The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1898: Received

Congratulations to the students in the soil to become the best law!


Just Liu Qingmeng and the condensed cream just screamed two times before the coma, not knowing if it would be heard by the beast.

It would be terrible if it was heard by the beast. One aftermath left six people with Xu Ziyan alone. If faced with a beast, Xu Ziyan died.


There was a raging roar in the silent cave, indicating that the battle over there was over.


A thunder and lightning creaked. In the eyes of Xu Ziyan, the beast was appearing in front of her, and Xu Ziyan sighed in her heart:

"It was discovered by it!"

Xu Ziyan thought of a move, and there was a five-color sword in her hand. She could not escape. If she avoided, five comatose people behind her would be killed by the beast.

However, the speed of the beast is like lightning, it is too fast, Xu Ziyan is just a moment of thought, it has already rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan, the two corners plunged into the body of Xu Ziyan...

"Dead! I am dead..."

Xu Ziyan closed his eyes weakly, but the whole heart was unexpectedly quiet. The scenes that I experienced before were constantly flashing in my mind...

"Oh..." For a long time, Xu Ziyan sighed: "Is this the taste of death? It doesn't seem to be painful..."

Open your eyes, Xu Ziyan wants to see what the world is like after death?


Xu Ziyan is a bit silly, isn't it a cave here? Just where did the beast go?

Everything in front of me is exactly the same when she first came in. If it wasn’t for the cave wall, there would be a ray of lightning. Xu Ziyan almost suspected that he was dreaming.

"What is going on here?" Xu Ziyan could not help but talk to himself.

"Let me give it up!" A voice came from the ear of Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan suddenly jumped up and looked away: "Who? Who is talking?"

The space was silent, and then there was a powerless voice: "It's me!"

"Oh ~~" This time, Xu Ziyan heard it. This voice is the Thunder giant sword.

"It turned out to be you. Scared me! Wow ~~" Xu Ziyan jumped up again, reaching out and pulling the Thunder giant sword out from behind:

"You... what did you say? You...receive the beast...take it?"

"Yeah!" Thunder's giant sword flashed and said: "Look at the hilt!"

Xu Ziyan inserted the Thunder giant sword on the ground, and then released a light ball to illuminate the cave and looked toward the handle of the Thunder giant sword.

The hilt of the Thunder's Great Sword originally had some versatile marks. At this point in the middle of the mark is a pattern of a beast.

The entire hilt has turned purple.

"Really! I remembered that there was no pattern of a beast at the hilt! Is it really collected by you?"

"It was originally integrated with me!" The tone of Thunder's giant sword is full of memories: "At the beginning I received a heavy blow, the power was too big, and I was separated from the thunder beast. I originally thought It died, but did not expect it to be alive, and returned to here."

Xu Ziyan looked at the Thunder giant sword in a mistake, half-sounding, swallowing a saliva and said: "What do you mean by saying that the two of you were originally one? Are you two complete the Thunder giant sword?"


"Then why don't you say that early?" Xu Ziyan suddenly jumped up again: "Is it cool to scare me?"

The thunder of the Thunder giant sword flashed. Silence for a moment: "This thing can't be known to others, so I can only get the beast away after waiting for other people to die and faint."

After listening to the explanation of the Thunder giant sword, Xu Ziyan was silent for a while. She also knows that the Thunder giant sword is right, but the heart is uncomfortable, and he muttered in his mouth:

"Then you can't talk to me in advance?"

The Thunder’s giant sword flew up from the ground with a bang, and “Cang” inserted it back into the scabbard behind Xu Ziyan and ignored it.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and checked one by five. Seeing that they only suffered different degrees of damage and were not in danger of their lives, they released their own small swords in Dantian, absorbed the power of the thunder that remained in their bodies, and then fed them an elixir. This is the only way to sit on the ground.

"Hey!" Xu Ziyan called the Thunder giant sword in the gods: "You just said that you and the beast are one, and said that the beast will return to here, and you are familiar with the previous maze, is it not? Say this is where you lived?"

The Thunder giant sword was silent for a while, and the voice rang in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan’s knowledge: "Yes!"

"Where is this place? Is it the place where your former owner lived? What is your identity?"

"Yes. This is where my master lives. My master was called Thunder Tianzun in ancient times. Here is his Thunder Xianfu."

"Oh, he also had a Thunder Xianfu..." Xu Ziyan muttered.

"What is it that he also has a Thunder Xianfu?" The tone of Thunder's giant sword is full of disdain: "The Thunder Xianfu that you built in Cangwu Zong is a scum compared to my master's Thunder Xianfu!"

