The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1911: Out of town

"Xu Shimei, the sister of the sister heard about this, and felt that the Cangzong Zong, Baihuazong and Luo Tianzong generations alliance, so I went to find Yan brothers, and we decided to join the camp of Cangwuzong."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is in the air. The reason why Baihuazong is on Luo Tianzong is that he still does not trust himself. He wants to have more strength and more safety.

However, there is nothing to blame, and there is nothing wrong with it.

At this time, someone came to report that a person named Liu Baji came to see Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan heard the words and immediately greeted him and took Liu Ba knife in.

After Liu Baji came in, his eyes swept around and did not sit down. He said to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, those guys who didn't listen to me, and laughed at me. I came alone, want to act with Ziyan, you won't stop me?"

"Okay!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "How dare you like purple smoke, please sit down!"

Liu Ba knife smiled and sat down, and this smiled at his daughter: "Daughter, you are here too!"

"Well, hey!" Liu Qingmeng’s face showed a smile.

Seeing this situation, Yan Huaibei and Wen Linger looked at each other and felt relieved. At this time, someone came to report that someone came to see Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan ushered out of the main hall. Before he could see who it was, he saw a figure rushing toward Xu Ziyan and shouting in his mouth:

"Xu Shimei, we are here, hahaha..."

Xu Ziyan glanced at the man who was holding himself at this time. It turned out to be a female man, Ma Jingying, and could not help but look to the opposite side. When I saw Lan Bailing and the dance color dress, I was walking towards myself with a smile, followed by three people behind them.

"Xu Shimei, in the next Baiyunzong Dongfang Xu. Ma Jingying is my sister."

"Xu Shimei, in the Qinglian Zongmu Sensen. Lan Bailing is my sister."

"Xu Shimei, in the Qingmu Zongge Caiming, the dance color is my sister."

Xu Ziyan looked at the three people and saw that the three people were also half-step people. It’s just that the realm is still unstable, and it should be just a breakthrough.

"Several brothers and sisters please!"

Xu Ziyan ushered six people into the hall, introduced them to everyone, and then the guest host was seated. Dongfang Xu, Musensen and Ge Caiming said seriously:

"Xu Shimei, we are willing to follow the Cangzong Zong!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan was too lazy to ask what reason, these three sects. Qinglianzong and Qingmuzong are medium-sized Zongmen, and Baiyunzong is a small Zongmen. The medium-sized Zongmen and the small Zongmen alliance were originally a loose alliance, and naturally there were less than three to stay.

In this way, Xu Ziyan has Cang Zongzong, Luo Tianzong, Baihuazong, Qinglianzong. Aoki Zong and Baiyunzong, a total of about 50,000 people.

So after some deliberation, everyone decided to lay out a four-image battle. Cangwuzong, Luo Tianzong and Baihuazong each occupied a position, Qinglianzong, Qingmuzong and Baiyunzong jointly occupied a position.

After deliberation, everyone will disperse and go back to prepare for tomorrow's action.

The second day.

At the gates of Thunder City, the forces of the parties gathered.

The first to rush out from the gate of the city is the Mozu, and the second is the Yaozu. The last is the human race.

At this time, there were hundreds of flowers around the Cangwu Zong. Luo Tianzong. Qingmu Zong, Qinglianzong and Baiyunzong.

Hu Xiao and Long Hao looked at the Cangzong sect in the cold, and said, "There was no thought that Luo Tianzong and Bai Huazong eventually came together with Cang Zongzong."

Long Xiao smiled and said: "This just relieves our burden. They just follow us. It is also a burden. The order is passed. Waiting for the Cangwu to leave, we will go in the other direction with them. They are farther away from them, saving them from danger. Then run on our side and lead the danger to us."

"Not bad!" Tiger Xiao also nodded.

The people of the Danfu Array are also looking at the direction of Cangwuzong. One by one, the darkness: "Is Luo Tianzong and Baihuazong stupid?"

Those medium-sized sects and small sects are looking forward to the Qingmu sect. The eyes of Qinglianzong and Baiyunzong are full of sarcasm, as if they have seen them follow the ruins of the Cangwu.


Xu Ziyan has already seen the thoughts of Hu Xiao and Long Yao and so on. He wants to wait for himself to go out first. So I went to the city gate first.


Behind her, more than 50,000 people formed a four-image array and rushed out of the city gate.

Xu Ziyan walked in the forefront, followed by her cold, Song Wanzhong, Thousand Cup drunk, Situ Feng, Liu Badao, Liu Qingmeng, Condensation Cream, Mu Qingqing, Lan Bailing, Dance Color and Ma Jingying. Others also occupy their own positions and fly away from the gates.

