The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 1912: canyon

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At this time, Xu Ziyan had no energy to pay attention to Ma Jingying, her hands were put together in front of her, and then pulled toward both sides, and there was a dense metal spear in front of her. Double palms:

"go with!"


Numerous metallic spears spurred to the opposite Thunder.


Nearly a thousand Thunder Xian soldiers suddenly exploded and turned into lightning, like golden snakes, flashing in the air.

"Ma Jingying, don't stand here silly!"

Lan Bailing screamed and turned his hand to release the fairy tales. She was also Jin Linggen, and a golden spear spurred out, smashing hundreds of Thunder singers who were rushing in here.

Ma Jingying was awakened by Lan Bailing from dementia, but this time she did not return her mouth, but quickly condensed hundreds of ice cones and blasted at the opposite Thunder.

At this time, more than 50,000 repairers quickly released their own fairy tales, and the entire sky was covered with various celestial techniques, and they swept away toward the surrounding Thunder.

Therefore, the monks understand very well that they must solve these tens of thousands of Thunder soldiers as soon as possible, if the time drags down. There will be more Thunder Xian soldiers coming together, and at that time they will be in a hard battle, not knowing how many people can survive. And it is not yet possible to get these Thunder squads close, they must be smashed at a distance. Otherwise let them lean closer. Even if they were smashed, it would be enough to make these monks sullen.

"Monthly fine wheel!"

Xu Ziyan turned his hands, and thousands of ice-like celestial celestial rings screamed like a crescent moon, like a bend in the air. After crossing the necks of Thunder's celestial soldiers, the heads of the Thunder's scorpions fell, and then the body and the head were turned into a thunder.

Don't wait for the purple smoke to greet, all the earthen monks in the four elephant arrays immediately release the earth wall technique. Far away from the four elephant arrays formed a thick earthen wall, blocking the Thunder fairy. The rest of the monks are constantly releasing a variety of celestial bombardments against the Thunder squad outside the earth wall. A row of Thunder squadrons exploded, and some Thunder celestial soldiers were even hit by the earth wall before they were bombarded.

Xu Ziyan relied on his huge fairy power and kept releasing the moon wheel. This is not a high-level fairy, but it is just right to deal with these low-level Thunder. More and more moons are in the sky, cutting the heads of the Thunder Xian soldiers.

These Thunder squadrons are equal in number to the Terran monks, and they are low-level Thunder singers. Under the combined bombardment of the monks, they are rapidly reducing, but the thunder and lightning of the formation is like a thunder and lightning. Let every monk be shocked, no matter who is caught in this thunder and ocean, I am afraid that all are dead and dead.

So these monks also know that they are determined not to be able to get these Thunder squadrons close together. The earthen monks constantly reinforce the earthen walls and block the Thunder squadrons from approaching. At this time, many Thunder celestial soldiers have come to the front of the earth wall. The Thunder's spear slammed against the earth wall.

A large number of Thunder Xian soldiers gathered outside the earth wall, and the earth wall was about to be opened.

"Hang ~ ~"

The earth wall finally collapsed under the constant bombardment of the Thunder Xian soldiers, and the dense Thunder Xian soldiers were used by the Terran monks.

"Hang ~ ~"

All the Terran monks unanimously released the more powerful sorcerer, just this round of bombardment. The Thunder fairy was almost wiped out. Thousands of Thunder Xian soldiers were left in the sparsely populated areas.

Everyone was relieved, leaving only a few Thunder Thunder soldiers lost their threat. Soon after another round of sacred bombardment, these thousands of Thunder Xian soldiers also turned into lightning.

But still can't leave here at this time, because they are surrounded by lightning. You need to wait for these lightning to dissipate before you can move on.

Xu Ziyan's brow is slightly locked. She felt that the road ahead might be more dangerous, and she couldn't help but communicate with the Thunder giant sword in Dantian.

"Thunder the Great Sword, how far is it from the Thunder Xianfu?"

"Only half gone, there is still a long way!"

Xu Ziyan was immersed in meditation. If these thunder and celestial soldiers were constantly encountered on the road, this consumption would be dragged down and the 50,000 people of the Terran would be dragged down.

However, there is no good way at this time. Looking at the thundering lightning around, Xu Ziyan’s heart raised a kind of uneasiness. If you wait for the lightning to disappear here, who knows if it will attract more Thunder Xianbing?

Xu Ziyan immediately released a rockfall technique. Countless boulders in the sky fell toward the flashing lightning around them, breaking up the lightning and quickly disappearing.

"Let's get out of here!" Xu Ziyan shouted.

