.


The snake body was sunk down, and the shape of Xu Ziyan was once again in the air, rushing toward the snake tail.


A fist hit the tail of the giant snake that had just been rolled back here and bombarded it again. Then the force flew upwards obliquely. A high kick kicked the snake head that was about to bite, and the body rolled in the air. Standing side by side with both feet, they once again smashed toward the central snake.


Xu Ziyan kept repeating these three simple movements. What she had to do was to be quicker. It was faster than the reaction of the giant snake. She kept flying the snake head and the snake tail, not giving them the chance to twist, and then Slamming the snake body.

The monks who watched the air and the cliffs above the valley showed their stunned eyes, because Xu Ziyan was the original cultivation of the Emperor, but it seemed to be completely unaffected by this gravity. As long as she saw her afterimage in the air, she knew that she was ignoring this gravity.

Simply... too fast!

" is it possible?" The monks who followed Xu Ziyan looked at the quick and agile movement of Xu Ziyan. The face is completely unbelievable.

"Are we sure we haven't seen her before?"



There was a loud noise in the first space, and the snake was cut off by the purple smoke. Then there was a ping-pong and the purple snake smashed the two-storied giant snake into several segments, and it stopped.

The opposite door opens. Xu Ziyan glanced at the first level and saw that the giant snake that had been smashed into several sections was crawling toward it at the same time. Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and his body was vertical. Run towards the opposite door. While running and thinking, this method of quenching the body is not as good as lightning, but it is indeed a very effective method.

Even her monk who has reached the initial strength of the Emperor of the Immortal has undergone this killing, and she feels that there is a slight increase in the body. Although there is only one trace, it is necessary to know that her present body is already in the early days of Xiandi and can be in the first place. A slight increase in the proof proves that this trial hall is very effective for the body's body quenching.

Entering the second level, the door behind it slowly closed. The snake that was hit in the first level at the first level has now fully recovered.

Xu Ziyan first entered the small space of the second level.

As soon as I entered this small space, Xu Ziyan immediately felt that the gravity here had doubled and reached twice the gravity. The eyes swept away in a small space. There are also hundreds of monks here, but most of them are monks in the late Emperor, and even some peaks of the late Emperor.

Xu Ziyan thinks a little, these peaks of the late Emperor should be the quenching of the strength of the body that has always been ignored. This caused their body to be reduced. I can't help but shake my head. Today's Shangyuan mainland monks don't pay attention to the body's quenching. This seems to have formed a tradition. No wonder the monks will be so few.

Xu Ziyan sat on the floor and she needed to adjust her interest.

The mind twitched, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes. It was impossible to open the storage ring. Mindful thoughts, I found that this is not the space of purple smoke that can't restrain myself.

However, Xu Ziyan also stopped the decision to take Xiandan. Since it is forbidden to open the storage ring, it proves that it is not allowed to take the Xiandan to adjust interest here. And it doesn't make sense to swallow the fairy.

Xu Ziyan was running into the prune. With a call and a suck. She carefully felt the changes in her body. After two hours, she finally understood why the twelve ancient Tianzun was not allowed to take the elixir while quenching the body. Because the elixir is also available to the monks with sufficient power, it also contains impurities in the medicine. These impurities can affect the quenching of the body of the monk, if too much precipitation. It will also reduce the body repair of the monk.

Presumably, the first few peaks of the Emperor in the past are because they do not quench the body, and often take the elixir. As a result, their body repairs are continually reduced.

Because Xu Ziyan has lightning quenching, it almost empties the impurities in the body, but the number of Xu Ziyan taking Xiandan is probably the most on the mainland, so her body naturally precipitates impurities. At this time, after she passed the first pass, she was able to feel that a trace of impurities was discharged.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment. If he had just taken an elixir himself, the impurities would be formed more than the ones discharged. As a result, the quenching of the first pass disappeared.

"It seems that I have to eat some elixir later." Xu Ziyan frowned slightly: "But don't eat Xiandan, when can I accumulate Xianyuan to the peak of Xianhuang? Well, no!"

