The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1902: Double party

I am very grateful to sherrycroft classmates (10000), Wu Yulin classmates (200), mableip classmates (100), and Susu children (100) for their rewards!


"Then we..."

"I am still your Ray Ling, this rule will not change, I am part of you, by that time, some are similar to your avatar."

Xu Ziyan was silent. She didn't know what it would be like to agree with the Thunder's proposal. Will it be controlled by the Thunder?

"Are you afraid?" Thunder screamed softly.

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan did not conceal her thoughts.

The Thunder's Great Sword is also silent. In this case, the Thunder Giant Sword does not use anything else. As long as Xu Ziyan does not believe it, it has no way.

"You first enter the purple smoke space!" For a long time, Xu Ziyan said softly.

"Yeah!" Thunder did not hesitate, and entered the purple smoke space.

Xu Ziyan sank his own **** into the purple smoke space, and turned into the heaven of the purple smoke space. She firmly believes that in her own space, she can peep into the concept of all matter in the purple smoke space after she turns into a heavenly way. The Thunder Giant Sword is no exception.

"Thunder and the Great Sword, after you are sure to be my Ray Ling, will you not turn back on me?"


The Thunder giant sword was revealed in front of Xu Ziyan: "I am sure, after I am determined to be your Raytheon, it is part of your body, and everything is your will!"

"Good!" Xu Ziyan finally made up his mind: "What do you want me to do?"

"The two of us entered the arch, I first entered the thunder pool. You are practicing outside the thunder pool. When you cultivate the meaning of the thunder to Dacheng, you can cultivate the body to the first stage of the inferior Xianbao. You can enter Go to the Thunder Pool to practice. Wait until you practice the meaning of Ray to the Great Consummation. After the body is tempered to the peak of the late stage of the inferior Xianbao, I can blend the swords in your body. Otherwise I will explode your body. ”

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan had a decision in his heart, he no longer hesitated, and the Yuanshen returned to his place. Open your eyes.

At this time, the other seven people stood in front of the arch and looked at it. They wanted to go in and hesitated. Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and walked toward them.

"Ziyan!" Seven people heard the footsteps behind them and looked back at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan said with a smile:

"You can go deep into the cultivation according to your own cultivation. This is a rare opportunity."

"then you……"

"Of course I have to go in!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "I am going to practice here for a while. If anyone of you is not willing to stay here, I can send him back. But I don't want anyone to leak this place and bring it to everyone. It is dangerous."

When I heard what Xu Ziyan said, the seven people immediately shook their heads neatly: "We don't go out, we must cultivate here."

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan smiled and nodded. "I am advanced, you have to do what you can, and you need to go a little deeper, otherwise it will be dangerous."

The words fall. Xu Ziyan walked toward the arch. Soon the shape of Xu Ziyan disappeared into the lightning in the arch.

The seven men looked at each other and stepped into the arch. They were in a thunderous ocean.


The Thunder giant sword flew out of the purple smoke space and said to Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, I went to the Leichi!"

"Go!" Xu Ziyan nodded.

"嗖~~" Thunder's giant sword just disappeared without a trace.

Xu Ziyan stepped forward and walked forward while carefully feeling the power of the Thunder, paying attention to whether the power of the Thunder has reached its limit.

The more you go inside, the more you feel the pressure of the Thunder, and the surrounding is a huge thunder, like a giant net. It kept falling on the body of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan walked about five kilometers. I saw a step, the steps all the way up, I don't know how many levels. The entrance is full of thick blue lightning over the steps.

Xu Ziyan stepped on the steps, and every time he stepped on the level, he felt the power of the Thunder's power increased. that's it. When she set foot on the 50th level, she felt that the sea spirits on her body could not stand it. At this time, Xu Ziyan's body repair has surpassed the early Emperor. It is stronger than the sea soul. Therefore, Xu Ziyan was able to withstand it, but the sea soul could not stand it.

Xu Ziyan had to take up the sea soul, and he would also take it away. Only when she put away the two pieces of the inferior Xianbao, the huge power of Thunder smashed the clothes under the Xu Ziyan, and made Xu Ziyan become naked.

Xu Ziyan did not have any discomfort. There is no other person here, only she is alone. Continue to walk towards the steps, and when she stepped on the first hundred steps, she felt the limit she was suffering and immediately sat down. At this time, she naturally would not run the swords and scorpions, but operated the thunderstones on the stone tablets.

The power of the violent Thunder tempered the body of Xu Ziyan, and made her body repair fast.


On the mainland.


In the depths of the gathering of Wan Yao, there is a forbidden place that even the Yaozus dare not enter.