As soon as he walked out of the city gate, Xu Ziyan discovered that he had just come here differently more than half a year ago. He asked for a thick paste of flavor, which was bombarded by crazy and dense lightning. The air around it is very dry, as if it has lost moisture. Looking forward, flashing a thunder and lightning from time to time, after the Thunder Xianbing was crushed, it was transformed into a Thunder between the heavens and the earth. The thunder and lightning are across the sky, and you can't see what is going on in the distance. The earth under the feet is dry and hard, and one foot is stepping on, and a dust is swaying.

The lightning in the air is more dense, and everyone dare not fly into the air, only on the ground.

"This is not a place for people to stay!" Ma Jingying looked around with a pair of eyes, for fear that a lightning strike hit his head.

"How do we go?" asked the cold and clear voice on the side.

Xu Ziyan glanced forward to the front: "With the Mozu, the Yaozu pulls away, we go over there."

In fact, Xu Ziyan has already asked how the Thunder giant sword in Dantian should go, but the correct direction is the direction in which the Yaozu is going. Xu Ziyan had to change his direction, first round a circle, and then head toward the Thunder Xianfu.

After Xu Ziyan and others left the city gate for a quarter of an hour, Hu Xiao and Long Hao also walked out of Thunder City with other sects. At this point, the entire Thunder City was empty, and all the monks entered the road to Thunder Xianfu.

Hu Xiao and Long Hao and others naturally opened up the distance with the Mozu, the Yaozu, and Xu Ziyan.

Everyone just walked for less than an hour, and the forces of the parties have already lost sight of each other.

In addition to the sound of thunder and lightning from time to time, the silence was silent. The pressure came together a little bit. Although I haven't seen a Thunderian soldier so far, the pressure on my heart is getting heavier and heavier.

Unknowingly, Xu Ziyan has adjusted his direction and returned to the right direction to the Thunder Xianfu, and they also entered the central part of this secret.

The lightning around them is getting denser and denser, but fortunately they are all gathered in the air. Like a sky net, there are not many lightning bolts falling on the ground. Occasionally, there are a few things. Everyone tries to avoid the past. It is really avoiding the past, and they gather the power of the four elephants to resist.

Suddenly, a group of thunder and lightning appeared in front of them, a purple thunder, and they ran towards Xu Ziyan.

When I ran to the front, Xu Ziyan and other people's faces were very weird. It was a little rabbit, standing with two long ears, purple, slamming on the ground, looking up at Xu Ziyan and others.

"Wow~~ so cute~~"

Ma Jingying, a big nerve, screamed out of the crowd and ran towards the purple bunny.

"Be careful..." Xu Ziyan rang out to remind Ma Jingying.

"Nothing!" Ma Jingying’s indifferent voice rang in the air, and even made a scream: "Ah..."

In the eyes of everyone, Ma Jingying happily hugged the purple bunny in her arms, and then saw the purple bunny banging out, and turned into a purple scorpion The crystal upper body shrouded inside. At the same time, five light groups emerged under Ma Jingying's feet, and five purple bunny rabbits appeared.


Xu Ziyan reacted extremely quickly, reaching out to Ma Jingying, and erected a circle of earth between Ma Jingying and the five little rabbits.


The five little rabbits were simultaneously turned into thunder and lightning, bombarded on the earth wall, and the thunder and lightning were absorbed by the earth wall and introduced into the earth.

At the same time, there were several thunder rabbits. Situ Feng’s five fingers were next to Xu Ziyan’s body, and several metal short spears were lasing to the thunder rabbits.


Several thunder rabbits were nailed to the ground by short spears, and the "咔嚓嚓" turned into a thunderbolt flashing on the spear and gradually disappeared.

"Mom, scare me out..."

Ma Jingying ran over to Xu Ziyan. The whole hair was supported like an explosion. The face was also black and the eyes were full of horror.

"Be prepared to fight, don't let those rabbits get close!" Xu Ziyan snorted.

Ma Jingying looked awkward and turned to look at it. When I saw this, there were countless spots on the ground. The spots were small at this time, only the size of a fist, but they are growing up quickly...


Around the ground around the four elephants, a dazzling electric light broke out, and "咔嚓嚓" roared, and tens of thousands of Thunder Xian soldiers formed instantly. This kind of situation made Xu Ziyan and others shocked. Tens of thousands of Thunder's singers held a spear with Rayman's hand. The electric flower burst out from the spear and made a "beep" sound. Looking like a sea of ​​lightning.

"My grass..." Liu Ba's knife on the side couldn't help but burst into a foul mouth. Ma Jingying was even a white face, and everyone tightened his nerves.

Ma Jingying just ran out to hold the thunder rabbit. At this time, she was standing in a dense thundering squad. If Xu Ziyan and Situ Feng were quick to shoot, she was afraid that she had already been killed by these Thunder.

Looking at Xu Ziyan next to him with a guilty conscience, he made up his mind and never left Xu Ziyan.


*(To be continued~^~)

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