The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1903: worth it!

The two men looked at each other for a long time, and there was a bitter smile in the eyes of the demon Lord: "Shi Ge, you are now very young! But I am a lot older."

"The demon Lord, can you tell me why you were going to kill me? Although the rumors said that you are because I am wild and don't give you a face, but I don't think this is enough for the three of you to join forces."

The demon Lord was silent for a while, and sighed a long time. His face was covered with a lost track: "Hey~~, this thing was initiated by the lord. He found me and the Lord, and he said that he calculated the five of us. It’s hard to get the slightest reason."

The heart of Yanshan's soul is a shock, and his eyes gazes at the opposite demon Lord.

"There is nothing that can't be said now. According to his calculations, the air transport in this world is fixed, and the five of us divide this air transport. So it is hard to improve at this level. ”

Speaking of this, the demon Lord looked up at the opposite Yanshan soul and said: "So, if you want to be more refined, you must be divided into other people's air, we three chose you. Ha ha ... who let You are a lonely one."

Yanshan soul touched his nose and smiled bitterly: "I am bully?"

The demon Lord smiled: "At that time, we really felt this way."

Yanshan soul looked up and down the demon main road: "Then the fairy world has become such a touch again? How do you fall like this? The lord and the devil?"

The demon Lord shook his head and said: "After the injury was captured, the three of us were really excited. Who knows that you can't kill you! So you have offended you, naturally you can't put you anymore. So Just seal your body separately. But this result also makes us not get the slightest luck.

After you sealed it, the three of us discussed it and decided to kill the sky. After all, it is impossible to give up this matter. ”

"Quita? Quebec has not escaped your poisonous hands?"

The demon Lord smiled bitterly: "We did not kill Kui Tian in the end, let her escape. There is no trace. But she is also seriously injured, I am afraid that it can not be restored now."

The sound of Yanshan listens to this kind of secret, and I can’t help but be confused. Is it really like the lord said? If the five of them want to break through the heaven and earth cage, must they get the other gas? Shaking his head, he asked:

"Later? Look at what you look like today, do you guys later fight?"

"Not bad!" The demon Lord smiled bitterly: "You are the world of heaven and earth, and the Kui Tian is the three elements of the demon demon. Perhaps this is the reason, so that we can not kill you two. But we are three different So after sealing you and escaping the Quebec, the three of us inevitably locked our eyes on each other. As a result, a big melee between the demon and the demon was erupted.

As a result, you have already seen that none of us have killed anyone, and they have all been seriously injured. They have not recovered yet. The fairy world also collapsed. ”

The silence inside the hall, two people are silent. For a long time, the demon Lord said faintly:

"Have you come to me for revenge this time?"

Yanshan soul smiled and said: "Do you think that you can kill you with my current strength?"

"No!" The demon said decisively, but his eyes were fascinating: "What are you looking for?"

Yanshan soul condensed and said: "Come and discuss something with you."


"Dongshan has stone ruthlessness, and there is a spring in the North Sea. You know that this ruthless stone is me. I also know that there is a sentimental spring that you have to go before the formation. I want to discuss this sentimental spring."

"Oh..." The demon Lord smiled: "Do you know that I spent a huge price to get this emotional spring for what?"

"For what?"

The eyes of the demon Lord and the Yanshan soul are touched in the air, and the demon Lord’s eyes are full of blackmail, while the Yanshan soul is a realization.

"The legendary practice of your cultivation has a ruthless love of death?"

"Not bad!" Yanshan soul suddenly realized: "You want me to take a love spring, let me die and die?"

"Not bad!" The demon Lord nodded and said: "I thought so at the time!"

"Why didn't you give me the service at the beginning?" The eyes of Yanshan soul became more and more puzzled.

The look of the demon Lord became awkward: "When I caught you, I used to want to give you a sentimental spring. But at that moment I hesitated. No matter what three of us can do, you can’t kill you. I suspect that having a love spring may not kill you."

"But are you trying to have a love spring?"

The demon Lord shook his head and said: "I thought about it. But suddenly there is a kind of uneasiness in my heart. There is a speculation that maybe you have taken a sentimental spring and merged with your ruthless roots to make you complete.曰: ruthless for the soil. There is love for the species. Maybe you got the final breakthrough, it is a disaster for us."

"There is no ruthlessness for the earth. There is love for the species..." Yanshan soul eyes suddenly brightened: "How did I not think of it at the beginning?"

