The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1887: Liuhe

Such four 只有 只有 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙 仙It was only the time of two interest, and the four smashes were broken.

The opposite door appeared, and the body shape of Xu Ziyan flew away in the longitudinal direction, and the figure entered the small space of the fifth level.

As soon as I entered the small space of the fifth level, I felt that 16 times the gravity was oppressed. This is already the realm of the late Emperor. First, I looked down at the clothes on my body and there was no damage. I looked up into the small space.

There are only about seventy people in the small space of the fifth level. Xu Ziyan moved a few steps to the side, and sat on the ground, began to run, and then resumed.

The monks on the cliffs on both sides and on the air and the Xu Ziyan in the air are in vain.

"She really took the fourth level and entered the fifth level!"

"I don't know if I can pass the fifth level?"

"Whether she can get out of the fifth level, she should be regarded as the first person in the early days of the Emperor!"

"It’s not the first person in the early days of the Emperor. I am afraid that she is not a rival at the level of the Emperor’s mid-peak."

"I just watched her move a few steps. It seems to be very light. Doesn't she have more physical strength than the late Emperor?"

"What is this possible?"

"It's hard to say! I heard that when I was practicing in the small world, Xu Ziyan was able to calm a boxing injury in the early days of the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. Maybe the body strength of this purple smoke has reached the beginning of Xiandi."

"No? Is she a boxing injury in the early days of a fairy? Are you kidding?"

"Of course it is true, but only a hundred disciples know that this is one of the more than one hundred disciples. So I know."

After five hours, Xu Ziyan resumed his cultivation and was preparing to run the sword seed fairy to quench the body here, but found that there seemed to be someone looking at himself. Turn your head and look. However, it was his own three sisters, who were cold and clear, and they were surprised by the eyes:

"Three sisters, are you coming again?"

"Yeah!" Leng Qing smirked: "I didn't think so soon you got to the fifth level."

"Hey..." Xu Ziyan laughed and said nothing.

Leng Qingyi looked over the front door and looked at the opposite door. Xu Ziyan’s eyes could not help but look down. The gaze is a condensate, seeing the step is entering the fifth gate.

"He also came to the customs?" Xu Ziyan said in surprise.

"There is nothing to be surprised about. He must have the same understanding as the teacher and sister, and this has come to pass through. And we have both passed through the first few levels, so it is very fast, and the real test is in the seventh level."

"Three sisters, anyway. Now only two of you have reached the seventh level, but congratulations." Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

Leng Qingyi shook his head and said: "Now it is no longer. Someone has reached the eighth level before I came in. It is a few emperors, I think the eighth level may not be able to stop them."

Xu Ziyan showed a trace of surprise on his face, and then said to Leng Qingyi: "The three divisions, here to practice the sword seed fairy, is good for the quenching body."

Leng Qing nodded and said: "I already know, but it is not suitable for me. I stayed here originally wanted to tell you this matter. Since you already know, the sister went to the customs."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

Leng Qingqi got up and walked toward the opposite door. Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and began to run the sword seed fairy. He used 16 times gravity to quench the body.

One day later, the body strength of Xu Ziyan was only 50% lower than that of the inferior Xianbao, and he got up and entered the fifth level. It attracted thousands of eyes in the air.

Stepping into the fifth level, I saw five shackles coming to surround myself. In the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan’s knowledge, a sound of one sound was heard:

"This is a five-line array, and the five-line array has turned into a flaw. It does not reveal any flaws. It contains the five elements of change. One person shots and causes the other side to attack. The self-reported weakness. The other four immediately slammed on the opponent. The weakness of the attack is not to kill the enemy, never stop. The five people are guarding each other. The footwork complements the gap and faces the enemy. The five people are like one person, all in one, and the change is endless."

"How is it broken?" Xu Ziyan asked in a hurry while resisting.

"The strength and defense of the master are far more than these five shackles, so it is better to break it. Since the middle one is weak, the master is not as good as chasing him, crushing it, the five elements lose one person, nor If you don’t have five elements, the owner can naturally break it."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan’s right foot was on the ground, and his body shape rushed like a meteor. He completely slammed his fists on his own body, and his fists locked the crit on the dirt line. The ground was struck with full force, but the time was used to break the cockroaches on the dirt line, and then the other four cockroaches were crushed in turn. The figure was erected and ran toward the opposite door.

"This..." The disciples watching in the air looked at each other face to face. At this point they all saw it, Xu Ziyan is violent, and it is her strength that goes far beyond the strength of these five skeletons.

"Don't this... Is the body strength of Xu Ziyan really reached the beginning of Xiandi?"

