The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1889: Monarch

Xu Ziyan is not just running, but while running, the body's strength is compressed toward the right fist, and the body's strength is “squeaky” and flows rapidly, rushing toward her right fist along the meridians like a big river. In the right fist, the non-stop gathering, compression, re-convergence, compression...

Xu Ziyan ran in front of him, and the seven crickets chased after the "rumbling", which ran for a quarter of an hour.

Xu Ziyan's strength gradually compressed to the extreme right fist, and above her right fist, she even released the radiance of the earth, like the water ripples.

Xu Ziyan’s figure suddenly stopped and turned and swept past the seven donkeys.

"What is she doing?" Tens of thousands of monks outside were stunned.

The shape of Xu Ziyan was in opposition to the seven shackles. At the moment when the two sides were about to collide, the shape of Xu Ziyan became smashed, and the space pulled out the afterimage. The monks only felt a flower in front of them, and when they saw the purple smoke again, she was already standing on the side of the body where she was shaking, and she was banging to the cockroach.


An infinite roar.


The seven cockroaches suddenly stunned their body shape, and the body of the swaying position cracked and instantly turned into pieces. Then the other six cockroaches sounded a "beep" sound, and several pieces fell to the ground. .

There is a portal opposite, and the shape of Xu Ziyan disappears into the portal.

"Oh... it’s over..." Tens of thousands of monks face each other.

Entering the small space of the eighth level, one hundred and twenty-eight times the gravity pressure came, which is already the peak pressure of the early Emperor. It is the intensity of the body of Xu Ziyan, now the peak of Xiandi, and the stagnation.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept, and there were seven people in her small space before her. In addition to being cold and clear, there are five emperors. One of them is the middle of the Emperor. A mid-peak of the Emperor, a late Emperor, two peaks of the late Emperor.

The distance from the opposite gate is about a kilometer away. At this time, the two peaks of the late Emperor are about 200 meters away from the gate. At this time, I am practicing there.

Behind the two of them, about three hundred meters away is the late Emperor of the Emperor, in the back is the mid-peak of the Emperor, and then the late Emperor of the Emperor, stepping in front of the cold and clear, more than thirty Around the meter. At the same time, the cold and clear water is more than 100 meters away from Xu Ziyan.

The opening of the gate allowed seven people in the small space to know that there were monks coming in. But no one turned back, everyone is taking all the time to cultivate.

Xu Ziyan walked into the locker room with a heavy footstep. There was a sigh of relief outside the trial hall:

"Xu Ziyan is still able to move at the eighth level! She... her body is repaired... Has it reached the peak of Xiandi?"

"How can this be?"

Xu Ziyan came out of the locker room and walked a few steps before sitting on the floor. The pressure here is too great, one hundred and twenty-eight times the gravity, that is, Xu Ziyan is also somewhat unbearable. After sitting on the ground, I immediately started to work and resume the recovery.

The strength of the body in the meridian for each point of advancement, it will cost a huge amount of purple smoke. Before Xu Ziyan was in the first seven passes. The strength of the body exceeds the gravity space. But now the body strength of Xu Ziyan has been equal to the gravity space, no longer has the slightest advantage, such as the gravity of the mountain makes Xu Ziyan very difficult. Even the forces in the meridians of the body have a tendency to reverse.

Once Yuanli reverses, Xu Ziyan will go into flames, and the lighter body will be paralyzed, and the heavy ones will die. The sweat was covered with the face of Xu Ziyan, and it was left like a stream. The clothes on his body were only soaked in an instant.

Xu Ziyan bit his teeth, overdrafting all his power to push the body's strength forward forward...


"Ha ha ha..." Yanshan soul extended a finger to point on an antelope eye made of obsidian, watching the big demon squad start to work and laugh.

"Don't laugh. It affects me to sleep!" The voice of a demon woman came in the space. There is laziness in the tone and disappointment.


Yanshan soul put away a smile, his eyes became dignified, and the surrounding Wan Yao Dabang seemed to stop running at this time. However, there is a bound force that has made it difficult for Yanshan Spirit to act.

"Well. This is really a big demon in ancient times, but even if it was a long time in the ancient era, it would not be so easy to trap the brother, hehehe..."

"Right, there won't be a demon here? Where are the other demons going?"

There is no sound, it is quiet all around. It seems that the owner of the demon voice just fell asleep.

"Don't talk? Then wait for the brother to break the big demon to take you out."

"Hey ~ ~" space came a sneer: "Is it by you? One person respects the peak of the late?"

"Little demon..."