Xu Ziyan heard not only was not angry, but excitedly asked: "Really?"

"Of course it is true!" Thunder's sword is full of pride.

"That... can I move it away? Move to Ziyanfeng?" Xu Ziyan said more excited.


"I'm asking you?"


"Speak, can I move it away?"

"do not know!"

"do not know?"

"do not know!"


"It depends on the Leichi is still there? If the Leichi is in. You can cultivate the meaning of Lei to the Great Perfection, so that you can refine the township stone monument. If the Leichi is gone, then there is no way."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan sank, and after a while he said: "Thunder giant sword, if Leichi is in, how much can you recover?"

"唉~~" Thunder's giant sword sighed a bit: "I don't know. Look at how much Thunder is left in the pool."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded lightly: "Thunder the Great Sword, is it only this way to enter the Thunder Xianfu?"

"After coming in from the cave, there are eight paths in the maze leading to Thunder Xianfu. I took you to the nearest one."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned and said: "So, there may be other monks entering the Thunder Xianfu through other paths?"


"I am not dead? Where is it here?" A voice rang from the side of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was happy in his heart and turned to Situ Fengdao: "Situ seniors, are you awake?"

Situ Feng turned up and sat up, staring blankly around, and soon remembered the previous things. The mind immediately became nervous, his head looked back and forth like a rattle, and finally he cautiously asked Xu Ziyan:

"What about the beast?"

"I don't know! Maybe we didn't find us. Are you leaving?"

At this time, other people are waking up one after another, each one has a feeling of restoring the rest of the life, a pair of eyes looking at Xu Ziyan, the meaning is very clear:

"Let's go, don't stay here!"

Xu Ziyan said helplessly: "If you leave, I still want to go in and see."

Situ Feng and Liu Badao and others looked at each other. In the end, it was still Xu Ziyan: "Xu Daoyou, let's go with you."

Xu Ziyan indulged a bit, knowing that Situ Feng and Liu Badao were grateful. Even if they knew that the road ahead would follow them, they shook their heads and said:

"The two predecessors, the dangers ahead are unknown. You don't have to go with me because I helped you. This is two different things."

"Ha ha!" Situ Feng just smiled twice and hurriedly closed his mouth, for fear of attracting the beast. Depressed the voice:

"Xu Daoyou. Dangers and opportunities coexist. Since there is an ancient beast of the beast, it should be an ancient mystery. Xu Daoyou will not be afraid that we will have a treasure?"

Xu Ziyan smiled helplessly. She knew that this was Situ Feng’s use of words to force herself. Situ Feng and Liu Badao will not leave. I looked at Mu Qingqing and the condensation cream.

Condensed frost eyes firmly pointed out: "Xu Shimei, since there is a black stone here. Now there are thunder beasts, indicating that there is a treasure with thunder properties. I hope that Xu Shimei can allow me to follow, I know that my cultivation is not high... ..."

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan nodded and could not refuse the condensation cream.

Mu Qingqing said with a smile: "Master asked me to accompany the cold teacher to come to the thunderstorm mountain to smite the thunder attribute monster, let me protect her!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "Let's go."

Six people rebelled toward the cave. In order to avoid Situ Feng and others doubting themselves, Xu Ziyan could not fly forward quickly, and he could only make a careful appearance.

They just quit a corner, so they soon went to the cave. Looking down from the mouth of the cave, I saw a mess underneath. The ground and the walls of the cave were all black and black, and they were all shocked by the lightning beast.

There are dozens of blackened bodies lying on the ground, as well as countless pieces of corpses, and they still smoke black smoke, and the smell of burnt smell in the air.

Xu Ziyan’s figure flew out of the cave and fell to the bottom.

"Xu Daoyou!" Situ Feng and Liu Badao's look was a surprise. They tried to hold Xu Ziyan when they reached out, but they didn't pull it. They had to face Xu Ziyan with a narrow face and fell to the bottom. Mu Qingqing, condensation cream and Liu Qingmeng are also close behind.

The shape of Xu Ziyan fell on the side of the two monks in the early days of the Tianzun. I saw that the two octagonal compasses had been scrapped. It was only the peak of the two nine-character geniuses, which was completely vulnerable to the attack of the beasts.

The storage ring on the fingers of two people was taken down, and after the gods passed in, there was a lot of gain. Xianjing has about a few billions of appearances, and there are many kinds of materials and elixir. However, Xu Ziyan’s mouth was still slightly smashed, not even a crystal marrow.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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