The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1899: Thunder City

With two Tianzun storage rings, Xu Ziyan could not see the storage rings of other disciples, and whispered:

"Go clean it!"

Five people saw Xu Ziyan collected the storage rings of the two monks, and then let them clean other storage rings. They immediately understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan. They all had a happy face and their body shape swept in the cave. After a while, dozens of storage rings were collected.

These five people also have a number of hearts, and they have evenly distributed dozens of storage rings on their own. When they collect the quantity, they stop and then check their own gains. So the last five people got the average gain, and everyone was very happy.

After seeing the five people charge, Xu Ziyan once again under the guidance of the Thunder giant sword, quickly went to the front.

While flying along the winding cave, Xu Ziyan asked the Thunder giant sword in the knowledge of God:

"Thunder the Great Sword, what is it after going out from here?"

"Going out from here is the periphery of Thunder's House, which is equivalent to the outer door of your Cangzong. There is a Thunder City, where you live in the same place as your ancestors."



Xu Ziyan's body shape began to accelerate, and Liu Badao and others also followed Xu Ziyan.

After about an hour, everyone's vision was wide, and the endless mountain rivers appeared in their eyes. Extremely far away, a huge city is looming.

"Go! Go to Thunder City!"

In the knowledge of the gods, the thundering voice of the Thunder giant sword was heard. Xu Ziyan immediately made his fastest speed to fly toward the faintly visible Thunder City. At the same time, he asked eagerly in the knowledge of God:

"what happened?"

The sound of the Thunder's Great Sword is still anxious: "I feel that there has been a change here. We have to hurry into the Thunder City, and it will only be safe to enter the Thunder City. There is a lineup of Thunder Day."

"Transformation?" Xu Ziyan was shocked: "What changed?"

Not yet waiting for the Thunder giant sword to answer, a hundred meters away from Xu Ziyan, a fairy soldier formed by ten Thunder floated from left to right.

Xu Ziyan was floating in the air. Asked in the gods: "What is that?"


"Thunderbirds? Isn't that only in the days of robbery?" Xu Ziyan was shocked.

"My master built this Thunder Xianfu, and the whole Thunder Xianfu is shrouded in a large array of thunder. This large array can generate Thunder Xian soldiers, but they are all Thunder Xian soldiers without their senses. It is used It was used for the trials of the disciples of the original masters, and the Thunder genius also produced a kind of mine core, which is much higher than the demon in the body of the demon slayer. It is of great benefit to the cultivation of the sect of the thunder attribute.

It’s just that the Thunder Xian soldiers didn’t have any wisdom. Now I feel that they have automatically generated a trace of wisdom. This is still only the Thunder Xianbing, there should be Thunder Xian, or even Thunder Xian Shuai, not at all you can resist. We must enter Thunder City as soon as possible. There is a transmission array in Thunder City that can go directly to the Thunder Pool. ”


Xu Ziyan immediately turned his head and said to the five people of Liu Badao: "Don't provoke those Thunder people. We hurry to the city in front."

In fact, I don't have to ask Ziyan to say that Liu Badao and others saw that the Thunder Xianbing had already had a look of tension, and immediately followed Xu Ziyan's body, and quickly flew toward the distant Thunder City.

On the way, Xu Ziyan changed her appearance. She saw dozens of bodies and it was just killed. The whole body is black. Liu Badao and others are also nervous, and they all understand that it seems that someone has entered here before them.

In the middle of the flight, a team of Thunder Xianbing finally found a group of people who flew in the air. Xu Ziyan’s heart sank and immediately said:

“The condensation cream and Liu Qingmeng are in the middle, and the four of us are in front of the four faces and have different stays.”

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan, Liu Badao, Situ Feng and Mu Qingqing immediately formed a four-image array, and the condensation cream and Liu Qingmeng stood in the middle. Four people wrapped in condensation cream and Liu Qingmeng rushed toward the oncoming twelve squadrons.

Xu Ziyan rushed to the forefront. Turning his hand and pulling out the Thunder giant sword from behind. The distance between the two sides was approaching rapidly. When the distance between the two eyes was ten meters, Xu Ziyan took the Thunder sword and took it out with both hands.


Twelve celestial soldiers were smashed by the Thunder's sword and turned into a thunderbolt. Xu Ziyan's body rushed into the Thunder, and he held up his hood. The other five people also rushed into the hood and rushed in.

It is only the power of twelve sages. The four elephants formed by Xu Ziyan, Liu Badao, Situ Feng and Mu Qingqing ran up and blocked the Thunder.

"Boom" rushed out of the Thunder and flew away toward the Thunder City.

