The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1888: The scorpion ran away

I am very grateful to Yu Zhen (100), mableip classmates (100), and Susu's classmates (100) for their reward!


"Isn't it possible to use Xianyu in the trial hall? She... What is the magic of the three heads and six arms?"

"That's not a magical power!" A young disciple of the first emperor said with a bright gaze: "That is her combination of inside and outside to the extreme, the speed of which is beyond the visual catch. Great! Powerful! But it makes me feel, hahaha ......"

Xu Ziyan entered the small space of the seventh level. When he saw that his clothes were not damaged, he immediately sat in a position next to him. When he couldn’t feel the gravity and observe the surrounding conditions, he immediately entered the comprehension.

The combination of fineness, qi and spirit is the inner three-in-one, and the hands, eyes and body are unified as the outer three-in-one, collectively called Liuhe. Also, the eyes and the heart, the heart and the breath, the gas and the body, the body and the hand, the hands and feet, the feet and the joints, also called Liuhe.

Feelings kept flowing in my heart, and her understanding of the essence of martial arts was further deepened. After three days, Xu Ziyan spit out a long breath and opened his eyes.

Should the treasure boxing be born out of the martial arts of the mortal world?

It seems that the martial arts of the mortal world also hides this heavenly path, and the simpler things contain the heavens and the original. The reason why most mortals are unable to see through this reason and break the void is because they lack the corresponding quenching exercises. Only able to cultivate has a table.


This is the greatness of inheritance, the loss of inheritance, everything is illusory. How many people in this world can create original exercises?

Putting down everything in my heart, Xu Ziyan began to sense the gravity of the seventh level. The gravity here has reached 64 times, which is completely in the oppression of the early Emperor.

Look up and look around. Seeing her three eyes were looking at her by her side. Although Xu Ziyan was only cultivated in the early days of the Emperor, but the intensity of his knowledge has reached the beginning of the Emperor Xian, the eyes will know that these three people are the beginning of the Emperor.

The three people saw Xu Ziyan coming over and asked almost in unison: "Are you really the beginning of the Emperor?"

Xu Ziyan looks a glimpse. The heart quickly disappeared, it seems that one of the emperors first ran to the seventh level to frighten them. I nodded lightly.


The three men took a breath of air at the same time. At this time, at the seventh level, everyone wore mortal clothes, and they could not see who was a disciple of Shangyuan, who was a disciple of the Eastern Zongmen. One of the emperors faced Xu Ziyan at the beginning, and there was no pride in his demeanor. In the early days of Xu Ziyan’s immortality, he was able to reach the seventh level, and he could definitely be on an equal footing with them. Politely asked:

"In the next Shangyuan League disciple, Lu Fei. Can you ask a friend?"

Xu Ziyan also handed his hand to the ceremony: "Cang Zongzong, Xu Ziyan."

"Ziyan Shimei, I have heard about your deeds, but at the time of the nine ceremonies, I went to see the emperor's disciples. I missed the excitement of the Ziyan Shimei, and there was not much money in the next."

"In the lower **** machine, the beam is like a star."

Xu Ziyan chatted with the three monks and looked into the small space. In addition to the four people on his own, there are 19 people here. At the opposite gate, there is a person sitting cross-legged, there is a disciple at a distance from Xu Ziyan to the opposite gate, or where there is a tempering practice, or walking hard. Every step, there is a large sweat on the forehead. Some people have already shackled and they have climbed on the ground.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and immediately felt the pressure. Only this kind of pressure she could bear. After nodding to the three monks, Xu Ziyan slowly walked toward the locker room.

Watching Xu Ziyan go slowly though. But the pace is not stopping. There was a glimmer of shock in the eyes of the three monks. The monks who watched in the air at this time were even more embarrassed.

"Xu Ziyan really reached the beginning of Xiandi!"

After Xu Ziyan came out of the locker room, he chose a place to sit on the ground and transported it to resume repair. Her time at this time is not the original Qiankun. The original Qiankun 诀 is only limited to the five elements, and at this time, the 紫 诀 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许 许Space and life attributes. Working, frantically absorbed the power of heaven and earth. Let the disciples watched stunned one by one.

However, the feeling of Xu Ziyan is different. Xu Ziyan knows that if he is not in the 64-fold gravity space, I am afraid that it will take only a few quarters of time to recover the energy consumed by the physical energy, but here she feels the yuan. The stagnation of the force, Yuan Li in the meridian for each advancement is very difficult, so Xu Ziyan's forehead is sweating.

But there is also a benefit. The weight of this stagnation is like a stone mill that keeps the impurities in her body out of the body.