"I also thought of it at the last moment!" The demon Lord smiled bitterly.

"But... this is not necessarily true! Maybe I really died when I drank it."

"I can't take this risk!"

"That now..."

"I can give you a sentiment spring!" The demon owner fixedly looked at the Yanshan soul.

The sound of Yanshan was shocked. He didn’t understand that the demon owner had speculated about this result. Why did he give it to himself, and he could not help but blurt out:


"Because you have a passionate spring, there will only be three results. The first result is that you are dead, so I am closest to you, and your air transport is all for me.

The second result is that after you drink it, there is no reaction like drinking water.

The third result is that after you drink, you become successful and have the hope of breaking through the heaven and earth cage.

That is to say, after you have had a love spring, death or breakthrough each accounted for one-third. But if you get my sentimental spring, it will be my favor. If you die, after I get your air, you will be buried, and then promise to complete a last wish for you. If you are not dead and you get the second result, then you have to promise me one thing, that is, when I am in trouble, you have to help me once. If it is the third result, you have to pass on your sentiments to me. ”

Yanshan soul smiled and said: "You don't lose money!"

"Ha ha……"

"Good! I promise you!"

The look on the face of the demon is also a loose, taking out a jade bottle and holding the hand and looking at the soul of Yanshan:

"Where did you come to me to ask for a love spring? Why have you determined that you will get a breakthrough after you have a passionate spring?"

Yanshan soul shook his head, and the two people said that they are telling the truth. It is impossible to lie in the face of two people's state of mind. As long as one speaks, it will be inconvenient for convenience. However, Yanshan soul does not want to say to the demon Lord.

"I want to know why!"


"OK! Otherwise I will not give you the love. I can't kill you, but your current strength can't kill me."

"Okay!" Yanshan soul's face showed a trace of martyrdom: "But... no smile!"

The demon Lord looked at the Yanshan soul strangely, but he nodded solemnly: "I don't laugh."

"Yes... this... that... I... fell in love with a woman... but always feels ruthlessly swallowing up on her... coughing... It makes me very I think ...if I drink a sentimental spring...Is it going to be affectionate..."

The body of the demon Lord was shocked and slugged for a while, suddenly reaching out and pointing at the Yanshan soul and laughing:

"Hahaha... You fell in love with a woman... Hahaha... I laughed at me... Stones are all in love... Hahaha..."


Yanshan soul hit a fist on the face of the demon Lord, and the demon Lord was knocked down on the high platform, shyly said:

"Say not to laugh!"

The demon lie on the high platform, still laughing loudly, then laughing on the high platform...


Rolled down to the high platform and fell to the ground, but still laughed there:

"Ha ha ha ha ha..."

"Laughter! Laugh! Best to laugh at you!"

Yanshan spirit lay down on the high platform, his hands resting behind his head, a flash of confusion in his eyes, a thought emerged in his heart:

“Is it right or wrong to do this?”

One hand was placed on the high platform, revealing a face that the demon Lord smiled and shed his tears, jumped onto the high platform, and slammed the jade bottle into the hands of Yanshan Soul:

"Get it and drink it! Hahaha..."

Yanshan soul turned over and sat up, looking down at the jade bottle in his hand, the demon Lord did not laugh, looking at the Yanshan soul.

A quarter of an hour...two quarters of an hour...

The Yanshan soul sat so stunned and looked at the jade bottle in his hand...

Ruthless love is dead...

Will I die?

Is it worth it?

The two swords of Yanshan soul suddenly picked up, opened the bottle cap, and drank it in, and spit out two words:

"worth it!"


The vibration in the body of Yanshan led to the vibration of the entire hall, which spread out with the air ripples visible to the naked eye. The formation of the air wave will blow the clothes on the opposite side of the demon Lord...

Within the Dantian of Yanshan Spirit, his spiritual root is a five-color stone, forming a mountain peak. At this time, there was a Tianchi at the top of the mountain, and the water rippled...

The look of Yanshan's soul is constantly changing, and the eyebrows are locked with extreme pain...

Ruthlessness and affection are constantly and fiercely conflicting, letting the spirit of Yanshan’s soul scream...

For a while, the face of Yanshan Soul is full of ruthlessness...

After a while, Yanshan’s face is transformed into seven emotions...


Yanshan soul screams in the sky, shaking the whole hall and shaking...

The opposite demon master stared nervously at the Yanshan soul, and the look on his face changed with the transformation of Yanshan soul...


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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