"Not allowed to call me a demon!"

"What do I call you?"


"Little demon, is this the demon palace in ancient times?"

"How do you know?" The woman's voice is no longer enchanting, there is a trace of tension.

Yanshan soul did not answer her, but sighed a sigh: "This is a million years, it is really a sea of ​​sangtian! It is not what it used to be. It is not easy to find it here."

"Who are you? I dare to come here?" The woman's voice was a little angry: "Since I know the demon palace here, I dare to go here? You can know that our demon Lord is so powerful. A battleable opponent. Are you looking for death when you come here?"

Yanshan soul no longer speaks, but carefully explores the surrounding world.

"No!" The banshee's voice revealed a trace of tension: "You just said that the sea has changed into a mulberry field. You are not easy to find it here. Are you from ancient times?"

Not right! How can a monk from ancient times be repaired so low? ”

"Oh, this shouldn't be something you know! Is the demon Lord here? How much has his injury recovered?"

"" The banshee's voice was full of shock.

After a moment of silence in the space, Yanshan soul began to study the Wan Yao Dafa, the banshee seems to be guessing which Yanshan soul is the reincarnation of ancient power.

"嗡~~" The big array began to shake again, and the laughter of Yanshan soul came from the array: "Ha ha ha... Little demon, this 10,000 demon big squad has been broken by the brother 30%, it will not take us long You can talk in person. Give Brother a laugh and celebrate our upcoming meeting."

"Hey!" The space came the scream of the banshee: "If it weren't for me that I couldn't control the power of the big squad, you wouldn't think about it for a lifetime."

Yanshan soul shook his head, the space was silent for a while, the voice of the banshee sounded again: "Tell me, who is your reincarnation?"

"Can't say!" Yanshan soul researched the big demon while he shook his head and said.

"Don't say that I can also guess that I can find it here, but only a few people. You are not a lord, a lord, a lord, or a priest."

"Then guess who the brother is?" Yanshan soul's mouth flicked a smile.

The space was silent again. After a while, the voice of the banshee resounded again: "If you are not reborn, I can still distinguish it from your breath. Now that you are reborn, I can't guess it. Anyway It is one of those few people."

Yanshan soul suddenly took his hand back and sat down on the floor and said: "Forget it, my brother will not break this squad. You still let the brother go out and take the brother to see the demon master."


"Brother is just a person who respects the peak of the late stage. You won't be afraid of me?"

"Afraid!" The banshee replied very simply: "If you are the reincarnation of those few people, even if I am now the peak of Tianzun, I dare not say that is your opponent. Who knows what secrets you have, I know As long as the reincarnation of the people is rehabilitated to achieve the human respect, it will be able to make many secrets before rebirth. The short-term power can not be resisted by the peak of the late Tianzun."

"Oh ~~" Yanshan soul touched the nose, a faceless speech. This little demon is too cautious.

"The brother will then break down!" Yanshan soul stood up from the ground with a depressed face.

"You..." The banshee’s voice was anxious: "You can't wait here? Waiting for the demon to see you when you arrive?"

Yanshan soul turned a white-eyed road: "When is the brother waiting for it? Brother is very busy."


The banshee was angry, and the whole formation turned and sent a fierce attack toward the Yanshan soul.

Yanshan soul is not flustered, throwing a flag on his side, and soon arranging a defensive line around him, and countless fierce attacks on the tens of thousands of demons have been laid by Yanshan soul. The defensive array was blocked out, and the Yanshan soul was a great wine hoist, and slowly drank it.

The banshee had no choice but to stop the Wan Yao big array, and then saw the Yanshan soul put away the wine gourd, scattered the fairy squad, and began to crack the Wan Yao big array.


Xu Ziyan is sitting in the small space of the eighth gate. He is running hard with swords and scorpions. The sword in Dantian has been turned into a sword and the sword is moving around. The strength of the body is improved in a glimmer.


Xu Ziyan spit out a breath and opened his eyes. The Taoist sword in the body has returned to Dantian and turned into a small sword. At this time, the grade of Xiaojian has been upgraded to the seven-character fairy.

Xu Ziyan was full of joy and looked to the front. According to the experience of the previous seven customs, Xu Ziyan knows that there is about one kilometer from here to the opposite gate. Every 100 meters forward, gravity will increase again. However, her body strength has increased by 10% at this time, and it seems that there is no help here. If you want to further enhance your strength, you must move forward.


In the last few hours, my comrades, the pink ticket is not in the pocket, vote for the bell!


*(To be continued~^~)

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