After a day's time, when the energy consumed by Xu Ziyan's body was completely restored, she was less than 30% of the peak of the inferior Xianbao.

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows showed joy and began to run the sword to grow the body. The small sword in Dantian turned into a tens of thousands of swords running in the body, but its speed was also slow. Obviously, the impact of the 64-fold gravity space on Xu Ziyan began to increase, not as calm as before.

One week, another big Sunday.

Xu Ziyan practiced for twenty-seven days in the small space of the seventh level, and finally upgraded the body to the peak of the inferior Xianbao, which is equivalent to the peak of the early Emperor.

Open your eyes and look around. At this time, there are only seven people left in this small space. I don't know if the disappearing monks passed the seventh pass, or the failure was sent out. At that time, the monk who communicated with Xu Ziyan was adjusting interest at a distance of about 200 meters from the opposite gate. It seems to be consuming physical strength.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and walked toward the opposite door, feeling that the pressure now is much lighter than when he first came in. This is because her body strength has risen to the peak of the early Emperor.

Lu Fei, Qian Duoduo and Liang Ruxing looked shocked at Xu Ziyan passing by them, came to the gate to the seventh gate, and then disappeared into the door.

"It’s a smash! Xu Ziyan is off! She started the seventh level!"

Tens of thousands of disciples watched in the air outside, and the eyes of the left and right were focused on Xu Ziyan. Because there is no one at the eighth level at this time, only someone is practicing in the small space of the eighth level. The highest level in this world is the seventh pass of Xu Ziyan.

Moreover, this purple smoke itself is a miracle. In the early days of the Emperor's reign, it was hard to reach the seventh level. A lot of Xiandi was the seventh level of failure. This can not but cause everyone's attention, not only these people are concerned, these people have also taken out the communication jade singularly call friends, just a few moments, the people who watched have already approached 100,000.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has already fought against the seven scorpions. The seven scorpions occupy seven positions in turn, namely Tianshu, Tianzhu, Tianzhu, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Shaguang. Formed the Big Dipper.

Xu Ziyan is the six-in-one method that he has just realized before, like a gust of wind and rain. Array one silently observed in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan, analyzing how to break the Big Dipper.

"Master!" suddenly said: "When you want to break this Big Dipper, you must concentrate all the power to bombard the light. These seven skeletons are like a chain. If you can strike and shake, other Six defects will also be broken."

One shot and shattered?

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, knowing that these seven donkeys have the defense of the peak of the late Emperor, even if they are now the peak of the early Emperor of the Emperor, it is impossible to shake the light with a single blow.

This is not a fairy, but the power of the body.

I am afraid that I want to crush that shake, and I need at least three punches. This is only theoretically, to know that this is a chain of seven dragonflies with the help of the Big Dipper. The power of the seven skeletons is the same, that is to say, the power of these seven skeletons is superimposed. Xu Ziyan’s punching on the swaying body is actually a force against the superposition of the seven cymbals. This is not a problem that the three punches can solve.

How to do?

Xu Ziyan thought hard as he tried to defend himself.

The mystery of the fairy tales flowed in the heart, and Xu Ziyan suddenly moved. The reason why Xianshu can explode the power of destroying the earth and destroy the land is because the seeds of a fairy scent are condensed through the fairy tales, and this seed will ignite the power of heaven and earth.

The reason why this seed can provoke the power of heaven and earth is because the seed itself is very powerful. It is made by the conciseness of Xian. If you compress the power of the body, compress it to the extreme, and compress all the strength of the body at a point, what power will it be?

The body shape of Xu Ziyan suddenly swayed, and the body of the cloud began to unfold, and quickly took out the Big Dipper. With the presence of the first one, even if today's Xu Ziyan can't beat the Beidou Seven Star array in front of him, it is very easy to get out of this Big Dipper.

After rushing out of the Big Dipper, Xu Ziyan began to run away with his feet open. Behind her is seven scorpions that maintain the formation of the Big Dipper, chasing them towards Xu Ziyan.

The monks who watched outside have now surpassed 100,000. Originally, Xu Ziyan and the Big Dipper were killed, and they were so enjoyable. A pair of eyes tightly locked Xu Ziyan, want to see how Xu Ziyan finally broke the seven-star array, but also borrowed from it when he was in the future.

However, they suddenly petrified.

Xu Ziyan actually ran away and ran very fast! In the sixty-four times of gravity space, he ran "嗖嗖".

Since she can't beat the seven shackles, why didn't she squeeze the jade card and send it out?

What happened to her running this scorpion?

Tens of thousands of monks watched one by one, and they simply couldn’t smile.


Ask for a pink ticket again!


*(To be continued~^~)

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