Xu Ziyan flashed a glimmer of joy, she found that there are not many impurities in her body, if according to the speed of her taking Xiandan, today's impurities will definitely not only have this in the body, what is the reason for this result?

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked. She remembered the swordsmanship that she had cultivated at the earliest and the swords that were later cultivated. These two exercises are the practice of quenching the body. It is undoubted that Xu Ziyan insisted on practicing these two exercises. Exclude impurities in the body.

In this way, I can continue to take the elixir in the future, just to increase the number of cultivations of practicing swords.

Want to understand all this, Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief. If you really don't let her take the elixir, it will become more difficult to improve the situation with the purple smoke.

At this time, some of the monks in the air above the trial hall were attracted by Xu Ziyan, because Xu Ziyan passed the first level in the early realm of Xianhuang, and it was too clean and neat, which is not surprising. . Especially those monks who followed Xu Ziyan wanted to see the performance of Xu Ziyan in the double gravity space. Of course, most of the monks still did not notice Xu Ziyan. After all, they focused their attention on the next few levels. The first level was still too simple.

After Xu Ziyan adjusted his interest, he stood up from the ground and walked toward the opposite gate.

Not only is the monk in the air watching outside, but the monks in the second space are also a glimpse. No one would have thought that in the double gravity space, Xu Ziyan would walk easily and freely, without any difficulty.

Xu Ziyan came to the door and sat down behind the team, waiting for his turn. However, Xu Ziyan did not waste time when sitting there, but cultivated swords and seeds.

This operation sword grows fairy, Xu Ziyan immediately feels different. The small sword in Dantian is already a Sanpin fairy. At the moment when Xu Ziyan runs the sword and grows the fairy, he smashes away and forms a thousand small and small swords that began to run in the body of Xu Ziyan, tempering the body of Xu Ziyan. Excludes impurities in her body.

However, it is obvious that this operation of the sword is more difficult than usual, as if the small air swords have become stagnant and have an invisible obstacle. Let the sword seed fairy run not smoothly enough.

Xu Ziyan understands that this is because of the reason for running the exercises in the double gravity space. If you continue to move forward and gravity continues to double, I am afraid it will be even harder to run.

Xu Ziyan runs the sword-like fairy while working hard, and uses the gods to see the situation in the body. The heart is a slight joy, although the operation of Xianyu has become difficult, but it has increased the effect of eliminating impurities in the body.

After three hours, it was the turn of Xu Ziyan to enter the second space. Xu Ziyan slowly recovered, then stood up from the ground and stepped into the door to the second space.

As soon as she entered the second space, Xu Ziyan looked like a stay. At this time, she appeared in front of her, and she stood on a lonely island.

Inductively, the double gravity still exists, but what is this piece of Wang Yang? How do you break this second level?

Looking very far, I did not see the door leading to the third level.

Suddenly, in the far distance, Wang Yang and the sky meet at the intersection of the sky and waves, I don’t know why the huge waves formed, but I don’t know what is under the huge waves. I only saw the huge waves propelling to her rapidly. .

Gradually close, Xu Ziyan's eyes narrowed. It was not a huge wave, but two huge waves. Two huge waves slammed into her like two giant mountains.


Two explosions, the water is separated from the sky, and two giant dragons emerged from the huge waves like the two giant mountains, one left and one right to the Xu Ziyan on the island.

It was only an instant that rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan, one left and one right swallowed toward Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s double fists slammed around and blasted the two dragons. However, after the two dragons were blasted around by Xu Ziyan, they immediately attacked her.

"Booming and banging..."

Xu Ziyan’s double fists pulled out the afterimage in the air, and the strength of the body has reached its limit. The two dragons have been bombarded by Xu Ziyan. However, it was only in an instant that she came back to her.

The rumble of the rumble, the monks who watched in the air outside attracted some more. When they saw the power of Xu Ziyan, they could not help but stunned.

Is this still a monk in the early days of the Emperor?


Dear comrades, after zero o'clock this evening, it is the time for double pink tickets, double, I hope that tomorrow, my comrades will be able to slap me with a pink ticket! Oh...


*(To be continued~^~)

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