The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1885: The influence of Shangmeng

At this time, Xu Ziyan repaired the original body of Emperor Xiandi completely. The level of the two dragons was only the peak of the early Emperor, and the superposition of the double gravity space, but also the pressure of Xu Ziyan Emperor. Xu Ziyan knows that as long as he has maintained this intensity, these two dragons will be smashed by themselves.

However, there is also a great puzzle in her heart. It is reasonable to say that with the strength of the body of the early Emperor, the two dragons should be shredded as long as a few punches, and she clearly saw that the heads of the two dragons had been smashed by themselves, but wait until the two dragons When the attack came over, the two faucets recovered more than half.

What is going on here?

Xu Ziyan bombarded the double dragons while watching the two dragons. A kind of enlightenment gradually came to mind.

Two dragons out of the water!

A piece of ocean, two dragons hidden in the water. Long Ben masculine, water is yin, yin and yang are in tune, and life is endless. Once the water is out, the power of the two dragons has increased greatly and it is unstoppable. Its masculine benefits are ruined. One left and one right, the cross attack. If you let these two dragons meet, it is the moment when the monks died.

If you want to kill this two dragons, you will never be able to let the two dragons cross, and let them fall into the water, so that they can not get out of the water, shocking the power, so that there is no chance to match.

"Booming ~~"

Xu Ziyan’s fists came out and the two dragons flew. The feet are on the ground, and the earth and gravel are flying. The figure rises into the sky, like a sharp arrow, but it instantly surpasses the top of the two dragons.

The sword-like fairy scorpion runs in the body, and the body is repaired to the peak. The double fists continually blast to the top of the double dragon's head. The two dragons whistled.

The huge body was swept away by the punches of Xu Ziyan like a piling, and sank bit by bit.

The operation of the sword seed fairy in the battle suddenly made Xu Ziyan have a hint of insight.

The cultivation of the ontology is regarded as martial arts, and Wu Xiu can also leverage the power of the heavens and the earth. It's not just about its own fists, so it's just that you are at the lowest level of martial arts.

So how does Wu Xiu borrow power and the power of the world?

Sword repair!

The top of the martial arts exists!

Sword kind!

Take the sword as a species!

I am a sword! The sword is me!


The thousands of swords in Xu Ziyan’s body are screaming together. After that, they gathered at the Dantian of Xu Ziyan and re-agglomerated a three-pronged sword.

Tiandi Yuanli began to gather toward Xu Ziyan, was absorbed by the little sword in Dantian, and then spewed out. Transmitted from the body of Xu Ziyan.

Throughout the world, Yuan Li’s body continued to smear through the body of Xu Ziyan, as if the river was scouring the body of Xu Ziyan, so that the impurities in Xu Ziyan’s body were continuously discharged, and the cultivation of the body was steadily growing, while the Dantian’s The small sword is constantly raised.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s double fists only blasted out involuntarily, and instinctively slammed the double dragons close to them, and the whole mind was immersed in the comprehension of the swords.

At this time, her understanding of the sword-like fairy has gone beyond the business that was taught to her practice, and it is beyond her master's sword.

"This...what happened?" The monks watching in the air felt the change of the power of heaven and earth. I saw the change of Xu Ziyan.

"She... is this an epiphany?"

There are countless envy, envy, admiration, respect, and various eyes on the second Guan Xu Ziyan.

I don't know how long it took, Xu Ziyan woke up from the epiphany, and she was only 70% of the peak of the inferior Xianbao. The small sword in Dantian has also been upgraded to the four-character.

The most important thing is that she realized the Jianshen's perception of the power of heaven and earth. From then on, even if she is in a space that completely bans the fairy tales, she can borrow the power of the heavens and the earth through the swords. Although her realm is still low at this time, it is also an absolute advantage, at least enough here.

Xu Ziyan's body gradually faded, and gradually appeared in front of the monks is a sword. A handle releases the sword of Raytheon.


A sword smashed out, and the whole ocean seemed to be shrouded in thunderclouds. There were numerous thunder swords in the air, and they bombarded the two giant dragons intensively.

A cry, two giant dragons squatting to the depths of Wang Yang. Then there was a passage in the middle of Wang Yang. At the end of the passage is a portal.

Xu Ziyan was in a vertical shape and rushed toward the door. The door slowly opened, and Xu Ziyan rushed into the gate, and the door slowly disappeared. The passage was submerged by Wang Yang.

Entering the small space of the third level, Xu Ziyan sensed it. The gravity here is already four times. The pressure on the monks here is already equal to the mid-Emperor.

Xu Ziyan glanced at him and saw that there were more than a hundred monks in this small space. There were three monks in front of the queue, and the other monks were not there to adapt to four times of gravity, or to walk hard toward the gate. Xu Ziyan sat on the ground and began to adjust the interest rate to restore his loss in the second pass.

