The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1890: Another step

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The previous seven levels because Xu Ziyan's body strength exceeds the pressure of space gravity, she does not need 100 meters of 100 meters of cultivation, as long as the cultivation is almost the same, you can go directly to the opposite door. But now it is different. The gravity here is originally equal to his strength. Every 100 meters forward means that the pressure of gravity is beyond her ability to withstand, so in this eighth level she must come step by step.

Looking up and seeing the nearest cold-blooded cockroach, she moved forward again. At this time, she and the two-step two people were sitting cross-legged at the position of 200 meters. In the front of the Emperor, the sound of the Emperor was walking forward with difficulty. Every step and leg was shaking and swaying. The big sweat was dripping, and the heavy breathing was clearly audible.

Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and walked toward the front. Although the stagnation was felt, the movement of the footsteps was smooth. Soon she went forward for a hundred meters and immediately felt that the pressure here was one hundred and twenty-nine times. Although it was only twice as much pressure, Xu Ziyan felt that her footsteps were stagnation and the whole body became heavy. stand up.

Looking up and looking at the coldness of the 100 meters in front of me, I thought a little. I feel that my strength should be able to move forward for a hundred meters, and then I will move forward again.

It was relatively easy at first, but it was difficult to go further. Gradually, the big sweat began to flow down, and the force in the body of Xu Ziyan ran up. The knees were slightly bent by gravity and the waist was not straight, moving step by step toward the front.

Finally, Xu Ziyan stepped on the side of the cold and clear. The body is shaking for a while, and the gravity of one hundred and thirty times is pressed like a giant mountain.


Xu Ziyan sat down on the ground, his voice was alarmed by the cold and clear, and the two people couldn’t help but look around, and the cold and clear could not help but surprise:

"Little sister, have you come over?"

"You are Xu Ziyan?" One step and one eye: "The early Emperor?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

The face of the one-step change has changed, and the body has issued a war message: "Sure enough, it is a disciple of the crown, and we have the opportunity to discuss it."

Cold and clear face changed. Said faintly: "Since I know that my younger sister is the early Emperor of the Emperor, do you want to learn from my little sister in the early days of the Emperor? If you want to learn, I will accompany you."

The five people in front heard the conversations of the three of them. When they heard that the first emperor had reached the eighth level, they couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan.

The only step is to ignore the cold and clear eyes, and the eyes are locked in Xu Ziyan: "Now you can't use Xianyu here, but it is not bullying you."

The words fall. Still on the knees, the body suddenly slid toward Xu Ziyan, and a fist hit the face of Xu Ziyan.

The speed of the body sliding on the ground is as fast as it is not affected by the gravity space. The boxing is like a dragon, exploding the space, squeaking, and when the fist is not reached, the hair of Xu Ziyan is excited to fly backwards.

The shape of Xu Ziyan suddenly slid on the ground like a single step, but it slipped toward the rear. The fist of the single step was less than two inches from the tip of Xu Ziyan, but it was difficult to bring the distance closer.

"Good strength! Good and murderous!"

The figure is shaking. Leng Qingyu is also kneeling. The body slid rapidly on the ground. A fist hit the past with a single step.

The one-step figure slid toward the side, and the cold and clear fists fell, but it solved the encirclement of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief, just a fight. Although she did not shoot, she was just avoiding. It is the strength of the whole body. After all, she is just reaching the depth of 200 meters, and the gravity here has not adapted.

Xu Ziyan's eyes are looking at him, and a white robes can't hide the muscles of the body. From this point of view, you know the strength of the body.

The face is not tough, but it is very sunny. Under a pair of swords, like a star.

"Looking at his age is really smaller than himself!"

The one-step face is very white, and the whiteness of the skin is almost the same as that of Xu Ziyan, which makes Xu Ziyan feel a little weird. At this time, the expression of the sun on the face of the one-step face disappeared, and the eyes looked at Xu Ziyan with some dignity, and did not go to see the cold and clear, said faintly:

"Yes, the last time I saw you and Lan Bailing, you are still a half-step emperor, this is only one year has been the beginning of the Emperor."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are slightly glimpsed and there is no speech.

Leng Qingxi saw that Xu Ziyan was not injured. He did not rise to ignore her for her only step, but said faintly:

"On your own, you can do this at such an age. Needless to say, there must be an adventure. This is not a place you can be proud of. One adventure can't make you progress in your life. You will soon be my little sister." behind."