The monks immediately moved forward in a four-image position, and through this battle, everyone's mood was much more stable. Moreover, confidence was established for Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan’s voice fell, and everyone acted neatly.

Moreover, these 50,000 monks are sectarian monks, not as accustomed as the side door and the scattered training, and listen to the command, almost uniform.

More than 50,000 monks were quietly advancing forward, and the more than 50,000 people were floating up, several inches from the ground, so that not only was the speed fast, but there was no sound of footsteps, and the space was out of the air. Only the sound of thunder is left.

Xu Ziyan is very nervous. This is just the first batch of Thunder Xian soldiers who are tens of thousands. If they continue to deepen with themselves, what will they encounter?

It’s been a month since I left the Thunder City, but it’s the first time I’ve encountered a Thunderian squad of this size, if it’s a good guess. From then on, you should continue to encounter Thunder Xianbing.

I don't know how the Mozu, the Yaozu and other Terrans are?

The terrain here is so complex that there is a thunderous force around it that is not flickering, and it is on the endless plain. As if there is no end, it is losing the sense of direction. I have been able to see some odorous bodies from time to time, including the demon and the demon. It is also human.

If it weren’t for the Thunder’s giant sword in Dantian, Xu Ziyan believed that he had lost his way. That's it, Xu Ziyan also released dozens of flying water rafts to explore the road ahead. It is also relying on these dozens of flying otters, so that Xu Ziyan can know in advance that there are Thunder Xian soldiers in front of them, and the people of the ethnic group are ready in advance.

The battles on this road were not interrupted. The monks of all the monks were consumed rapidly, and every monk’s face showed exhaustion.

Xu Ziyan sighed softly, it seems that it is necessary to find a place to take a break. Let the monks restore the fairy power. If this continues, I am afraid that there will be casualties.

However, now Xu Ziyan and others have gone deeper, and the Thunder Xianbing has also begun to intensively. It is not easy to find a place without a Thunder.

And it is not possible to see an empty space without a thundering squadron. Who knows if there will be a more powerful Thunder singer? Even Thunder will be?

Finally they reached the end of the plain and there was a canyon in their field of vision. On both sides are towering cliffs, in the middle a canyon that can walk side by side for five people.

In this way, the four elephants can no longer be laid down. To pass this canyon, only four people can form a small four-image array.

This is undoubtedly a lot more dangerous, so Xu Ziyan decisively reached the order of rest, so that all the monks resumed the adjustment as soon as possible. When the monks of the monks returned to their peaks, they passed through the canyon.

Each of the sects arranged a monk with a whistle, and the other monks immediately entered the levy.

Xu Ziyan sat on the ground and immediately switched to the body with chaos and entered the purple smoke space. I immediately took out the space fairy that was set up with one to one thousand time arrays. Then I went into the space fairy.

It took three days. Xu Ziyan restored all the Xianyuan power consumed in the body to the peak, and the mental fatigue was also swept away.

Then she took out a space fairy and laid a seal in it. Then she sat in the time array and began to condense the sword.

At this point, the sword she condensed has only one color, and that is purple. And close to deep purple. From the outside, it is a real sword. It is impossible to see that it is a kind of sword that is united by force.

The grade of each sword is up to the innate Xianbao of the early stage of the Chinese product. The power of such a sword is absolutely huge. However, it took a long time to condense such a sword. Xu Ziyan just condensed a hundred swords and the swords stopped and put them all into the seal.

After that, Xu Ziyan began to condense the congenital Xianbao of the peak of the late product. The time spent on this sword is only half of the congenital Xianbao. Xu Ziyan gathered five hundred handles and stopped again.

After adjusting for half a day, Xu Ziyan began to condense the congenital Xianbao in the late stage of the product, and the time spent was reduced again. After a thousand handles were gathered, Xu Ziyan stopped again.

After adjusting for half a day, Xu Ziyan began to condense the congenital Xianbao of the mid-peak peak. After condensing two thousand handles, he began to condense the mid-term congenital Xianbao. This time she gathered up five thousand handles, and then began a round of adjustment. interest.

In addition, the innate primaries of the early peaks of the product were condensed out of 10,000 stalks and the inferior Xianbao of the early products condensed out 20,000 stalks, and Xu Ziyan began to enter the levy.

In the end, she began to condense the sword of the late nine products, and now the strength of Xu Ziyan condenses this level of gas swords a lot faster. It was only after she had gathered 100,000 handles that she had finished the preparation.

In the time array method, time has passed for nearly five hundred days, but it is only half a day outside.


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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