The monks watching in the air watched more and more Xu Ziyan. They all saw Xu Ziyan’s ease of crossing the first level and the second level. They also saw Xu Ziyan’s epiphany at the second level. At this time, their hearts were curious. Curious, Xu Ziyan can get to the first level with the realm of Xianhuang.

In the hidden valley, Twelve Days is comprehending the six-figure formation. This level of formation has begun to be mysterious, even if it is simplified, it makes the 12-day sire start time-consuming and labor-intensive.

However, the ancient Yuanzun of the Twelve Ancient Ages can achieve the cultivation of the peaks of the late Tianzun in the form of scattered repairs. They are all strong-minded and intelligent. One by one, there was no rush, and all the minds were immersed in the deduction of the fairy tales.

They did not know that this kind of seclusion in the valley, and the silence of the world did not make the nine sects of the eastern region even more focused.

If the Shangyuan League is doing anything else, the nine major sects can also take corresponding countermeasures. However, Shangyuan League has not had any further action, as if it really wants to pass on the Yuan Dynasty.

However, the nine major sects know that there is no free lunch in the world. If you do this for twelve days, you must have his purpose. It’s just that they don’t know.

The more I don't know, the more the nine major sects are uneasy.

Within the Shenji Zong, the nine sovereigns once again gathered together. I have been negotiating for three days, and they still have not discussed the slightest clue.

The disciples who went to the Shangyuan League also sent back the message. Every disciple has had different degrees of progress in this nearly one year, and the twelve-day sage does not appear at all, and nothing can be seen. Conspiracy.

The final result of the deliberation of the nine major masters is to wait and see. It can only be a change of mind. It’s just that everyone’s heart is very heavy. They all know from the mouth of the dream machine and the Shangdao. Although they are also the peaks of Tianzun’s later period, they feel great pressure in front of the twelve days.

This can only explain one problem, that is, Shang Dao and Meng Shen Ji are definitely not opponents of any one of the twelve ancient Tianzun. Moreover, the dream machine and the monk also admitted this result.

Why it came out like this?

Now the nine masters have speculated on the reasons. When they sent their disciples to the Yuanmeng, they reported that there is a trial hall in Shangyuan League, and this trial hall is to quench the monk’s body, they Some understand that the reason why the monks in ancient times were stronger than the monks on the Upper Yuan today is because of the reasons for the body's quenching.

After a total of nine masters gathered together to discuss a few, and finally realized. The stronger the body, the stronger the immortality will be, and the stronger its explosive power will be. Therefore, the ancient monks have far more combat power than the same-level monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty.

Although I understand this, the nine masters are now repaired by Tianzun. At this level, it is difficult to quench the ontology, and it is much harder to start the body from the lower level. That is to say, they want to reach the level of the twelve ancient heavens. It is not without hope, but it takes too much time.

The eight great masters left the sacred machine and returned to their respective sects. Two orders were issued immediately. First, it has improved the welfare of the Zongmen monks, which will speed up the strength of the Zongmen monks in order to cope with the unknown danger of the Shangmeng.

Second, let the disciples of Zongmen understand the importance of the body of quenching. The nine major sects have the practice of quenching the body, and there is more than one kind of practice. The practice of quenching and quenching the body will inevitably delay the cultivation of the time of the immortal, so the previous monks in order to get a breakthrough faster, almost no one to practice the quenching exercises. However, nowadays they all know the importance of the quenching method, and they have begun to practice the quenching method.

Of course, there are also disdain for this. Those monks think that as long as they cultivate themselves for improvement, even if the other party's body is more than what they can do? Exceeding each other in the realm, is it different to kill the opponent? Therefore, these people still do not practice the quenching exercises, but focus on the cultivation of immortals.

Shangyuan League.

Trial the temple.

In the small space of the third level, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and stood up from the ground and walked toward the door.

"Look! She stood up! She went to the door!"

"She... is not affected by the quadruple gravity space! How strong is her body?"

Outside the air, I have been paying attention to the monks of Xu Ziyan. Some of them have seen the battle of Xu Ziyan’s boxing and plum blossoms at the gate of the Xingyu Zongda.

"The third pass is afraid that Xu Ziyan will pass. After all, her worst body strength is also the mid-ninth product, which is equivalent to the mid-Emperor. But it will be difficult to pass the fourth level."

"What? The physical strength of Xu Ziyan has reached the mid-ninth product? Isn't that the equivalent of the Emperor's mid-term?" A disciple of Shangyuan League exclaimed.


Doubled! Doubled! Big summoning: pink ticket! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


*(To be continued~^~)

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