"嗤~~" came a sneer in front of him. Several people turned around and saw that it was the late Emperor who looked forward to this side, and his eyes were full of disdain:

"You think that we are still the front door. Now we are already in the Yuanmeng League. We have an authentic inheritance. When we are at the side door, the one-step younger brothers can leave you behind. If you pass the inheritance, you will be overtaken by you. ?"

Xu Ziyan originally knew about his own affairs, and he is now very satisfied with his achievements. After all, she is a self-contained space in the body. It is very difficult to make every step of the promotion. It is more than a dozen times or even ten times more than a single-minded disciple. Therefore, he is more normal than to surpass her in repairing. but. Nowadays, the Shangyuan Mengxian Emperor said in a disdainful tone in the late stage, as if Xu Ziyan refused to take a single step, so Xu Ziyan could not help but laugh.

However, his remarks made others unhappy. There were eight people in this space. Only the only step and the late Emperor was the disciple of Shangyuan, and the other six monks were Eastern Zongmen disciples. The peaks of the two emperors were the Shenji Zong and the Xingyu sects. The mid-peak of the Emperor was the disciple of the Emperor, and the middle of the Emperor was the disciple of Luo Tianzong. Then there is the cold and the purple smoke.

The Shenji Zong and the Xingyu sects were originally there to watch the fun. Anyway, they did not have a good impression of the disciples of the Cangwu sect, especially the two people, Leng Qingyi and Xu Ziyan. They did not expect that a map gun in the late Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty would have been bombarded. The next two people were unhappy in their hearts, and they each said coldly:

"Is the disciple of Shangyuan League very powerful? Then why are the only disciples who have reached this level?"

The Xiandi was not afraid at all, and turned a white eye: "We are just because we have just passed on the inheritance. After you think that after a hundred years, you guys have long been picked up by our disciples."

The Shenji Zong and the Xingyu sects had two glimpses of the late Emperor’s peak, but it was not good to be here to bully him. Then he said coldly:

"Good! Good! I remember you, I will wait until a hundred years later to see what you are doing. By that time, you are dead in my hands, and I am convinced."

"I am afraid that you will not be successful?"

After such a trouble, it is not good to go to Xu Ziyan again. I looked at Xu Ziyan deeply, and when I slipped, I returned to the original place and began to cultivate. Xu Ziyan and Leng Qingyi also returned to their original places and entered the cultivation.

This time of cultivation is longer than any previous time. The monks who watched outside were also scattered. They also knew that Xu Ziyan had to wait a long time to get to the eighth level, and they all went to practice. Of course, a group of monks came to watch other monks.

Xu Ziyan worked hard for a month, but only increased the body strength of 10%. I couldn’t help but sigh and look up at the opposite door. I don’t know how long it will take to reach the opposite door.

At this time, the voice of the Thunder Giant Sword came from her sea of ​​knowledge:

"Ziyan, here the speed of cultivation is better than the Thunder Cave House you built. But there is no time frame here, it is better to go back to practice here, it is a waste of time."

Xu Ziyan communicated with the Thunder giant sword in the knowledge of God: "Thunder the Great Sword. But I don't pass the ninth pass. I can't understand the inheritance of the nave. Do I have to go back to the Cangwu Zonglei Cave House to practice, then Go back to Shangyuan League?"

"Ziyan, it is not going to be a quick return to the Thunder Cave House. It is difficult for you to go further at this level. It is repaired. The strength of the body is the strength of the body. Although there is a relationship between the two, it also has The difference is not that the cultivation of a person has reached the beginning of the Emperor, his body strength can reach the same level, usually no monks who practice the practice of quenching the bodywork, the body strength is weaker than the repair. And the difference It is bigger, so the ancient monks will spend a lot of time to polish their own bodies to a certain extent, without rushing to break through."

"What should I do? According to your statement, have I not been able to get through the tenth level within ten years?"

"With this gravity space, there is simply no way to get through the tenth pass in ten years."

Xu Ziyan looked a glimpse, and then some stunned, these twelve days of respect is really awkward! The mouth said that the inheritance will be disclosed to the Eastern Zongmen, but each batch of disciples will only give ten years. For a decade, I am afraid that there are very few people who can pass the ninth level. No one will ever pass the tenth level. So much will get the inheritance of the nave, and still a very small number of talents can get.

"Thunder, you have a way?"


Immediately enter the first day of the new year, until the 7th is a double pink ticket, ringing the thick and looking for the bottom of the pink!


*(To be continued~^~)

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