Situ Feng and others flew toward the front and looked at the Thunder giant sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan. They just wondered why Xu Ziyan would like a mortal to carry a giant sword on his back. He did not expect this sword to have such power. Just a sword will smash the twelve sages.

The roaring caused by the smashing of the 12 celestial soldiers attracted the thunderous squadrons floating around, one by one, and the electric awns shone with Xu Ziyan and others.

"Fast!" Thunder's giant sword said anxiously: "Don't stay, if you attract the Thunder and the fairy, you will be in trouble."

"Know it!" After Xu Ziyan answered in the knowledge of the gods, he immediately said to the five people around him: "Don't stop, take out all your potential, or we will be troubled by the more powerful Thunder."

Liu Badao and Situ Feng and others were shocked, and even more powerful Thunder people, one by one, all their potentials burst out, Mu Qingqing grabbed the condensation cream, Liu Ba knife grabbed Liu Qing Meng, six people flew toward the front like a whirlwind.

When I met the Thunder Xianbing, Xu Ziyan was a sword, and then rushed out directly. Liu Badao and others behind him also refused to add to the Thunder, but just followed Xu Ziyan.

Fortunately, the six people did not stop at all, and there were Xu Ziyan in front of the road, the luckiest thing is that they did not encounter the Thunder fairy, and did not encounter a large number of Thunder Xianbing. After an hour, six people rushed into the gates of Thunder City.


Six people fell to the ground and looked back. They saw that the Thunder Xianbing did not follow the Thunder City, but wandered around.


Six people were relieved, and this was the mood to look around. This hope, even Xu Ziyan is also a shock.

This city... is too big!

"Don't sharpen, go, let's go to the Leichi." Thunder's giant sword urged.

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan responded with a voice in the knowledge of the gods. According to the guidance of the Thunder giant sword, he flew toward the front. Liu Badao and Situ Feng and others also had to follow Xu Ziyan. Their hearts have faintly felt that Xu Ziyan seems to be familiar with this place, guessing that Xu Ziyan should get the secret picture here.

"Thunder the Great Sword, how is it distributed here?"

"There is a triangular distribution here. One corner is the real Thunder Xianfu. One corner is the Thunder City, and the other corner is the Leichi. Thunder Xianfu is the place where the master and his immediate disciples live. The Thunder City is repaired low. The place where the disciples live, and the Leichi is the place where all the disciples practice. If they do not need to pay for the cultivation of the Leichi, they will pay enough Xianjing.

There is a transmission array to the Thunder Pool in the Thunder City. There is also a transmission array to the Thunder Valley in the Thunder Pool. After we practice there, we can take the transmission line directly to the Thunder Xianfu. ”

"Someone!" said Situ Feng, who was suddenly next to him.

Xu Ziyan swept his eyes and saw that there were 18 people flying from the opposite side. The 18 kinds of costumes worn by these 18 bodies were actually the disciples of the nine sects of the Zongmen. Looking at their wolverines, I am afraid that they have just fought with the Thunder Clan, and soon after entering the Thunder City, they thought that the dead monks outside came here with them.

"Xu Ziyan!"

The opposite side suddenly sounded a voice of resentment, and a figure went up and stopped the way of Xu Ziyan.


The remaining seventeen figures also skyrocketed and stopped Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept away and saw two disciples, three disciples, three disciples, one disciple, two disciples, two disciples, three disciples, and one disciple. Two Luo Tianzong disciples and two Baihuazong disciples.

The eighteen monks were the peaks of the first emperor. At this time, the front of the station was a star-studded monk, and his eyes were screaming at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not understand some, even if Cangwu Zong and Xingyu Zong did not deal with it, but did not tear his face. Moreover, there are two clan disciples in the opposite team, and they have not seen the sects of the sects of the sects. Why do they look at their own eyes like this?

She does not know the identity of the other party. This monk who stopped Xu Ziyan is called the autumn wind, and is the brother of the autumn-class disciple who was killed by Xu Ziyan on the ring. Before that, there was always the existence of Cang Jiuzhen around Xu Ziyan. He could only resist the killing of Xu Ziyan. Now he saw that Xu Ziyan had no protection. How can he tolerate the murderer who killed his sister?

He knows that Xu Ziyan is a genius. Just because he knows this, he has even more thoughts of killing Xu Ziyan. If you give Xu Ziyan some time, I am afraid that he wants to avenge his sister and has no strength. Now I met Xu Ziyan here, that is the opportunity to pity him and give him revenge.

Look at the people on the side of Xu Ziyan at this time, Xu Ziyan is an early Emperor, there is also a late Emperor, two early Emperors, a late Emperor and a mid-central. This combination is simply weak.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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