Xu Ziyan entered the small space of the sixth level, immediately entered the locker room, changed into a new clothes, and then walked out to sit on the ground, sensing the gravity intensity here.

Sure enough, the intensity of gravity here has reached 32 times, reaching the intensity of the peak of the late Emperor.

The eyes are sweeping toward the next four, and the repairs in this small space are less than fifty. And now only one person is waiting there at the opposite gate.

Xu Ziyan sat on the ground and began to operate the Qiankun 诀 诀 恢复 恢复 恢复 恢复 恢复 恢复 恢复 恢复 恢复 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀 诀

This time, Xu Ziyan spent a lot of time and spent five days. It was only 40% away from the inferior Xianbao. I felt that the gravity here had no effect on my body's quenching. I stood up from the ground and went to the opposite door. At this time, no one was waiting at the gate. Three disciples were walking hard to walk there. When the shape of Xu Ziyan exceeded them, one by one, with a big open mouth, looked at Xu Ziyan, one of whom looked at the back of Xu Ziyan. Said in a nightmare:

"I didn't read it wrong? Is that the beginning of a fairy?"

At this time, half of the disciples in the air outside the trial hall began to pay attention to Xu Ziyan, the sixth level, not a monk can smash the past.

You must know that there are six flaws in the sixth level, and each of the six skeletons has reached the peak of the late Emperor, and combined with a six-person array, including dry, kun, life, death, water, Fire six doors, is a six-in-one method.

Even without the six-in-one method, Xu Ziyan is also facing the peaks of the six emperors in the late period. What's more, the six scorpions rely on the six-in-one method to bring together the power, and its power is more than the peak of the emperor? I don't know how many disciples of Xiandi level were stopped at this level.

At this time, Xu Ziyan was trapped in the six-in-one array, defending and attacking according to the direction of the first one. However, Xu Ziyan is still at a disadvantage. The six-in-one method is a six-door rotation. Xu Ziyan is a pair of six. It can only use the power of the body. It is really difficult to use the fairy.

It is also a bit difficult to know the array in the sea. After all, Xu Ziyan has only one person. Double fists are hard to beat four hands, let alone six squats? If it is not her body strength exceeds 傀儡, she has long been strangled by this six-in-one method. That is why Xu Ziyan is also locked in the brow. These six doors rotate. As time goes by, the power is getting bigger and bigger. Xu Ziyan feels that if it is a few more hours later, the power of the six-in-one can reach the early stage of Xiandi. Power, by that time, I want to break through is a delusion.

"It seems that Xu Ziyan has failed in this time!" The disciples in the air outside the trial hall have been talking about it.

"Yes, this six-in-one array has even failed some disciples in the early days of Xiandi. How to say that Xu Ziyan is just an early emperor. It is already amazing to be able to find it here. If she can still pass this pass, it is called strange."

Xu Ziyan in the Sixth Array is another sentiment. The previous Xu Ziyan has been pursuing the cultivation of cultivation and the cultivation of Xianyu, ignoring the understanding of martial arts. Even the treasure boxing that has never been abandoned is only to realize the maximum power of the treasure boxing through the meaning of the five elements. The essence of the martial arts training of the treasure boxing is not seriously understood.

At this time, I can't use Xianyu here, I can only be forced to attack with the purest boxing method, that is, the meaning of the five elements in the treasure boxing can not be used, but gradually the essence of the treasure boxing has emerged. This kind of martial art has not been valued by Xu Ziyan, and it is believed that the martial arts of mortals have vividly emerged at this time, and the morality of the Tao has flowed in the heart of Xu Ziyan.

Liuhe, with the combination of fineness, qi and spirit, is the inner three-in-one, and the hands, eyes and body are unified as the outer three-in-one, collectively called Liuhe. Also, the eyes and the heart, the heart and the breath, the gas and the body, the body and the hand, the hands and feet, the feet and the joints, also called Liuhe.

Xu Ziyan's movements are getting faster and faster, and the inside and outside are rapidly unifying. Gradually her figure is as fast as a hurricane, leaving a shadow in the space, like three heads and six arms.


At this time, Xu Ziyan was like a three-person figure. The fists and feet were intensively smashed into six cymbals. The sound of an infinite blast sounded in the sixth level of the trial hall.


A broken piece...


One by one, they were shattered by Xu Ziyan. The figure of the three heads and six arms was broken, and the afterimage disappeared. The body of Xu Ziyan appeared. The figure was vertical and flew away toward the gate leading to the seventh level.

"What is this practice?" The disciples in the air outside the temple were confronted.


I missed more than one hundred votes with the fifth place. I don't know if I can rush to the fifth. If your comrades have tickets in their hands, vote for them!


*(To be continued~^~)

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