There was a burst of laughter inside the big demon squad: "Ha ha ha..."

A demon woman outside the big array was furious and screamed coldly: "What are you laughing at?"

When the words fell, the hands flipped sharply, and the handcuffs broke into the big array. The big array immediately produced countless big demons and slammed the past with the Yanshan soul inside the array.

Within the Wan Yao Dazheng, Yanshan soul quickly throws out a face bunting to set up a defensive line, while still smiling and said:

"Little demon, you don't have to work hard, your understanding of the fairy tales and the brothers are too different. If the demon master personally controls this tens of thousands of demon, brother has three points of jealousy, you are."

The enchanting woman calmly ignores the Yanshan soul, but the fairy stalks that are played by both hands are faster and more urgent, but the Yanshan soul is the old **** sitting in the defensive array of his own knees in the ground and laying out a hoist wine. Drinked in a leisurely way.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the face of the demon woman appeared again, and she did not have the slightest way to take the Yanshan soul. The fairy tales laid by the soul of Yanshan are like a tortoise shell, and there is no way to take it.

And the most important thing is that the Yanshan soul has already cracked the squad of the squad, and it is estimated that it will come out in a few days. Do not look at her cultivation is now the peak of the late Tianzun, and the cultivation of Yanshan soul is only the peak of the people's early, but she has no grasp of the Yanshan soul.

She is a nine-tailed fox, and she has a keen sense of danger. She can feel a fatal danger from the body of Yanshan. Although Yanshan soul only shows the peak of the late stage, she has one An instinctive fear.

Stopped the movements in my hands, biting my teeth for a while, the look on my face changed, and finally I was a little angry and said:

"You tell me who you are, I will tell the demon!"

Yanshan soul was silent for a while, and sighed softly: "Is the old friend finally going to meet? tell the demon Lord, it is said that the evil Lord is visiting."

"Evil Lord? Are you evil? You are not..."

"Go to the notification is!" Yanshan soul cold drink.

The enchanting woman’s face was a stagnation, but this time she did not dare to return her mouth, and her body shape swept away and disappeared.

Inside the Wan Yao Dazheng, Yanshan soul put away the flag, and took a sip of wine, his eyes became deep, as if in a memory.

After a long time, there are two hours around, and the Wan Yao has changed a lot, and there is a small road in front of the Yanshan soul. Yanshan soul smiled and stood up from the ground, the wine gourd in his hand did not close up, but in his hand, walked down the path toward the outside.

"Oh, it turned out to be a nine-tailed fox!" Yanshan soul looked at the opposite of the demon woman, hehe said with a smile.

At this time, the nine-tailed demon fox did not have the prestige of the previous moment, but looked down slightly and made a courtesy to the Yanshan soul:

"Please come with the younger demon!"

"Yeah!" Yanshan soul thorns nodded and followed behind the nine-tailed fox.

Before coming to a large hall, the nine-tailed fox stalked and said: "Predecessors, you go in, the demon Lord is waiting for you inside."

Yanshan soul did not pay attention to the nine-tailed fox, nor did he step, but stood in the same place and looked at the hall, the eyes full of memories.

The gate is unusually wide, and the door is covered with patterns of various monsters. There is a kind of flirtatious beauty. As long as the general monk looks at the door for a while, he will feel swayed.

There was a deep voice inside the hall: "Shi Ge, since he came to the younger brother's house, why didn't he come in?"

Yanshan soul is sober from the memories, and laughs dumbly: "It’s been too long, your door has evoked my memories."


For a long time, there was a sigh inside the hall, and the voice reflected through the door and reverberated in the space.


Yanshan soul also sighed leisurely, reaching out and pushing the door, stepping forward. The door behind him was rumbling again.

Looking up, the layout inside is exactly the same as it was hundreds of millions of years ago, but it is covered with dust and full of dusty atmosphere.

There is a high platform on the opposite side of the Yanshan soul. On the top of the high platform, there is an old man sitting on the face of Canggu. He is looking up at the soul of Yanshan, and his face is amazed:

" reincarnation been born again?"

There was a bitter smile on the face of Yanshan Soul. The figure was floating in the wind and fell on the high platform. Sitting on the opposite side of the demon Lord:

"It was a coincidence that reincarnation was born again, and even I didn't think of it."

"That... you... have you completely restored the memories of past lives?"

“What do you say?” Yanshan said with a faint smile: “But otherwise, how can I find you here? Speaking of it, there have been too many changes here. It’s really a sea of ​​sacred fields. It’s completely changed outside. If I’m not good at the formation, I really can't find it here."


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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